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of Printed Pages : 8 EIII-011

Term-End Examination
December, 2018
EHI-01 : MODERN INDIA 1857 - 1964

Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : This question paper has three sections. The

students have to attempt any two questions in
about 500 words each from Section I, any
four questions in about 250 words each from
Section II and any two short notes in about
100 words each from Section III. The marks are
mentioned against each question.


1. Write a note on the social reform movements in

19th century India. 20

2. Describe the various types of land settlements in

colonial India. 20

EHI-01 1 P.T.O.
3. Discuss the background of the Quit India
Movement. Was it a success or a failure ? 20

4. Discuss the details the Montagu-Chelmsford

Reforms. How were they different from the
Morley-Minto Reforms ? 20


5. What did the Indian State do to promote

industrialisation after 1947 ? 12

6. Discuss the controversies relating to the

foundation of the Indian National Congress. 12

7. Analyse the main characteristics of the popular

movements in the second half of the nineteenth
century. 12

8. Write a note on the Khilafat Movement. 12

9. Analyse the performance of the Congress

ministries in the provinces after the election of
1937. 12

10. Discuss the impact of 'de-industrialisation' on

the Indian economy. 12

11. Write a note on the formation and early

activities of the Communist Party of India. 12

12. Describe the consequences of the Revolt of 1857. 12

EHI-01 3 P.T.O.

13. Write short notes on any two of the following in

about 100 words each : 6+6=12

(a) Swaraj Party

(b) Nehru Report (1928)

(c) Telengana Movement

(d) Rowlatt Act

EHI-01 4

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