K Pos Autopilot - OM 7.1 PDF

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Kongsberg K-Pos

AutoPilot Mode
Operator Manual
Release 7.1

October 2008
Document history
Document number: 322290
This version describes operation of the Autopilot mode for the
Rev. A October 2008
K-Pos system at basis software release 7.1.1.

The reader
This operator manual is intended as a reference manual for the system operator. This manual is based on
the assumption that the system operator is an experienced DP operator with a good understanding of basic
DP principles and general DP operation. If this is not the case, then the operator should first attend the
appropriate Kongsberg Maritime training courses.

The information contained in this document remains the sole property of Kongsberg Maritime AS. No
part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, and the information
contained within it is not to be communicated to a third party, without the prior written consent of
Kongsberg Maritime AS.
Kongsberg Maritime AS endeavours to ensure that all information in this document is correct and fairly
stated, but does not accept liability for any errors or omissions.

The equipment to which this manual applies must only be used for the purpose for which it was
designed. Improper use or maintenance may cause damage to the equipment and/or injury to personnel.
The user must be familiar with the contents of the appropriate manuals before attempting to operate
or work on the equipment.
Kongsberg Maritime disclaims any responsibility for damage or injury caused by improper installation,
use or maintenance of the equipment.

To assist us in making improvements to the product and to this manual, we welcome comments and
constructive criticism.
e-mail: km.documentation@kongsberg.com

Kongsberg Maritime AS
P.O.Box 483 Telephone: +47 32 28 50 00
N-3601 Kongsberg, Telefax: +47 32 28 50 10
Norway Service: +47 815 35 355
Operator Manual

Table of contents

1 K-POS DP AUTOPILOT....................................................... 5
1.1 Autopilot mode.........................................................................................................5
1.2 Speed control from joystick .....................................................................................5
1.3 Speed control from manual levers............................................................................7
1.4 Changing heading.....................................................................................................7
1.5 Changing Rate Of Turn ............................................................................................8
1.6 Heading Wheel panel ...............................................................................................8
1.6.1 Changing heading ......................................................................................... 8
1.6.2 Changing Rate Of Turn ............................................................................... 10
1.7 Lost gyrocompass measurements ...........................................................................10
2 SETTINGS FOR STEERING ............................................... 11
2.1 Rudder/azimuth limits and steering mode.............................................................. 11
2.2 Steering gain...........................................................................................................17
2.3 Wind forces and thruster moment compensation ...................................................20
3 DISPLAY VIEWS.............................................................. 22
3.1 Performance area ....................................................................................................22
3.2 Conning view .........................................................................................................26
3.2.1 Main view .................................................................................................. 27
3.2.2 Orders and Thruster view ............................................................................ 29
3.2.3 Conning dialog box- view control ................................................................ 31

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AutoPilot Mode

4 322290/A
K-Pos DP Autopilot

This section contains the following topics:
1.1 Autopilot mode ............................................................5
1.2 Speed control from joystick .........................................5
1.3 Speed control from manual levers ...............................7
1.4 Changing heading ........................................................7
1.5 Changing Rate Of Turn................................................8
1.6 Heading Wheel panel ...................................................8
1.7 Lost gyrocompass measurements ..............................10
This manual describes the Autopilot mode, and should be read in
conjunction with the relevant K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual.

1.1 Autopilot mode

The Autopilot mode enables the vessel to steer along a selected
course by accurately and automatically controlling the vessel’s
heading. This mode uses the vessel’s propeller(s) and rudder(s)
or azimuth thrusters.
The Autopilot (Heading control system) has a mark of conformity
(wheelmark) in accordance with the Marine Equipment Directive
(MED) (EU Council Directive 96/98 EC on marine equipment)
of the European Union.
The vessel speed can be controlled either from the joystick on
the operator panel or from manual levers (requires the K-Thrust
thruster control system).
Refer also to the following sections in the relevant K-Pos (OS)
Operator Manual:
• Sensors
• Joystick settings
• Changing the heading setpoint
• Alarm limits dialog box - Position page (heading limits)
• Heading dialog box - Rate Of Turn page
• Thruster Allocation dialog box

1.2 Speed control from joystick

From any K-Pos mode:
1 Ensure that at least two gyro compasses are enabled.
• If this requirement is not met, the alarm message
“Heading monitor requires 2nd source” is issued.
2 Ensure that at least one speed sensor is enabled.
• If this requirement is not met, the alarm message “Speed
sensor dropout” is issued.

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AutoPilot Mode

3 Ensure that the system is prepared for manual input of speed

(i.e. the Enable - Manual check box is selected in the Sensors
dialog box - Speed page).
4 Check that the required thrusters are enabled.
5 Use the Steering dialog box to set the required steering
• Rudder/azimuth limits and steering mode (see
Rudder/azimuth limits and steering mode on page 11).
• Steering gain (see Steering gain on page 17).
• Wind forces and thruster moment compensation (see
Wind forces and thruster moment compensation on
page 20).
6 Press the AUTO PILOT button in the MODES button group
twice within four seconds.
• The AUTO PILOT and YAW status lamps become lit.
• The vessel heading is controlled automatically (see
Changing heading on page 7).
• The vessel speed is controlled from the joystick.
• If the vessel’s rotation center is other than Midships when
entering Autopilot mode, it is automatically changed to
Midships, and the information message “Midships as
rotation center” is issued.
7 Move the joystick in the alongships direction until the
required demand on the thrusters/propellers is reached.
8 When sufficient speed is achieved, you can select Free run
as follows:
a Select Thrusters→Allocation Mode.
• The Thruster Allocation dialog box is displayed.

6 322290/A
K-Pos DP Autopilot

b Select Free Run - On and click on the Apply or OK

• The Free run thruster allocation mode must be
activated if full speed is to be available.
• For more information about this dialog box, refer
to the Thruster Allocation dialog box section in the
relevant K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual.
9 To leave Autopilot mode, go to Joystick mode by pressing
the JOYSTICK button in the MODES button group twice
within four seconds.

1.3 Speed control from manual levers

With an Integrated Automation System from Kongsberg installed,
the vessel speed can be controlled using levers at the K-Thrust
thruster control system while heading control is retained at the
K-Pos system. Refer to DP control functions in the K-Thrust
Operator Manual for more information.

1.4 Changing heading

There are several ways to change heading in Autopilot mode:
• By using the Heading Wheel and its associated HEADING
Changing heading on page 8.
• By marking a new heading setpoint on the Posplot view as
described in Changing the heading setpoint in the K-Pos (OS)
Operator Manual.
• By using the Heading dialog box as described in Changing the
heading setpoint in the K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual.
When changing the heading setpoint from the Heading dialog
box, the turn direction will depend on the new heading
setpoint. The shortest turn is always used.

• By disabling automatic YAW control and manually controlling

the rudder/azimuth angle (steering) directly by rotating the
joystick. When the required heading is reached, YAW control
must again be enabled.
When YAW is disabled, the HdgMode MANUAL will be shown
on the status bar.

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AutoPilot Mode

1.5 Changing Rate Of Turn

There are two ways to change the Rate Of Turn in Autopilot
• By using the RATE OF TURN buttons (DECREASE and
INCREASE) on each side of the Heading Wheel. See
Changing Rate Of Turn on page 10.
• By using the Rate Of Turn page of the Heading dialog box as
described in Rate Of Turn page in the K-Pos (OS) Operator

1.6 Heading Wheel panel

In Autopilot mode the Heading Wheel panel (see Figure 1) can
be used for changing the heading setpoint and the Rate Of Turn

Figure 1 Heading Wheel panel

1.6.1 Changing heading

You can change the heading setpoint using the Heading Wheel
and its HEADING buttons (from left to right), DECREASE,
ACTIVATE and INCREASE (see Figure 1).
To change the heading setpoint:

8 322290/A
K-Pos DP Autopilot

• The Heading Setpoint dialog box is displayed.

2 With the Heading Setpoint dialog box displayed, rotate the

Heading Wheel clockwise or counter-clockwise to increase
(to starboard) or decrease (to port) the heading setpoint, or
use the DECREASE and INCREASE buttons (typically 0.1
degree for each press).
When not used, the dialog box is automatically closed,
however, the dialog box can also be closed by pressing the
ACTIVATE button or any one of the Heading Wheel panel
buttons that are not associated with Heading.
The Heading Setpoint dialog box must be displayed if rotation
of the Heading Wheel is to have an effect.

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AutoPilot Mode

1.6.2 Changing Rate Of Turn

You can change the Rate Of Turn setpoint using the RATE OF
TURN buttons on each side of the Heading Wheel, DECREASE
(left side) and INCREASE (right side) (see Figure 1).
To change the Rate Of Turn setpoint:
1 Press the DECREASE or INCREASE button once.
• The Rate Of Turn dialog box is displayed.

2 With the Rate Of Turn dialog box displayed, press the

DECREASE or INCREASE button to change the Rate Of
Turn setpoint (typically 1 degree/minute for each press).
When not used, the dialog box is automatically closed,
however, the dialog box can also be closed by pressing
any one of the Heading Wheel panel buttons that are not
associated with Rate Of Turn.

1.7 Lost gyrocompass measurements

If the measurements from all enabled gyrocompasses are lost, the
moment demand from the Autopilot will be frozen.
The heading setpoint is automatically set to Present Heading.
However, this does not influence the vessel’s movement. Present
Heading is indicated by:
• The PRESENT HEADING status lamp on the operator panel
being lit
• The status of HdgMode on the status bar being set to
Perform any actions that may be required to control the vessel’s
movement; for example, go to manual steering by disabling
automatic YAW control.
If the vessel is in Autopilot mode with automatic YAW control
when the gyrocompasses again are enabled, the heading setpoint
is automatically set to Present Heading. You must ensure that this
is the wanted heading.

10 322290/A
Settings for steering


This section contains the following topics:
2.1 Rudder/azimuth limits and steering mode ................. 11
2.2 Steering gain ..............................................................17
2.3 Wind forces and thruster moment
compensation .............................................................20

2.1 Rudder/azimuth limits and steering mode

The Steering page of the Steering dialog box allows you to:
• Set angle limits for the rudders and/or azimuth thrusters within
which the rudders/azimuth thrusters are allowed to operate.
• Select which pre-configured steering group is to be used for
steering the vessel.
• Select the steering mode which determines how the selected
steering group is used to steer the vessel.
• Set maximum steering and propulsion force.
To display the Steering page, select AutoPilot →Steering (to
display the Steering dialog box) and then, if necessary, click the
Steering tab.

Figure 2 Steering dialog box - Steering page

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AutoPilot Mode

The vessel configuration determines the options that are available
on this dialog box.

The system is pre-configured with:

• The thrusters available for steering (steering units).
• The thrusters to provide only alongships force (force units).
• The steering units grouping into steering groups.
The dialog box shown in Figure 2 would be displayed for the
example vessel configuration shown in Figure 3. This example
vessel has three steering groups, each comprising two steering
units. These thrusters are also configured for use as force units.
The illustrations shown in the following pages are details of the
Thruster Main view.

Figure 3 Example vessel configuration. The thrusters are

represented by numbers.

In Autopilot mode with automatic heading control, the system
will not turn the rudders/azimuth thrusters beyond the specified
limit. At high speeds, a relatively small limit such as five degrees
is often used.
If you try to enter angle values beyond predefined limits, a
message instructing you to correct the values will be displayed.
In Autopilot mode with joystick heading control, the system
will not turn the rudders/azimuth thrusters beyond the specified

12 322290/A
Settings for steering

limit. This limit is usually set to a high value (for example, the
maximum physical angle for rudders or 40 degrees for azimuth
thrusters) so that the maximum steering effect can be achieved.
If you try to enter angle values beyond predefined limits, a
message instructing you to correct the values will be displayed.
Steering Mode
This determines how the steering units within the active steering
group are used to steer the vessel, and is not available if there
is only one steering unit. Steering Group Aux is used in the
following examples (for a description of steering groups, see
Steering Group later in this section).

Figure 4 Synchronous steering mode

Synchronous — Both steering units have the same azimuth angle

and are used to generate the directional force.

Figure 5 Asynchronous Auto steering mode

Asynchronous Auto — Only one steering unit is used to generate

the directional force, while the other is fixed alongships. The
steering unit is selected automatically depending on the turn

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AutoPilot Mode

Figure 6 Asynchronous Starboard steering mode

Asynchronous Starboard — The starboard steering unit generates

the directional force. The port steering unit is fixed alongships.

Figure 7 Asynchronous Port steering mode

Asynchronous Port — The port steering unit generates the

directional force. The starboard steering unit is fixed alongships.

Figure 8 Fixed angle steering mode

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Settings for steering

Fixed angle — The steering thrusters are at fixed angles.

Changing RPM and pitch are used to obtain moment demand.
Steering Group
In Autopilot mode, you can select the preconfigured steering
group to be used for steering the vessel. This option is not
available if there is only one defined steering group.
In the example shown in Figure 3, you can select between the
Emerg, Aux and Propeller steering groups.
The figures below show the effect of selecting these steering
groups when the Synchronous steering mode is also selected.
Steering units belonging to groups which are not selected for
steering provide only alongships force.
Steering group Emerg, demand to port.

Steering group Aux, demand to port.

Steering group Propeller, demand to port.

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AutoPilot Mode

Max Force Limit

The system will first apply force using the steering units, before
using the force units. In this way, steering is prioritised over
alongships propulsion.
The limit at which the system begins to apply force using the
force units in addition to the steering units is determined by
the Max Force Limit for Propulsion and the Max Force Limit for
Steering entries.
Max Force Limit for Propulsion cannot exceed Max Force Limit
for Steering. An Illegal Value dialog box is displayed if you try to
enter a higher value in the for Propulsion spin box than in the for
Steering spin box.
For the Max Force Limit for Propulsion to apply, the Max Force
Limit for Propulsion check box (see Figure 2) must be selected.
When this check box is not selected, the Max Force Limit for
Propulsion is 100 %.
If the vessel is configured with only one steering group and there
are no additional force units, these entries are not displayed on
the dialog box.
In the following examples the Max Force Limit for Propulsion is
set to 60% and the Max Force Limit for Steering is set to 90%.
The steering units are thrusters 7 and 8 (Steering Group Aux).
No thrust is applied using the force units
until the force demand reaches 90% on the
steering units.

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Settings for steering

When the force demand is equal to 90% on

the steering units, they are frozen at this
level until the force units reach 60%.

Above this level there are three possibilities. The system

configuration determines the one which applies:
• The steering units will increase (if necessary) to 100%, while
the force units are still limited to 60%.
• The steering units are limited to 90% and the force units are
limited to 60% even though the force demand is higher.
• The force units are limited to 60% until the steering units
reach 100%. The force units then start increasing if necessary.

2.2 Steering gain

A gain level can be applied to the yaw axis in Autopilot mode
using the Gain page of the Steering dialog box.
The Counter Rudder and Auto Trim gain can also be set.
To display the Gain page, select AutoPilot →Steering (to display
the Steering dialog box) and then click the Gain tab.

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AutoPilot Mode

Figure 9 Steering dialog box - Gain page

Gain Level
Automatic gain is available in Autopilot mode. When this option
is selected, the system computes the appropriate gain level based
on the vessel speed.
You must clear the Automatic check box before you can select
the Gain level.
Low Med. High
You can select one of three predefined controller gain levels:
Low (50%), Med. (Medium) (100%) or High (150%). The
selected gain level applies to the yaw axis when Autopilot mode
is selected.
(Operator defined)
The Gain Level can also be set in the complete range from 50% to
150% by clicking the up/down arrows or typing in the required
Different gain factors for each of the three standard gain levels
are defined to suit the characteristics of the vessel. The deviations
in heading and rate of turn are multiplied by the selected gain
factor to obtain the required force demand.

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Settings for steering

If a new mode is selected where Automatic gain is not allowed,

the controller gain level is automatically changed to the default
value, and a warning is displayed in the Event List window.
The most suitable gain level depends on the vessel characteristics,
the weather conditions and the required positioning accuracy.
Operational experience therefore plays a large part in determining
the optimum gain level, but the following general points should
be noted:
• High gain provides the quickest vessel response and the most
accurate manoeuvring.
• Medium gain provides a slower vessel response than high
• Low gain provides the slowest vessel response.
Refer to the Controller Mode and Gain Level selection section in
the relevant K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual for further details.
Counter Rudder
This can be set in the range from 50 to 150%, with a default of
The Counter Rudder serves two purposes, firstly to give a smooth
transition to a new heading after a major course change, and
secondly to enable the autopilot to stabilise the vessel on a
straight course.
If the Counter Rudder setting is too low, there may be an
overshoot past the new heading and it may take a long time
before the new heading is stabilised.
If the Counter Rudder setting is too high, there may be an
over-correction followed by a small overshoot past the new
heading, and the vessel may tend to oscillate around the new
heading. A typical symptom here is an over-active rudder.

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AutoPilot Mode

Figure 10 Effects of Counter Rudder settings

Auto Trim
This corrects for static heading deviation due to weather forces.
The Auto Trim can be set in the range from 50 to 150%, with a
default of 100%.
A low Auto Trim setting (minimum 50%) results in a slower
correction of static heading deviation.
A high Auto Trim setting (maximum 150%) results in a faster
correction of static heading deviation.
When this button is clicked, Gain Level, Counter Rudder and
Auto Trim are reset to the default settings.

2.3 Wind forces and thruster moment

The Compensate page of the Steering dialog box is related to
Autopilot mode and can be used to enable or disable wind forces
compensation and thruster moment compensation.
To display the Compensate page, select AutoPilot→Steering (to
display the Steering dialog box) and then click the Compensate

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Settings for steering

Figure 11 Steering dialog box - Compensate page

Wind Forces compensation
This can be enabled/disabled by selecting/clearing the check
box. When wind force compensation is enabled, the vessel will
react much more quickly to sudden changes in wind speed and
Moment compensation
When the vessel speed is controlled by manual levers and the
vessel heading is controlled by the K-Pos system, the K-Pos
system normally compensates automatically for the turning
moment generated by the force thrusters. When the Moment
compensation check box is selected for a thruster, the system
reads the feedback signal from that thruster and takes account
of the resulting turning force.
If there is known to be a fault situation where the feedback
from a particular force thruster is unreliable, you can clear the
corresponding Moment compensation check box. The K-Pos
system will no longer compensate for the effect of this thruster.

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AutoPilot Mode

This section contains the following topics:
3.1 Performance area .......................................................22
3.2 Conning view .............................................................26

3.1 Performance area

The performance area shows important performance information
to allow immediate assessment of the situation. The content
of this view cannot be altered by the operator, but change
automatically according to the selected mode.
Several parts of the performance area are click-sensitive. At the
same time as the cursor image changes when it is moved over a
click-sensitive object, a hotspot cursor text in a yellow frame (the
tooltip) is displayed for a few seconds. This text explains the
use of the click-sensitive object.

Figure 12 Performance area (example with Autopilot mode selected)

This shows status information for gyrocompasses, wind

sensors, VRSs, thrusters and position-reference systems.
The Gyro, Wind and VRS indicators (orange lamp and
text) are only shown when the gyrocompasses/sensors are
either disabled or not functioning correctly. The Thrusters
indicator (orange lamp and the text Thrust) is only shown
when one or more of the vessels three axis (surge, sway
or yaw) are under automatic control and the thrust being
provided by the propulsion system is insufficient to
maintain automatic control.
Reference Systems shows the status for each
position-reference system or transponder. The information
displayed is similar to the reference system status
information in the Refsys view (refer to the relevant K-Pos
(OS) Operator Manual). In addition, the position Offset
during the last second is displayed as a bar graph (portion
of 10 m) for each reference system.

22 322290/A
Display views

The Gyro/Wind/VRS and Reference Systems areas are

click-sensitive. The ordinary cursor changes to a pointing
hand when positioned over these areas. Clicking the left
trackball button displays the relevant display view in the
working area: the Sensors view or the RefSys Status view.
This shows the consumed power for each
connect-switchboard in graphical form as a percentage of
available power.
The view is dynamically updated to always reflects the
current bus topology.
This area is click-sensitive. The ordinary cursor changes to
a pointing hand when positioned over this area. Clicking
the left trackball button displays the Power view in the
working area.

This shows numerical and graphical information relevant

for manual and automatic heading control functions. The
information changes automatically according to the selected
In Autopilot mode with automatic heading control:
The vessel heading is shown graphically against a rotating
compass rose and as a numeric value.
The displayed vessel heading is from the gyrocompass in
use. This is indicated by the name of the gyrocompass
being shown to the right of the heading value.
If no gyrocompasses are enabled, or the gyrocompass
measurements are invalid, the vessel heading as estimated
by the Vessel Model, based on the last known measured
heading from the gyrocompass, is displayed. This is
indicated by the colour of the numeric value for the vessel
heading changing to red and the red text Model being shown
to the right of the heading value.
The heading setpoint is shown graphically on the compass
rose as a vertical purple line.
The left (pink) and right (pale green) arrows indicate the
direction in which the vessel is turning; Port (left pink
arrow) or Starboard (right pale green arrow).
The heading area is click-sensitive. The ordinary cursor
changes to a pointing hand when positioned over this area.
Clicking the left trackball button opens up the Sensors
dialog box.
The vessel’s Rate Of Turn (ROT) is shown numerically
(Port or Stbd).

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AutoPilot Mode

The heading deviation is shown both graphically

and numerically. The heading deviation is indicated
dynamically by a two-directional bar which represents the
deviation from the heading setpoint. The colour of the bar
changes in relation to the warning and alarm limits for
heading deviation (if active). If the deviation exceeds the
available display range, a plus (+) sign is displayed in the
An arrow symbol shows whether the estimated heading
is moving towards (decreasing deviation) or away from
(increasing deviation) the heading setpoint. This arrow
changes colour depending on increasing or decreasing
This area is click-sensitive. The ordinary cursor changes to
a pointing hand when positioned over this area. Clicking the
left trackball button opens up the Alarm Limits dialog box.
In Autopilot mode with joystick heading control:
The steering angle for each of the vessel’s rudders is shown
by two, two-directional bars and a numeric value.

The joystick setpoint and response in surge is shown

graphically and numerically.
The joystick setpoint is indicated by the purple left bar and
shown as a percentage value (Ahead or Astern).
The obtained response (feedback) is indicated by the green
right bar.
The tilt of the joystick is indicated by the position of the
filled purple circle.
The joystick setpoint relative to the joystick tilt depends on
the joystick thrust and the active joystick precision settings.

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Display views

This is the present position and the present true speed

(relative to the ground) both forward/aft (surge axis) and
port/starboard (sway axis).

This is the Force Balance area.

The direction and magnitude of the thruster turning moment
is indicated by the green, two-directional bar located at the
top of the area.
If the yaw axis is under automatic control and the thruster
force being used to maintain the vessel on the wanted
heading exceeds predefined limit values for percentage of
available thruster force, the colour of the two-directional
bar changes (typical values):
• Orange — 60% to 80%.
• Red — 80% to 100%.
The direction of the thruster force, relative to the fore/aft
and port/starboard axes of the vessel is indicated by a green
arrowhead that points out from the centre of the vessel
symbol. The calculated magnitude of the thruster force
is represented by the shape and size (width) of the green
The direction the wind comes from, relative to the fore/aft
and port/starboard axes of the vessel is indicated by a
rotating purple arrowhead that points in towards the centre
of the vessel symbol. The magnitude of the wind force is
represented by the shape and size (width) of the purple
The identification of the wind sensor in use is shown by
the number following the purple text Wind. If all of the
wind sensors are disabled or become unserviceable the
last known valid wind sensor measurement is used. The
identification number of the wind sensor in use is removed
and the word Manual (in blue) is displayed.

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AutoPilot Mode

When available: The direction the sea current comes from,

relative to the fore/aft and port/starboard axes of the vessel is
indicated by a rotating blue arrowhead that points in towards the
centre of the vessel symbol. The magnitude of the sea current
force is represented by the shape and size (width) of the blue
The Force Balance area is click-sensitive. The ordinary cursor
changes to a pointing hand when positioned over this area.
Clicking the left trackball button displays the thruster main (Thr
Main) view in the working area.

3.2 Conning view

The Conning view provides useful information in Autopilot
mode, especially during transit and manoeuvring.
The Conning view is divided into two subviews, a Main view
and an Orders and Thruster view. To display both views
simultaneously, press the CONNING button on the Operator
Refer to the Selecting a display view section in the User Interface
chapter of the relevant K-Pos (OS) Operator Manual for a
description of how to select display views.

Figure 13 Conning view (example with Autopilot mode selected)

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Display views

3.2.1 Main view

This part of the Conning view shows thruster layout,
gyrocompass and speed sensor status, vessel speed and the
currently used settings for steering. You can also choose to
display a selected trend plot.

Figure 14 Main view (example with Autopilot mode selected)

The OK and Enab (Enabled) status for the

configured gyrocompasses is shown. The
number for the gyrocompass in use is shown
in black.
This is a click-sensitive area where the
ordinary cursor changes to a pointing
hand. Clicking the left trackball button
opens/closes the Sensors dialog box showing
the Gyro page.
When no gyrocompasses are in operation,
the colour of the text OK changes to red, and
the corresponding check boxes are cleared.
When no gyrocompasses are enabled, the
colour of the text Enab changes to red, and
the corresponding check boxes are cleared.

322290/A 27
AutoPilot Mode

This view shows a graphic or numeric

presentation of azimuth and tunnel thrusters
as well as rudders. The graphic symbols
for azimuth and tunnel thrusters, propellers
and rudders contain setpoint (green) and
feedback (purple) information.
If you wish to inspect values of interest,
such as RPM or main propeller, click
on the Numeric button in the view. The
graphic symbols are replaced with a numeric
presentation. Click the button again to return
to graphic symbols.
If a thruster is not enabled, it will not be
displayed in the main view.

The source providing vessel speed data.

If a speed sensor is selected to provide this data, an In Use check
box followed by a speed sensor’s name is shown e.g. DOP 1 for a
Doppler log speed sensor and GPS 1 for a GPS speed sensor. The
sensor to be displayed is selected from the Conning view control
dialog box. When the sensor that is providing data is displayed,
the In Use check box is shown selected.
If no speed sensors are selected or available, the vessel speed data
is provided by the vessel model and the red text Model is shown.
The red colour of the text indicates that system performance is
If no speed sensors are selected or available and the system is
prepared for manual speed input, then the red text Manual speed
in use is shown. The red colour of the text indicates that system
performance is downgraded.
Speed “direction” is indicated green (forwards/port) or
pink (reverse/starboard) arrows, in addition to a numerical
presentation. The letter G or W indicates if the speed is shown
relative to Ground or Water.

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Display views

Using the Conning view control dialog box

for view control, you can choose to display
a selected trend plot.

The gain level, counter rudder and auto trim
are displayed. How to set these settings are
explained in Steering gain on page 17.
Wind compensation:
When wind compensation is enabled, the
vessel will react more quickly to sudden
changes in wind speed and direction.
Rudder limits:
The automatic parameter is used when the
heading is under automatic control, while
manual is used if heading is controlled
directly by the operator.

3.2.2 Orders and Thruster view

This part of the Conning view shows orders information and
thruster force setpoint and feedback.
If the Orders and Thruster view is not displayed, position the
cursor on the lower left hand side of the display and click the
right mouse button. Select Conn Order and Thr from the menu.
The Orders and Thruster view is displayed.
You can also press the CONNING button on the Operator Panel
to display the Main view and the Orders and Thruster view

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AutoPilot Mode

Figure 15 Orders and Thruster view (example with Autopilot

mode selected)

The turn radius and speed setpoint values

are shown numerically. In Autopilot mode
no radius and speed setpoints are shown
(dashed lines).
The heading setpoint value is shown
The Rate Of Turn (ROT) setpoint value
is shown numerically (applies only when
the vessel is turning). When auto YAW is
disabled, no heading and ROT setpoints are
shown (dashed lines).
If the Autopilot is remotely controlled
(e.g. headings setpoint from K-Bridge),
additional information is shown and the
text “Remote Enabled” is displayed. If the
Autopilot is not controlled from external
equipment, the text “Remote Disabled” is
displayed. The information is only shown
if the system is prepared for remote control

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Display views

This shows the water depth measured by

depth sensors (if available).
This shows the direction of the force setpoint
and feedback, indicated by arrows.
The bar graphs and numerical values show
the setpoint and feedback thrust force in
alongships and athwartships direction, as
well as the moment.

3.2.3 Conning dialog box- view control

To display the view control dialog box:
1 Place the cursor anywhere in the Conning view and click the
right trackball button.
• A shortcut menu is displayed.
2 Click View Control on this menu.
• The Conning dialog box is displayed, showing the view
controls for the trend plot.

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AutoPilot Mode

Figure 16 Conning view control dialog box - Trend

plot controls

The trend plot to be displayed.
Time span
The time span for the trend plot.
Y axis Range...
Displays the Y-Axis Range dialog box (see Figure 17). This
dialog box allows you to set the upper and lower limits for the
y-axis plot range manually, or to select automatic scaling for the
y-axis plot range.
Speed Log
Allows you to select among various speed logs to be displayed.
It is also possible to select speed values based on the controller’s
estimate (Model).

Figure 17 Y-Axis range dialog box

Selecting this option will set the Y-axis range automatically.
Allows you to set the Upper and Lower Y-axis range limits

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Display views

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©2008 Kongsberg Maritime

Kongsberg Maritime AS
P.O.Box 483 Telephone: +47 32 28 50 00
N-3601 Kongsberg, Telefax: +47 32 28 50 10
Norway Service: +47 815 35 355

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