You Are Already The Person That You Have Always Wanted To Be. So Stop Looking Around You For Proof

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You are already the person that you have alwa...

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r/nevillegoddardsp ● Inspirational Post ●

You are already the person that you have always wanted to be. So stop
looking around you for proof


If you have to repeat the following all throughout the day then do be it. I am already the
person that I have always wanted to be.

Believe in your imagination acts. You are NOT being delusional by thinking that he or she
is already with you and that you are a couple. It is NOT delusional to think that you are
confident and bad as f**k. And it is NOT delusional to think that you are already the
person that you have always wanted to be. Why? Because IT. IS. TRUE!!

Do not wait for anyone or anything to confirm this for you. You do not have to be in a
meditative state to realize all of this. Hell, you don’t have to meditate or do SATs
visualizations or even revise or any of that. You can to get to the feeling, but nothing
more than that. Because what you want is already right there existing. It is just waiting
for you to actually acknowledge it as your truth so it can appear in 3D. Assume that it is
so, feel it to be so. The main reason why you are too hesitant to do so and why you
overthink is because you too identified with what is going on outside of you. This causes
you to think that you are being foolish, and to feel embarrassed for believing in your
desire. You think, “Who am I to think that I am good enough for that?” What? YOUUUU are
that bish, da f**k? That’s who you are! And if you are worried about what other people
think, if you are afraid that the people close to you are going to feel threatened by the
new you, then maybe it’s time for you to think the opposite. Believe that they are
supportive of you and that they have always wanted you to feel this way about yourself,
and that they are happy that you do.

You do not have to work hard to get something that is already yours. If you believe that
you have to work hard to get it, then you are acknowledging that you don’t already have it.
If you feel that you have to do SATs perfectly, to do revision perfectly, if you believe that
you are not doing your affirmations right, and if you believe that you have to figure out
what a and b is in the equation, (2a-4b)/(5a+6b)=?, then your desire will not manifest
until you drop these limiting beliefs and assume that it is already yours. This is how you
have been manifesting your entire life. If you experienced any delay, it’s simply because
you assumed that there had to be a delay or an obstacle in the first place.

Your current reality will change. It has no choice but to, that’s if you yourself change what
you assume to be true about yourself. Remind yourself anytime you find yourself
reacting to what is outside you that what you are seeing is a SHADOW and that it is
CHANGING. Do not look to the outside for proof. When Neville says do not repeat
affirmations in vain, he means do not do affirmations then look to the outside to confirm
that what you said is true.

Do not interact with your negative thoughts. Don’t beat yourself up for having them, just
understand that they will not stop you from seeing your desire manifest. Then go about
your merry day knowing that you have what you want. That you are what you want to be.

No one can stop your desire from manifesting except for you. No boss, no friend, no foe
can stop you. They and everyone else is simply playing a role that you decided to put
them in. Everyone is you pushed OPEN

Which brings me to this: KEEP YOUR DESIRES TO YOURSELF. Just do that! Nobody can
really get inside your head. They will only be parroting your doubts, including the nice

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You are already the person that you have alwa...

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