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API: /dosomething

Method: POST
200 OK {"status": "success"}
{ "status": "Exceptions if
200 OK SQL constraints are
{ "status": "Invalid
200 OK request"}
Field Name Type

patientId String

rec boolean

temp float

Cough boolean

fggg boolean

qq boolean

aaaaqq boolean

aaa float

aaaa boolean

aaa boolean

aa boolean
REQUIRED. The String must be unique
Patient Id of the patient
REQUIRED. Determines whether patient
has recent fever (10 days)
REQUIRED. Determines temperature of
the patient. Unit should be Fahrenheit.
REQUIRED. Determines whether patient
has dry cough.
REQUIRED. Determines whether patient
has aa.
REQUIRED. Determines whether patient
has aa.
REQUIRED. Determines whether patient
has aa.
REQUIRED. Determines the oa) of the
REQUIRED. Determines whether patient
Was in aa.
REQUIRED. Determines whether patient
Stays in a aa aa.
REQUIRED. Determines whether patient
has a a history.

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