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Best Practices of Remote Enrollment Bottleneck

1. Proactively reached out to parents 1. Parents decided not to enroll their

and guardians by either calling and pupils due to alarming Covid.
texting their contact numbers, 2. Parents were not answering phone
video calling and chatting through calls
FB messenger 3. Parents gave wrong contact
2. Raised Teachers’ bayanihan to numbers.
ensure higher possible enrolment. 4. Parents were not replying text
3. Seek the help and assistance from messages
barangay and purok officials to 5. Unstable wifi, mobiledata and
enrol those who were in flung network connection
areas. 6. Families change of residence
4. Reached out through FB with 7. Parents undecided as to enroll or
family and friends. not his/herc hild/children
5. Maximized the use of school group 8. Bad weather condition that weak
chat to update enrolment. signal connection of both mobile
6. Consolidated weekly enrolment and internet.
report. 9. Parents with no available gadgets
7. Teachers living within Lanton especially cellphone.
community initiates to place LESF 10. Parents who can’t read and write.
drop box at home. 11. Working parents unavailability of
8. Parents’ initiative to reach out time during weekdays.
previous adviser to inquire about
the process of enrolment.
9. Teacher Enablers coordinated with
the Purok chairman by putting drop
boxes as a way of remote
10. Announcement of remote
enrollment in school FB page was
shared to teachers and parents
and pupils FB account.

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