Consumer Behaviour: Name: Munazza Ahmed Hashmi Roll #: 2017-BBA-001 Section: A Submitted To: Miss Zarmeena Malik

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Name: Munazza Ahmed Hashmi

Roll #: 2017-BBA-001

Section: A

Submitted To: Miss Zarmeena Malik

India’s Love Affair with Gold
Why Indians love Gold?
India is now the largest consumer of gold because in India there is no possession more valuable.
The dream in India is to own gold which is a wearable wealth and financial security.
There are four important factors which have the cause of Indian people’s love affair with gold.
 Cultural
 Religious
 Family (Emotional)
 Consumer Psyche

The Indian’s love for gold is as ancient as its very own culture. Gold is very valuable item for the
Indian people and they start buying gold for their daughter when she’s born to give it to her on
her wedding and are willing to buy the gold on every price even if the price is high. When the
wedding season starts the demand for gold is high. India has the world’s largest consumption of
gold. It is ingrained in their culture that gold will show off the prosperity of the family in the


There is a religious holiday in fall when the Indians worship their goddess Lakshmi by shopping
gold. Still, imost ianthropologists iagree ion isome icriteria ito idefine ia isociety ias ia
icivilization. iFirst, icivilizations ihave isome ikind iof iurban isettlements iand iare inot
inomadic. iWith isupport ifrom ithe iother ipeople iliving iin ithe isettlement, ilabor iis idivided
iup iinto ispecific ijobs i(called ithe idivision iof ilabor), iso inot ieveryone ihas ito ifocus ion
igrowing itheir iown ifood. iFrom ithis ispecialization icomes iclass istructure iand igovernment,
iboth iaspects iof ia icivilization. iAnother icriterion ifor icivilization iis ia isurplus iof ifood,
iwhich icomes ifrom ihaving itools ito iaid iin igrowing icrops. iWriting, itrading, iartwork iand
imonuments, iand idevelopment iof iscience iand itechnology iare iall iaspects iof icivilizations.
They believe that if you buy gold on that particular day, it will bring them prosperity and the
goddess Lakshmi will visit their house. This is a belief of Hindus of India.
Family (Emotional)
In India, the marriage is not about the two people getting married rather, it is about the two
families connecting. Gold shows prosperity and a class of standard of the family in society. The
family thinks that without gold the marriage is not completed. Gold is an important part in the
marriage. The family will buy gold for their daughter even if the price is too much for them.
They want what is best for their daughters.
They are emotionally attached to it, especially the brides. They will never even think of selling it
because it has been given to them by their parents but they have the surety that it is there in case
they ever need it.

Consumer Psyche

However, ithere iare imany isocieties ithat ischolars iconsider icivilizations ithat ido inot imeet
iall iof ithe icriteria iabove. iFor iexample, ithe iIncan iEmpire iwas ia ilarge icivilization iwith ia
igovernment iand isocial ihierarchy. iIt ileft ibehind ia iwealth iof iart, iand ihad ihighly
ideveloped iarchitecture—but ino iwritten ilanguage. iThis iis iwhy ithe iconcept iof
i“civilization” iis ihard ito idefine; ihowever, iit iis istill ia ihelpful iframework iwith iwhich ito
iview ihow ihumans icome itogether iand iform ia isociety.

Gold is not only use in jewelry but it is also used as gold bars and coins. The Indians believe that
the price of the gold will keep on increasing and that is why they rush in to buy as much as they
can. The gold is considered sacred in India. It is very valuable for Indian people and they are
willing to buy the gold on every price. The Indian people consider gold as financial security in
terms of savings and investment. Indian people have a strong affiliation with gold. possible. The
demand for Gold is high because more people are willing to buy the gold. India people think that
Gold is like an investment and not an expense. When they have a large amount of gold their
investment will also more. The demand for gold in India is fundamental for the health of the
Tanishq Jewelry Ad Analysis

Tanishq is India’s biggest, most suited and quickest developing jewelry emblem in India.
Tanishq jewelry ad has the following points highlighted:

 Emotional appeal
It has targeted the audience through emotions. They have captured the feelings of fathers
and the happiness that the daughters experience on their weddings, wearing the gold
given by their parents.

 Cultures
There are a total of 6-7 cultural jewelry that they have shown in this ad promoting that
they have jewelry of all cultures that are present in India. Showing that they have a vast
variety of jewelry, from Gujrati to Punjabi to Tamil, all types of jewelry. In short, they
are catering all sorts and types of jewelry worn by the Indians.

 Love of parents
The parents send their love and support to their daughters in the form of gold as they
cannot themselves go with them. It shows that they are not alone and they have the
support of their parents through gold.

 Song
Another thing that makes this ad emotional is the song that is playing in the background.
The lines, “kaisey kahun samajh na aye pyaar diya paglaye” has the special touch of
emotions that the parents are feeling at the time of the wedding of their daughters.

 Customer and consumer

This ad of Tanishq jewelry has targeted both the customers and the consumers. The
fathers in this ad are the customers showing that whatever is the price of gold, they will
surely buy it for their daughters to wear on the wedding and to take it with themselves as
a form of love and support and the daughters are the consumers who wear the gold given
by their fathers and are very happy and sentimental at the same time and seeing this,
makes their fathers happy.

 Tag line
At the very end of the ad, there is a tag line, “For every Indian bride”. Rivaah is actually a
sub-brand of Tanishq Jewelry aand this is the tag line for it showing that there is jewelry
available for every Indian bride meaning that they have jewelry of every cultre.

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