Covid-19 Advocacy

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A start of a new decade has begun.

But prior to its beginning the world has been

troubled by the occurence of the killer novel SARS-CoV2 virus that affected the whole
world for almost half a year now, and is now considered as a global health crisis. It is
the COVID-19 (previously known as novel coronavirus 2019).
It is a new strain of coronaviruses that has been found in Wuhan, China on December
2019, where  pneumonia outbreak of unknown cause was detected. It said to be
originated in one of the animal markets in Wuhan City which sells exotic foods like bats
which according to scientists is the most probable source of the virus and transmitted to
humans that later on resulted into human-to-human transmission. However, as research
about the origin of the virus progresses there are different versions stories and reports
circulated about its onset but none of it answered the question of where it actually
originated. This has already been a global pandemic and spread to over 170 countries
around the world which already led to almost five million confirmed cases with over
300,000 fatalities and over one million recoveries, as of May 20, 2020. This is
apparently why WHO described it as a 'grave threat to humanity'.

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