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Global values of coastal ecosystem services: A spatial economic

analysis of shoreline protection values
Nalini S. Rao a,n, Andrea Ghermandi b, Rosimeiry Portela a, Xuanwen Wang c
Betty and Gordon Moore Center for Science and Oceans, Conservation International, 2011 Crystal Drive Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22202, USA
Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Management, University of Haifa, 199 Abba Hushi Blvd., Mount Carmel, Haifa 3498838, Israel
Center for Construction Research and Training, 8484 Georgia Avenue, Suite 1000, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A global study to estimate the ecosystem service value of specific coastal ecosystems is developed.
Received 31 March 2014 Specific variables are identified and used to develop a global multivariate regression function that
Received in revised form supports the identification of important drivers of the value of ecosystem service of coastal protection
30 October 2014
around the world, and the Caribbean is examined in detail. Variables hypothesized to affect the
Accepted 22 November 2014
ecosystem service value fall into three categories, and were informed by a meta-analysis of existing
economic literature. Site characteristics include ecosystem type and size. Study characteristics include
Keywords: valuation method. Context variables include measures of development, anthropogenic pressures,
Benefit transfer biodiversity, and population density. Results of the meta-analytic regression show that variables
significantly affecting the ecosystem service value included size, level of development, storm frequency,
Ecosystem service
valuation method and gross domestic product per capita. A benefit transfer function is then generated to
Shoreline protection extrapolate values to other sites around the world where coastal wetlands, mangrove and coral reefs
Spatial analysis exist. This function is used to derive a global map of the value of a set of coastal ecosystem services
worldwide. The Caribbean region is discussed as a case study in this global analysis.
& 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction (Brander et al., 2012). This is particularly important in the case

of poor, vulnerable communities, which recent research shows to
One third of the world's population lives in coastal commu- be often the most critically dependent on the provision of
nities and coastal zones are twice as densely populated as inland ecosystem services (Ghermandi et al., 2013; McGranahan et al.,
areas (MA, 2005; Barbier et al., 2008). Although coastal commu- 2007). A widely accepted common ground in most definitions of
nities may interact in very different ways with the natural vulnerability is the identification of the inability to cope with
ecosystems they are located in and surrounded by, it is increas- adverse effects, whether these are natural disasters, war, food
ingly well understood that natural ecosystems play a crucial role in shortages, or others (McCarthy et al., 2001; Adger, 2009). Vulner-
determining the well-being of human populations (TEEB, 2010). ability may be linked to geographical limitations, which constrain
Thus, preserving the continuous flows of benefits is increasingly market access, for example. Communities which show in general a
recognized as one of the most important catalysts for the con- more strong direct reliance on ecosystem services and the absence
servation and sustainable management of natural ecosystems of substitutes are more sensitive to impairment in their provision
(Chan et al., 2006; Turner et al., 1998; Fisher et al., 2009). (WRI, 2005; Ghermandi et al., 2013). One important way to
Coastal wetlands, mangroves and near-shore coral reefs pro- investigate vulnerability and dependence on coastal ecosystem
vide crucial benefits to many coastal communities by protecting services is to examine their estimated values. While coastal
them from flooding and storm surges, both seasonal and idiosyn- ecosystems offer a wide variety of benefits which are difficult to
cratic storm events. The benefits from this ecosystem service may quantify, making estimations of the value can lead to under-
include prevention of loss of life, damages to housing, infrastruc- standing the drivers of the high and low values, and in turn
ture and food sources, as prevention of saltwater intrusion inform policy. While this is a global analysis, it can be used for
informing regional policy as well, especially in areas which are
data poor.
n Capturing the economic value of ecosystem services in a
Corresponding author at: Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), 3420 Hill-
view Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. Tel.: þ 1 650 855 2044. specific monetary unit or welfare measure is a challenging ende-
E-mail address: (N.S. Rao). avor. Although valuation research is an active area, the lack of a
2212-0416/& 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Please cite this article as: Rao, N.S., et al., Global values of coastal ecosystem services: A spatial economic analysis of shoreline
protection values. Ecosystem Services (2015),
2 N.S. Rao et al. / Ecosystem Services ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎

standardized methodology and common type of unit makes artificial defenses, is storm regulation or coastal protection. All
comparisons difficult. Ideally, the determination of the economic three ecosystems mitigate the full effect of the storm surges,
values of services should be preceded by the biophysical assess- slowing or preventing them from reaching coastal human
ment of their availability, which in turn should be distinguished populations.
from their overall provision or availability, to their actual use, in In general, when reefs and mangroves are damaged or
the form of benefits that humans enjoy from the services. This is destroyed, the absence of this natural barrier has been shown to
however rarely the case, and for a number of reasons. First, some increase the damage to coastal communities from normal wave
ecosystem services are more easily and directly quantified than action and violent storms. This storm protection that coastal
others. Second, ecosystem services are inherently spatial and ecosystems provide prevents both the loss of life and property
assessments need to rely on modeling of their flow in space and for communities living in near-shore areas. The roots of mangrove
time (TEEB, 2010). As a general rule, biophysical assessments are plants help to hold the sediment in place (Orth et al., 2006).
highly dependent on the status of scientific knowledge and data Mangrove forests protect inland communities and freshwater
availability, often relying on proxies to identify service provision, resources from saltwater intrusion during storms, and they protect
as opposed to benefits. This is particularly true in the case where near shore settlements from erosion (Semesi, 1998; Badola and
there is lack of consensus on the best/ideal measurement units for Hussain, 2005). The root systems of mangroves prevent the
these services. Finding a common metric with which to compare a resuspension of sediment and slow water flow in areas where
wide variety of studies and management outcomes is however the protection of shoreline-based activities are important
crucial to inform policy decisions, and hence, monetary valuation, (Spaninks and van Beukering, 1997; Gilbert and Janssen, 1998).
even in the absence of biophysical assessment, can be useful as a Mangroves protect areas from storms, have some recreational and
common language and framework in which the available informa- fishing service value, and protect water quality (Aburto-Oropeza
tion can be analyzed and tradeoffs can be evaluated. et al., 2008). In general, mangroves serve as “natural barriers” to
Further compounding the difficulty in quantifying and valuing protect life, infrastructure and property of coastal communities
ecosystem services is the fact that many ecosystem services are (Badola and Hussain, 2005). In addition the protection of property
public goods and as a result, subject to a failure of the market to and infrastructure will indirectly benefit the tourism and recrea-
reflect their economic value.1 This is the case, for instance, of the tion industries, but this indirect effect is not measured in this
service of shoreline protection, which, in spite of its significance to study. Valuation of mangroves has primarily focused on their
human lives, is rarely quantified, valued or taken into account in storm protection services, though there is a small growing
management decisions (de Groot, 1994). Careful quantification and literature on the direct uses of mangroves. In major storms,
valuation of the services can lead to better informed policy research has shown that coastal communities experienced greater
decisions. For that reason, and in an attempt to address different damage and higher mortality rates from many types of natural
policy questions, researchers have attempted the valuation of disasters when mangroves had been removed, and the value of
services at different spatial scales of assessment, from local these damages ranges widely (Danielsen et al., 2005; Barbier,
(Badola and Hussain, 2005) to global scale (Costanza et al., 1997; 2007a, 2007b; Das and Vincent, 2009).
TEEB, 2010; de Groot et al., 2012; Ghermandi and Nunes, 2013). Coral reefs (and mangroves) also minimize the impact of
These types of studies look at the value of a wide range of storms by reducing wind action, wave action, and currents and
ecosystem services, measuring them with a variety of different coral reef structures buffer shorelines against waves, storms and
methods, with the ultimate goal of alleviating the shortcoming floods (Done et al., 1996; Moberg and Folke, 1999; Adger et al.,
associated with the common exclusion of nature's values into 2005). In general, the structure of coral reefs provides a significant
policy and decision-making. barrier to storm surges (UNEP-WCMC, 2006). They are increasingly
This study is the first systematic attempt to examine and map under human and climatic threat to due to water pollution, sea
the economic value of shoreline protection as provided by three temperature rise and ocean acidification (Bruno and Bertness,
major coastal ecosystem types – coastal wetlands, mangroves and 2001), and regional studies have shown that the threats that coral
coral reefs—worldwide. We examine the available information on reefs are facing affect their ability to provide ecosystem services
their economic value and investigate their dependence from a (Bruno and Selig, 2007). Coral reefs are generally undervalued due
series of study-, site- and context-specific driving factors in a to their open-access nature and to the fact that the ecosystem
geographically explicit manner by means of meta-analysis. Identi- service of storm protection they provide is a (quasi) public good,
fying and understanding the drivers of the ecosystem services and as a result, often disregarded in policy and decision-making
values for specific services is a first step towards their eventual contexts (Brander et al., 2007). Economic studies on coral reefs
integration into governmental policies and accounting. Next, the have included their diverse uses, which include direct uses such as
results of the meta-analytic regression are used to infer an fishing and diving, as well as indirect uses such as storm
estimate of the value of ecosystem services in other areas for protection.
which direct valuation has not been performed and produce a map Wetlands found in coastal areas also function as storm buffers
of the worldwide distribution of shoreline protection values from distinctly from how open water or land dissipates storm energy
the considered ecosystems. Finally, we discuss how the results of (Simpson and Riehl, 1981). This mechanism reduces the area of
this study can be interpreted for the Caribbean region, with open water over which wind can form waves and simultaneously
specific respect to coastal conservation and development policy. decreasing the storm surge, and absorbing the energy of waves
(Costanza et al., 2006; Costanza et al., 2008). Moreover, coastal
1.1. The services of mangroves, coral reefs and wetlands wetlands provide a physical barrier for storm protection. They also
serve functions such as water purification, habitat for birds and
One ecosystem service provided by mangroves, coral reefs and fish, as well as the prevention of saltwater intrusion from sea
coastal marshes in wide coastal areas worldwide devoid of other, water. Wetland ecosystem service studies have been performed
more extensively than those from the previous two ecosystems,
perhaps due to the wide range of services they provide, as well as
The public good nature of certain ecosystem services implies the property of
non-exclusivity, in which there is no possibility for one user to preclude another's
possibly because they serve as a link of freshwater—marine
usage of the service, and the property of non-rivalry, in which use by one does not systems. Research has been performed on a site scale, and several
result in insufficient goods or services for another. meta-analyses have been recently published (Brouwer et al., 1999;

Please cite this article as: Rao, N.S., et al., Global values of coastal ecosystem services: A spatial economic analysis of shoreline
protection values. Ecosystem Services (2015),
N.S. Rao et al. / Ecosystem Services ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎ 3

Woodward and Wui, 2001; Brander et al., 2006; Ghermandi et al., necessary for the benefit transfer. From the 54 studies, 92
2010). This study adds value to the current meta-analysis literature observations were generated. The 92 observations were distrib-
in two ways. First, it provides a first global and spatially explicit uted rather homogeneously among the three ecosystem types (30
analysis of the economic value of coastal ecosystems for shoreline observations for mangroves, 36 for coral reefs, and 23 for coastal
protection, which may constitute an important tool in the hands of wetlands). In total, studies from 27 countries are included. The
coastal and marine planners and managers. Second, the integra- studies are listed in Appendix A.
tion with Geographic Information Systems helps to put the values
elicited in primary valuation studies into their context, a dimen- 2.2. Explanatory Variables
sion which is often lacking in primary valuation study reporting.
The dependent variable is the economic value of coastal
1.2. Valuation and meta-analysis ecosystem measured by the natural log of 2003 US dollars per
hectare per year, and we corrected for inflation using the Purchas-
Common methods for assessment of shoreline protection ing Power Parity (PPP) index (see Woodward and Wui, 2001;
values are based on market prices, revealed preference analysis, Brander et al., 2006; TEEB, 2010; Ghermandi et al., 2010). When
stated preference surveys, avoided damage, and replacement cost. the original study did not present the data in such terms, then it
Different methods are applicable to different ecosystem services, was standardized based on information given in the paper itself.
and the results of different valuation techniques will differ The value was estimated in per area units to account for the fact
depending on the welfare measure used (Freeman, 2003), and that some of the studies used presented total values and others
some methods do not have a sound foundation in welfare theory, presented marginal values. Performing the analysis using wetland
which may lead to either over- or underestimation (Brander et al., values in per area terms assumes the marginal wetland value and
2006). In the shoreline protection literature, avoided damages and the average wetland value are equal (Brander et al., 2006).
replacement cost are very common methods used for shoreline The independent variables are classified within three cate-
protection studies (Vo et al., 2012). gories: study variables, site variables, and contextual variables. A
Many site level studies have examined the value of shoreline variety of different variables were chosen and tested for each
protection provided by coral reefs, mangroves, and coastal wet- category, though the final regression expression contains a subset
lands around the world, often coming up with very wide ranges of of the list of explanatory variables. Variables were chosen because
values.2 The statistical analysis of this wide range of studies and of their perceived relevance to the value of the ecosystem service,
research outcomes through meta-regression analysis can be a their importance in other similar ecosystem service value meta-
useful tool to help pointing out the principal drivers of value for analyses, or their importance in terms of biophysical or socio-
this ecosystem service. Although such exercise cannot in general economic effects on natural systems.
replace the more precise and site-specific information that can be Study-specific variables include the valuation method used in
obtained from a primary valuation study, it can provide the policy- the primary study (i.e., replacement cost, damage cost avoided,
and decision-makers with a suitable framework within which to contingent valuation and market price). Binary variables were
evaluate the complex multi-dimensional aspects involved in the included for each of the methods in order to control for metho-
management of these coastal ecosystems. Moreover, the meta- dological heterogeneity among the observed values (Carson et al.,
analytical framework can be used as a cost-effective tool to draw 1996; Bateman et al., 2004). The year of the study's publication
generalized conclusions and transfer ecosystem service value and the year the study was conducted were also included in the
estimates to policy sites for which primary valuation studies are development of the regression, in order to capture any temporal
not available. This is often the case in less-developed regions, issues that affected valuation studies, such as weather or disaster
including those where ecosystems such as mangroves and coastal related events, or any large scale demographic and developmental
wetlands are more abundant. There is by now a large number of changes.
studies that have used meta-regression analysis of ecosystem Site-specific variables used in the regression analysis include
values for such purposes (for a comprehensive overview see the size of coastal ecosystem, the ecosystem type and the latitude
Nelson and Kennedy, 2009). and longitude of the center point of the study site. The information
on ecosystem size was taken directly from what was reported in
the study. Latitude and longitude of the study site were collected
2. Materials and methods from the reported coordinates of the study, and from the spatial
data source GeoHack4 if the original study provided the name of
2.1. Collection of primary valuations of shoreline protection the location but did not provide the coordinates.
Context-specific variables include Gross Domestic Product
A wide variety of studies were examined during the phase of (GDP) per capita, corrected for purchasing power parity (PPP) for
literature review for this study. The studies were focused on each study country, population of the study area as defined in the
shoreline protection by coral reefs, mangroves and wetlands.3 study, a development index and the average monthly temperature
The studies used were all economic valuation studies which were in the cell of the study site.5 The GDP per capita in PPP is collected
associated with a specific site. The studies were from a variety of from CIA World Fact Book and adjusted to 2003 US$ using the
coastal sites, including studies on marine protected areas (MPAs). Penn World Table (Heston et al., 2006). Income measures have
From the 100 studies collected using Web of Science and EconLit, been found to be important in terms of estimating the value of
54 studies were selected for the meta-analysis based on having natural resources and ecosystem services, and have been included
sufficiently detailed, site-specific primary ecosystem service valua- and found significant in many meta-analyses of ecosystem service
tion methodologies. The remaining studies were discarded, values. The human development intensity measures were
because they lacked site-specific economic values, which were
GeoHack is a web-based toolserver which links to maps on the internet. It is a
See for instance the case of coral reefs values in the TEEB Ecosystem Services geographic information system extension.  geohack/geo
Valuation Database (de Groot et al., 2012). hack.php?params=0_0_0_N_0_0_0_W
3 5
In this study, the definition of wetland is adopted from Ramsar Convention, The cell size was 0.51  0.51 uniformly for each of the explanatory
and specifically those in marine areas (Ramsar Convention, Articles 1.1 and 2.1). variables used.

Please cite this article as: Rao, N.S., et al., Global values of coastal ecosystem services: A spatial economic analysis of shoreline
protection values. Ecosystem Services (2015),
4 N.S. Rao et al. / Ecosystem Services ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎

estimated using the results of the GLOBIO3 model which average expression of best fit. To evaluate the out of sample forecast
Mean Species Abundance—the relationship between development accuracy of the model we first used the n-1 data splitting technique.
pressures and species abundance—to categorize the impacts of
infrastructure on biodiversity, and summarize them at a 0.51 2.4. Benefit transfer
resolution (Alkemade et al., 2009). In this index, biodiversity was
defined as “the remaining mean species abundance, MSA, of After data-processing, the meta-regression model described
original species, relative to their abundance in pristine or primary above was applied as a benefit transfer value function to provide
vegetation which are assumed to be not disturbed by human an estimate of the values of the investigated ecosystem services in
activities for a prolonged period” (Alkemade et al., 2009). We used areas where primary valuation results are not available. In the
this explanatory variable to examine whether infrastructure context of the valuation of ecosystem goods and services, value
development along coastlines would have an impact on the value transfer refers to the procedure of drawing inferences on the
of the ecosystem service. Specifically, we were exploring whether unobserved monetary value of an ecosystem good or service in a
or not the presence of high, medium and low impact development policy site by borrowing existing valuation estimates from com-
intensity6 would affect the value of the nearby ecosystem service. parable study sites. The reasons for performing benefit transfers
The GLOBIO3 model data is spatially explicit and we used the are varied, as are the potential pitfalls, which are described in the
values for the specific coastal zones. The temperature was esti- following sections. However, for areas which are data poor, which
mated from the MOM4-TOPAZ Earth System Model, version 2.1 describe the majority of coastlines, particularly in lower income
(IPCC SRES A2 scenario) from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics countries, benefit transfer methods are one option to estimate the
Laboratory.7 Storm frequency and wind speed were determined value of ecosystem services in different areas. The advantages
for each point using meteorology data from the International Best provided by benefit transfer include that it is relatively rapid to
Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS) dataset (Knapp assess, compared with collecting information at the sites and
et al., 2010). Population density of the cells containing the study hence it is also less expensive (Hanley et al., 2006).
sites were obtained from Center for International Earth Science The actual benefit transfer procedure was performed according
Information Network (CIESIN; CIESIN, 2005). Regional variables to the following steps. The spatially explicit, continuous, explana-
are introduced in the model to capture fixed regional effect, such tory values used in this analysis were then calculated for all coastal
as historical, cultural, demographic, geographic characteristics. The areas, using the global data sets available. To create a spatial
27 countries in the database are divided into five regions, Africa, dataset to which we would transfer our regression function, we
Asia, North America, Caribbean, and Oceania. used the following existing datasets for each ecosystem and
processed them to form a spatial layer where at least one of the
ecosystem types was present. The layer covers the land area
2.3. Meta-analytic regression: Single and multivariable analysis
adjacent to the ecosystem, cell area was at 0.51, in order to include
areas where human communities live and access the resources,
Single variable regressions are conducted to test whether the
and the current available resolution of the spatial information at
economic value of the coastal ecosystem is correlated with the size
the global scale prevented working with a more detailed spatial
of ecosystem, population and GDP per capita of the study area. A
scale. For the mangrove ecosystem type, we used the global
multivariable analysis was also conducted using an Ordinary Least
dataset showing the distribution of mangroves compiled by
Square (OLS) model. Explanatory variables were selected using
UNEP-WCMC in collaboration with the International Society for
stepwise removal starting from the whole set of variables
Mangrove Ecosystems (ISME—Spalding et al., 1997). For the coral
described in the previous section. Various model specifications
reef data we used spatial data from 1997 from United Nations
were tested, including testing for interactions between the eco-
Environment Program—World Conservation Monitoring Center
system type and the ecosystem service. According to the BOX–COX
(Spalding et al., 2001; United Nations Environment Program—
test, the LOG–LOG functional form is the best fit for this study. A
World Conservation Monitoring Center (2003)). For the wetlands
regression with robust standard errors was performed to account
data, we used the data described in the category of “coastal
for heteroskedasticity (p o0.05) and deviation of the distribution
wetlands” in the Global Lakes and Wetlands Database (GLWD;
of residuals from normality. Multicollinearity was not found to
Lehner and Döll, 2004). Then the remaining data sets listed above
affect the model (max VIF o 10).
were clipped to the cover the same areas as the ecosystem layer
The OLS model for meta-analytic regression is defined in Eq. (1):
created. For the non-spatial regional information, a proportion
ln Y i ¼ α þ β1 ln X 1i þ β2 ln X 2i þ β3 ln X 3i þ β4 X 4i þ εi ð1Þ based on the studies used in the meta-analytic regression was
calculated and included. The size of the ecosystem was calculated
where: Yi represents the economic value of coastal ecosystem using the average size of ecosystems in the dataset. The benefit
measured by dollar per hectare per year (2003 US$); X1i, X2i, X3i transfer function was run using a raster calculator function in
and X4i are, respectively, the vectors for study-, site-, context- ArcGIS 9.0, and the values were transferred to areas delineated by
specific characteristics, and regional binary variables.8 The coeffi- the ecosystem type layer created above.
cients to be estimated are β1, β2, β3 and β4 and the error term is
denoted by εi. The explanatory variables described above were all
included in the regression and then the model was improved by 3. Results: general results
removing the insignificant variables one-by-one to determine an
In terms of characteristics of the studies used in the meta-
6 analysis, observations from Indonesia, the United States, and
The low, medium, and high impact development indices refer to the intensity
of infrastructure and general development pressure on the area. An area of low Thailand occur the most frequently, at 17, 18, and 7 times,
impact development has a low level of infrastructure and development intensity. respectively. Fifty observations come from Asia, eighteen observa-
Temperature was initially included because we hypothesized that the tions from the Americas, twelve observations from Caribbean,
temperature of the sea surface close to the ecosystem might affect the ecosystem seven observations from Oceania, three from Africa and two from
function, and thus the ecosystem service valued—especially with respect to coral
health, which has been found to suffer due to thermal stress (Selig et al., 2010).
Europe. Thirty-four of the observations come from peer reviewed
These regional binary variables included Asia, Africa, North America, Car- journals, and 58 are from “gray literature,” working papers or
ibbean, Europe, and Oceania, and the Caribbean was used as the base. technical reports. Based on single correlations, and noting that the

Please cite this article as: Rao, N.S., et al., Global values of coastal ecosystem services: A spatial economic analysis of shoreline
protection values. Ecosystem Services (2015),
N.S. Rao et al. / Ecosystem Services ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎ 5

Ecosystem Service Value (ln $/ha/year 2003)

values are on a per-hectare basis, in the larger ecosystems the 15
average per-hectare value is lower than in small ecosystems
(Fig. 1). The GDP per capita has a positive and significant correla-
tion with the economic value of coastal ecosystem (Fig. 2). The
population density of the study area does not significantly corre-
late with the economic value of coastal ecosystem, with the slope
and R2 close to zero (Fig. 3).
3.1. Econometric results

Econometric results of the OLS regressions are reported in

Table 1, with the model chosen for a benefit transfer denoted as
Model 1. Model 1 is the preferred model, with an R2 of 0.45 7 8 9 10 11

(F(12,77)¼7.26; Prob4 F¼0.00). The statistical result of the F-test GDP (ln)

rejects the null hypothesis and suggests that all the coefficients are lny Fitted values
jointly significantly different from zero. Given the LOG–LOG
functional form, the coefficients of each continuous independent Fig. 3. Single correlation between the economic value and the GDP per capita
in GDP.
variable refer to the elasticity, the percentage by which the
dependent variable changes with respect to a one percent change
in the independent variable.
The coefficient for the valuation method variable was insignif- service values. The size of ecosystem has a negative and significant
icant for replacement cost and damage cost avoided, but signifi- impact on the economic value of coastal ecosystem. The economic
cant for contingent valuation (at the 1% level) when compared to value of one hectare of coastal ecosystem is expected to decrease
the category which included market price valuations. When by 0.32% with respect to a one percent increase in the size of
compared to using market prices, using replacement cost or ecosystem. Mangroves have a negative and significant impact on
damage cost avoided methods does not bring a different impact ecosystem service value, while coral reefs have a negative but not
on the economic value of coastal ecosystem, however, using significant impact. Real GDP per capita affects the economic value
contingent valuation will yield significantly higher ecosystem of coastal ecosystem positively, and significantly (p ¼0.007), which
confirms the results of the single variable correlations. The
regression results show that the study sites which have a low
Ecosystem Service Value (ln $/ha/year 2003)

impact development index from the GLOBIO3 model have lower
economic value than the study sites having medium or high levels
of development. Several of the datasets which had been processed
10 and used for the analysis were not included in the final model
specification, including the regional indicator variables, the biodi-
versity indices, latitude/longitude, and the publication status
because they were insignificant. A second model was estimated,
and the results presented in Table 1. The objective was firstly to
test the robustness of the final model specification to another level
of development from the GLOBIO3 model, as well as to examine
0 whether the temperature variable was masking the significance of
0 5 10 15 the existing variables. The R2 values of models 1 and 2 were
Size (ln) similar, at 0.45 and 0.46, respectively, though specific coefficients
varied in significance between Model 1 and Model 2.
lny Fitted values
R-squared=0.08 The results of the benefit transfer performed using the coeffi-
Fig. 1. Single correlation between the economic value and the size of the cient estimated for Model 1 and are presented spatially in Fig. 4.
ecosystem. The results for the Caribbean region are highlighted in Fig. 5. The
final explanatory variables included in the meta-analytic regres-
sion of the study site were: valuation method, ecosystem type,
Ecosystem Service Value (ln $/ha/year 2003)

15 ecosystem size, GDP per capita, number of storms, wind speed,

average temperature, development impact, and wind speed and
ecosystem interaction terms. The values range from  1.0 to 7.6
((ln)2003 US$/ha/yr), which correspond to 0.4-1998.2 US$/ha/year
in 2003 and 0.51-2529.9 US$/ha/year in 2013.

5 4. Discussion

The negative and significant correlation between the economic

value of coastal ecosystem and the size of ecosystem, suggests the
0 presence of diminishing marginal returns to ecosystem size. The
5 10 15 20 reason for this finding could illustrate an issue of scarcity of the
Population Density (ln) ecosystem resource; the smaller the resource, the more it is valued in
terms of providing critical ecosystem benefits. Other studies, primarily
R-squared=0.00 lny Fitted values
of wetlands, have shown that the size of the ecosystem has a negative
Fig. 2. Single correlation between the economic value and the population density. correlation with the value (see Brander et al., 2006; Ghermandi et al.,

Please cite this article as: Rao, N.S., et al., Global values of coastal ecosystem services: A spatial economic analysis of shoreline
protection values. Ecosystem Services (2015),
6 N.S. Rao et al. / Ecosystem Services ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎

Table 1
Meta-analysis regression results.

Model 1 Model 2

Category Variable Coef. P4t Coef. P4 t

Constant 2.9972 0.28 1.373022 0.569
Valuation method Replacement cost 0.56304 0.38 0.521758 0.402
Damage cost avoided approach 0.6435 0.237 0.744342 0.181
Contingent valuation 3.06231 0.002nnn 2.982701 0.001nnn
Site characteristics Size (log)  0.3156 0.001nnn  0.34026 0.001nnn
Mangroves  1.4726 0.067n  1.56847 0.058n
Coral reefs  0.6517 0.376  0.70467 0.362
Context variables GDP/capita (log) 0.77233 0.007nnn 0.679175 0.024nn
Low impact development  1.5153 0.011nn  1.00793 0.224
High impact development 0.598313 0.431
Average temperature (ln) 0.669321 0.064n
Storms (number) 0.05591 0.049nn 0.05378 0.024
Wind speed  0.0564 0.04nn  0.04062 0.233
Mangrove and wind speed 0.0256 0.431 0.004806 0.908
Coral reef and wind speed 0.07643 0.016nn 0.059393 0.109
Observations 90 90
R2 0.4454 0.4563
F (12,77) 7.26 8.40

Represents significant at 10%, respectively.
Represents significant at 5%, respectively.
Represents significant at 1%, respectively.

Fig. 4. Spatial results of benefit transfer developed from meta-analytic regression function showing the global, coastal distribution of ecosystem service value in regions with
coral reefs, mangroves and coastal wetlands.

2010), but some studies have shown the opposite or constant result that stated preference methods produce higher values than
(Woodward and Wui, 2001). We assume that the values of the replacement cost and avoided damages (see Jerath et al., 2012).
ecosystem service are spread constantly across the entire ecosystem Storm frequency and wind speed were significant in the
for this analysis. However, the hectares which are immediately near analysis, positively increasing the ecosystem service value. This
the coastline may protect coastal communities more than the portions result might indicate that the ecosystem service benefit of shore-
of the ecosystems furthest from the communities. This distance issue line protection is higher in areas where there is more risk of storm
could affect the ecosystem service value of very large ecosystems. damage from these physical drivers of storm damage. The inter-
The single variable correlation, suggests the higher the GDP per action of wind speed and coral reefs was positive, which could
capita, the higher the per-hectare per-year dollar value of the indicate that wind-driven erosion and strong waves lead to higher
coastal ecosystem. Countries with a higher per capita GDP might ecosystem service values. In addition, it could be that coral reefs
value the resources at a higher level over and above the PPP protect higher value recreational beaches while mangroves are not
adjusted levels for a variety of reasons, including the quality of usually surrounding beach recreation areas. Mangroves them-
infrastructure, development and livelihoods which are protected selves have a negative and significant effect on ecosystem service
from storms in these areas. Higher property values in some of value. Coral reefs and coastal wetlands may be surrounding areas
these areas could affect this result. Higher adjusted per capita GDP of higher value, more infrastructure, and higher GDP than
contributing to higher ecosystem service value was mirrored in mangroves.
the meta-analytic regression results, at a high level of significance. Globally, it has been estimated that windstorms have caused
The coefficient on the method of contingent valuation method considerable property damage, and these include hurricanes, cyclones
is large, positive, and significant, consistent with studies that show and tropical storms (Costanza et al., 2008; Arkema et al., 2013).

Please cite this article as: Rao, N.S., et al., Global values of coastal ecosystem services: A spatial economic analysis of shoreline
protection values. Ecosystem Services (2015),
N.S. Rao et al. / Ecosystem Services ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎ 7

Fig. 5. Spatial results showing the coastal distribution of ecosystem service value in regions with coral reefs, mangroves and coastal wetlands in the Caribbean.

The inclusion of the physical parameters of storm frequency and wind compounds the effects of geography. Nevertheless, geographical
speed is a unique contribution to this study, as these physical trends can be seen in the map representing the results of the benefit
parameters are directly mitigated by each of the coastal ecosystems transfer. Poorer areas of the world, as defined by GDP and low
examined. Indeed the inclusion of storm frequency and wind speed in development status, are associated with areas of lower ecosystem
a meta-analytic regression shows that the physical parameters have an service value in our model. Compared to high and medium develop-
effect on the value of the ecosystem service, and this effect would not ment sites, low impact development sites have lower values. High
be easily captured through primary valuation research. As tropical development sites are well developed with hotels, houses and facil-
storms and cyclones are a major factor for coastal communities, ities. Therefore, the dollar value of storm protection of ecosystem is
especially countries in hurricane and storm zones, physical storm higher because the value at risk is higher and in addition replacement
information may become more important to integrate into valuation cost or damage avoided approach have been used. While coastal
research. As discussed above, the size of the ecosystem and wave populations continue to grow, which fuels development on coasts, the
attenuation may be linked. Koch et al. (2009) note that the edges of cost of this development varies greatly between different locations. In
the biotic structures receive the majority of the wave energy and thus general some types of coastal infrastructure increase the risks of
provide the majority of wave attenuation. For this study, we assumed flooding. In studies of coastal zones, there are some population effects
linearity of the ecosystem service provision, but this assumption can which might be affecting the geographic results. For example the
be explored further with a decay function, in order to determine how Small Island States have a similar level of urban percentage in the
the value may change with distance to the ecosystem edge. In addition coastal zone as Africa (13%), but have only a slightly higher total
to size, the ecosystem service value may vary by season as well, and population in the coastal zone (16%) as world averages (13%;
some of this variation would be captured by the storm frequency McGranahan et al., 2007). Of course these States have a higher
variable. Storm and hurricane frequency and impact is a major issue in proportion of land itself in the coastal zone, and are at generally low
the Caribbean region, and will be discussed in Section 4.1. development status and a lack of resources inland, so will have a
Geographical indicator variables of region were not significant— difficult time building resilience to storm events. Conversely, Asia has
and in fact were correlated with GDP per capita—and hence were very large populations in delta regions despite having a relatively
excluded from the final analysis. As with similar meta-analyses (see small percentage of land in the coastal zone (McGranahan et al.,
Brander et al., 2006), the distribution of sites is not a reflection of the 2007); the large inland areas and stronger economies can help Asian
distribution of these ecosystems on the globe. Further, more than one populations withstand storm effects, given similar reliance on ecosys-
observation can be taken from the same study site, which further tems as populations in Small Island States.

Please cite this article as: Rao, N.S., et al., Global values of coastal ecosystem services: A spatial economic analysis of shoreline
protection values. Ecosystem Services (2015),
8 N.S. Rao et al. / Ecosystem Services ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎

In terms of the benefit transfer, from Fig. 4 we can see some the use of valuation is to support potential national level marine
geographic variation. Low values for ecosystem services can be seen protection legislation in Belize (Clarke et al., 2013).
in most of the coastlines of Africa which are included. This may be Shoreline ecosystem integrity, and hence the value of shoreline
due to the low impact development variable from the GLOBIO3 protection, is highly affected by human pressure in the Caribbean. For
model, which will drive the ecosystem service value lower. Indeed in example, pressure is exerted through overfishing, development, pollu-
Africa and parts of Asia, the lower development might lead to low tion, and climate change on over 75% of Caribbean coral reefs (Waite
values, especially if damage cost avoided is a main valuation et al., 2014; Burke et al., 2011). Development along the coastal zone in
method, because the coastal infrastructure is less developed. Higher the Caribbean will affect the ecosystem service values in different
values can be seen in the parts of North America, Europe the Middle ways from our model results. Increasing development on the coastline
East and Australia. These values are likely driven by GDP and may decrease the extent of the ecosystem, and while we found
development, which affects the ecosystem service value positively. diminishing marginal returns to size of the ecosystem, the increase
Intermediate values are observed in the Caribbean, South and in total size will affect ecosystem service value positively. Also, when
Southeast Asia, driven by a combination of factors, such as varied the coastal ecosystem size is diminished, then vulnerable communities
GDP per capita values, and development levels, and presence of the who depend on the coastal resource will be adversely affected. While
different ecosystem types, which interact in opposite directions. regional policy is more difficult to implement than country-level
Additionally, perhaps whether or not the site is located on an island policy, the importance of the coastal ecosystem service to protect
might affect the ecosystem service value, because the island nations property from storm surge through wave attenuation, which has been
seem to present intermediate values compared to the values of valued in several studies used in this meta-analysis, gives a good
mainland continents. As noted above, the interaction between incentive for environmental planners to preserve the size of the
proportion of land in coastal zone, population in coastal zone and existing habitat, which is a policy implication of our study. This is
urban population in coastal zone might affect the results of the especially true for countries in the eastern part of Central America, as
regression and benefit transfer.9 Finally, given the results of the well as island countries, such as Haiti and the Dominican Republic,
regression it was expected that the highest values are found in where very low values of ecosystem service value were found.10
developed countries with high GDP per capita and high level of Policies which protect ecosystems from destruction or degra-
coastal development. Contrary to expectations we did not find a dation, especially in areas with lower ecosystem service values,
statistically significant effect of population density on the values; would allow those coastal residents who depend heavily on the
this may be due to the fact that coastal protection values will ecosystem protection. Habitat integrity may affect Caribbean
primarily be felt by the population living within a few hundred shoreline protection values, for example, pollution has increased
meters from the coast, but given the current resolution of the coral reef die-off in the region, and Barbados is one country which
underlying GIS layers, we are unable to capture the population instituted management to address this (DeGeorges et al. 2010).
density at such level of detail. Finally, the notable contribution of this Increased development might increase the estimated ecosystem
benefit transfer is to estimate ecosystem service values in policy service value of the area, based on the regression results (though
sites where shoreline protection studies have not been performed. not significantly). Policy-makers could examine development,
However, we do note that the map estimates must be applied with conservation, and size of the ecosystem when designing policies
care in regions where there are fewer studies, such as Africa or with respect to shoreline protection ecosystem service.
Europe in our study. In the context of decision-making and policy in the coming
years, climate change and climate change adaptation options will be
very important. Jones et al. (2012) found that ecosystem-based
4.1. The Caribbean region adaptation in coastal zones is a critical component to protect coastal
communities from climate change impacts. While the results of this
The result of the meta-analytic regression and benefit transfer study used the methods described in Section 2, there are comple-
for the Caribbean region is shown in Fig. 5. The variation and mentary modeling efforts using either process-based, engineering,
trends across the Caribbean are similar to the variation around the or geospatial information that can be integrated with a meta-
world, and broadly due to reasons outlined above in Section 3.1. analytic regression analysis approach to inform policy at a lower
This region is a natural example of a subset of the global analysis, spatial resolution. For example, there have been modeling efforts to
as it contains a large proportion of the studied ecosystems, estimate damages from sea level rise using geospatial and economic
seasonal hurricanes, and a high proportion of coastal zones per information (Simpson et al., 2010), general climate change impacts
country. Additionally, the Caribbean region has been the subject of on Caribbean countries (Haites et al., 2002).
many ecosystem service valuations to date (Schuhmann, 2012;
MESP, 2013), some of which were used in this study. Hence, the 4.2. General policy implications
Caribbean region offers a unique location to examine how the
results of this research can be integrated into policy. Indeed, in The study has implications for policy in terms of coastal
most cases, ecosystem service valuations are performed for a populations. In Southeast Asia, coral reefs and mangroves are
specific policy reason, such as to estimate compensation or the extensive, yet the model predicted low to intermediate ecosystem
effect of a regulation. The purposes in the Caribbean are similar, service values, adjusted for 2003 levels. In future studies, it might
where ecosystem service valuation has recently been examined in be important to explore the implications of the level of the impact
the context of decision-making in the Caribbean (Waite et al.,
2014). With respect to shoreline protection policy, one example of
Policies which protect ecosystems from destruction or degradation, espe-
cially in areas with lower ecosystem service values, would allow those coastal
The analysis would be improved by using a decay function for the estimated residents who depend heavily on the ecosystem protection. Habitat integrity may
ecosystem service capacity based on the distance of the ecosystem from the affect Caribbean shoreline protection values, for example, pollution has increased
community site. In the future, the relationship could be examined using finer scale coral reef die-off in the region, and Barbados is one country which instituted
income measures such as the GCP data (Nordhaus, 2006) within the regression management to address this (DeGeorges et al. 2010). Increased development might
analysis, or local, municipal-level coastal income indicators could be used. It is increase the estimated ecosystem service value of the area, based on the regression
possible also that the GDP of the entire country per capita might not reflect results (though not significantly). Policy-makers could examine development,
accurately those areas which depend on ecosystem services, and not engineering conservation, and size of the ecosystem when designing policies with respect to
solutions, for storm protection. shoreline protection ecosystem service.

Please cite this article as: Rao, N.S., et al., Global values of coastal ecosystem services: A spatial economic analysis of shoreline
protection values. Ecosystem Services (2015),
N.S. Rao et al. / Ecosystem Services ∎ (∎∎∎∎) ∎∎∎–∎∎∎ 9

development index in at these study sites; populations in some Hargreaves-Allen for methodological, technical and editorial
areas might not construct high value homes in developing coun- support.
tries, and this will affect the damage costs, for example, and have
implications for resilience to natural events. The combination of
meta-analytic regression and spatial benefit transfer is a method Appendix A. Bibliography of studies used in the meta-analysis
which is less expensive than conducting a series of primary
studies, and hence used for environmental decision-making. Badola and Hussain (2005), Bann (1997, 1999), Barbier (2007b),
Further research to inform applications to environmental decision- Berg et al. (1998), Burke et al. (2002, 2011), Carleton and Lawrence
making must account for the combination of ecosystem services (2005), Cesar (2002, 1996), Cesar et al. (2003, 2000), Christensen
and the ultimate effects on ecosystem service value; the impor- (1982), Cooper et al. (2009), Costanza et al. (1989), de Lopez (2003),
tance of including finer scale income measures to understand Emerton and Kekulandala (2003), Farber (1987, 1996), Farber and
issues of vulnerability and resilience to ecosystem function; the Costanza (1987), Gunawardena and Rowan (2005), Gustavson
interaction between income, coastal settlements and development (1998), Hargreaves-Allen (2004), Howorth (1982), IUCN (2006),
levels; and how different information on storm frequency and JacobsGIBB Ltd (2004), King and Lester (1995), Ledoux (2003),
intensity effects ecosystem service value—and on what time scales. Naylor and Drew (1998), Öhman and Cesar (2000), Pet-Soede et al.
(1999), Ranasinghe and Kallesoe (2006), Ruitenbeek and Cartier
(1999), Samonte-Tan et al. (2007), Sathirathai (1998), Sathirathai and
5. Conclusions Barbier (2001), Seenprachawong (2002), Shabman and Batie (1987),
Spurgeon, (2002), Tri et al. (1996), van Beukering (2007, 2006), van
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protection values. Ecosystem Services (2015),

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