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Report on Depression

Submitted to:
Miss Maryam Farooq
Submitted by:
Aiman Sadiq 2017-BBA-033
Javeria Aslam 2017-BBA-006
Munazza Hashmi 2017-BBA-001
Mayra Iftikhar 2017-BBA-012

Section: A
Depression, or major depressive disorder, is characterized by excessively negative views of
yourself, the world, and the future. People with depression also have difficulty experiencing
pleasure in the ways they normally would.

Symptoms of Depression
Symptoms are varied and subjective, and can be behavioral, physical, emotional, and cognitive,
including: Prolonged low mood, loss of interest in pleasurable activities, withdrawal from social
activities, frequent feelings of fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or guilt,
difficulty concentrating, making decisions, significant weight loss or gain, or change in appetite,
insomnia or hypersomnia, recurrent thoughts of death or suicide, or attempted suicide.
Symptoms of depression in women may include:

 Mood: irritability
 Emotional: feeling sad or empty, anxious or hopeless
 Behavioral: loss of interest in activities, withdrawing from social engagements, thoughts
of suicide

Symptoms of depression in men may include:

 Mood: anger, aggressiveness, irritability, anxiousness, restlessness

 Emotional: feeling empty, sad, hopeless
 Behavioral: loss of interest, no longer finding pleasure in favorite activities, feeling tired
easily, thoughts of suicide, drinking excessively, using drugs, engaging in high-risk

Depression Causes:
There are several possible causes of depression. They can range from biological to

Common causes include:

 Family history: You are at a higher risk for developing depression if you have a family
history of depression or another mood disorder.
 Early childhood shock: Some events impact the way that body reacts to fear and
stressful situations.
 Brain structure: There’s a greater risk for depression if the frontal lobe of your brain is
less active. However, scientists don’t know if this happens before or after the onset of
depressive symptoms.
 Medical conditions: Certain conditions may put you at higher risk, such as  insomnia,
chronic pain
 Drug use: A history of drug or alcohol misuse can impact your risk.
 Society: The society can inflict depression in the ways of pressure, negligence and
• Major Depressive Disorder
• Bipolar Disorder
• Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
• Seasonal Affective Disorder

1. Major Depressive Disorder

Major depressive is a mood disorder characterized by a number of features:
• Depressed Mood
• Changes in Weight
• Changes in sleep
• Lack of interest in activities
• Thought of death and suicide

2. Bipolar Disorder
People with depression often have a range of physical and emotional symptoms which may
• Fatigue ,insomnia
• Unexplained pain
• Anxiety

3. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

The most common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are irritability, fatigue, anxiety,
moodiness, increased appetite, food craving.

4. Seasonal Affective Disorder

If you experience depression, sleepiness and weight gain during winter months but feel perfectly
fine in spring. You may have a condition known as seasonal affective disorder.

• Depression is a mental disorder that is a pervasive in the world and affect us all. Unlike
many large scale international problems , a solution for depression is at hand
• Cost Effective treatments are available to improve the health and the lives of the millions
of people around the world suffering from depression
• On an individual, community and national level, it is a time to educate ourselves about
depression and support those who are suffering from this mental disorder

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