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DATE : 14 MAY 2011

1 i.) Dataflow Diagram

It is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an

information system.

ii.) Systemflow

It explains how a system works using a diagram, the diagram shows the
flow of data through a system.

b.) The difference between context level and DFD is that Context Level –
Dataflow with only one massive central process that subsumes everything
inside the scope of the system. Shows how a system will receive and
sends data flows to the entities involved. While DFD is the graphical
representation of the flow of data through information system used for
visualization of data processing.

c.) Three file organization methods are:

i) Serial – File is created by placing one record after the other. It may
be implemented by using magnetic disk or tape.

ii) Index- This involves filing using some keys to separate the data like
alphabetical letters.

iii) Radom- This system does not need indexes, data is mixed up it is
not sorted.

d.)Three file retrieval methods

i) Direct Access- It can be used on online system when one needs

some information. Eg enquiries of stock at hand.

ii) Indexed- One has to use some key in order to be able to retrieve
the data
iii) Random Access- It is the fasted and can be used for large volumes
of data. Data is not sorted.

2.) Four system of conversion method that can be used on a new system are

i) Parallel Running- This is when the new system and old operate for a
certain period. If management are satisfied by the new system then the
old system will be phased out.

ii) Pilot Running- This is when a new system is tested and cut over at a
location of operation and time.

Iii) Phase in- Allows some users to take advantage of the new system early.

iv) Direct Cutover- Converts from the old system to the new system abruptly.

2 b)Two fact finding techniques are

i) Interviews- Facts are gathered by finding out about the subject are and
asking questions to the interviewee.

ii) Observation- Observing events as they happen and producing report

results afterward.

3) Stages of feasibility study

I) Technical: Is the study of function performance and constraints that

may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable system. The needs might
include resource availability( skilled staff, software and hardware)

ii) Schedule: A measure of how reasonable the project time table is.

iii) Operational: The issues are those concerning organizational and

human factors and also matters of policy. Operational questions may
include effect of proposed system, changes of staffing levels.
iv) Legal: This includes study concerning contracts, liability,
violations and legal solutions.

v) Organizational: Involves questions such as whether the system

has enough support to be implemented successfully whether it
brings an excessive amount of change.

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