A Dream, But Is It A Dream

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A Deon - - Gut \o wr deeom ? sa css 4 A Deeom . te we Bur fs tk dreava & Ms story ts in three pas. The Frist Parris tle Celerrial and Prone - Te Sreoma Park is He Mundane in ‘uo port's. Tie Fuck fore is a vey Rie der- Crupton of Lurene on fhe panee Eon sung ous dowdy UU aQo- eae Londiftens GA te ben won Voie by one who can cowkad The Cosmic Gn- sdousnes ov Conwic Wamow ow whak ton. tors He plomer Bout davng Ws yen ke Mu Ra Pevied. Te Wd Por ® oso a did dost ¢ - Hon of THe Gash mraamok ion vite « Warton RQeing fF a Roy of on wamo kal Fy Hung SELF a ther Ray Ego Selb, Yourless aad wifhour & nome axcabt tr Vanes iw Ha werlasting Lice im the Absslure \WGimite Serewood, tH Gop, fs amd y CWisking “iy okernity \n he dwarlaseing Lise - Unegeingui sh abla, UWGuarT, in WR ar1l Preset - Fivt Past. \n the Obsolute nkinite Be =i Rss, 1M Yas Absdure litte Reality, m He Obiclulelarnile SerFhood = —-W Gow im Gods Soll sullt- Gsmuy ia clso God’s Will Pleasure fo wae wifesr Ths waka an Whe Wolarty Live o> The Logos md os (KS Yoly Sain, wm Ws Orn purser . ilious , Qanowd won bs phe oman of Like With momeer LIFE \wug Fos Soo z \y the Absaulre Wwkiwita SELF iwod ont Wowd wumbOr wnmnorlol swesconsdous Spiait Ryo Te-inas’ on Their Seth silfiiamuy four also Us -uibvakt Ko We Will- Pleavnce Of Me Wtinits Ossolure BE-Q ness Aer monte faskarion Wo Wi-leorece (pr nam (etolion 3 = Cores The wmanakion Grom Hig Ubsolute ’ twhlike Begs amd ohse Krom He \wimorvfal — Spiuk Ego (We-ings of The Wind. fhe Hind (> Whe vmaos hy why Ye (saows oan tapeking TAX Uwiverse ond Worthing — Beelking “Kw Ton, im (he Walls of soporakam ees, ay Aye Worlds of EW XQ, Why? ~ = who Using of ¢ \warrom, Be awed VQ will ay God 2 ‘ Iw the Will — Pl eos uaa, of Goa is Goa's Diviwe’ bial Wisdom ond Goa’ Love - We Holy Gadkongels . ye Lords of he Wid Eaamonts BR Wafolding wm Te amd \n Plaw-Spae Wer ceeakiue work wsiny hy ApTal Wisdom anidk “Wu AR fries, Cusking owl SusFod wong wa, Willow, o\ he fleromenn of Wee : Sta \ om iv \Wase Qi oO} “te (anced ike a te Wan tone omd Tyeiz Crates © of Possibilitoh omad the — Wa MoM ard also tha unceasing work © of tis Qndrongelr. suskoining (un onl angie, 4 Thom living one will se ory Whe Gal Wis- dam Owed He MAwAQWTinass” of Ha Vsclute give Reali. ; “How is we oukh Whole iy Whe Qbscluke ye Yuka Be-imgrses iy thy Odsoluke whinite SELB hood ak WH al-ong-mear wilh Ve Gagond Mamb er similorn ts Th (ren all eotws of Vidw — wamterral Belvgs Supnemscious hy Qupoying WHat dowkWe Woden, Weir own, SEF cuptrtongdousnegs ond alge Qy Wen oF onr imal te 2 Absoluke \Whinsks Be- (ques The Obsslwkee Whinike Sere ord a We ONR GOD. Absol uty Re soma from ol points ok vite fo he Whur Becingnass these tmmortah Spirit Be-ings with Mer Sart Sufi ieney They hove the Will Plesdurw te craare. . “Waste (mmorbah Spiny Beings tn op are formless oma They Weve no Maman. Enters WM WE Viving Pay withour feoni wg Wer OF Ong ananlrwith He Obsclute \Wh wig Auth oriky They oer Tair colour. They vibrake to Ten Son 5 Naku , 0 graok mysleuy ndard. Creoming Wa hords of He Mind -Elemamls. Now These Holy Ordromazhs classiky Temsadues Xa Ther Daron Que Ovders- The Divine immorlad Spirit = BE-ings ow hevoming also Holy Badr amashic: De-imgs wow Witoun Order. A number of HR Divind Spiur-tgy DeE-ings, always iw ak-oMgemenl ull Aye Diving Serehood one expanding Ray of Weir Serthood Ko be mconwaked iq Xo~ Wumom Brings 5 - Why t Wy? The Absoluka \nkiuite Be-ingness as tha Logos ond ay The Yoly Spit Ww Depressing paar of We Odsaluke (yma SEE Wood IM Ws Omnniprsene Wo taka, ay AHR Choos Louwndliss Peo We Hply Oadwomgehs We hords aa Woa- Elamanls Cor crsotg tg Universes The” Divine Spiulr He-lags wmibwr. ing with, The Will -P\ sue fall vg Wor “r Ww Wah Will- Pleas ut working ow he Divina Plon cAaarsihy Themselues to Baz Qackangah 4. Orde ' Msing fe Mind supaawbslane, on the Blumen of Egyevc Virakity ess Syd - Brings &erome Ra ~Fya -Els . The vilnakions Waser Oavromaehs yres2ak We Nwlor Lolowr Light ond” soumls Their Name. ~ . Using Te Mind suptisubsrama ar fly weak Of Fig aaa a} Hz. Suv Light, Were Splat: nas Rama, We Moa. ES. We NiSvekions ot Wer Oa why gives Me TWh Llow Migwt on soimds Tair Nae. Vsing M2 Mid supesubstoman ar Wha “Eke- wank of We Woker ont the spaw avound Atle plomar *2s2 Squire Bernas Bromma The KhaVin-Els. Tha vibrolrons t Wrasse A- nom 2h > ives tha Braz colowr Liquic oma Sounds War Nome- Using {hz M\imr auprsubstone, The Miva subskamen owl Wh Wi wd molten pitorwd b4 He Ra Sp-Els, by The Mohr Hs omd by We Wa Va Es -- WMA Wam-a-Eis ogipran,. The Snaw-o “Rs ark opus offscumy of huaker 7 7 The hords ol Order ond of Yarvacs , fo Kate the Delonte in Ae Een Craakors. Thee Spink Betngs wosy powsr- arr The U-Ra-Elo. the vitwalroms ol Ge On ahs gives tha sea —dlle colewy Light omd sounds Thar Noma. Vow Wie is MWwown abou We Wya- Ra-Vimn amd the Sa-Roa-ekim — Yboly Seivtual Foumlass Oadnown weds « Theor Ai- chomaaks DL Ovoidl % ger 200M ab \wmiwouy the kamen Form Te Ra pe-Els. Ke Maka-ws, Ke Ayan -Els ne ampiun Quyt amy Fown owl May very “iver one gat tha mom Few." These Ardaamaahs are wanting Ww te maloia Foims A ON THe Phanow ta, of Nie + Thess, Oadwomeg ahs One wolhing aA LORI Wa m Hs BAW of hum om Prangs (yeear om Sincery; brah aly (haud ships ton AQ Sauoped” Qebircon Wiese Qe rongs awd some haman ei Sond tM a) te raveated fo WY -ubowk ve Norte onus TWrin word in the \mon Godin. ge Inthe Chaos - Span va he Oerny pasa 4, God, Tha . Ra-pha-Els and He Moa-Ey WH2 tows a Me Wivd -Ehove NAY, nd ol a> Elemeur of Pian from Ke Grrmmiess Mini ~ sup sub kon @ a caokin Gaon ous SPH ah Fina Caras. Te fae hooks dae atu he Mohion OUdiwa, We AWlving a Wise Fin Contes on Tha OKI9. : Tae Sermous — Guakay A Fag Woddoing One Casti our now Thom gman Halls of TAZ We \-Ra-Els according Yo tha Skye Ow ME volume of Thase Fite Pools ont gee Yum in ae Myer disoma Cun IY Vong Laaring TW -lulion orswl The dors — Fae Guker. A Shae System as Thus Cuaked. We aL WR su + We sua rnalving on Tad Onis ong, boating dwand Them svanler Yall of Fire “of vortous sige. also. 9 Dyan the Ro-pla-Ely ow Lousing Ke woking of Aes Fie Bok on Wer axis whils The U-Ra-Bis ow lacing Wae Fw Yully to The night Mstom wm Krom Their Son devoy diag Y Khair SPR AQ, Volum.” Causing War Whatton orowad Wiad Su - Order is always wag Te Qvoos- Span. + Tere Fire Balls Vevolvong ow Mar ais or Costing vu Mound Thom ones derodty dmaller Balls a Fim = + o ov Mow. The Tim @oll around oo Sum ant dyskivpd He rool down te Lame te Clomaky ond Wo Fi Moalls ars We ‘Phone Ye lool down alse bo ecwome Whe sarallikes. The wok Ff He Why Oadiongas iy Ke © Chaos ~Spae yf faut. he mw The Cros ~ Seow eek to eth SR Mal aiak Wolds (mn (welt Make eluw Ww fo. wutrol rmokiim SwIrywW Ly - The U-Ra-Els om to UW fe wis - Pun 2) TR Mass BRans anal Vag eK ads Xe Me oer Gane men also- FlaroKhi om Raolowy urstes soft (rows bom NWAL wee wai do Xe roplous Yao Word skiyy a) wlida: Laxg mem Wee ure GH coum Thue Bodies. From rank. ey WAS Feyouyg mals also. Ra-Ra-khi ont Aolomnwer diskrlour! wok out cholits to We Coy2g Wowen Wuing in nsanty LOws - eee ee Pla-Ra-Kea owt Rodos hol dwg AW duh or WH a Shik, mM Mor heads The \e a Row kv ond Roloaw ° War Work , Wot owl PV Oyer - 2s In ha Choos= Sac. Sons Ties Supt tonsdonsly WA 2x OMAN mn shy 2d faving 4 Wen md worth “Trem Rays of MR Sethood ca AVL Spiuk~ 0E-( $ dde- timed bor icannolton te Vuunon, unas. 2 Mol Bidle. We old Teka mont: 4 * enests 6. [Re 1 Now ik come bo Pass when den Regom Yo vmudkiply on HAS fue tye Foath omd Waites est Bam Xo tham, 2 Mak We Sons of God som Wye dawgla\ers of} Men oF THe, wer eantital ond They took, wives tov Meomsatyes oF al) whom They chosg . 4 => == omd when fhe Sons of God cama im be the daaulten A Men amd Tey bow cidven to “Them. Ons of The Sous Ged, Wx vole amd HX red lighie Ynanaking From Hiv Wor giving he. Sounds FA San AL ond Als of Lowe iy V's nome apponding 2b Himsaly vee tha lomo head sean tai voyamr’y Bolowy proai wg Xo tw Sun-god ‘Wa her cove will) har mothar. A Saa Al Wad heen attracted Jy ha anca ond tHe Reowty of Rolany One, al¥anven ulate Rulomy wor Praying with, Wer moter Bot bat {er The Presence THe cove Wad been WaWres, wilh vulele oad vad Wali. Fla-Ra thi seeing \Ae vile ond THe wad Vigkk was Fr ghlened-Rarana hod jek oo wormlly ovsrun her whale body fading a liven A den AL vasiug Ralonu's wind no Rupussing fo her Wis love : Balamu amd Fe Rakhi had bold ts Raoy. Bom Heir Srna, VAP BULA Raapbon had umoiwad louger ia the owe praying with us doughiier omd ie wig ond WR also lod fall (He Frsent OwA Wad seen 2 Volar amd tie rad ‘\wgwe \ighty Te cove. Rangban on \is ners vat \rowr of Tha shoetaz hod Koni Se a7 Ma Presence fer The honour gue to Ws dong tor. Rodanu Wart {tk batng pregnant. Rahony in whan wonlis lila prays fo the Swi-yodi — wiltiowr omy pon ora is vom ler rod Alvan Bru Go Wer son. a bon oma Fhe, Ro Kei WU PYessusr ualtos eehane gave Liath to ee Ralanns son wor Som wilfow Guiwe or Uniden use Go do whan Lom % the oyrsak SArpube of Raniban ond Pha Ra-KW A Lwrforse shall ak {aor \owg, Omdh Your fur road supers — Sy Loan prey while, shoes arth sof halis fem set & bw of raads woven with gyeek Look by Ralom wor the oro waka, crad te °\ we did. Raapban A woe oer the wkd vod Soown Kasld | (un grams son im Wa ams, od Kissa with arsar \vos tha fer of Te Oai\d oA \od lack ye on WR ein 3 A nolo omd vad Kaowg Via wad Cou mas OWA on Her Shine. hae - hom sang the Wally Wad Wanalt on Gvodr ol We shyinr- A Soa Al wor Rlessrug his Sen Roaptom Gadiny the duild Grom te skein \y an ecstasy ef admivalvon axctoimer “ Ra-Ka-nals (Lom tie plea- sus of Ra) ahuing Xo Wy orem Son The nome Ro Khan” A Sox A Query UWE wor Courriy tis sen waith Wo ae ond with Wee wad WaWr Bring Wis \wve bo Wis sen. Ralonn ston Gaading nar som \pv (ron Lar wilh The mil\\_ jvow War Grease dad wilh wee iim qu’s Ro Khaw a Var Showy ond Wysolthy boy m We age of Wares. ROW “war PO Hoy of IK Wher Fa-Kha-wak wor Tun woul dd Wor wa King amd Gadling 2 Tadkling fo Ws smoikiay ovd to hus Fondynethar wow worth Mis a9 Rye, “Than by Using v's moulh . Ka-Kija-nul, Wor Mger Sedm C~wing oA Add oF wd “w~ Loy. ; Ra Kha-wuk war growlag wy very qui “Tun ygens old Bo “ka aa Bas eating we wane visiting alone Wha Vall Vy HAR. Ro Kha -nats’s vwwlth anh wh ana was Ce voradrion Le Ro-Kha-nak, posi ak Yad wild beasts with love vil Ws Bae - Tald green das. THe Vions. Whe tigers The wolves and other Conmivotors quadruapad hearts won aRroa dung wim gpk \iokiug Wis Yromds and Betadyiwg wilh \ovg Rak ma’ viviak wisidhe aava- In tha oge of Wifrenn yumrs old a-Kha- wal& — will is rmolhier amd wilh Ws agand. WRalASe — WARD vintying Ye nearby Caner : be The wwe women fruits, Seams wd wagaya kine Mey wee owing, prweowds THz WOK woman Wilk, waks ond with oth Roloan ond PhaRa Kai War weaning Using sol and slresg Pdr Krom veeds Po-Kla-nate wars dpe vg THR our wen Wm Har work wad he we uloding Te ack amd TAS 30 Wounded cane mam. The sidh duldvant and MMR Sith ld Lave men WRU oxo. Ung um Ra-Mreennk wor Oteomvpomnging fhe LAVA Mor To Ye Nod\al= (uanie 6 gak wood for that mands. Auth Ra -Khaswnk Me Lose mm Woe Reahing Whole Way voor She. Ra-Klva-nalh hod” tomad wilh is love two ‘mammolys whida ware Laugh by Ra-Kka-wk he WETOOK small frets bo step om Mem and by using. thelr to frtak Wem Me Pier awd bo Lon Wem Ke We woe a Rosipbon hod notised War yen, oon Ra-Khamuk wor vary gloomy ond unhogey Sikewe for hows aad upsal. Romp bam” und Bolo WAL Ay eorty Worn ed er Ranlha-wiky - Raapben war oadsiw la gtamdsen Yo pray wow bo ike Sun~god . Aa~ Konak wor amily will &ilkomess ~~ - WS gvorstatinn Going umobte Yo understand . Rdlowy wos Swap aching Wr Varn 6 Ra ia -wuk’s qiink. Sha wor amabrassivg awd Kissing Vim tying bo Use im ant hey loue- aI When Ra.Khonk war Raven Won -old A-Sea-A\ Wad Ke Rodomu iy \ar mind to OK Ra-Kho md MRT doy oF Noor fo a> too weanty We weraghl ody whe (Hx Sum will Wok gine shadow, to stow fou He wok with We foxe Loudning \ wok, Ko ven Wis owls ond Wis (ear ~ = coms waik for fe Lomrag of Wis (einer. New alt noon RoWra-yuky gtzakty gy (enrages so od guwr Ae YooK, blowing Ma wmskanerions or volhev Khe Ordevs of his father sYousing faci Ke ww ds Touching with Ws (ean Sa tnouts \w less Thon Yoo minules a song whikwik will viola amd wilh wa fight wilh a pelonged \ow Wyunder Wad an- homed — ha Proseaa of A-Soa-A\, Detere F-Son-Al sor we Wha mind ov Ra-Kia-milk Xp aacetug Wis MLS9ANQ Ro-Kha-nak hod Rust oul m a {reasy cw. Mg " "A-Sed Ay excLaimea Ra-Kha-nuk, \ Vous you == = V \oue you. Loon be 92 You oad \ will Sf Kou! 5 32 Re-hha~nuk hod farmed badly towards } A oea-Al. He hod {ar yoy des Buk We insisted ha Vols alt A SSaa-hy. A-San—Al 42 please his Son had agptaud + Wis Son im humon Form. AL luminous roms, Parank, vatigr Coll Body. Ra-Mha-wk Could o tiie nstn hough the Foun of F-Saa-A\.Baind ASoa- In the plo of THe Wood Ra-Ka-awK Wad sem ao Nor Gright wisler sun amd in {he sum, le wuld sa A vokwwl-in-sicg Wann fen Ver mada Waa Wie own, fa. Roo wale Neu Aon used Lose Wig fous on He sil waren a} Pools - Ra-Kha-wak lad Knalt om Kon ab Wis okie. omd —soabing We saids “why? why? hove ~~ we We vot Worey foqe 20 You in We awa Me it Vout Me eno ging im You with wy offer Qrotfier -Sdve mM Yor Dur common Serr fie unexting wishales Liew light (y Our Sule ronciont Saetevood 7 \why yay, \ove You Vod dacided to be vay er? why: \ove You Kone xaedted My, oe Mou \owe 4 wreaks Me tarsuing te owas, ftom You? “You Wore waked ~~ - == 33 Me oid You ose wierisousd Ma im amos Oe hag Fim a muss “of Sons of fash, of aad mull, woker and of - = wy? Ap Sea- Al Way \ova , hs body, Now yous the Wom prison for Me. Wis aA donk dwar. ‘Wy Jelovad Yue amd wy son awed A-Soa Alt Nou seid \ Wane vajerkad Yow. Simca You Wad Been bow os a amon Bex weery magi’ \ tover you vit MR AAU ond He WA \vas wy | Grea wy \wvg! "Feather said Ra-Kho-wak “will row” Manan righ Kun was Kissing od Tou wet LOAssging, & bithy swans of Lay. Nor MR -- wok Me- - wok We" Why You wee wo using ay Wind 06 You do tomy molher KabGug Xe Wer F You owe raqertedd me” “Thy lov” rep liad AsSoa-P\ “L Kael Mod Owoay, Krom Nou Kee Nou ime bo Sah hecomiwg human ” Jove You ose oped “us eth wwe Ko \pua wmaer. Neve Xp \oue yo. weno sroterich Yodisr “You will hove Xy drass Yoursed wriity vn the course of The = You wil), aways {as Gang a Sirongte By ™ WA wolerial wold. | wor exp Ls, Rove, youn oubBurst ~The ww your bali” ‘You will wee lov, amotio body But \You ust wot dargise IY -- This will Be om alae . to tis Divine NTL. You vatll waver love omthing ynake- ual : From vow cama fer ee | with Gow os ond Toil 2 always with ‘you while you will 6 Voing oA & Wumom Bring « You wilh ow ds ond of al Kimas be able fo camanber THis Nour. Moy will Yemamber all Your UpPeweArces iy Mis incw- Walion of Yours end ol\ We erparienas 4m will hone i all Your Mtor notions, “You OL Wot ods- ined to slap im a cada + Maer, iy awa- favial body amd Ko be Atzeming gelting , oui Omak porsessing wakeriok Tings You will b always Mou «No molverial Body won Wold You a YiSOAST, vu Ooo, In all ypu Woanak ous ape heey obea Xe \roe Your vrusker ad Gody Self -conscioushy ond Ww whan Bodk ir om Kime yon wilh wish gy te Gao. You will newer lose, vey for soma ¥ime Apu? own veal Seth" pou Wave “ Unonan, my loves ts Kind A Wve rd ~ Love and Sewiee is your Nox une. ay vb your dart tiny”: 3s \ . ‘thy Qeloved Yne ond my son, due im Whe “vey far diskomr Kulu “kro Fe Wako poiwy of Vito. Yow Wilh Oe ac anyed, Wh ayer honour to Sau m a makeviah body Our tos Hadoved One will he given (he Wonnun on a B24 of Sinton aysoxs old to help Him 4 worn the, \“ ok Ws dase eigen — fay Wlding The voooden Backer wily awn, evoke dnd Ypu will Be Womding Go Win te clots Ko wipe Wehr Lor. “Yow will sea Yow Nissin he Rea of His discigler giving Yo Thar od Yo vow tye qeenkeyr Asem * (he Gosgd owording Sdn 1) 24), 4 AL was Command muat \ ave Ye pt Mok you love on amotiiey or | Kove \oved you, Thak you obey love one ono Maks "WE, will look oi Yow Wom ng apa with a Smile. -- WR wil Yeo “you Aw a aimqle Momet mod tham THe Gre aWeanvy will Keak Moy. Ye wilh Kradn vow Thal Ys Qoine easy Sone a \uynion toe x sO Tilak you ore owe wilt) Woy Wunam Gein Ye sill Kean ‘You aoa NOH Wolk WR w LAYS od LB Ay The Veh the Seth of Od Me. 36 Vw Your Tararnalrdons mou Wi oll olwous Wel te al dd oa Xo a ee ay Mow, = . yee vey olen maou will Wed tHe Liltemes of umgraks fulness onak Sema ignota- Mus will 2 Kil your ak Uva) Body - - 0M will always oma ale ol Kime Corimua lyolwg 0my your Willa. 2 2 - love bs iw owe WOKATR Ww all your musrnavions ; wu son, Vast Wake Yea Kaap the memo mw viper aid and | will Give you MM Al your’ MLarnaTdons a dean hear Giiwg Th wilh THE Pua oll of lowe % Qe ured by ou ws a Rana - -- you hove & poulds, Waa. “wick amd \iqr sqoun lowe. il will Se in waed of 3 Vighh of love - My Son, Cala down wy Son, Der Yeasealy Forher will Ade Uou amd LR will pwr WwW Your mut war bye tb srgedki vow) oy * will alw ous a “pw ond Vd ee olweoyy wil mous A\-Saa-A\ Wa valdrhing wile awd Yoo \ig\r embracing Whe Rodd of Fa-ha-nu\ on Wis Knes aad Wis {oukeod Koudaing the ayfound Soaking ~ - had disaypsared \roving Ra knaans Warping + ot Whew Ra-Khamuk ad carurned & Me! Cove his gromagalfer, Wis YrandwolFier ond Gus Wale warn WAKE few Win aay, vously Ralona, Tush ola hod never coon Nant ma amon Few Geng WH Wt unement wilh A-Sea-AL Kare whol aul fokim Plow 7 Ralony Wo wmbaacedi Mer Son Kissiwy hie te why him down “% RaMha-wl\ Wor sen Kean iy We ayer ol Ris wwotwier aad fa ta (lt ‘pain wm Wit honk Pebrating — om Missing Wis motHer the said: “Mother, \ \ooe you ~ - \ bove Yow. halve YL for Whe pain Y gove apou \ Cove yon” RaKha-al Wat Gursk wir tears, soning Rony Xan ows Fla Rra-eni Wee \ooiny ok Rolomy omd ab RaKwawar wowdecrny Ranpron Wad asked Fo-reewnlk low las \otiar wor |o KAnQ \iKe RoWharwk lod yven bo Thom a (u\ dss? 38 cuphion, ) : Ro-Kha - nuk, sad Thar A\-Saa-A\, hag wor Opakhy the Some or Wis {ax ying hin the \MPtession thar WR wor sas Ais oon {aw MQ With OW Woh 2k Sig Ralamn Wearing whak Rockha-inl said dermibing FA-Soa-Al Wad aahraud hey an. Soumg "1 wos Sum Son Yow ort Wika. ayour forfiar. You ane a bed also wy OXovad don. \ Love wpa Awiladow ow wu Coa ota Son. Yoon aah wl ond fed is Ad sound Os WHS Nwwler Gat THe ved Vakk we all see on es sleying \ see war fatter omgruack vox yeu with Wis viler BAS with His vad Vegi. AW Hie Worney Qonsks obey Goa ond ON HR wild Beasts obey ypu : Raspbon had Kwa in ony \ a wala gph Ra -Khanayk’s lout ‘eissing Then ond sold.“ My avomdson iM Seah oud wy Cok in Pow a \ undest oul Yow, \ Gam see Whe honour wom mes Wy prayers to Our Sun ~Qoa Wau been way trad my Seuved gyal sin owl Gud. \ 8q a9 You do not leona us. M love, wow | wd sl ond — ul wou Soew nob (ading hap pq. Sou ok & Qoa 1 Son of A-Sue-A\ do wor Naar us ar Ay ayo) MR, - These words Roapfon Wad tondred the Wo, The hamon® aoa eae of AoKhan i Ro-Kra. wi bod Wedyed Roopbon +o stows oy Wis Bek. Kissing WK hamas of by Grows faler Ro-Khowak sold tn Barr « Qyoms arher. | Masw wow what the Cxaak purhouly, MMe year “God is a parking dvom mn te do- | must wchorel muselly % Ta bamom (life comd 3 Yoo wootehaarked|y to amon Rio ker wh Yo my “humo “sisters wy lous and hap am to aam anpin Xo tis Maw. “qu my Seloved Aram Larher, mu molar Om my krand moter huwe uy VouR oma AN 42 otter wma Ramen rove my love- alse! Kusaht ag Ra Krom Your of Ws Qramd fovfey Roctdocwak lad tonkinusd Cromi (alien, you ae a God also, way 40 ww Wan Flom woh Ler aa w ofh ays Wa va om eng Wa Goa “4 He Unex pacrodly A-Saa—A\ Larow} Etaic Ni Padieg from We moreniol Guage ot Rurrkho-mk of Rolo oud of Pha- Row lad, for (rsh Ke, wale. AU's Rh Mims Gralla luisa Wuwsay Being 5 Ths owing — Goo Ra -Kha-anks Yow in fhe coe. Ra-Vha- nul file Wood astray \norl R-Saa-Al, Raluwu \aod’ dpptoa the RysS00-A why ay o human Peiway hou Rabuacd War Kiss Mev wilh Love. Yha- Rak steuupt ted Woy {ooking or | We Sas Bi fvightewsl . ASoa AL Woud halpe: Raopbhon er up jookms wilh Hrenk \oug oF Ratha cwk: Rok omnuk, Hal and eal Bpewaded Wis makeniskad Aathav. B.Sax-AL hood Wabra ad voi lh ay take \ove Ra-Kha-walk ussiug \uw > > oad hol damabevodignd Yunsedl Ra-Mha nuk tou given be Ws Gol | Sah, Yo \owe aml to Wetp oin Roary way wll” he Gods im Godlex 4 {eh ae \ qoluem puoma,. i ai Tea moths — [olor Pa-RaKhi hos parsed oven, Ware ys oud AorKhawld , Ralaur ond’ Roaird an thas hued War body 4 the lana Bla bo Wa cone. Rohe ~iwuk’s love f& Wis TMO\NRT Yo lig row fatter owt to ol he oer huenon Beis wade Ya Kha - wuld huvmrvem — hur ~ could wok make fim beget fe igi Ot The Haowens iy Him. wo ters faker The Keo veleonos ™ Ruption had coursed Cantll ywakes WOU 1g SEMA LOWES collar so Yatly ng, SHR LOWR MBA. TRore Lo quaker ase Loans aol ear trowkle ond conusion Xo AM- Cowes ad te Oe Pain. As tone Woe Nam LONE tanusad, Om woe Gn gia Rasdho- wi. Rolo oud Rookbow od wadartoiem te help porple bo accom modore, WMemseluer ts WIA or TO now cave. Mam wwe mem, Lone Wom gn Were body wounded omd also mom Unilolaty , Ra-Kha-ww, od Roalows was abloadi ny M2 wounded, Ra~ Khauk’s Niel OF owl Nd Madde wor Waling uh Uses ing te Come Wm. Aa Wha He agoin ta We coves boa $2 Sm — Wowneal. Rarlwoend Wat Sold ke We swolKier Whar he wremdad fo uigile VAR Nolvamvs amd Hor We should $e ab- senk rt some welds. Ay in He yumgles were rman (rulle Kraak wary Kinds oy wuts ond mony Kindy ol Veyekabt Ra-Khamwk had & Lorry with fim wo suall koultoas, gh) us Thom OA caps olnlys Ox ley way vy wugyltr ouk ob fhe vallea- Jeagle wo igen! Wg Neley uy atrocted %4y Wis siolel Yau. Ay wmaie Wye Tigers wag ARP TvavHina Wim Xo he down ang Slewp Meow Ww Ofer tiger, lors , wolver and gov wat Ahy Coaching — Ro\ha wail _ Ke VAS Wr hows Ko Axtath “Wig wile Niko - Patiions ods: Wee Gall ovsing Win ford malrad by \iy carro “Ten Kelommellens Yorn Wo ov Volwoup am open plow ™ tha jeg Roa-Kha- whe Wed Seen six wm “ost poinker fawr Come onound a fe. Nea te Ga on a Aa pele Wor Kaas ow ast naked pwn aw fom WL Mougl of Terre wen RoAdhol ak Vrs alr Muy wes tawnidads. Ro owl, Wor weer using (Gore, never Corning wom aA skde with Wm. Raha muh Maing Tae wmilindru wid, A. Lo Higa had aude Wem “ dose | vomnigals awoy Ro oninng Nina Kno Xanga Akproadat voy Wo Comwmibals aa {eras Hem Xo Cam Owoy. Rorkha-wuk Vad uw tud Re young, iy asliag Kar Xo follow Wim, Pr wighy om a cove bor Kilomarns qrom Wee volts, Liglied Ny Awe fall ‘oo, nd We vdauano, Ro-Whowak wor Xeld dy We Seegraned QA Tok Ger name wor Pratoush , Haolr Wg comm bods Wad ekard ther Fourtier’s cove , kok hed Wav father \er Wwe oad her wake te Srotheyr a her amo Har om hoh Token ler Wo wih ens Phakoush soid Thole Lanwitoals kien omolhar ite very ofken wer Wilkng WR Cant mon st Mar Fags Woot Wilh AWM We ers ; Sous awd We young ais. Piavoush Said Baolk ska hod tried Go Um ‘ondy vad They hod beokem Wer, 4y “Next doy Galore sum vise. Fah -waty froughir fruits owed mules Plavoush . xKeu WER Sewing, vb rusk woller in We woe, % PRE law for Pinroush Wee tuo Ligars Sfaying with, Wer iM the wane, Ba Kham od VisWHOA TW Veltawo in Srwation — omd war ac inland, with a hia rays cmd wilh, te thee a Cor Then Wy love Od R*oume Mn. ce ove. Raha, \vak co Yury We alse wor a fe Spink MH wodrnns od fear Fu way Wis btemeue alse, he Wek woa tu “aadon way We tod wor oadiog at Wim sett with The chow one Wie Yeah. Lore im Nig Cuming Rania wale \vod Wim sa Yo Te uae. Patou, wos Whew STA ey Grighkensd. When Phoroudy had Stam Raxllornals sha fad fal Being sods. He ABW WY Ra-Kha-wk Woah pto- Posed Xo Pier oush, Ye follow Vin the Nodl\ty~ yungle hoving wowltre lee to Cone hae ay” alt in her Yuriy Wars Walaa - As As Phrroush wor NA Ryhoua kad Ro- Kro-nl, Wad stoned Sith War wy We tue be Oman Anse » Them Sots Vod = On faa wax hak HW a yengle a dine. Sor ion Fiqlting with a huge Srowhosenrus Youning, Rama ak ake PI Sroush, Slay MON OL Kase OL ims al Aewacked tas {Wr ing Wsterk some \uun= Brad fear Onn Ou esl rag seul te thaie Austinck¥og Timas Wis love ond Ve OUR ts shop Rabirivg, We Sao AMOUSTAS, Nod 604 24 Botha vin, OWA om Rady Ret lod okey, eA wow Ra-Khe-wlk had Gowned Ws ete to. Wee TS sky walking Waly? Why? nap he ad Lewes ws ase Walling hve ays wore, Roan Ornd Pharoush fad gukerss, ahs Vod\2y-tuwgle Giver tro. Oeming te HE ven. (Re \nowls lear Rakha wk od Plpvoudh wane Ra-Hharrnuak’s cane. . ~ Rarkho-wlk:> head Wire dad PiJroush © Wis rmathier and to lis Qromel Loithan Aabling Yo Hom te Bitter aml aonk Braking ode Nauk wes vb Platoush ; Rlalann had audlra.cish Pioroush Telling te hee thor she woud Vike Wo sta Palrousl tone Sida wy Wir ar Ver motiier. Te foo ges hod cesmpanied Rakin wk Xe the eWhomr hole ol Wie tone. Quy. Ways wsing HR nshiwddue muds ol Wha Aigas wad oskod thu Go sto vie Vall 4 (ong wad Gnd Wavesses low hewn Ploroush & low 5 Vedran alter she Wad Mouverd hod tae’ Ww. ‘lout oY Fea-RuKh! in wating sway oud Uetlis (rem RA sbi Sows vb rads lor the Weeds oh Heir weishdowry Rollomn ons Aaapbom \ead love Phakoush oy Om Moher Ms fonilys Ar Roa ikho-waky wonk Ko (iy Jmghe wilh Ke Ywo MRMMoT: with Sema Lose wen Xo ubvoor Small Frees) kates “tun @ view ow vonn, Them fe the ener. Thay lod Ye Woy ouk (my Ye Jungle for two dos mM The wien Vimo XR Vnosaur hag Whos in the Volley-yargle Yoong iy Krone of TRE cones oe | oe _ ad Proliging fron Xe all im Lowes, Unlhien were, shucking wilh (eon. : © When Rakha -wik, Wad akon ea Wash Lown Dino sour, loikeung abou (rowk ol Hie SOND woringe Rakha Wd Wor the SMS fH Chilgaan on TR LOR ancl Me awd sa Me Love RM WH YQ aucdues Yow ing Suvalug Pier of Wood te Shane Ke Mw soar MINA. Ro Kho—wulk od ashes, YA cone min with Him to Boy Hadkd Cedud He Tees gy the Reask wor NO wary. Ye low bad ARwWAN The rooiwa Keak Sewding fe ip Ws love ond sind Te boty inskiuurive mind hog ordinsd The Mwosour Xe leone thy plas vik to enker wm Yi vohhex Jag fs, Sur Ayough We SPOR Xo KER vreon p Ye omotiver \awate «Thy Kear Wad valmed San Oma using the opening te The oto Wa diwosam \ad AOS. ows ay 49 Ror thanks Nisitiing TH Let one & ON wor LOrxssivg We Aviqhktan 2a, Wldary Om wor Taing Ye win down Whe A w!M dys, | Nor Neu often hu some anos Mmosoury We wk ning Wc Volley. ngs Vausing Roic. The wove ren S@imq Thar oll the volld beast, Owl oven the Aiwosans, — way oberg Ra- Krank, Ty were WUSt ring Win “a Gog, Ws wor Wo, Mepleoring Wm. He wonved WE cae myn te Considar Vin on ong Vika O% He wor Orsi Atving Swany \wmon Being: HX Goa. Resp ban on SoM oh all the wna yay, Knsahing MW Vronk of Whe Sing MH Roalome’s Sore Monkea tie Sey God ond. 2 Raloaw oflar Lrsuliiug AL. Sas Al WKptessed fp Raapban \ev at eo- wish bo s28 Peroush ay Vsild WH WRy soy. > Ralom Wad Ueussead Wee wish ty a- Kiowa, Kwovsimg Wot Plaroush \owed, 49 | Ond arbors Ra-Khacma, Ropban — proxi 1M bonk of the shiny hod hea sae Ye ote ining | va Wonk ob He shakes Rhose WM UW won is “wish ty Wong Phot oush OS Wis wile = Ra. Kha wal Seniling Br wp had Yoken Pfokoush, kom the Vom, osler Nae Xe | “Kena im Pronk het Win Baling Wi lather | Yo des | han. A Strong Nghe Miler ome ad fer Me Ming Wau wovared So Ra-no wad, ond Pinvous\y, yaw Yaw. flalony Wad Kissed onli WH oe Ram tho rnd, od Plavous. By » homily FA year Vaver Pp My i Rain mule o Motos Nat Sane Bab hana Ye fe Xs sono Strong | Weodttey aauct eos fa Ula” te ua Ra-he- Baty « PRO Three year laley Phavously YL W Strong sm f% Pa~ Hho wk, * A Strong, ‘rol Buy a www delicate boy. RaMhe Yo WS seroma son We nome Rasp tom. Rackha-bata wa tie Ot SY Wotaty gtars oly ly Unanimous wich wd leu’ leawler of he Ihe - So | wal fas) Yom | Non Wad becom & Wie Rasp ton m tis ORE Of SahV2an hoa, Reromn | Whe ised We orphan be 2 Kar With HQ Nou, faryer of Wis fer se 4 9 Awd Like iw the ‘Worlds a ing mse Lk hor Wousawads ~ S1aaiai md dv auM Swag, Waning, sal wg > > Snowing 1 Tt > tk Seon F for Me mosh ob tHE len on Toma, ih as aye olify SLL Soy YMA Wh > Ayton 1

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