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7) = Present simple, present continuous, stative verbs Vsow/e/they donot don) play yow/ne/tey play ! He/she/t does not (doesnt) play He/she plays J statemont negative question Do Wyou/me ey play .? oes te/shevt play? Preset inl pect caste whe Ua Look: at the pictures of Helen and use the pro correct fornt af the present simple =o write sentences. Use the ‘Byer day lon gts pat all pst 130) L [use Example | eve Sari wows | | Rermanen aaons Does den work atte crema? | Swe y, a Ti ee Ban ewan Taube ces wie pecee—] ane | 2 ance | | aurea 3) The verbs be and have have ineguiar present forms. | <7 Sees t38/ (usualy wth aay) (os witout asking GSaive vers < Stave vers do aot usa descie scons. Thay Some common statve verbs: 5 cescnbeccioseelngs,aughis et). They ze appear neko rot arma ve in comin tndes, be ow Beteve ke ¥ {tke reading boas in mye tine. eee : betong to ove A tamlling aire bectemmpteetine feed t ve preter rag "SEP) some of ose ves (such s be, have nd hit are used in cantiucus tenses when they 4 that do you think abut his ne sng? 1 fn ting svt ast ights match, ToT “he present simples often used with SSometines recy = never ‘reer Monday welt * eich Monday: 5 thee ties a weet TEATS The present cortmousis often used = now « right nw» atthe moment wos and pases: oe weet notte ny fends. ae for my ia sss. question ‘am playing? Is he/she/t playing? ‘Are youn plying. is week mete taste ink tnderstang want ey Be Inte arene /vsucly/ howe ing e207 EE] complete using the correct present continuous form of the verbs in brackets Your may have to use some negative forms, Bordon tk Ben Yes, the match s on TV now, but we Right nom, Margaret =a sat m Saly (waite a eter atthe moment se have) a shower. Da you want to ing ater? on tay) wh her aunt for a fe days. i snes tre! | id see Madonna atthe supermarket. 208M ma nm always / use my bike! Its so annoying We (have) lurch, but can come round and help you te. {you / play] music up there?’ realy noisy! Rewrite corr ly, Change the words or phrases in bold. 1 Are top musicians studying fr many years? nosso 2 Whats gong ont hope you don’t touch my things! 3 tsa smal business, so each person is doing lots of ferent jobs. 4 Does Christine listen to the radio, ors thatthe TV can hear? ——— 5 am usually buying a special toket each week forthe bus because its cheaper. 6 7 a (Our washing mactine Is starting ntien you press this ButON. seus-vsiensnn Hows the match going? Does our team win? == == Many people are enjoying spending time onthe beach on holiday. [BD citeto tha carrset word or nt 1 work / am working atthe lcal brary forthe sume. | 2 We don't go / aren't going tothe theatre very ote. 5 Stacy gats / Is getting ready for school, so she can't come tothe phone, 44 Does Gary ever talk / Is Gary ever talking about his exedtion tothe Amazon une? 15 In squash, you hit / aro hitting ball against a wal. 6 tread / am reading 2 nenspaper atleast once a week 7 Do you practise / Are you practising te piano fortwo haw everyday? 8 Nadine and Gare do / are doing quite wed at school tthe moment | 9. A good friend knows / i: knowing when youte upset about someting. 10, How do you spell / are you spelling your name? ipl or piecont continous form of the oe negative forms. __--- s04nd the board, buying houses and hotels. this programme or cant tun the TV off? —----—- you tasty heathy. 1 - my brother's eutar unt | get a new one ‘Simon always...» he washingup after lunch? YOU nnn AY Sm@aLES inal Size? the it ight. Let me show you, Da ean ninennnnnnee tthe local astronomy club, | “One game | rn loving ls backgammanYou are throwing the die and then you move {your pleces around the board Ie seeming quite easy, but infact you are needing to be qe careful When your piece lind on one ofthe other person’ pleces,you are taking | off the board and you send it back to the begining You are winning by geting al our Pieces tothe end and off the board Some people are preferring chess, but lam not [Cangas aah ne Jes or ines, est les ten ad Grammar Past simple, past continuous, used to Exampl Fepeind acns wept went oth tts st mat —| ares" Geers bot past Fi ears ago, role spend as) yeseday machon ett ether cots. | > lst neovsunmerarte Tian eis day Jo puede cor open snd loked | * Janay/2001/ ewtermm {aoe aco HS Some verbs have regular past: forms. See, 182. Qa aan pnNIOUS, statement negative ‘question Upe/sheft was paying... he/she /t was not (wast) playing Was (e/tt playing? You/we/tey wore playing... You/we/tey were not (were playing... Were ouvert laying” ee amet ToT “tons heppening ka ‘Avia oc ast mig was wathing TV. | The past continous is oken ramen the ast sed wth the flowing words Two actonsnprogess as reading a book whie you were dolng | ant pases athe sare tina. tewashingsp. Congr ai —_ Eves rang 0 Wel RT 7 asin) cima (a) - meres tonne rt arin det tenes eat soe ee at omanar ogee he ne ane ieee waclg 2D. + We donot use te past continuous or egular cr repeated actors in he pas, ( besbesctnruse gel h-Sicpsmeiemeneneen! Understanding that game. Right now, wal to ave a game wich my brother He does Nis : | wed to + bare nie homework. usally win,so I think he doesn’ want to play 2 game wich me! | hone ae aa - — jourw/srenfv/bey Vise fey neverusedto .. Dia Re/etrtey Vr 1. . 0. tse ts co co 8 Wau she//we/bey de use to So 8 co Use 10, 7 stan past abs and sats ct past simple fora of the verbs Inthe bas. You may have come + give + go have = know + make + send ~ take 11 gotto the post otie ust betore closed and 2 Wie inted Stephanie tothe party, but she... 4 ack lost his job because ne. 4 Everyone penne HEE, ncn t00 many mists. "that t was Bis faut, but nobody said anything, B Kate wren the keys ftom the hitchen table and ran out the door. 6 {was bored, so Mum near Some Money to BO shopping, Do you remember the Be WE — nvm rn-anen 1 Ini om holiday? 8 It stared raring, but ucla. 2 umbeli in my bog, Loo: af the pleturcs snd complete the senteness. Use the correct form of tho pov chple, 1 dort wat to go and see the fl because Ls tas week 2 | doit need 2 football because nn 3 how a lat about Pais bees on 4 doit nee to wory about my homework BeC3USE 5 Navent gota PlayStation any more because =. 6 amis angry with me because... [E] conptoie using the correct past continuous form ofthe verbs in brackets, 1108 oneness gitar at half ast seven, 2 Ati, = (steepl, but Jane stem to music 3 Lake (stand) outside the bank when suddenly two robbers ran past him, 4 Yh Dog nnn moe tate oc ecase sn bin hon Vine ieave 5 nse YOU (have) a shower wnen the earthquake happened? 6 Penny onenn FUR) to Catch the bus when she sinned and fe 7 When YOU $30 Eugen Bn (Hoe? 8 Abrinigh? Erm. we oon (wateh) 3 OVD, | think Pete pst, dt lt 2 Circle the correct word or phrase. ‘nen we were in Canad, we wont / were going sking almost every da. ‘About four years ago, | decided / was deciding to become a chet Georgia had / was having a shower when someone knocked at the dor. Holy ant ran ftom the house tothe taxi becouse it rained / was raining hes “Two men argued / were arguing ouside, so| went to see what was hecpenin. Daniel called / was calling you at oe oclock yesterday, but you were here wth me Wie ate / wore eating breakfast when a etter came through the letter box, ‘4s | walted past the window, | saw that Paula made / was making a cake. | dreamt / was dreaming about my favourite band when the alarm clock went 10 Wile | practised / was practising the trumpet late lst right, a neighbour came te conplan, Complete using the correct past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in the box. Amber’s Big Match (One morning, Amber (8) ren cns UP CY. THe SU (2) pen the ids (3). en AMEE (8) os ery excited because it was the ay of the big tenis match, Amber (8) on nsnonnene Gommstaits and int te Kitchen, where her father 6 breakfast. ‘Woring, Amber. Today the day! he (7)... "You be fae” some toast into the toaster and (10) fidge. Just a6 she (Dm the butter ou, the phone (12) Her father (13)... ont After @ few minutes, he put the hone down, | "Bad news tm alraid. The ther player (14)... yesterday en she had an accident. The match is off? ‘Auer ate her toast slowy. She was surprised she did fel disappointed, Amber smiled nervous. ‘Dor worn Complete using the correct form of used to, You may have to use some negative forms. 1 Wen was younger, 1. ea pizza almost every doy! Borneman tM ren BO 3 SUperarkaton the corner? 3 Bradeyis a teacher, but he want to bea train driver, 4 ike eating cabbage, but now |fove i Bo REK mse hae Blond alr whan he was ale boy? 6 Hinow Ly... cook much but now thnk she makes dinner evry day u Present perfect simple, present perfect continuous OO * | statment, vecstve weston hue (ve) art. s/he hae nt havent eat. Have Varney ar .? ts i mins sample ius Wa saneg Ms Js as Boon | THT ert Spe ened th eng inthe past and are stl Mh vad teacher | ‘O"GS and pases: tre ‘or tree years. ‘for Shes taught German here for over fe yeas ‘Conpleedacionsata—Tve aveady read | ° size MrGray has ought French here since 2006. termine past whch. ook, just We've ust dae tis exercise ratmeraones \ areaay Wie already doe he exerci Conpeledactons whew Thaywo done har | - yet We havetchecked he answers yet. thereon things the ponevor ver Have you evr had tar essons? reson = never hemever understood why they ge us so ‘mich tmener ‘Rete We the frst te we've watched 9 vide a festtine ise ‘iat we dont use the presen pero simple wn we want wo sey when someting hopened in ‘De paste uso he past soe did ny homework lastnight. "We dort use te past ape when we wet to show that scmeting happened before nw ors sll Important now. We use he present pees simple. ve aed Can 50 tm now? Some vers hve regular pest pate forms. See page 182. pediect continuous» = ——— | havea + een +g statement negative question | youve awe (ve) (you'w/Aey have not (havent) Have /youa/tey boon ben sting been studying studying 2 eysnenemas's) been staying .He/S0et nae notinaEN Deen stung ..MaSe/Se/t Deen stucyNS i? ‘The present perfect continuous often se withthe Use Example ‘eto crud Wee boon dg ant “tonwarhst’exereaes fr Or otha ‘oho words Stren oes brest | = fore been ei gear te eas ‘heya tector because stce Hes eefenng Oeste 04, eye Bon wring ar “ist” Nett eninge an nego The prsent erect simple often emphasises te rsu ofa actin: \ She's wrton av ail fr the schoo newspaper. = Sha’ frished it) ‘The present perfect contmuous ote emphasises the actin nd te te spenton he acto, rater than terest ¥ She's boen wring an arte ere schol newspaper. (= Shes stated, bt she hast shed yet) Pact pret se pt ce tie Ui Complete using the correct present perfect simple form of the verbs in brackets. — (ee) his fim ares. 2 oan and hie (had) ther ear for about a year. 3 She ann (mot / take) her driving test yet 4 Sie =the) a tour guide since se lef university. a [you / ride into toan on your new bike yet? 6 Tis new COMPUT een neenne non make) my felt easier 7 We emus (MOt / decide) what to get Maricfr his bethday yo. Bn —(Paul / ever / meet a famous person? LB) choose the correct answer 1 cs. ever played this game before. 5 Its the ste. aw--n OU la,si ine BI Ayouve usted B you visited 2 nnn no- hisFoor ast ight 6 They «the baby 2 name yet ‘Rha tied Otis Alavait gwen Bulut pe here since 2006? Teen 10 New York when you went ta Aitave youived 8B Did youve ‘he States last summer? 4 Cat0l ad neventothe chema twee _AHavesoubeen Bid you go rights ago, 8 an email before?” ‘have been B went ‘Have you ever sent B Did you ever send Look atthe picture and use the prompts to write sentences. Use the correct form of the present perfect simple. 1 lesson /not/ start / yet jm i} ounplote using the correct prosant perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets, Use short forms where possible. Mandy: Met How are you? What (2) -o—-sansnnonnnene YOU / do recent? Matt: hh Mandy! Wel, (2) nen / study) for my exams Mandy: That sounds boring! (3) ae nn You / work) hard? Matt: Vent Basicaly, (8)... 1/ Just / sit) at my desk in my bedroom for the past tree weeks and (5). nnn neh / NOt / Go} Out 2 (6) nim 17 word ith Michao, ny bestfriend, some of he time, ‘though, 50 atleast Ive had some company. How about you? Mandy: Wel my mum af (7) -—snsan-vanssene (palm) my bedroom fo the last few days. “That has een ful Aid (8), Great Where are you gong? Mandy: Wel, we havert decided yet. (9). te soe which we ke best. Matt: Im sure youtihave a great time, wherever you go. Oh, by the way, (10) nnn 7 think of having a party whon I fish my exams. Would you tke to come? Mandy: Sue! Tat woud be great eeneens(we / also / plan) our summer holiday. ana (We / look) at different places le the covreet word or phrae, Lh ve heard / been hearing that song before. ‘They have arrived / been arriving yet, but they should be here soon Youve written / been writing that emi fr over an hour How longi it going to take you? Fave you talked / been talking onthe phove since eight o'clock? has area invited / been inviting Strey to diner Ie reed / been reading an interview wit Brad Pit, bt have fished it yet Have the boys played / been playing computer games since this moming? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Complote using the words in the box aeady » ever» for» just» never» since « yet 1 havent listened to their new CO is any good? 2 We've been wating for you... ver an hou. Where have you been? 3. Have you... been to the UK before? 4 Tr afd Weve one made pans fo this weekend, so we wort be fee 5 Pedo tas been havng English lessons he was five years od Fs strange that yr mention the fn Crach We. = aun = eon toad aut in the pape 7-0 nnn Nard of 2 uu What iit? Ss Grammar Past perfect simple, past perfect continuous (G Past perfect simple _>— tac + past atile statement regative ‘uestion Usoute/shet/we/hey had (a) Vyouhe/she/VieAbey had net (had) Had Vvow/e/sta/we/tey writen eten writen LUse example TEAL} ————— eons cod Sates ished my Homavok | TED peret sins ten use wh te ang Before comet Stew nuts before | Words ang proses: te pat itso sated, Sy te fied my eek by ht tts Goss had Been Shc. teacher fortwerty yes |= Bythetme By the time gto clas, te sian tate te Dare ead aie trate + bore Tt ad chs ees Sawa" eda wou afer ‘et ater finshed he est. Inport ings the Somer iist’ Sioned ust ine th test ten ‘eaitara moncat teal rag ihesast hen Te en ished ie ost + Winter we use the past simple rte ast perfect simple can change the esring ofa sertoce. ‘The lesson started when | arved. (=| aved and then the lesson sted {The lesson had started when Varve.(= Te lesson stated andthe | ated) + Some vers have regular past parle forms, Seepage 182, perfect continuous ad + oon + ing statement vosstie aueston ovte/stemei had 8) Vcuhe/pe//bey had met hed) Had Vahey ton ng Senate oon ain” Use Example —_ Tels co ag poor | Te on corto is on wee SSinersorens sche: von anf s0 | 10M worsen ate: (Stivoea Seventy ore fe Tey ha sudo or nas ‘moment in the past They had a break because Schehad sheaeche fed been working se brd. |» sce ‘Set been ap wn te amp snes fs sare + bole itd been eng sbot Inert before sso sted = al caymhivete boon studing al day, Oe a eet ee ae) +The past perfect continuous often emphasises the actin andthe ie penton heaton, ‘atria te teu a pociptr nee 1 She'd been writing a ark forthe nenspaper.( = Sel stared, but shad fshedie) >| {BD conta msn the core past pete spe form ofthe vrs bracet 1 By the time | arved, eveyone 2 Steve aan ww falteady / see) the fir, so he dit come with us to the cinema, 3 Ta. Andrea to tell her she woul belt ‘The ca broke down jst ater a | lt eat anything atthe party because 4 5 6 7 | Wed had dinner when Wendy ative. 5 A Wendy arrived and then we had dinner, 3 We had dinner and then Wendy arrived, 2 read the book ater fd seen the fin, ‘sau the fm and then lead the book. 6 read the book and then | saw the fm, 3 By the time Dad came home, Fd gone to bed. 2 | went to bed before Dad came home. BI went to bed ater Dad came home, 4. She dit go to bed unt her mam had come 7 ome, ‘A. She went to bed and then her mum came tome, voove the sentence (h or B) which means the same as the first senten mus {nt finish) dong te housework by seven o'clock, so she caked Iyou / just / speak) to Bly when | rang? (we / set off 7 already / eat) at home, (you / hear) about the accident before you saw i on TV? Me Banas hadi arived atthe ofce bythe time | got there. A artved before Mr Bans. Mr Banks arcved before me ‘They/d bought he plane tickets before they beard about the cheaper fh [A They bought the plane tickets and later they hearé about the cheaper fight B Thay heard about the cheaper fight and then they bought the plane tickets. The ils had ted the house when the vistors arrived [A Tho vistors arrived and lator the gis tidied the house. Ppt gn tee coeur tS Look: a the pictures and complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the past perfect continuous 1. She was ted because trun) 2 They Were NOLES ea cen OME, 3: The aden a ned bem a ene Fain 7 ah night) 4 Did they crash because onssninnnnn ve / 00 fast? hour. 6 Went ott, cw they / not / wat / Tong) Choose the correct answer. B Hermum came home and then she went to B The gs tied the house and then the be. visors arrived, [2 tite se tsnces using the prompts. One of the verbs mst he Inthe past pert sh 1 we /just hear / the news / wen / you / ing 2 17 aeady tink of / hat before / you / Suggest it 3 when /1/ tum on he TV / te programme /akeay tart. 1D fd only nan the mashing for afew 4 Mum had her cup of te for ‘nutes when Glare came Rome, so she offered several minis before she realised it had salt ‘pinch int done B been doing Adc Been eriking 2 ad you aed rena his 5 Weld ready all day when hey ‘indy reset ihn we ve cre? cated to Say the party had been canceled. ‘even B been ging Agot B been getting 3 Gallhadt.......—-.-methat she woud 6 Rwas a fantastic experience because Fd never info me, S01 wasn't ina plane before angy wien she ce B been fying ‘told Been tating TE atin conrct, put ck (there ean entra word natn, wrt the wor. had... This morning my exam results fnaly had came. been expecting -ousuonom them forthe ast week. Ihnew fd been done cute wel but | was stil nervous as! had opened the envelope. Before had a chance to ook at them, my sister ran up and pulled them out of my hand! She ‘snes had ead them out one by one. English A, maths A, biology A, French A..." Tis was the news fd been waitng for. fd got AS in| every subject - even geography, which hadnt been making sure about When Mum and Dad heard the news, they inmediately started been shouting with joy By the time Fé had breakfast, Mum had | ready called Grandma and Grandpa and had yet tol the neighbours! 23 Future time (present continuous, will, be going to, present simple) [ te a ere ats, et = Ue ‘amele Armee re ie Boa sand. ‘ig «Tins we vt done Mare ithe nt orange ecole non’ oats ibe | 22H’ present conteuous for intentions. We use be going to instead, becoming sheer. eto reana te reset cous lr ris we wr be ge tt Predetons ov hive a great ine the Boheme. ‘fers nd eas Wel ab you get read or your ly Desisors mage naw Tow goto Chita ths Sureer (Gad) woes wich are aesions we use Shal + Wed natu ifr arangonents. SS) wt 2 we {el strarenia tect Shall dive yout te stpor? Gbenoing be ging fo + bre nitive = statement negative ‘question Fam Fy going to wav 1.2mm) not going to rave)... Am! going otal. Heysheftis (6) going to ravct.. He/she not fant /'s not) Is herb going to rave! .? going to trav YouiveAhe ae fre} going to Yowve/tay are nt (aren't ‘re nt) Are youve hey gong to tae. seve oing to rave. Use apie trons Tm golag to become an pore when | row w. Precis (awh nen we ean ee) We golngto ra, so take an umrela, Frets abet the hte The now arprt is going to be the biggest Euro. For the for of the peesent simple, se Unit. te Example Treats iy lane leaves at [Hy toa atshatoy's dary and use the prompts to mite sentences, Use the conrect form of tho present continuous. 1 Om Mona, she ann Gate 2 On Tuesday, she a tin Brighton ‘smton nk: = on hop = 6 On Sat, She ease nnwan [] Complete using wi or shat and te vor in the box. You may have to use some reuse for. be + come + find « have = lend = We + take + vk 1 This year, more than milion tourists... a ur lacal area. 2 Imsuewe.. cw YOU Bag SOON. Were dd you lst eet? 3 — you -me some money until Satucay? 4 Everything on the menu looks dlcious! EM [nn erme Ochen Ke, plese 5. is you tothe bus station, if you fe. 6 One day, peoole enn 08 Mas in speci buldings. TNO tet on ‘any problems with deluerng your new furitre next week -- at ito help you get things ready for diner? Complete using tho correct form of be going to and the verbs in brackets. You may have to uso some negative forms, coteenee play itr n 2 rock group vos StF) going tothe gym twice 2 week noses (toll) her erum about what happened? {look onthe internet for information about snowboarding. eens ite) everyone from clas — just her close frends (be ready on time or not? een (break) something wih that ball Go ovsice! {ie down) fo hal an hour. Call mest sic cchock, 3 Grammar Prepositions of time and place plo form of the verbs in the box. carve » come —= _ Time Place | tm so excited about my body! My pane) anemnnnse-msnane the Btport here at sons aris is wonderin Api, tomeandetics Theresa famous ease in | nine enc and we) nin Paris two hours later. We then [years st wa to Rusia in 2005, 3) the ai from the airport to the city. We'T have a great ee ian go sang nin __couies and canines Mybroter sia ec, week, and then we (4) sous back onthe 78. cat wait ers of he dy Hy san ese [reas ard vegans Whats We he the desen? L — —— - fern, ‘tse a object Your passports inte cramer | ‘aside a oor Tie et he kes ne an "| "Weaiso use nine foloing races: room [E] circte the correct word or phrase. ‘= fa mnute/an hour » i front of ‘nee a bulking ‘Sharon has been i he travel Ether of « inte faire agent’ for an hour 1 Oscar syste is doing / will do te wasting ater dene. ...... | 2 Imabitscared because lam seeing / wil soo te dent tis stemoon (22) wen vest notn tems nme. Wa) ne iy a et 3. What are you going to do / do you do this evening? 7 Was it hot when you went to Japan? 4 Shall ou tll / Will ou tll Ripert Im sory abort yest? 5 My dd wil grow / i going to grow a bead btmy mum cost the ies a = | 6 have torevis toni becasse we are having / wl have an ex onan 7 am remembering / wil remember his ay forthe rest. my it! wee Proce ce iz | 8 Do you go / Are you going to Australia next Christmas? St ___lest snow carom Sen. st yar, stpedon Hrs | 5: mare yu ae passing / wil pass your cing est. Don wor. [ates Wy bth on Tar, aes Teese | 10 you wart ms to wil complain / atm going to complaint the marsger about t tap ofan cet Did you pat your car Ka one We also use on inthe folowing oheses: Bichenttie? + onthe Beach» on he eight re Ther a tele on eval Choose the correct answer. i anmpbenaay —a UAHuaeserrervr 1 tems ts Gd) marke mera tiny mye MOS. an. tO Spain” «Wee fying to Washington inthe morning / on Tuesday morning, Awe go BWere going Ce go + We drtuse a reostin wih tanarow, ester, tamcow moi, Yestrdy eveng | : 1 ke ng to Waste tomorrow aerno0n | 2. ‘Wee moving house tomorrow. ‘Rely oes YU the fur! 7 Altay Bimnepng CI help Gi a 3 ‘Doyouneed ths paitbhit {RYO Oe, place? Time Place ‘bayou pass BWityoupass —C Aeyou passing cktines Tus abus atten pasttvee. ct pees __ What’ it a tho nat Pl? 4 What do you want tobe en you grow up Steve?” |_| Hef periods_wnat are you doing at Chrismas? addresses Mycousn nes at 132 London Rad | a scientist. That's what | want to do, anyway." buildings, when think Joho is at the cinema, ibe Bim gongtobe Clnberg Weare aking about ating Mone. ‘We also use atin the following phrases: a 5 ‘ohn sa better player han Mart, st het poems | {OR YES. nn the match tomonrow, | expect." 2 cooy/ aches ‘Rania isnt here. She'sat a party. Ave vin Be ws “Hes wining @) —$—e eae ‘aware aw ve use nan ator laces. We use nf: ae ea ata aac when we 6 ‘The meather hasbeen tribe, has” setee asarrore te ieee eee eee seat or salar paces nd pont 3 rey, een Rae citeane | ere sen ow net elie ie coins. Les met at eta sae. [Dy Watts word in bold in eas contonce te correct, puta tik (IC wits the correct word. We fest vsted China on 2006. a iy biethday sat the secon of Jy. Lets meet on fe olac, shall we? Schoo starts again in September. - There's a party at Emiys at Satutay. What do you want to do.on the MOTO? nn Lets go and see Granda on Easter, Where do you usualy go in Christmas Day? con “There are fots of people ae the restaurant The peoole who ve “number 44 are avay on haiday ‘You should goto the Loowe when youte Pais. Goria fie. forest in Aca and eat rut What coes tet sign. the wat say? What aid Ethan say... is eter? Hive you heard ofthe stange statues Easter Isang? Do you ell want o spend the whole ay n-th Beach? ote using on, in or at (E) Loak at the pictures and complete the sentences. 1. This photo was taken = winter 2 Were on 8 Cone. 3 Shs nnn the $03, BMS Da 62. seine of Se place Ua [D1] comptete using the words inthe box. ate ins on 1 My aunt and uncle have decided to move «ne New Zealand, 2 Do you want to go te theatre tomorrow? 3 We stayed... a great hotel in Dub 4 Wit... the end ofthe street and Il come and meet you. 5 YOU CaN COME nvm MY HOUSE for dant, YoU Ke, © Conor was wating ..-..--n. th comer shop when he raised hed ost his wale © 7 We drove alright and aly arived —.n- Lisbon at eight clock, 8 Did you leave your book... the Teachers desk, so she can see i? 9 Lookat those sheep . 10 takes about si hours to fy ‘that field over there Asia from here Ey circa te correct wor, 1 tmmeeting Andy at / on the cinema in an our 2 Have you seen the new bulking at / in front othe school? 3 My new job starts in / onthe fist day of August. 4 We're going to Marin’ to see their new baby in / on Wednesday evening. 5 Soeifthere are any tomatoes at / in the fridge, wl you? 6 Well al have computers connected to our bras at / inthe fate 7 dont feel ke playing chess at / on the momert, 8 think there's someone at / inthe doar. go and check, Write one word In each gap. Tetiag= ‘When you travel (2) --»- the other side of the word, jtiag is areal problem. You ‘ind yourself awake (2) -~ the middle ofthe night and you fel ike going to bed (8). the morning, just when everyone around you is getting up. -Jetiag happens witen you £0 (4)... @ Country where the time is very cfferent. For example, you might leave London (5) one day aN AY (6) nnn ‘Los Angeles. The fight takes about eleven hours, so when you afrive (7)... us LOS ‘Angeles airport, your body thinks youre there (8) 11 pm But Los Angeles is eet howrs behind London, so you actualy get there (9). 3pm focal time, So, | “ao), midnight Los Angeles time, your body (which stil thinks is | | (2D) = London) ay its & am. It takes a few days for your body clock to ) | change. 35 10 The passive 1 in the it fo + past stile statement negative ‘question “| eryone is invited Some people aren't fare net) invited, _Is everyone ited? resent sing ‘Thay ahuysinat Granana Grands eaves inuted past sine inte Unele Ain, Uicl Adis was ved. wi They wll won ine te raghbaars Tre relahbours wil / won't bo ved Use. Example her we dot wart rnaed to ay who does sorting Was Simon ined? My sister's ike was toon yesterday. hen we dont now whe does someting sors bike was stolen yesterday. Ifyou arent sie how to form & passive sentence, think ofthe active sentence fst. ote sentence ‘Someone stole my sisters hike yesterday. Passive sentence: My ister’ biko was stolen yesterday. + Look tthe aciv sentence. The verbs stole andthe objects my sist’ ke ‘he obec ofthe active sentence (ny itr ike becomes he sbjct fhe passe sertence iy sitors bike Then We aed he ver e nthe see tense asthe ve inthe active sentence. Here, stleis past simple, 90 we ne wes. My sister's biko was Then we ned the past parle ofthe ver inte active sentnce. The past parce of sells tl My sister's bike was stolen «Faye fish the centance a te rit ay. (Sap) wen the ver in passive sentence is a prasl ver, de forget to include the partie, =! They ploked up the broken giass. ———> The broken glass was picked up. ‘Some verbs have eeguar past partzipe forms. Seepage 182, epee it 10 [H] The words and plurases in bold in each sentence are wrong. Wile the correet word or phrase. Every year, several prizes are giving tothe best students \When ie pizza was delivering, it was cold You wil be telling when you can come in That song doesn’t played on the radio very often, i it? “ Your money was stealing out of your bas? no ‘We haven't alowed to use a dicUonary inthe exam yestarday. ‘That Tim wort have shown n our local emnema tora long ime | willbe picked up trom the station on Saturday? EE] complete using the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1 When peop nnn atest they a take) to the police station. 2 an (usually / keep) inte fridge. a _—~- we / tell) hat’ in net woek' test? 4 How dd people communicate over lang tances before te pone se Tverd 5 ran neesnnne-n YOU / allow) to comet the party nent Saturday? 6 You snr) your exam results next Monday 7. —-(Aidan’s bike / find) yestercay? Look atthe pictures and complete the sentences, Use the correct passive form of the verbs in the bos. Add any other words you need. call « catch investigate send 1 Atta cock yesterday morning, the local bank in the high ste... 2 tone minute past ten, the police 3 Afew minutes later, the ple aves at the bank. The cme scene. 4 -Attwenty past ten, the robbers Fingerprints on. 5 Atha past eleven, the robbers... 6 Next wea, they ann 1 Where are cars usualy fed? 4 What are you nt allowed to do at schol? They sca {sciatic 2 Where wil the next Obmpic Games be hela? 5 hat wer you sven fr our ity est ye? They oe Se veep * 3 Who are Oscars usualy awarded to? 6 What ui you be given for your net birthday? They acascsmatnat a TI pLODEbY nnn the word glvon, so that it has a similar bbefween to and five words. TE] Complete sae second soutence ui naming to the first sentenes, 1 Wil thay send the letters fist lass? sent Wi anne SESS? 2 fim not sure if they eat pizain China. is Fr not sue fn. in China, 23. Someone told me that they dort make cas inthe UK anymore. made Someone told me that reveenennne EUR any. 4 Dorey uly et he nina tee tines deed Ne nt mes 2 day? 5 ves i oh wort vu a geowanty es tbe Mr Jones, so. nna 8 BEOBFADRY tt toy 6 Did they take her to hospitalinan ambulance? she WS rg nnne epee tO hospital in an ambulance? Toe Marioual Pues “There are lots of Desf, rg houses in Gris, Many of them an bit unre of years 3g. In the as thy 2) on OMe by ery ih fabs. Toy, may of tem (3) ‘ned by an egaisation cad The Natio! Ts, wich (a). ~~~ ead tok ater them. The hoses (5) eptin perfect condition, and sts (6) alowed to lok ound the. fs teresting to lean now deere was in a bose Mk W2 nn Hie dg, Bec ‘he it have igs! Wasig mactnes (8) iy meted very recent, so wasting 9} dene by hand some cases, the hase 10) <0 edi today When is happens, vistors (11)... ny shown pat ofthe house. The pte rooms (12) kept closed tote pub. These house ten |) have besut cadens, 0. The as (1) nnn OOS ater by fess | soe ‘You usual have to pay ek round National Trust houses. Members of he National Tt (24) nnn Ben cont Tis 8, mils AEE AS) nnn BE rah Grammar The passive 2 ast perfect simple, be going to, modals) ‘ein the right form + past partie statement negative ‘question (© The passive (present continuoss, present perfect simple, past continuous, 4 The iezas ae being The pias are are not being Are te pizzas boing | Active Passive present contrunis My ants dg he wasting The wasting boing done by fie” eat pec soe "Hy COE TSS GION, The tas Rave Bee ay my coist | past cortraoes Tiyan was Taine i a The cor was Being Geaned by mmyvnc, [pee sae ‘arias aan te ibs Thetis had Bean ten Te tothe 200. zoo byw [Bee Theyre gona one Palo te pary. Phils gong tobe ined oe pat. moda Tey igh Re Toe party. Ae might Deivid the | pay i We sou een abou Be Jey shoul Be abate ary. bay. We mute Coc aboot Fe ‘Doric mast Be Wl a The cone concer We can ld We parr at aes The pat can be old a aks | se. aise. For the passive form othe present sno, past sce and wi, see Unit 10. For the uses ofthe passe, se Unit 10 We can use byto emphasise who does someting, ‘My sisters bedroom was pated by my pret. {= My parents pated my ister’ bedroom) += We can use wit to emphasise wat sanwore uses. | 7 Soup usualy eaten witha spoon. = You usualy use a Speen to eat Sun) «= We deat use ty o with when we ort 6 ose, oF dot ow, who does semen. Mrs Fister was taken o hosp yesterday. ‘ean? Unit 1 [B) Compiote wout seven sentence so that It has a similar meaning tothe frst 1. The carival lorry is a | been gven a banana by the pirate. 2 The ory has a going tobe given balloon by the atronat. 3 The gor bas be sung by the cowboy. 4 Everyone watching is D being driven ty a clown 5 The best song might been bought fom a fancy dress shor? 6 Have te costumes ma F been decorated wit ts of flowers. zal. at the picture again and circle the correct word. 1. The balloons had all been blowing / blown up before the carnival state. 2 The bananas haven't / aren't all bean eaten yet. 3 The ory ist been / being driven by the gorila, 4 Ayoung boy was / has just talen a ballon from the astronaut. 5. Aprie is going to have / be given to te person in the best fancy dress 6. The prize might not be awarding / awarded tothe clown. 7 Has / Is the lory been decorated wel? 8 Can songs be sung by / with people in the crowd, to? wlote using by oF with 1 That book was written 2 Ae the best photos usualy taken 3. That sng has been sung sy uncle ital cameras? lots of famous singers. 4 Is your har cut a professional aidresser? 5 Should the paper be Cu nnn 8 ai of S880"8? 6 Althe candles had been it... the same match. 7 The fm isnt going tobe rected... Steven Spetbeg after a. sentence. Write no more than four words. 1 think John has taken my jacket. ik my ake 2 ‘You should cook the chicken fo atleast an hou The chicken rc FOF at east an hour 3 Theyre showing that fl athe cinema in town, Tat Hl fevnnesn the cinema in town, 4 They dat invented digital cameras when we took that photo. Dita cameras - whe that photo was taken, '5 When | got there, Carly wes doing the rnin, so | it have to do i When Igo there, the ning nnn onsen Cathy 80 At have to doit 6 They were using hot soapy water to wash all the cas Ate cars = hot apy water lob. Read the text and answer the questions. Use the correct form of the passive | Doing the housework by Liss Porter Clss 40 ° | theme we ll share the housework, My dad loves cooking, so he cooks lhe food, Somtimes we hep hi, though, Next weekend, for example, were ving pry on gina hel in [Cin te ast yum ci al he shopping. She stated ane jo ast yar though so ve done mast “Cote sop since then. 1 es, because shop rlne That means order everyting onthe Intermed es meus is est car) ad someone fom the supermaret delves ito ox Tiouse. 'O [Loe cy eos te acon aay dane San oe Tine. yt Argan ssf Sessa aly ol nh ieee 2 vacuum deanet You cn save tne if you use elect equpmen. 1 Does only one person do the housework in 6 Does Lisa tae the shonping home from the lise’ house? supermarket? Noy he ROUSEWOEK apne Wht nn 2 Who cooks the food? 7 How often does someane clan the battroom? The foo -. . a Wesson 3 Whos gong the ss da nest weekend? Wen might someare ot clan the batreon?” ses da. 4 vo at sping ut abou ayer ag? 9 How dos Ageia seep efor? ‘Until abou a year ago, the shopping... The oars nin — oe 10 What does Lisa thin Angelia shoud use? 5 Who;nas done most ote shopping since then? Lisa thnks a vacuum clearer... Ste en, mo fe SEE an ie! 79} niente Ut 13 Complete using the plural form of the words in the box. i Gouiiable pours “Corben hve 0 al nal form take a aro hil eb “Countable nouns. Example <0 a ‘hop shone There are ove 100 shops te ew Wo use these words with shopoig cere, ceourable ours: ‘aby bes Thee got sone rea Ts orbabios i ah ahs We edt gt sore ew dios fer iis evens. (2) at covrable rns he reer ras. Toye 7 + one person, two people + ero, eth 5 ren, women ne chi, to chien ne foot, oft | cme man two men ‘We cannot count some nous lunccuntble nouns. They do nt hve a pura frm ad take 2 sing ver, beni they end ns. Example SLSR nouns oc se wos wth accutane: adic, Be, Fu Tae, Wy money iy wale | ate» much to, homework nosion, Yuri reylnet | + ALOT « apiece of ony, ews, pope ce, Wk The mows was a corpiee | We ese nos wn btn cout and pens ‘neous nnn tor = Sa «tt a « Be Vie an ue arin questions ar negative $fatemers hn neni ne 2 alcool mans ewe go any omer oy? hee are am 9s [Laas toot = men + person + puppy + tooth» watch woman 1 Bid you know that Jasoo's dog has had three beaut onsen? 2 The Spice Girs was an allgil band, so there were any _—_ 3 Its abit strange that Victor wears to. ‘one on each arm. aie ~~» do the same jobs 3 their husbands, they should be paid the same. 5 The dest says have 0 hav B90 an tan 6 7 a How many nein WOR thor a the eh We've waked mies! iy ae hurting, Mes Jenkins has just had a baby, so shes got tree... TB) crete the correct werd or phrase. Your money is / are on the table in the ding room, ‘The advice you gave me was / were realy usu. Thanks! ‘The cakes in that shop looks / Took absolutly delicious. There has / have been alot of bad news recent. Your homework was / were late, Please doit sooner nex tie. oes / Do te information about the museum include the pening times? We need new funiture in the ding roam. It's / They're very od and scratched, The sh in is tank al seems / seam to be i Hove your hai. W's / They're realy sot (, No! The rice has / have gone all over the floor! Complete using the phrases in the boe. You have to use some phrases more than once. Where there is more than one answer, write all the answers. 2ilitle + apiece of + some (sg) - Thee ae a ew urccuntabie nouns that are lal ant ee folowed by aphral verb. ©)” we careful ie following words ciottes 1 Your cen elothes are onthe bed © jeans Your new jeans lok great » Some nouns ar uncourtable wth one mearng and countable wt another wearing ° Get me some paper when you goto th shops. (= 3 packet of paper to wie 1 Get mea paper nen you go the shops. = &enspaper) 54 66 toys 88 | wm a ‘Complete cach second coutance using the word given, sothat it has a Imvaaing to the irs sentance. Write no more than three words. 1 We dort know anyting about he problem. information We dort ene about the probe 2 ls itokay have some cheese? bit Tpit oka) 1M nen ennn ? 23 There's only tle cote let in the jr. much There aa Cob lft inthe jt 4 ry not to drink too much Coca-Cola in 2 week. cans. yt BK 10 on annnmn-nenner~ nee Of CRBC IN a WeEK 5 Would you tke some more chocolate? pece oud YOU he eee CHOCO? 6 | dott want aft of cream on my stranbertes. cream 100 Wat nner nnnnneninnne ON My SANDETES ‘choose the correct answer 1 Be earch wih that vase because fs made Of woo / a D Grammar ar — Articles © a lindefinite article) ‘glx coutable nous (not speci) Vneed to get a new coat ‘an (indefinite article) Use Example ites of a when te next word Begins dnt hive enough money far an expensive es, wt 3 vow Sound folowing words ad phrases, © ete cer sgreteretentonennt atten tense [|S Aglass Bagless © ihe (definite article) 2 | stared cousins because liad... atthe bak fy trot . n Sears eae En pom ER Dat pat our hot cup ony new tale is nid wat you to bum conte ois sg theme z SRS oe = ‘hr countable nouns (speiic) Where are the books Lorde) 4 We'll cyle. So thatitcan be used again. [ tcsbe ns sete) Tesh stat ho roe anon ower a peper 5 yd get. vey yon i wy to work To arti Roaver Ba paper ticle (zero article) 6 Checse youcen have sme ik et. =. ato tibia ce Example Reace Saens res have goat ean . ‘ict ere Gene Fresh tires good you. ito one word in each gop. © Special rules _ 1€ Open-air markets > Use Example Even you oly have a (1). Money, Yow can sl haw a grea et your leer sn he a, rs he Aza, sas Ue Aaa soe coi iw local open-air market. The clothes (2)... hap, OAM the Fruit (8) wna he UK, put uicings the theatre, We Ear, tho wer, the sy, the moon, he sn, heap, too! Often, the food in your local supermarket (4) —. ‘travelled along wou, no arte: toms and cies (Moscow, mast counts (france), comtnrts Europe, | butt the mort you know hat you'e buying ood which hasbeen praduced lca. The ssa a tae ed ! vegetables (6) no-one eh even you go ate the day wren there are only & ee err caer } © Lot Suppor your local make and halp oct foes. Contos your Tow to oe foto wo on Tg sep lye, tn © ms, goo mk | | ga Gaia gp oan loneaeatrae as POSSE Setvstho bea sh bea umes set abet nb ine ‘he: the morning/tternoarvevering, onthe 20 Mech, nthe 13505 no article: days (Thursday, months (Wy, years 12003), Peon the: th King, the Prine Miser, the ay, the navy, tho polco, te Gora, the Fg no article: become king, he's Engh speak Engich [ --- TE complet sin a0 1 We had... telly good science lesson at school today. 2 ound. unusu insect on the wal outsie our house. 3s your bitiay next week. Are you going Lo have nan arty 44 Wie waited for hours, but we finaly SSW ow n0o-~ QUEEN. 5, Why dont We BM 10 nen Fai? {6 Have you gat = €Uf could borrow? 7 Mumhas gone b bank, but shel be back soon, '8 Where have youbee® ve been waiting for over. how Wiite an article in each gap where necessary. I am article Is not necessary, puta dach ©. ‘ho 0) i rely Ba 0 0 (2) nn: TUBS (ovata) new gare 00 CD-ROM for my ompser, DU ennai Bt wrk property tok bat nn SHOP 0) North Stet, but Mom ‘manager bomed ma He pointed to (By SOO 8) nem COAROM ond 20d Fd done coud beove it ho {0 BUY (10) noon now one | TE cre tn i ord cah entonon 1 Do you think we wil ever send person to the Mars? 2 When you go the London, dot forget to see the London Eye. 3 When we use the cars, we damage the enviroment 4 rm not tein aes the truth 5 Tmlocking fora teacher who can teach me the German, 6. Ray needs a warm hat and a new coat for his ws tote Russia, 7 ed has gone to a work and forgtten the car keys. '8 Some people have an unusual pes, such as lons or tigers. 83 ese Unit [B] teach sentence there is word missing. Put an arrow ({) to show where the missing word should go and write the word, 1 Engish music was popuias in America in 1960s, 2 Would you prefer to read book or watch teeision? 3 We had maths at school yesterday and ou teacher gave us surprise test 4 Peter joined police and caught ter thieves in his rst month! 5 Gordon wanted to be writer, soe studied Engish at university. 6 Suddenly, tio UFOs appeared in hy over Washington [ED onsite the sentences correctly, adding articles whore necessary. 1 We had great time in USA. 2 Lots go to Belge for week this summer. 3 Where's money | gave you on teeth of lst month? 4 Fd ike to jon army and become solder '5 For Christmas, | got book, DVD and latest CD by my favourite band. 6 They say that English dik lot oft. 7 heard song on rac that eal tke, 8 Do Japanese and other people in Asia eat cheese? Underline ten mistakes in the dialogue and correct them, Gary: Its the lovely day, is? Lats walk down toa shops and look around. Helen: Thats an good idea. justhave a lookin a kitchen and see what we need. Gary: | gota mik yesterday, so we don't need ary more. We might needa bree, though, Helen: Okay. Bread. oh, and the packet of sugar After shopping, we coud go toa new ‘marketin a town centre and se what they have Gary: Right. You get your coat and Ml get a car keys. 59 fosalitie: mar : ability, permission, advice = ststoment ogo statement soeatie con cant /cawet cas cout cous ot | wy imayaet mat ight igh | wi won't / wil not would ‘wouldn't / would not at Short / sant sé ‘out / seal ect | rst sit must ‘toda vere Sermodel » have ee ten “Thera 35 sae cases that we use Me ots Ujahe/setre bey may we ea.» ought ough eto) » arefooue by here ve 5 hee to ort) “usta eal Seta © nado drt need / eet + do nathave an ive Luke mods, ought todos chong Haye fo and need to change for persona tense he rma ers nd fave mies. (eA) - Hegemon ym rate Mit) «dana ath sae! - hee en ig Vike oss Shu be ten cle re on of he enone Gain Use Tom could 60d when e was wo years a (Giga) We ee be ol too form ote ters. S28) Pes ct to be abet xr tng by oma be 2 Soon beable to speak aan gute wel. hte) | 1 Have jeu Boon able to soak Eres rag tne reset erect) Modat Example can / cou ay (Can / Could 7 May lus te phone? ean ay (F328) mays more pote men could and cous more pai than can, y Example iam ought to 7 shoud wath ess, Ido pemicen i Us 15 (1) undertine te isi in cach centence ati to the convect won 1 My older brother can to ride a motorbike, but cat. 2 He has his dinner early today because he’s going out. 3 Do you can come tomy party? 4 "You should to see = doctor about you foc. 5 cout bought any bread because the baker's was closed. 6 You needn't todo the wastingup ve akeady done 7 The schoo! ought stent pups’ opisions, 8 People should’ to drop thei rubbish nthe street. the pictures and cotnplete t forms of be able to, You may have " Touse some nogat ‘Ay realy loves playing chess and she a hearin ~play very wel. When since she was tree, She warts to kam to drive She Was 3 baby SHE (2) ce ‘when she grows up, though. Wen she's eighteen, lay hess, She thnks hat when she's alder, she hopes shel (5) do her Sf (8) sosnesnnenne ithe national oii test. She (6). ve a championships! 2r now though. W's against the lw Wee hat thoy soy using the word sven, 1 Tony wants to borrow his ends pencil, could 2. lex wants o allow her fiend to use her eso can 6 Diane wants to use her dad carts weekend can 7 eacer wants o ge her students ve ox minutes to fash he est. may ie the soniences using should or ought to and the words in brackets, "ny faue t se come negative forms, 1 ‘ngad to eam mner mene la, got Job, new. you) "You sould gh 10 $208 MEW IOP —nenn 2. trends is any abi wht] sia, say, sory, you, you) teacher) 2 Tom does understand is homework about, mi 1 he i 4 i tom py en having, lessons, start, you) 20 co — Grammar Modals 2: obligation, probability, possibility or gmer orman shut neds, se Unt. Use Modal Example : reser fazecigson ——rust/ mast Al stirs must in of her ble oes Tove ‘o Yeh tonead pes sn reed Torre Sigion ot ve Vou dow have oat need ros ay don't need to an email, presen petty a fat Shad by reo | [reps anes sit rele te ae, bt rayne spote | Sarneesto_co ldo have toned tose 1 fve been having swiming lessons and now I ean / could saim realy well 2 Please could / should use your mobile phone? Mine doesnt have ary power, 3. Sam could / ought ta get ajob instead of complaining about having no money. 4 Okay, yes ~ you ean / should leave five minutes eat today. 5 Doyou think | must / should tel Michael the trth about what happened? 6 lean’t / couldn't road unt was five years old. 7m sory, ut you ean’t / couldn’tleave your car there if you want to pass the exam, you ean / ought to do some revision. ‘9 know Jot ved in Tokyo, bu dnt think he can / may speak Japanese 20 Tracy ean / could sing eal wel now that she's had aft lessons. Match to rake centoness. 1. There’ alot of washingup; think we should. 2 [es geting quite late and we ought 3 | drt have much money, but you can 4 fis amazing that Andrew could - 5. Passengers traveling inst lass may | wai fr thei fightin the VP ares. vB barrow some if you need it. © tothink about geting ata. D offer todo it. walk when he was just six months oe 4 We nae to pay the phone i today, fit said. 1 Passengers must um of al ble pores. Probability and possibiliy)»——— In spoken Engh, have tos more common than must Hust often used in writen nce and ists. Modal Example Present song probebity must The phone singe must be Simon. cant ‘Ts eter eanY/eouldn be trom Japs0 because is out fafrench Peete ey a We ought to /should hear fom Chane weekend, 0 reser nd Tare possi cout Tipo sare wha arguage 8 Could ay igh os De Poth. We often ese mus, cast nd cous fr patty when we have some edence frou pian, 1st rang Pau, but hres no answer, He must be at See nit 22 © eetnjmen mimi mimes a1 [Ey choose the semence (8 oF which mans te same as tho fst sentence, 1 We nave to pay the elect bil before Friday. [We can pay iif we want to. 8 We ust pay it CWe've already paid 2 You don't need to buy me a birthday present. ‘AYau ust buy me abihday preset Bits not necessary to buy me a birthday present. (You mustrt buy me a bry present. 83 Ihave to do some work on my project bis evening [Al havertt got time to do the work. Eve akeady dane the work ‘CI need to do the work. 4 Lenny cet have to see the head teacher after al. Attwassit necessary for Len to see the head teacher. 8 Lenny went to see the head teacher. Lem is waiting to see the head teacher Ey Cirete the correct word or phrase. 1. Smoking is alowed inthe apport? ‘You mustn't / don't have to smoke inthe ipo. 2 ‘its nat necessary to come to the train ston tomeet me. ‘You have to / don't have to meet her atthe train tavon. 3 Wo ware forced to wat for aver two ours in the rane ‘They had to / didn’t need to wait for vor ‘we hours inthe rain 4 "The instructions tel you to writin pencil! You must / needn't write in pene. El conto using the core form of have wwgets foe 1 Jade cart come out tonight, She. 2 dt nave enough Maney, $01 som 3s raining realy hard, but cl we — 15 Students must run in schoo! bangs. 2 They cancun hay want to B Students do ike runing. C Fanning isnt allowed. 6 Alpassengers rust fasten thei seatbelt. -AThey have to fasten their seatbelts now. B They dont have to fasten thei seatbelts. (They can fasten ther seatbets. 7 Mr Reed had to go othe police station to ‘ansner some questions. ‘Ali Reed was able to goto the pote stato. B Mr Reed forgot to goto te police station, CCl Reed was cbiged to goto the pace station 8 fs kindof you to offer to help, but you rely ont ned to. [Al dont wat yout hep me. B Your help ist necessary. (You wort be able to help me. '5 "You can contact us by ether phone or emai” You mustn't / don't have to ptone them. {6 ‘my courte, you can carry your passport wth you if you wan, but fs not necessay.” Inher courxy, you don't need to / mustn't carry your passport wth you 7. Ny grandfather was made to start work when be was ust fourteen years ol” He had to / must start work when he was Just fourteen years 0 8 ‘ts not necessary to book a hotel, you can stay in our spare room ‘You mustn't / don't have to stayin 2 hotel ‘You may have to use some one aftr her ite brother. borrow seme rom Yur. go out ths evening. 4 To start the laptop you 5 Robbe worked ast weekend, bt... 7 6. a2 ee press the power button 0 to piano lessons hen you were younger? adh 2 en abby, py Ut 20 [DB] Match the sentences with the en 1 Sumton td tee son a er 2 ‘Lena might not know where the cinema is,’ fennean 2 Dal ha inn wl atl New Zs 4 Sees trata wrayer 5 ‘heap et ku be anne osc 6 tema go tte Cay ands or aster 7 ens ke tf Hes eon te 8 "ary opt be abo sk Ces ed He hed ea va eas ‘A Tim aimost certain, 2B ts probable © Maybe / Perhaps, Rowrite the sentences using the words given. 1 Ye expecting Dai on. The phone rs. must fa Yu tink Anal obey wn ce oon 2 fena sa beter mer tan should 3 letter aves. its possible thatits fom your cousin, Janice. eould 4 Teresa faok at th coo: You mam say might be Cl Tal iach says mat be Col, but you know Can i 5 use samsine wean a caste, You tk he’s a svg pobebity some toa fanyress party. must some wn You think it’s possible that it’ inthe ving 6 our sister's ooking er er harbat room, might 7 Youre wate for ret ae. You Wink sh aoe aie You ink se! probaby be hr in a an 8 Yai ting att wy James eens tobe sa You tink possible hes poate | Modals 3: the modal perfect <_,— yoda + have + pastparerle statement negative ‘question eu should have told me you You should’ (should not) ‘Should have Invited Caro have told Liz wis 5 Sat ote (228%) some verbs have ineguor past particle forms. Seepage 182. Modal Example ad ema ete Ua 22 Ba) cont sing verte in brackets 1 We co ena he Bis, uti the nd we deci to wa 2 Rough co en he OVD, au atthe wie. 3: la co rune) the concer ith Sid, bute stayed ome insted. 4 Ty cou) ath an ear plane, bt they decided to get eater oe. 5 ald yOu rn nen tay ong ordi you have t leave re? [By teat tte piotres and complet the sentences. Use should or shout aud i correct form of tr vrbe in tha [eat et Wk = the = tay + wear We could have gone tthe party, but we ‘Scie ot fo Theo Tosaythalconemeredihe coud apart aby todo someting, but edo (Hap wie use wis fr tings tat someone dt actualy do. For general ayn the past, me use could» are frat (se Ut 19). F Toould play te guitar akon nas seven («Loew how tay the gut) ‘Veould have played te uta. =| ad the opportu to oly te gute, but dnt actuay play) <= Use Moda exemple Tsoytcmeuspast wihtin/too Yo shuld ave ined Oe ae ty Stour ma boer vere (ASN Cae ae ea) Craiiyand pb) — Use Modal Example mast Ty must have had oe a Seen ( [psa can at yh ely) “hey cat have had ay es (re inost cet at tey st have oy seep) could /may might Helen might have found anew house {es possble, butt rt certain} Modal Example “show youesperted tha past eughtto/shoad Jim should have arved ha en hour go {abe aero fom what Tender ere fe. 2xtialy happened = an ube with hi, her room. the bal so hard son @ fancy tess costume, there earl. — so much mplete each second s meaning to dhe fh 2 using the word given, so that it has a similar ‘Write between two and five words 1 expect Arian did alt of raison. must 4 There's a chance that someone saw us. may seen Sane SOMONE nn =U. 8 oto ens, 5 Ws possible that Tim has rived yet. ig 2 Naoto atti ne money cqt Tn Mtn ST ine mt a vovwmemensenee tM Tm sure that rene wast atthe party because she was have 3 ts possible that have made a mistake, Nate aaa a could party because se was i r oe amistale 95 We were expecting Dave to call, but he hasnt, Dave should bavecalled 2 They si they were gon io dive te comps uct, bt ey a. 3 {was expecting the flm to come out atthe cinema fst week Tae SHOU eer Toe fim oust. 4 The shop wast supposed fo close so ear. ‘The shop shouldnt 5 ste poranme spose to st a Rc? SHOU have gone to Swterand, 4 They .---n----- ave seen the play ast we, sight as they wen oa fotbal match instead. cant ‘Reould might D should Brust Dean 2 YOU ne hae Hed to mel Why dt — 5 Cath nn-m-—vsave been hereby non, you tol me the tut? ‘Maybe he got stuck nai ‘Ammustt Cshoutdt ‘Amight C should Brmight not D couléot Bimust Deant 3 Helen tohave seen adoctor 6 You. have boon realy excited ‘weeks ago. Wy dint she? ‘hen you ead you'd won the competition! ougit Crmust ‘Armust Cmirt B shoud D cont B should Deoud done wo fn each gap. ‘iy cousin Tinie 2 profesional dancer. Her mum ~ my aunt ~ say that Tin () onan -dance ealy well even before she was able to walk ‘When Tina was tn, she COU (2 one to 2 special school for dancers in New "ark but ste decided nat to because she dit war to leave her fers Even today, Tn’ mm thks that Ta (8). oan hae gone tothe school. fr sue i) x. ‘oe been awry felt decison fo Tra ora, bu se say that she des eget at gong Se cared on dacing in her spare time, often geting up at fie cock inthe morning for a dance lesson before sctoo. Tht cant have (5) nnn CH fl Today, shes eal successful. She's been in os of shows and she's even appeared on TV afew times. I ft SW (6) nnn have got the main partin anew show in London. Shes not sure yet They Onn veto have contacted her yesterday about, but they dd Hopeful shel hear inthe rex ew days. Whether she gets the pat or not tm realy proud of my cousie ranma Questions, question tags, indirect questions ffpfometman vets sions + Do yu fel cok? « Did they go shoring? 7 ontnans tenses « Am} annoylng you?» Ware they wating for you? Se Perfect tenses «Have yeu soon 9s fn? «Had started? “(Basa named Am Tae? i yaa gs Raves eo Ti ih Does ae ony > i phone un oO (ie = Sn al les? Gave ae? Cuters9a Whoops = Mat ot Were Saya? + Why oid you do that? for Soe ee GS) - nam asrorse teres ratte, eae ith the aston woo ad what, ea Goo non were te qs ed ‘eerste abot ever. elo be set 2 io tld you? = Soman lou. i) Was Sens soso ysterdy? Pi = You ome 7 Mast ety “eyo oa sonore © Ouestions se)—— ———= —— 2 Questions tags) Use. Example “ossisameoreto agents Fs ean ont To cieck wheter soreing 908 You havent been o pion Rave you They di’ leave, they? fereinsnwts Se tres Pwo, eee = - ces = Yvare coming aon? «Thy wer ting er Perfect tenses: oh 7 “femaramei > ese 7 T's re hr at ie?» Yu wero eu were you? ve a5 aaa vet» They have oar, hover / don hey? You dn have 9 ome ay Gy ya Noda lun should be ere by ow, shoul he? You mont make a nessa yor? ean we se sain the question tg. Inseences with am, we use arent In sentences + Lot's do th washingup ete, shall we? wim ote se am? trang arom ¥ fm not stp, am f Phrase + clause with normal word order “Use | resi geist faye youtatne me stax ee Oe a ores ao ats ee —| now Aso fos ere™ ] Da you redo yo eo et me a aE] Wonder Hf you iow Row AUEh WEE. 638) we rsa usin vrs eter sem ee ata oe sone } or [ioduetion to eondional — ‘Some sentences ith he word are cated condina sererces. ‘rdneveyeanaonl sentence, there are wo parts tua and tho eat of that usr the Suton tht starts with “Ther are aren pes of conditional sortence, depending on what th stustion a uramn Conditionals 1: (zero, first, second) ok at the pictures and camplote the Use 1 you Beat water, st boils heat / water / it / bol 2 Hyon — send /an emai /it/ be / fee 38 — | ene start the sentence wth if we snarte the situation andthe est wt comma < Myoujon 3p, on oo. be / dangerous / You not wear 7a seatbelt 4 you we When state Sentence wh the es we dom use 2 comana have / an injection / 7 nat 7 wsaly |= eit yun a a burt 5 tyou - Ti not / water / plants —— de I resent spl, preset singe 6 tbe wa. Use Example General or sci Tats iF present spl, wil + bre nf “Use. Example 1 you take thse ps, yov star to fob very son, eal or ay Suatins ‘he resem or fare and terreus, ‘We ean sp use ator modal stad of wi, depending onthe nearing 1 joo ge see rest, you might feel ete fomarro | We can lo se an mpeative instead of wilto gh instructs. 900 dont ee! wel, go hore 1+ past spe, woul + bare fete Use Example impossible ar unkaysuatons nto Fy legs wore longer, would be ach ster net eset oc cea te resus ‘his Tere yous mre formal han was you tht wore yoo, | woud ea essence (nar fota “ita yu, eat ss chocolate more formal ‘peopl eat too mich, they often ge a po "We cana use the Second conditional to gv ace. We use the pases were you. or as you for not /be / cai / not / be / sate /to swim The words and phases in bold in each semence are wrong, Write the correct ord ar phraze, tte will go shopping tomorrow, probably buy anew top. — ithun is tred tonight, 1 cook dienes. scans, John itl us if there will be any news. co '¥1 won't get a good mark inthe geography test, be very annoyed! ‘You are tired inthe morning if you doit goto bed soon lf you see Kare, do you ask her to call me? ‘Does Frenk come with usif we go tothe beach atthe weekend? lr youneed els, wil tell mel Complete using the corroct form of the verbs in brackets 1H —--»-~ fo) wel inthe exam, my parents wil buy me an MP3 play. 2 Wmysister borroms my clothes again, |... nn (Sera 3 Well ave at si o'clock if the Weather non. — Ibe bad. 4 They ene sennsanane (mot / mind) f wee a i late this ate. 1 Sarah willbe very annoyed f Dave on (MOR / eal her this evening. © Wilyu stil go to the concert ifthe HoKEES nut est) 60 es? 7 Wana doesett come tothe patty... 8 Mibesuprised i Ooug and Dana... (Greg / be) upset (not / get a new car soon ho Crete the corrcet word or phrase, 1 Ft in / won arian eure, buy my ma and dad @ new house, 2 Steve paid more attention in class, he will / would learn more. 13 They'll / They'd gon a cruise if they had enough money 44 You feel lot heater you don’t / didn't eat so much fastfood. 5 have / had bike, i would tke me so lng to get to School 6 you met Tom Hans, what will / would you ask? 7 Will / Wourd Bobby be upset dnt mite him? 8 Mam / were you, Fd get a tart complete each second seisonee so that It has a similar meaning tothe first ‘sentence, Write no more than three words. 1 Syia doasst have enough money, so she can buy a new computer I Syhia "enough money, she'd buy a new computer. ‘Te tins do sae thee friends often because they're very busy. 1 the tins were 0 Busy, ey enn 3 | dont ven city, 6 thers not much t dvi the eveing j Where ein ty there wuld be lots to don the evening 4 Grandma nant get @ dog because she ives in 2 sma fat Grands nnn nen 2 sal ft she'd get 0 do. 5 Youuse your mobile a ot, so you have lage phone is. _ thei ends more often. fe Poupermbcer ores ween pnoeecraeety estar pres ah EE] choose the correct answor | pena Sar ee on eeu ltl ety ac al ek aloe tm sauder that wad vel be ery br ou ee ditt properly ay \ (noni that svg gt sf rut and sale ad bes you (3) gta ethings yc stay he, Bat — ye nly yes | gu () nea ew or parents ~ and yo pri de — you at ahh thy hi to. yor cn casks ory, 8 be “dor tke yo spi le y(n ik aot | (hs carly on ae it atl ur it der foe mun sch big decision, | Mar 1 Astop B stopped 5 Avil ‘Bwould 2 Awe Bagave 6 Alive Bil ive 3 Awilest Bate 7 Avs would 4 Aget B would get 8 Avil B would 2a Grammar Conditionals 2: (third) ‘areal Suan ne past and We eet vo ene had been open, | woud fave Bought sane asc {Phtte wan oy aya coed [1eSonaf one so istcaw seeitestetoseee) ene (Teetetter ne dute wlewstioregane ee (Seeirt Sarnca eee San mete ‘We can 380 use cout and mghtinstead of woul depending on the mean, you had eatan a gin pz, you might have boen sick (ts possi but not cert, that you woul have bao sek) acy ad tld me sb was caning, | cou have cooked ance mea. (CT ave been ale to cook a ie meal) : + Ted condtional isthe only contol hat rf othe past ‘7 Hthad ad a hesdecte, | wold have taken an asprin (=f he post ‘+ Weuse post sil inthe second contol, tut that das nt fe to he pat ‘Wiad a neodacte, nou take an asi. | = now cr geeraly) + For ore inforraton on he second conan see Unit 28 wm [Ht eve te com (Charis nad had enough | money, e's have Bought th CD. ‘Paul would hve made @ mistake i he'd Estene to Lee 41 Dd Charles have enough money? Yes / Ro 7 Did Paul make aistake? Yes / No 2 Dade buy the CO? Yes /No 8 Did Paulisten to Lee? Yes / No Cita would have called Andrea f | Jo would have gone to the shed taken her mele with er. | pay ise had been init. 3 Did Ca call Ancea? Yes/No 9 Did Jo goto the party? Yes / No 4 Did she take her mabie with her? Yes/No 10 Was Jainutedto the pany? Yes No Tom would have frgaten Ris keys if Lisa hat reminded him. Ire nadrit been late, we have ‘seen the start of the fn, 5 Were they late? Yes/No 6 Didthey see the start ofthe lm? Yes / No 111 Di Tor forget is Feys? Yes/No 112 Did Lisa remind him about his koys? Yes 7 No ‘he correct form of the words in bracket. — (tol me you were gong othe beach, fd nave come with yo. 2 Dan had missed the plan, He ne nmeatsnnnnnennnnanane be) very annoyed. 3 Fe have got you a preset i ngenanemnnernnewnne—nnen (ROM Was YoU thay 4 one MOR / got lostif wed taken a map with us 5 ----(not / break dow), | woudl have been late. 6 “toot / ele, i ave Fase Gin, 7 {not / show) you vnat too, what you” dol? : 8 stents oo ta fn 2 clnitar mesg to he frst 1 lewasnt cod, so we dit ight fre mt col, we'd have tafe, 2 Jt det come, so we dit do any painting, IF OH enna» We'd have done Some ping, 3. Gai cit buy any clothes because she dnt see ayting she ied Cte ve -nonrsein OM clothes if Shed Seen something she Hed, 4 The audience laughed because the joke was very funy the joke - ~ ‘very funy, the audience would have laughed. 5. We decided to leave because it was realy noisy. We ene 10 leave if that been eal noisy = Santences. Use the correo nent 2 i nagatia for break « fall over = look + pick up = reply + see » stood 1 It Kevin hadi ust got text message, he 2 Ihe hadnt looked at his mobic, ne... 3 someone. — 4 | Kevin had seen the barana skin, Be. 5 6 7 lhe had stood on Meee he act fallen over, he . Ihe hac broken his mail, he tory and complete the sontonces, 5) ved aap Wher he cul, ho en othe gum ater wk But one sven, ‘ida oe ome late, too late to go ne gynran ee either." at wth 7V ‘estes Shemaderersal ance, tea, ect sd ond st don n orto te TV Suddely 2 saw enriching (on TV that cought ha atarton i wos an ace for (haere a cle th Fat 5000. “Tat ek force Rough eo 1 i TU Bay ‘Sie phoned he nb ond eed he mactine. sanedere ay ‘Evos muh bagels on Ty onde only lose Vda cau gt tas ee ep he to 1 Vi had got home ear, 2 tfshed gore tothe am tt everng, 3-H she edt watched 4 She wuld have bought the Faster 5000. nua at his mobile pone the banans sin, the banana skin eal, it would’ have been there. ae his mobi. _--~-to the text message, ‘She loved the Fanos 500 so uch, ough at ftom Betsy o, she ony exetcisd ot Roa She ‘forgo tothe gam any ese She sprouse fereing on hr sere be, on evry eng he wert foster ana fase: One vein, eh was go Solostnntte execs busbegon's move macs, Bele se know whet happened se and the bike fal doan tesa. shan o aig ‘he batem. Ouch ‘The Flnodte £209 wos ken, ond so wae Vico tea ii tats enough assis tr 0 wb’ tought * Vigo oF se fo in hor Pes ke "nd thats rough waiting oder one, 5 She woulért have tit a the topo the sis. a Stel tave cored sing tte ey — 37 Gramma 3 rammar Reported speech Gepa speech > = comple + saiansosn Fat are vo wesent le ‘past simple 7 ‘Tran oeld 3 ees “isa he wanted o bids new bus 130 resent conan ‘are ming dese si Past commons "hey sald hey were making acess. meses perfetconnuos ast pret contaunus Thawe oon dreudng 5 diy, sai Ooi, Dobe said se had boon drawing! dy. passin past erect mpc im mad car for meester Any sat Ay Said Jn had mde card for he he day afore Past conto ast pore contruons ‘was tings poem sid Tina Tg Sid se had been wrtng 2 pear. ry woul Tu make yo Scart” my gran aid iy sandra sa ste would make me 2 scart an/s/are 4006 was/oere gong tD "They ore going fo make anew ones Joe, oe cd they Wore goineto make a nw one. a ry ‘ean craw que wal Emma si Emel te could craw ate wel aust ave 10 ad to "You have to vst he osha show shesld.__Sh sad we ad t vi te fashion show nap “Tinay vst the Wite House next nee said Poly. Poly sald she might she White Hous he flowing week Wl have to change other words apart rom the verb form. rovouns time ad place Pm heAte here = there = pags = Belang we co = Yie/teytien pow tanatthatmament + yesaray = Be Ye Dh {Smorow = tRenextday™"" < asrweek = the wok hfe cae 2 tem Stone” thant fag belee ny heer sour Smyth We only male tense changes when the reperting ver sa, ees inthe past Tony aays hel gong to study erchtacue. 1 fonrsayshewas going isin erchtectre: . ‘We dot change the pat eect sip nd ne nat perfect conincus, 1 Thad Seen he pcre before He Sade had seen fs pcre blo + We aso dort charge wou, shold, could ad might 1 night ake wp patng = She she might ae wp psinting + Wee ase vere ie aplonse, deny, promise, fuse ad suggest in renrted speech, Jan apologised for osing te pictre. Charlot reused to et me sea he pang. denied treating he site tty d2d suggested going to a2 gt. ‘Verancs promicad to hsp me decorate the one. ua ge 1 ma big fan of U2," Derek sad 5 ‘Atone ociock, Iwas having lune,’ said Moly Derek sad he big fan of U2, oly sid she “lunch tone o'leck yas Ahad been having Bias been Bhashad Chad been Cishaving 2 e'e watching TV, said the twins. {6 "You get wet without an umbrel,’ Dad sac The tins said they —W Dad said! wet without an ubela, watched willbe geting B were watching Baot (Chae watched Cwoud get 3 “Youve been anneying me a day my mum 7 ‘He can juggle ve bal said Angie sad, angie said he ~ fe bal. My mum said her a day Ajugeled ‘Aamoyed B would jute Bas anoying C cous juggle een annoying 8 "You must ge me your essays, Mrs Vine sid 4 The dog ate my homeword seid Wan. irs Vie sac we = BNe her our fran said the dog —..-.. fis homework essays, ‘was eating ‘were having to Bhad eaten Bhad to Chas eaten (Cwould have to mplote using the words and phrases in the boxes. (Retr “atigt = We ay oe «eet oy] 1m seeing Simon tomorrow Mary id Mary sai she was seeing Sian wns. 2 We moved into the area two years ago’ Bollasai, Bela sad they had moved into the area tw0 Years 3 “Our teacher i gung us a test said Michel Nichel said the tezcher was gang... 4 "My dad gave me fity pounds said Nei NON S06 anna ald ad given him ty pounds 8'1 scored a great goal yesterday’ Matra said, Marma said she had scored a great £08 wn (6 ‘We saw our cousin atthe fa said Ben, Benoa they hd seen nn 7 ‘lett my walt here Frank sa Frank said he had et is wallet 8 sleep wal tonight? sai Ani, Pie said he woul sleep wel nw atest so COUSIN atte fae. ED wntertin tio 1 “There's a mous in the ktcher® sald Marina. Marthe said there had been a mouse inthe kitchen ws 2. We've won every match this year,’ Amy said ‘ny said hey wen every match that year. th 3. broke my lg two weeks ag,’ said Spencer. Spencer sade had broken his leg two weeks ago. — 4 ‘We'd heard the song before Roy sit. ory said ne nad heara he song before. co 5 “Twe been working since four o'clock, said Dad. Dad said he was working since four oclock So 6 Were spending tomorrow by the swinering pool’ Belinda ssi. Belinda sad they have spent the nextday by the Swimming Od, ean take in cach sccond sentence atu! write the correct words. complete exch second sentence using th word gion, so that it has nuaning tote fet sentence, White botwoun two and five words 1 ‘Tm going to bake 2 cake said Mum. she Mum sa... net bake a cake, 2 "Richad has passed his ding test Andy said. passed ay $316 his ding test. “Wee staying tort to watch TV lim sald that Jim said they ae Wate TV, 4 Ten inking of going ona Get sed George, he GeO SA nnn rvnnen f going ona det 5 ‘My sister ed in Russia fora year’ Cara seid lived (401 Sn RSI FOF ar 6 Twent snowboarding lst year Jil sid. year isd she... 17 ‘Meal you tomoeon, Kal sito me. next Kat sade. 8 “Were fling home ned week, said Ath. the Artur said they ED ftoweite tre sentonces in reporied speech using the verb given. 1 ‘Tm sorry I told evervone voor secret my sister sad. apologised an ly ee racist Elizabeth. promised 4%, Pt open doar si Many. etused 5 iy dont we give Jenny call” Abert sai, suggested 132 ns Se « D Reported questions, orders, requests» Use To report what someone else aked/ordeed requested Form Direct question/order/request ‘lection: basing with have, door be ‘Wve you boon tthe aly? he asked er. Do you want a sweater” my mum asked. ‘Are you making 2 sit asked Kas. quests begining with a modal ‘Can you pant” Mary asked rien. | Wi you make me onc” tasted Tey. ‘Who di you see a the fashion show? asked Ben “Which one do you want” Sarah asked Liem. “When wiley nish the ose? Tasted. ‘Why you Soy hay stor asked me “Hom much di your hat cost a hed Ca ers ‘Put your clots hn the drawer un sid ‘Doni wear te redone, Alce sa Teauess ‘WH you make me one” asked Ter. ‘Please dnt move my cures, sat Oa ci a wetted of pres un Fie Sed hr mtbr SF ten esa 1 sted wen they wuld ish he Grammar Reported questions, orders, requests Example Pat asked me iad ed the jeans on te sho, Reported question/order/request He asd hrf she had boon tote galery ymmun asked i wantod 9 siete asked Ave she was malig 3 skit May acted her end it he could pit "asked Ter fhe would make me one. "asked Ha if | should wear jacket i ones asked met he might Dvow my eat. ‘yam asked me what kid of shoes were in fasion af tat manent ‘en asked who (had seen athe fashion show. Sah asked Lian which one be wanted. asked when bey would fish th ouse, Ay sister asked me why had ead tat Ed ased Co how much is ht had cost ‘Mu tod me to pu my cots int raver. ‘Aloe tod me not to wear the radon. | asked Ter to make me oe, (igs askod ne not t move her pctes. Remember not to use question word oer ported questions, the howe 133 1 Has your brther gone out” Mum asked me ium asked me if my brother has gone / had gone out. 2 "Do you know the answer? Miss Smith asked Ruby. iss Sr asked Ruby i she knew / had known the answer. 2 ‘ethis your car” the pli afien eid tthe man The police oficer ashe the man fits / was hs car. 4 Have you been to see the exhibition? | asked Benamin ‘aed Berjamin he went / ad been fo see the exibition 5 ‘Does you laptop need a new battery? Jery asked me ty asked me Fry laptap needed / will need a new battery, 6 ‘re you having a barbecue? | asked the Browns {asked the Browns i tey were having /had been having a barbecue. Write one word in each gap. yn ae ia aoe | SSM Mate aaa | onsale wn Hele grr Aon eT ete } 3 ‘Can we go to the 200 tomorrow? Jane asked her father. Peereieted ever rerorerc an seen oa al asked me WHEE Ton —— write with my left hand, 6 “Sha we play toes or voteyba” Debi asked her sister. Debbie asked her sister ey nn ~~ Bly tens or voleybal. 7 "May eave the table” Samanta asked her parents. Samantha asked her parents if he. cow lave the table {8 ‘Wil cur bus leave on time? Mum asked the drver. ‘Mum asked the driver whether Our BUS aan leave on tne, [By complete each second sentence so that it has a similar moaning to the first Seitence. Write between two and five words. | | 1 Yer your betes the ay? Ry ashe, const iso 2 ae aot oti [asked Katherine NOW inn ates BORA, || 2 itiarrrincn an ain «rears Wisi 5 “Who sam yout the park? the police aie asked me. The police oftcer asked me sien 6 ‘Who da you soe atthe pak? the poles ofcer asked me. | gg TE BOE fc a0 rm tH at the pak _ stady maths or Engish. By 00k tte pietures and complete the sentences. a ced tin nts Unit 32 eosnsimnes 4 Theparot - a coe 5 Jer’ ganda . 3 Theman Choose the correct answer. 1 Could you pass me the salt please? | asked the man next to me. asked the man ned 0 me. re the sat pass Bite passes Ctopass onan 6 The magician... 2 Mould you mind wating a moment” the shop assistant asked the woman The shop assistant asked the woman nn. fOr a moment Ato watt B wating Cshe wait {3 Please dot leave your dty football boots inthe hall’ Mum said to Mur told Doug... his crtyfootba boots ithe hal Dou. that he doest leave B not to lave C dont leave 4 ‘Could you tel us where you were at sk o'clock? the police oficers ‘The police ofcers asked Barry asked Bary. see had been at six oclock Ateling them where Buhere he tells them Ct al the where 5 ‘Goud have your email address” | asked Marek, asked Mariela _ ema adress. Ato give me her B give me your give me her 6 ‘Can have a new Xbox fr my ithday? 1 asked my mum. Vasked my mutt nu. 964 MD, Athat she getme "8 getme Ctogetme correct word or phrase. 1 asked Toni why had she taken my CD without asking me. 2 Roger tod Isabel don't make ary plans for the weekend. 3 Madson asked ie how much my new jeans had cost. 4 Nexander asked his dad glving him some money for his schoo tp 5 told Jeremy you don't move while techs photograph. 6 Arie tod her dog to sit, butt it. It the word or phrase in bold is correct, put a tek (4). If itis wrong, write the nse Unit 1 2. Helen often eats fast food for lunch. 3. Inthe evening, Helen usually meets her friends for coffee. 4 Once a week, Helen watches a film at the cinema. 5 Helen rarely goes to the gym. 6 Helen has a driving lesson "twice a week. is writing are losing is having is staying am not fying is always using are having Are you playing Do top musicians study aren't touching does Is Christine listening usually buy starts Is our team winning? enjoy evonsone fi ovoosovn Bf am working don't go is getting Does Gary ever talk hit read Do you practise are doing knows: do you spell move ‘Are/watching helps am using Does/do Do/nave aren't holding, belongs 1 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 10 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 amloving/love 2 are throwing/throw 3 isseeming/seems 4 are needing/need 5 are teking/take 6 are winning/win 7 ave preferring/prefer 8 amunot understanding/don't understand 9 wait/am waiting 10 does/is doing Unit 2 a 1 sent didn't come made knew took [bought one yesterday i was/went there two years ago | did/finished it last night | sold it in June | broke a/the window a week ago ous on BB osaceen was playing was sleeping/was listening was standing was working/was leaving Were/naving was running was/going were watching, went decided was having was raining were arguing called were eating was making euorsone Bl ovoosene 9 was dreaming 10 was practising @ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WL 12 13 4 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 woke was shining were singing was went was having said continued put ‘opened was getting rang answered was practising used to Did/use to used to Didr’t use to/never used to Did/use to didn't use to/ never used to Unit 4 1 have seen 2 have had 3 hasn't taken 4 hasbeen 5 Have you ridden 6 has made 7 haven't decided 8 Has Paul ever met. oom Rwe Be Porroro> 8 Boorlm rene The lesson hasr't started yet. The teacher has already. written on the board. Joe and Tim have just come into the classroom. Tony hasr't finished getting his books ready. Christine has already opened her book. Dave hes dropped his pen on the floor. He hasn't picked it up yet. have you been doing Ive been studying Have you been working ve just been sitting I haven't been going ve been working Ive been painting welve also been planning We've been looking "ve been thinking heard arrived been writing been talking invited been reading been playing, oases Mm ft yet for ever already since just 7 never OoRens Unit 5 BK 1 had left 2 had already seen 3. hadn't finished 4 Had you just spoken 5 we'd set off 6 Idalready eaten 7 Had you heard soaoaern oErrorEo al 1 2 3 4, She was hungry because she 5 Dp 1 2 3 4 5 6 they hadn't been waiting long er 1 2 3 4 5 6 We'd just heard the news: ‘when you rang. Id already thought of that before you suggested it When I tumed on the TV, the programme had already started. hadn't eaten anything all day. By the time | left school, I'd decided to become & musician. she'd been running they'd been dancing ‘thad been raining all night iheyd been driving too fast they'd been waiting for over half an hour SODEEn Unit 7 A 1 is meeting Alison at Friends Caté 2. is going shopping with her mum 3 is catching the train to Brighton 4 is spending the day with Charlie in Brighton 5. is catching the train home at 10 am 6 is working in her dac's shop all morning will visit will find Will/lend will have will take wal Hive won't be Shall/come Be ovoveone 1am going to play 2 are going to start 3 Is/going to tell 4am going to look 5 isn't going to invite 6 Is/going to be 7 are going to break 8 am going to lie down a 1 leaves 2 arrive 3 take 4 come i will do am seeing are you going to do Wil you tell is going to grow are heving vill remember Are you going will pass will complain BSwovsamsens ose oe Bi row om Unit & 6 © A 1 to 1 the letters be sent 2 in 2 pizza is eaten 3 in 3. cars aren't made 4 to 4. the animals usually fed 5 at 5 we won't be given 6 to 6 she teken 7 at 8 at a 9 at 10 at 1 were il in 2 were 3 are 1 in 4 was 3 a Unit 10 5 are 6 are 3 on & 7 mover 6 int 1 given 8 were 7 on 2 delivered 9 was 8B on 3 told 10 is 4 isnt il are B 5 Was your money stolen 12 are 1 in 6 weren't 13 are 2 at 7 be 14 are 3 in 8 Will be 16 will 4 on 5 in Unit 11 6 on ™ 7 on a a 8 at yp 1 are arrested/are taken B 2 is usually kept 3A 1 to 3 Will we be told ee 2 to 4. was invented 6E 3 atin 5 Will you be allowed 4 at 6 will be given 5 to 7 Was Aidan's bike found é to 1 blown t 2 haven't 3 on @ 3 being 9 in 1 was robbed 4 has 10 to 2 were called 5 be 3. was investigated 6 awarded @ 4 were found 7 Has Lat 5 were caught 8 by 2 in 6 willbe sent to prison 3 on 4 on B 1 by 5 in Exampl Ae ple answers 3 by 6 in 1 are usually fixed at a/the | 4 by 4 a garage 5 with 2 willbe held in Beijng in China 6 with 3. are usually awarded to film 7 by stars 4 am not allowed to eat in class a 5 was given a new computer 1 has been taken by 6 be given some new clothes 2. should be cooked 3 is being shown 4 hadn't been invented 5 was being done 6 were being washed with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 is shared (by everyone) is cooked by Lisa's dad is going to be helped by Lisa was done by Lisa's mum has been done by Lisa is delivered (by someone fram the supermarket) is cleaned nearly every day It might (next) be cleaned later today. are swept with a really old brush should be used Unit 13 puppies men watches women teeth people feet children ovouren~ 5 Lis 2 was 3 look 4 has 5 was 6 Does 7 it’s 8 seem 9 Its 10 has g 1 some 2 allttle/a piece of/some 3. a few/some 4 allttle/some 5 ailittle/a piece of/some 6 a few/some 7 alitie/some 8 allttle/a piece of/some 1. have any information 2 abit of 3 isn’t much 4 many cans 5 another piece of 6 alittle cream ooawne oor>ar little are is has are few any/some Noasene Unit 14 BE ovousun BSwemrvm9s wre 1 s . in the sixties . read 2 book gave us a surprise test .. joined the police .. to be a writer +» in the sky oosenn Bow 1 We had a great time in the USA. 2 Let's go to Belgium for a week this summer. 3 Where's the money | gave you on the fifteenth of last month? 4 Id like to join the army and become a soldier, 5 For Christmas, | got a book, a DVD and the latest CD by my favourite band 6 They say that the English drink a lot of tea. 7 Iheard a song on the radio that | really iked, 8 Do the Japanese and other people in Asia eat cheese? Gary: It’s the/a lovely day, isn't it? Let's walk down to a/the shops and look around, Helen: That's an/a good idea. Il just have a look in a/the kitchen and see what we need. Gary: | got a/some milk yesterday, so we don't need any more. We might need a/some bread, though. Helen: Okay. Bread...oh, and the/a acket of sugar. After shopping, we could go to a/the new market in a/the town centre and see what they have, Gary: Right, you get your coat and il get a/the car keys, Unit 19 £ 1 toride/ride 2 has/have 3 Doyoucan/Can you 4 should to see/should see 5 couldn't bought/couldn't buy 6 needn't to do/needn't do 7. ought listen/ought to listen 8 shouldn't to drop/shouldn't drop By 1 can 2 couldn't 3 be able to 4 been able to 5 be able to 6 can't You can use my dictionary May | leave the classroom Can | wear your new trainers, Could | take the day off work Can! use your car this weekend 7 You may have five extra minutes to finish the test. aanen O 2 You should/ought to say you're sorry 3 He should/ought to ask his teacher about it. 4 You should/ought to start having lessons 5. She shouldn't/oughtn't to watch TV late at night. 6 You should/ought to get some exercise can could ought can should couldn't can't ‘ought to can can Swoov dH sene u onene SmeBoo Unit 20 18 28 3c 4a 5c 6A 70 8B mustn't don't have to had to must don't have to don't need to had to don't have to 1 hasto 2 had to don't have to have to didn't have to Did/have to w>osEwoe It That must be David ‘Anna should win the race tomorrow It/The letter could be from (my cousin) Janice It can't be Colin She must be going to a fancy- ress party Your hairbrush might be in the living room Harriet/She should be here in half an hour James/He could be in trouble at school Unit 22 have taken have bought have gone have caught have stayed ono Bf should have taken should have tidied shouldn't have kicked should have worn should have got shouldn't have eaten 1 2 3 4 5 6 must have done can't have stolen could have made May have seen ‘might not have arrived can't have been 2 have delivered the computer at lunchtime 3 to have come out at the cinema last week shouldn't have closed so early the programme have started at eight o'clock on 5 been 6 might/could/may 7 ought Unit 28 B 2 send an email it’s tree 3. is dangerous if you dor't wear a seatbelt 4 have an injection, it doesn't usuaily hurt 5 don't water plants and flowers, they die 6 isn't calm, it isn't safe to swim go I" cook: is don't will be will will tell 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 @ 1 do 2 ‘scream 3 is 4 wor't mind 5 doesn't call 6 cost 7 will Greg be 8 dont get 1 had 2 would see 3 lived 4 didn't live 5 wouldn't have 6 were OVO OREDe o> e> soar Unit 29 ® Woramawne 10 12 No No No No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 oon woe BY Yonkers Boson Bh had told would have been had known wouldn't have got hadn't broken down hadn't helped had/hadn’t shown/would you have done had been had come would have bought hadn't been wouldn't have decided wouldn't have looked would have seen had picked up wouldn't have stood wouldn't have fallen over Wouldn't have broken would have replied she'd have gone to the gym she wouldn't have watched TV she wouldrr't have seen the advert if it hadn't looked fantastic ifithad been smaller if she hadn't loved the Fitmaster 5000 so much she wouldn't have fallen down the stairs she wouldn't have broken her leg Unit 31 ervocsunn Bl ROOFwWOD> Bi 1 the next day 2 before 3 them 4 his 5 the day before 6 their 7 there 8 that night 1 had been/was 2 won/had won 3 ago/tor 4 he/they 5 was/had been 6 have spent/were spending she was going “Richard had passed were staying in that night he was thinking her sister had lived had been snowboarding the year ‘would call me the next were flying home the following aosenn B + BH ow My sister apologised for telling everyone my secret. 2. Ali denied giving the money to John. 3 Francis promised to love Elizabeth for ever. 4 Mandy refused to open the door. 5 Albert suggested giving Jenny acall. had gone knew was ad been needed were having would might could should could should might would @ 1 when my brother had joined 2 her trip to Turkey had 3 how they would find her 4 why Rob had been 5. who had seen me 6 who! had seen a me to tidy my room told the dog to stop following me told the woman to listen carefully told Tom/the boy to shut up told her to push harder told the girl to pick a card OFomro she had taken otto make to give 1 2 3 4 5 6 a 1 2 3 4 5 6 a 1 2 3 4 5. not to move 64

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