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THE CAMPAIGN FOR NORTH AFRICA THE DESERT WAR 1940-43 LAND GAME RULES OF PLAY Copyright © 1879, Simulations Pubictions, Ine, Naw York, N.Y, 10010 Read this First: ‘The rules of this SPI simulation game are organized in a format known as the Case System. This system of organization divides the rules into Major Sections (each of which deals with an important aspect of play). These Sec- tions are numbered sequentially as well as being named. Each of these Major Sections is introduced by a General Rule, which briefly describes the subject of the Section. Many times this General Rule is followed by a Procedure which describes the basic action the Player will take when using the rules in that Section. Finally, the bulk of each ‘Major Section consists of Cases. These are the specific, detailed rules that actually regulate play. Each of these Cases is also numbered. The numbering follows a logical system based upon the number of the Major Section of which the Cases are a part, A Case with the number 6.5, for example, is the fifth Primary Case of the sixth Major Section of the rules. Many times these Primary Cases are further subdivided into Secondary Cases, A Secondary Case is recognizable by the fact that it has two digits to the right of its decimal point, Each Major Section can have as many as nine Primary Cases and each Primary Case can have as many as nine Secondary Cases, The numbering system is meant as an organizational aid. Using it, Players ‘can always easily tell where a Case is located in the rules. ‘As a further aid, an outline of the Major Sections and Primary Cases i given at the beginning of the rules. How the Section and Case Numbers Work: Major Section Number Primary Case Number | Secondary Case Number [6.53] The preceding example would be the number of the third Secondary Case of the fifth Primary Case of the sixth Ma- Jor Section of the Rules. How to Learn to Play the Game: Familiarize yourself with all of the components. Read all ‘of the General Rules and Procedures and read the titles of the Primary Cases. Set up the game for play (after reading the pertinent Section) and play a trial game against yourself referring to the rules only when you havea ques- tion. This procedure may take you a few hours, but it is the fastest and most entertaining way to learn the rules short of having a friend teach them to you. You should not attempt to learn the rules word-for-word. Memorizing all that detail is a task of which few of us are capable, SPI rules are written to be as complete as possible — they're not designed to be memorized, The Case numbering system makes it easy to look up rules when you are in doubt. Absorbing the rules in this manner (as you play) is ‘@ much better approach to game mastery than attempting to study them as if cramming fora test. We hope you enjoy this SPI game. Should you have any difficulty interpreting the rules, please write to SPI, phrasing your questions so that they can be answered by & simple sentence, word, or number. You must enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope, We cannot guarantee a proper answer should you choose to phone in your ques- tion (the right person is not always available — and since SPI has published hundreds of games, no one individual is capable of answering all questions). Write to: SPI Rules Questions Editor for Campaign for North Africa 257 Park Avenue South New York, N.Y. 10010 21aP 11 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 HOW TO PLAY THE GAME 2.1 Organization of the Rules and How They Should Be Read 2.2 How the Game Is Set Up 2.3 How to Run a Game of CNA 2.4 Playing Time 3.0 GLOSSARY AND UNIT DEFINITIONS 3:1 Definitions of Terms 3.2 Unit Differentiation 3.3 Headquarters Units 3.4 Combat Units 3.5 Unit Characteristics 4.0 GAME EQUIPMENT 4.1 The Game-Maps 4.2 The Counters 4.3 Charts and Tables 4.4 Organization and Arrival System 48 Log Sheets, 4.6 Inventory of Game Parts THE LAND GAME 5.0 THE SEQUENCE OF PLAY (Land Game) 5.1 The Game-Turn. 5.2 Land Game Game-Turn Sequence Outline 6.0 THE CAPABILITY POINT SYSTEM 6.1 How the CPA System Works 6.2 Cohesion 6.3 Capability Pe 7.0 INITIATIVE TA The Mechanics of Initiative 7.2 Initiative Ratings Chart 8.0 LAND MOVEMENT 8.1 How to Move Units 8.2 The Concept of Continual Movement 8.3 Terrain Effects on Movement 8.4 Special Terrain Effects on Movement 8.5 Reaction 8.6 Breaking Off 8.7 Rail Movement of Land Units 8.8 Tripoli and Tunisia 8.9 Motorized Units/Trucks 9.0 STACKING 9.1 The Stacking Point System 9.2 Unit Equivalents 9.3 The Effects of Stacking 9.4 Unit Basic Stacking Point Values 10.0 ZONES OF CONTROL 10.1 Which Units Exert a Zone of Control 10.2 Effects of Zones of Control 10.3 ZOC Combat Requirements (Holding Off) 11.0 THE COMBAT SYSTEM ALA Unit Combat Characteristics 14.2 Capability Point Expenditures for Combat Cost Summary 12.0 Bo 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 11.3 Calculation of Combat Strengths BARRAGE (Artillery Combat) 12.1 Artillery Positions 12.2 Target Selection 12.3 Effects of Terrain and Other Restrictions on Barrage 12.4 Explanation of Artillery Barrage Results 12.8 Barrage Against Facilities 12.6 Artillery Barrage Table RETREAT BEFORE ASSAULT 13.1 Which Units May Retreat Before Assault 13.2 How to Retreat Before Assault ANTI-ARMOR COMBAT 14.1 Which Units May Participate in Anti-Armor Combat 14.2 Restrictions on Anti-Armor Combat Effects on Anti-Armor Fire ‘Anti-Armor Damage 14.5 Capturing Enemy Destroyed Tanks 14.6 Anti-Armor Combat Results Table CLOSE ASSAULT 18.1 Which Units May Pari Close Assault 15.2 How Close Assault Occurs 15.3 Terrain Effects on Close Assault 15.4 Combined Arms Effect on Assault 155 Effect of Assaulting Force ‘Organizational Size on Close Assault 186 Effects of Morale on Close Assault 18.7 How to Use the Close Assault Combat Results Table 15.8 Determining Casualties 15.9 Probes PATROLS AND RECONNAISSANCE 16.1 Which Units May Patrol 16.2 Restrictions on Patrolling 163 Patrol Losses 16.4 Dummy Tank Formations 165 Results of Patrols 366 Patrol Survival Table 16.7 Reconnaissance Table 168 Objective Loss Table MORALE 17.1 Unit Basie Morale Ratings 17.2. Adjustments to Basic Morale Ratings 173 Training 17.4 Morale Modification Table 17,5 Voluntary Surrender of Units 176 Training Chart RESERVE STATUS 38.1. Which Units May Be Placed in Reserve 18,2 Effects of Reserve Status 19.0 ORGANIZATION AND. REORGANIZATION 19.1 Difference Between “Assigned and “Attached” Units 19.2 Unit Assignments 19.3 Formation Organization Chart 19.4 Restrictions on Attachment ‘and Detachment 19.8 Maximum Attachment Chart, 19.6 Rebuilding Depleted Units 19.7 Axis Battle Groups 19.8 Forming Ad Hoc Axis Anti-Tank Batteries 19.9 Augmenting Commonwealth Battalions with Anti-Tank 20.0 REINFORCEMENTS, REPLACEMENTS, AND COMMONWEALTH WITHDRAWALS 20.1 Reinforcements 20.2 Replacement Points 20.3 Replacement Point Conversion Chart 20.4 How Replacement Points Are Used 20.5 Upgrading Armored Car Effectiveness 20.6 Axis Planned Replacement 20.7 Commonwealth Production 20.8 Commonwealth Mandatory Withdrawals 20.9 Voluntary Commonwealth Withdrawals 21.0 BREAKDOWN 21.1 Which Units May Break Down 21.2 When Breakdown Occurs 21.3 How Breakdown Is Determined 21.4 Broken Down Vehicles 21.8 Capturing Broken Down Vehicles 21.6 Towing 22.0 REPAIR 22.1 Which Vehicles May Be Repaired 22.2 Field Repair 22.3 Facility Repairs 1g Destroyed Tanks 22.5 Repaired Vehicles 22.6 The Desert Tank Delivery Organization 22.7 German Mobile Tank Repair Squad 22.8 Broken Down Vehicle Repair Table 23.0 ENGINEERS: 23.1 Engineer Units 23.2 Uses of Engineers 24.0 CONSTRUCTION 24.1 How Construction Works 24.2. Adverse Effects on Construction 24.3 Constructing Minefields 24.4 Constructing Fortifications 24.5 Road Construction 24.6 Building and Repairing Railroads 24.7 Constructing Air Facilities (Air Game only) 24.8 Constructing Repair Facilities 24.9 Constructing Supply Dumps and Dummy Supply Dumps 25.0 FORTIFICATIONS: 25.1 Fortification Levels 25.2 Effects of Fortifications 26.0 MINEFIELDS 26.1 Types of Minefields 26.2 Effects of Minefields 27.0 DESERT RAIDERS & COMMANDOS: 27.1 The Long Range Desert Group 27.2 Die Sonderkommando Almasy 27.3 How Desert Raiders Are Used 27.4 Spotting Desert Raiders 27.8 Raids 27.6 Raid on Rommel 27.7 Commandos: “‘Layforce”” 27.8 Commandos: The Special Service Brigade 27.9 Desert Raider R 28.0 PRISONERS 28.1 The Care and Feeding of Prisoners 28.2 Guards and Escapes 28.3 Captured Equipment 29.0 WEATHER 29.1 Weather Determination 29.2 Normal Weather 29.3 Hot Weather 29.4 Sandstorms 29.5 Rainstorms 29.6 Weather Table 29.7 Foul Weather Location Table 30.0 THE MEDITERRANEAN FLEET (Commonwealth) 30.1 Commonwealth Naval Counters 30.2 Off-Shore Bombardment 30.3 Attacking Ships and Their Repair 30.4 The Italian 10th Light Flotilla: Chariot Raids 30.5 Naval Transport of Troops 30.6 Commonwealth Fleet Reinforcement Schedule 31.0 ROMMEL. 32.0 ABSTRACT LOGISTICS AND AIR RULES 32.1 Supply Units and Supply 32.2 Supply Expenditures 32.3 Movement of Supply Units 32.4 Availability of Supply Units 32.5 Motorization Points, 32.6 Simplified Axis Naval Convoys 32.7 Bombardment of the Commonwealth Fleet 32.8 Anti-Air Unit Modifications 32.9 Road and Track Stacking Modification Tables {1.0} INTRODUCTION The Campaign for North Africaisa simulation of ‘operations in Libya and Egypt from 1940 through firly TS. CNA was designed as a definitive ‘Simulations i was Imended Tor the sophisticated \wargamer and the serious student of history. AS Such, COVA is dhe most loisticaly-oriented game ‘ver designed and may be considered bysometo be ‘overly complex. Actually, the game system ise is ‘Quickly absorbed and most experienced Players ‘sillhave litle problem undersanding how to play The game. At the same lime, there i a ferocious amount of information for the Players to digest and use, andthe assirilation and coordination of All this information is what makes CNA so form- tive, sochalenging, and so (hopeful enlighten Ing, Wery litle hasbeen abstracted; CNA contains ‘ove hard information on the subject than any ‘ther single source encountered by the SPL design fal, ‘The Campaign for North Africas wot aware for ‘one, two, oF even three players. This isa mlti= Plajer game inthe tue Sense of the word. Its recommended, for maximum playability and eff ‘leney, tha, on each side, one peeson Be assigned {e Logistics, one person fo Alr Forces command, and at least three Players to Land Forees com: ‘mand (again pet side). Is als firmly suggested thatthere beat least onecalalato avaiable i shouldbe stated here that although the rules are dquitelong, CNA isquiteareasy game oexplan to Somebody. By this, we mean that someone whos fare with he eulescan ell other Players Row to play with remarkable ease Each hex represents approximately eight kilo imters: each Game-Tur represents one week of “real” time. Units range in size from companies (approximately 100 me) to divisions (15,000), [2.0] HOW TOPLAY THE GAME COMMENTARY: CCNA is a game unlike any other that SPI has Published in the past. This Section serves as an frientation forthe prospective Player (Or at eas, {ules reader), providea basic overview of what isinvolvedin the game and how itis organized CASES: [2.1] ORGANIZATION OF THERULES AND HOW THEY SHOULD BEREAD ‘This Setion ofthe rules (2.0 is divided ito three pats, The second part discuses how the game is Set-up. The third part explains what is involved in actually playing the game. Things are explained in ‘ery general ers; the intention ofthis Section is to give Players broad overview of what the game fe ike and what sort of effort i quired to learn and play ‘Section 3.0 glossary which intended to oth explnin crm ulilized inte play ofthe game and to explain ther relationship to each ofher. The ‘slosary should be perused before the rest ofthe ules ut some definitions wll not be completely ‘lear until the rider has absorbed pertinent Sec tons ofthe ules. The sossay is intended to serve both a an introduction and ae a constant aide to Players in reference to speific Sections, Section 4.0 describes the game equipment and Construction Initation/ Continuation Ste: any units beginning o= continuing work on p> jects are noted. They may not voluntarily move In the remainder ofthe Operations Stage (Ex ceptions Reaction), 3. Training Segment: 4, Training Completion Step: Units_ and Replacement Points completing a level of Trai ingarenotedand theefestsin Morale applies ‘Any units beginning or continuing Training arenoted, They may not move voluntarily inthe Femainder of the Operations Staze (Esception Reaction) D, Naval Convoy Acrival Phas All Reinforcements, Replacement Pits ang Ar mo Poiats scheduled forrvval (and actually Hing) appear in their designated Ports of Actval or Entiancehetes, . CommonwealthFleet Phase Fleer Assignment Segments The Com rmonwealth Player assigns hs ships to any sea or ‘coastal exes 2. Fleet Repair Segment: Any Repair work on Shipsisundertakenar tis time Reserve Designation Phase Player A" designates which of is units he is placing in Reserve Situs, indiating such with a Reserve marker (see Section 18.0), G. TheMovement and Combat Phase ‘The following four Segments comprise the Move ret and Combat Phase. Payer“"A" may if hes ‘rishes, repeat Sesments I throws. many times fr he Gesres within the restrictions of the Con. Sinual Movernent Rule (8.2). uch epeiion must ‘cade ll four seamen, 1. Movement Segment: All unis, except unat- tached Trucks and Tank Recovery Squadrons, not fn Reserve and capable of being moved may be moved. Non-Phasing (Player ““B") units may React permitted and Player "B™ wishes cod0s 2 Breakdown Deiermination Segment: Al ‘hile and moronzed units of both sides check for Breakdown (2.10), Broken down vehiles are indicated bya marker 3. Combat Segment: (Combat is resolved as follows see Sacions11.0through 18.0) ‘a, Position Determination Siep: Both Players etermine the “position” of all Gun-and ‘Armorclass units, », Barrage Step Both Players secretly plot an then execute any Barrage. , Retreat Before Assault Step: Player may Retreat Before Assault any of his units pe mitted todo so, 4d Force Assignment Step: Both Payers secret. Ty assion TOE Strenats Points to Anti Armor Close Assault. Player “A” determines which Ascaults mill be Probes (although he need ct, reveal this decision) and which TOE Strength Points wil be withels from Assals fe AntiArmor Step: ‘Both Players. simu~ fancously resolve any AntlArmor Fife, temo\- Ing all casualies, Placement of Destroyed Tanks markers are made if necessry 1. Close Assaul! Ste: Close Assaults areresols- ed In any order shat Player “A desires. He ar ounces which Assauls are actualy Probe Ateerenchsresolved 4. Reserve Release Segment: Player felease any of his Reserves thai he wishes. 1H. Truck Convoy Movement Phase layer “A” may move his Second and Third Line Trucks (unattached) and any POW's and Guards, 4. Commonwealth Rail Movement Phase If Player “A” is the Commonwealth Player he ‘may utilize Rail Movement (8.7) fr units ander Supplies K. RepairPhase 1. Towing Segment: Player “A" may cow Broken downand Recovered vehicles, 2. Maintenance Segment: Player “A" may a tempr 0 Repair Broken down or destroyed Vehleles which werenot towedn this Phas, L. Patrol ‘A may If the Phasing Player has not engaged in Assaul, hemay use Patol or reconnaissance purpose AC this point Player “B™ undertakes Phases F “through Ly replacing any references to “A ith Coreeneene tae IV, SECOND OPERATIONSSTAGE. Both Players repeat al facets of the Fist Opers- tions Stage \V, THIRD OPERATIONS STAGE Both Players repeat af facets of the Fist Opera: tions Stage VI. ENDOFGAME-TURN You have now completed one Game-Turn, 2 full weak of thereal campaign, Takea breather, havea beerand a sandwich, contact your loved ones to et them know you're stil alive, and return for fnother Game-Turn, [6.0] THE CAPABILITY POINTSYSTEM GENERAL RULE: GWA uses.a Capability Point system 10 contol a? ‘aspects of a given land uni’ abilities. A units Capability Point Allowance (CPA) is a numeric representation ofa unit's ability to undertake ary and all functions: movement (including retreat and advances), combat, loading, transporting, onstruction, etc. There isnot function in the fame that will not cost anit some of ss CPA (with some minor exceptions). CPA thus epultes each and every aspect of pay. Under certain ei cumstances units may exceed thelr CPA. To do will affect a uni’s Cohesion, earning. Die ‘organization Points (which may affet Morale, Yer the ability to exceed is CPA allows att strech self he mit 0 perform Feats might not ordinarily perform — at a price. Players Should thus Keep close tack of each unit's CP's ‘expended and i Cohesion Level on the Sheets provided, CASES: [6.1] HOW THE CPA SYSTEM WORKS. [6.11] Each unit hasa Capabiliy Poin Allowance (CPA). The CPA for each unit i piven on the OA ‘Sheets, Certain Gun units have & CPA of 05" ‘hese wits are considered to have a CPA of 10 for allpurposes other than movement [6.12] Every function thet a uit would need 19 perform costs tha ust some portion ofits CPA ‘The costs of cach such function are sted on the Capability Paint Cost Table, Section 6.3, Except where noted, everything unit does osisCPs. [6.13] The CPA for a elven unit refer to the ‘number of Capability Pons that unit may useina given Operations Stage without earning Dis. ‘organization Points (See 6.2), Thus, & Tank Bi talon with 8 CPA of °° couid use 25 CP's ins Operations Stage without gaenering any Dis ‘organization Points. [6.14] The alloiment of CP's for an Operations Stage refess 10 Doth Players’ portions of that ‘Operations Stage. Thus, if the Axis Player goes “last” ina given Operations Stage any CP's used by his units in Reveating, Reacting, ete, during the Commonwealth partion of that Operations fae are courted against those unis’ CPA's for ‘hat Operations Stage. AS the Operations Stage progresses, Players should keep tack of CP's ex- ‘ended by units om either the TOE Sheet fr that lnttor on the Field Commander Control Sheet. Example: At the beginning ofthe fest Operations Stage of the September Hl, 1940 Game-Tura (Game-Tuen 1), the First Royal Northumberland Foner: (a nonsmoteried Machinegun hatalion at this poll) has @ CPA of eight. Ta start the ‘zame, the lalians move and atack the Ist RNE, ‘They have no arillery and do not barrage, The Aled Player desidas co Retteut Before AcsUlt thee hes ata cost of sv CP's, The It RNP did not use sry CP's to defend, and the Ialians dd not expend any CP's to Close Assault, a6 the Aled nit retreated before any could be expend: ed. Thus when the Commionsealth Player beeing ‘is portion of that Operations Stage the Ist RNP battalion will have ‘only two CP's remaining before it exceeds is CPA and earns Disorganies [6.18] The CPA of « “Parent Formation” (¢4., division, brisade, ec) is that of he fowes? CPA oF the units comprising. that parent Tormation, regardless of the CPA of any higher CPA wats. 1 the British Tih Armored Division was to move ss fn emit (const the OA Sheet forthe Th Arm. Disp it would move witha CPA of 10" or that of its lowes CPA unit — the lst KRRC (without trucks) 16,16) Aunit does not have tous all ofits CPsin abingle Operations Stage. However, CP'snot used Jn one Operations Stage donor cary eve into the next Operations Stage (unlike Cohesion Levels which do), They are nox ransferable from one unit ‘oanother (although an infantry unit may assume theCPA ofa ruck Tits motorized: se6. 17). 16.17] Certain units may bosome “motorized” luring the game: ie. ltantty units (those urts ‘wih hasieCPA of ior less) may use Truck units {otranspor them. Infantry nits being thus trans ported by Truck units assume the CPA of the ‘Truck unit carrying them. Thus, if the ist RNF ‘were 10 be motorized by Medium Trucks it would now havea CPA of 20", instead of "8. (See also Section 8.9}. Antiair unis with Isted CPAS of (0 may be macorized by assigning one Medium or ‘one Heavy Truck Point per TOE Strength Poin of sarily, [6.2] COHESION Cohesion represents a unit’ sta and disimegration (Disorganiz of exhaustion 10” is ts normal sl. A wit in Disorganization, ith a minus Cohesion Level, has probably been exerting itself beyond the normal cal of duty, while a unit with a plus ‘Cohesion Level (Reorganization) has been winning bates, The Cohesion Levelof fecisits Morale Levelat the istane of combat, which in tur wilaffet its performancein that bate, (See Section 17.0. [6.21] Whenver anit exceeds its CPA within @ tiven Operations Sage it earns Disorganiation Points (DP's) For each Capability Point that a unit uses over its CPA itesens one Disoreanizaton Point. Thus, gunicwitha CPA of 15" that uses 18 CP's Operations Stag ears shee DP's. A ‘unit may alsoearn DP'sasa result of combat] fa ‘unc (Parent Formation as weil as all uit in that Formation) suffers losses of 30% or greater in any ‘one Close Assault it earns tree BP's. (See also 15.298). 6.22] DP's are used to decrease the Cohesion Level of unit, Ths a unit with a Cohesion Level ‘of =1 that earns three DB's now has Cohesion Level of ~ & DP's accumulate From Segment 0 Segment; they may be negated only by serain ae tions on the part of the uni (See 6.23) Further more, DP's are credited immediately ~ not atthe fend of an Operations Stage. Example: the Ist RNE, with a CPA of '® and a Cohesion Level of =2 has expended five CP's in a Movement Set ment. Teen assaults an Kalan nit, expending the five CP's necessary to do so. The Ist RNF has thus exceeded its CPA by two, earning 2 DP’s and tedcing Ils Cohesion Level by thet 0 to. The decease in the Cohesion Level takes place before ihe Close Assault s resolved and the Ist INF uses its new Cohesion Level of — in com ping any changes Morale [6.23] A unit's Cohesion Level may be increased by earning Reorganization Points (RP's). Under no circumstances, However, may a units Cohesion Level ever go higher shan plus ten (+ 10), RP's cared are added {0 a unit's Cohesion Level in Sucha way astomakeit “beter”. Thusa unit with Cohesion Level of —3 that earns five RP's has ¢ ‘ew Cohesion Level of +2, RP", like DP's, are applied immediatly [6.24] RP's are earned under the following cir 1. For each Operations Stage in which a ult uses absolutly no CP's (except for a unit undergoing Training or conducting Training; see 18.3) that ic ears fie RP's. However, no unit may ever Increase his Cohesion Level above “0” by this ‘method. Thus unit witha Cohesion Level of —t ‘hat uses no CP's for an entre Stage would have a (Cohesion Level of 0" at the end of that Staze (not +4). 2, For each Close Assault in which a unit pare Uicipates where the defending wait vacates is hex ‘compleely a «direc result of that Close Aseault ‘ot Reaction or Retreat Before Assault) that unit ‘ictorious) earns ree RPS (6.25) Aunit witha postive Cohesion Levelt “+ 3)may haveits Base Morale increased ina piven Close Assault, while a ynit witha negative Cohe- sion Level (2, —12) may have is Morale lowered fora given combat ee Case 17.2). [6.26] A unit with a Cohesion Level of ~26 (or worse) may not mov, attack, or defend. If an enemy combat unit moves adjacent to i it Sur renders, tepardless of the sie ofthe enemy anit Such “disorganized” units may, however, refuel and they do consume Stores and Water” (Note, that a unit may gets level of worse than 26 fi performs a single action, such as an attack that ‘would jump itpast the ~Z6level) [6.27] If Player has more than one unit (or in- sividual combat counter) ia a given Close Assault land those individual unitshave diferent Cohesion evel, then the Cohesion Level of the krpet (it terms of type: division, brigade, te) unit prevails (Use the Slacking Points to determine the “largest” unit) When determining any adjust- ments to Morale trough Cohesion Level if here ‘Smore than one “largest unit” then the Cohesion Targes unis” are added together by the “number of coneibuting Example: Thre brigades ae assaulting an enemy unit. The Cohesion Level of the Brigades is 4, “and +3, respectively. The Player adds the thee topether (—4 + (1 + 3 = 2, and then divides by three (~2 + 3'= ~ 1, rounding tothe heazest whole number). The Cohesion Level for ‘that bales thus {6.28} 1f a Parent Formation has many units within i that have different Cohesion Level the Inept unit within the Pateat Formation prevails, asperCase62. ‘Example: An extreme example — and one no ike- Iyiooceur—isone where a Parent Formation has three Brigades, all with diferent Cohesion Level, ‘naddtion, one ofthe Brigades contains thre bat talons, each wih different Cohesion Level, The Cohesion Level for the later Brigade would have to be determined before averaging the three Brigades to get the final Cohesion Level Again, this wil rarely — fever — oca [6.29] Nowwithstanding anything said in 6.27 or 5.28, each unit's Cohesion Level is kept track of individvaly. As moet units in Parent Formation will have the same lve at al ies, thie wll not rove oe too biga problem, [6.3] CAPABILITY POINT COST SUMMARY (GeeCharisand Tables) [7.0] INITIATIVE GENERAL RULE: Initiative san abstract, mummricl rating represen tative ofthe strategic leadership capabilities of a ven army. Is used, in the game, 10 determine twho has the ole io aet first within a given ‘Operations Stage, The fact hat a Player has the bt (0 choose when he will move is «ert ad: Vantage, and the army with beter initiative wil ‘often find that it hss the upper hand operationally Frot materially [7.1] THE MECHANICS OF INITIATIVE [7.11] The Player who has “Initiative” for a Game-Turn may choose wheter he wishes 10 move fist orlast ina given Operation Stage (7.121 The Player who will have the Initiative is determined atthe beginning of each Game-Tusn (oot Operation tage). The Player who gas the Intative Keeps tha itiative forall three Operae ‘ons Stages ia that Game-Tuen. Thus, the Player ivemay choove to move first inthe first ‘Operations Stage, lst inte second stage and then firstin the third Stage (which would give him in fect, wo “uens" ina Tow), [7.13] Each side possesses an Initiative Rating dependent on the date ofthe Game: (7.14) To determine which Player has the In- iiative for gen Game-Turn,eack Payer inthe Iniative Determinate Stage, rlls one ale and ‘Adds his Iniative Rating to the result of the thvown die. The Player withthe hiehet total ties roll again) gains the aitiatve, Thue, im October of 1940, if the Malian Player, with’ aa Initiative Rating of "1, were 10 roll a and the Common: wealth Plaer, with a Initiative Rating of 3, swereto olla“, he alan Payer would ein the Initiative by virtue of hang a ora of Five (d+ = 3)10 the Commonwealth iota of 7 41 4). The Milian Player would now be able £0 choose, in his Initiative Declaration Phase, whether he wants to move first or last in the Oper tions Stage for each of three Operations Sages in ‘the Game Turn. (7.18) The Player with Initiative for the first Game-Turn ofa aven scenario is usualy predeter- mined. Check: the individual scenarios for who bas the eiiative For he frst Game- Tur, [7.16] For purposes of the Sequence of Play, the Player who moves fist n an Operations Stage is called ‘Player A"; the Player who moves latin san Operations Stage scalled "Player 2 (7.2) INITIATIVE RATINGS CHART ‘This chat lists the Axis and CW initiative ratings for al units at any given point inthe game. (See [8.0] LAND MOVEMENT GENERAL RULE: In CNA, Land Movementisa function ofthe CPA fof a uni, Most Movement occurs during the Movement Segment of the Movement/Combat Phase. During the Movement Segment, the Phase ing Player (the Player who isn the proces of moving) may move as many oF as Tew of his units ashe wishes. They may be moved in any direction ‘or combination of dirctors, limited only by thet CPA's, enemy Zones of Control, Terrain reste tions and, inthe case of motorized units, Fuel om sumption and Breakdown, Under certain con- Gitions Reaction and Retreat Before Assault) the ‘non-Phasing Player may move is units PROCEDURE: Units are moved one at atime, or instaks, acing & path of contiguous heres through the hex eid ‘ASa unit enters each hex must expend @ portion ofits CPA for entering tht hex or crossing a pat= Hla hexside- Alteran costs are listed on the ‘Terrain Effects Chart (37), In addition toMove iment costs, Players must pay attention 10 Break. down costs for vehicles moving through eetain hexes Gee Section 1.0), [8.1] HOWTO MOVE UNITS [8.11] Unis may be moved voluntarily only dur- Ing the Movement Segments or Retreat Before Assault Step. Voluntary movement may never take place out of the Sequence of Play, Payers should note that while Player A may be the Phas- Ing Player, Player B has several opportunities 19 move his units during A's Segment. All move tment, of any type, expends CP's, Furthermore, f the unit moving Is a vehicle (armored unis, propelled artillery and trucks), the Player must ‘heck for possible Breakdown (te Section 21.0. Unis may move freely through Friendly unis, With the exception of movement lon roads and Tracks (ee Case 84), [8.12] Under certain conditions — usually combat unit may be forced to Retreat. This i cOn- sidered involuntary movement, nthat the retreat ing Player does not move by his own choice but rather asa direct result of combat. However, in voluntary movement also requires expenditure of (CP'sand cheeks for Breakdown, {8.13} A unit may never entra hex containing an enemy init (see, however, Case 27.4). Futter ‘more, movement from hex f0 hex must be con. Seoutve units may not skip hes. (There are, of ‘couse different ules forairerat.) {8.14 If unt movesinto an enemy Zone of Con trol 10.0 it must stop immediately. It may move zno further in that Movement Segment and will probably have 0 attack, in some form, the enemy ‘ic exerting that Zone of Conta. (8.15) A unit shat beginsa Movement Segment in fan enemy Zone of Contrl may move out ofthat hhex and continue movement under the following conditions 1. temay normove dreilyintoan enemy Zone of Control however, se Case 10.24) and 2. Iemust pay a cost of fo CP'sifthe units arin “contact” (ee Case 8.62) F 2. [emus pay a cost of four CP's it the units ngaged ee Case 8.63). [8.16] Unis may continve 19 move and fight as Jong as they wish, with certain restrictions (see Case 82). They may exoved thelr CPA. in an ‘Operations Stage; however this will affect thee ‘Cohesion Level. [8.17] Non-motorized units — those units with (CPA's of fem or less ~ may nover voluntarily ex- pend CP's aveater than $08 of thet base CPA ‘during ther portion of the Operations Stage (An. "8° could not go higher than “12, than ‘18. Remember, Reaction and Retreat Before Assault are not voluntary movement in your own portion of an Operations Stage: they oc ‘eur inthe ether players portion af the Operations Stage. Furthermore, no vat witha Cohesion Level of =260rworse may move. [8.18] Second and Third Line Trucks (ie. Truck ‘Canvoys: see Section 8.9) have their own Move ‘ment Phase: The Truck Convoy Movement Phase. Such racks may nor move voluntarily) inthe nor mal mavement segments, Only trucks iret a tached (0, and part of, a combat unit or HQ may rove inthe normal Movement Segments. Trucks become attached and/or detached in the Organiza. ‘don Segment af he Sequence of Play [8.19] No Commonwealth Land unit may berov- fed west of Marble Arch (A2109) at any tim, for ny reason. (This salves a great qumber of pia ing problems, and also relists Commonveaith ‘operations considerations and strategy’) [8.2] THE CONCEPT OF CONTINUAL MOVEMENT CNA uses a concept called “Continual Movement". Under sis concept a given unit does not possess set Movernent Allowance which it may never exceed asin most wargames. Rathes unit has a Capability Poin Allowance. fa Phas- ing Player wises vo push his uals past heir CPA hhemay do so, knowing chat twilaffect that unit's Cohesion, In Continual Movement a unit may continue to move afer has engaged in comb ‘moving and fighting as long asthe Phasing Player wishes, within certain iis Continual Movement generates certain problems in tems of Time-and-Space Relationships. The ules atempt to account for the fact that me passes while one unit is movieg: that other units Srenorstanding sil [8.21] Units are not tmited asco the number of, times they may move and engage in combat during a given Operations Stage except for Cases 6.26, 8.17,and 8.28. Thus, a unit may move adjacent fn Enemy unit, engage tin combat, move away {or stay) engage te same or another unit in com bt et, asthe Phasing Player wishes. The wait simpy expends CP's Fractions it performs 22] Within » given Movement/Combat Phase there may be several segments of Movement and Combat. These are, to. certain exten, rep ‘mented, In esenee, the Phasing Player moves hit tints. He the, afer all such movement fe com pleted, resolves any combat. He may then again ove any of his units (thin the exceptions mea. tioned in 6.21); after ll movement at that limes completed any combat necesitated or desired it resolved. This eye is repeated unl the Phasing Payer no longer wishes to move his its or have combat. Remember, no combat occurs until af ‘movernent has ceased within each Sequence of ‘Movement and Combat. {8.23} Only those Phasing units cha have ished | Movement Segment within two hexes of an enemy unit are free o move again. Phasing wit {hat fnishes is movement more than two hexet fom an enemy combat unit may not conte te smve during that Movement Phase, regardless of ‘henmber of CP's remaiting, unless that isa unit that has been placed in Reserve Status (18.0) Players should note that Reserve Status san ex ception 08.22 [8.24 A Phasing unit that besins any Move ‘menl/Combat Phase in the Zone of Control of a Enemy unit mastexpend wo CP's to break "Con- oc sourCP's, isch position vas brought about by at~"Engaged” result on the Astault CRT ‘ifitwishes to move. (Note, tht in the case of an Engaged result, he presence of an enemy ZOC doesnot matter) [8.25] A Friendly unit may atack@ given Enemy Unit more than once i a given Operations Stage, ‘eth netner unit ver moving? However, east Combat occurs afer all moverient of other its case. If here no movement by any Unis, com bat may sill proceed for as long ss the Phasing Player wishes, providing he as the necessary Am ‘munition and wishes to expend the required rnomber of CP's, [8.3] TERRAIN EFFECTS ON MOVEMENT 8.31] Units expend a varying number of CP's to fnter hexes or eros certain hesides, depending Upon the type of unit and/or what type of hex oF hexside b involved. The costs range from 12 CP for roads (or motorized units) to +8 fora vehicle to move down an escarpment via a track oF an Inganteytype alt t0 cress The Nile without = “ridge, Se the Terrain Bests Chari for alle. fecis(89), [8.32] Certain types of hexes and/or essides are Prohibited o certain types of units. Eg, certain Vehicles may never entea Sali Marsh hex, unlessit isons road or track [8.33] Roads and Tracks may be used 10 facilitate ‘movement through terrain obstacles and specd ‘movemeat over the entire game-map. Fer unit. fin any benefit from movement on a Road of “Track st must move from one Rowd/Track hex adjacent, connecting Road Track hex through a Road/Track hessde. Units which ate moving along Roads of Tracks ignore, for ‘movement purposes, any other terrain inthe ex Or exside, with the exception of vette erossing Escarpments (308.42), [8.34] A unit comprised (at least in part) of Whites (re, tanks, tucks, aeillery, ete) tha is along. a Road or Track i limited in is ability 10 move through other Friendly units the Road of Track in that hex; see Case 9.33. Such ‘moving units may always pass around Friendly Unis that are on a Road ‘or Tack by moving ‘through the trea in the hen, 2. bypassing the ‘units ‘on the road by moving off the road and around them, going Back on the road in the next he (8.38) Most of the terrain in CNA is. sof explanatory, especially when the Terrain Bffecs ‘Chart is consulted, However, a this poi it would help tobe able to visualize the difference Between slopes, ridges and esearpments. An idealized side: view ofeach ofthe above (ypes of terrains provid fed below so that players can see what is being Abstracte VE Slope idee Escarpment Slopes and Bscarpmentsalvayshavean “up” side and a “down” side (se the Terrain Key). The Splash contours af the respective terrain symbols fre always on the “down” side of the slope or ‘escarpment, Thus, when tunis erossing aslone for escarpment hetside Its moving either up the Slope/escarpment or down theslope escarpment Ridges have no iretions crossing a Ridge hex Side has the same eect regardless of which dive tion the units coming from, Inesvence, ridges are twossided slopes. [8.36] Certain types of trea restrict combat or tive the attacker or defender a combat benefit. ‘These benefits are discussed throughout the see vions on Combat, but they areal summarized on the Terrain Effects Chas. [8.37] Tereain Effecs Cs (GeeCharteand Tables) (8.4) SPECIAL TERRAIN EFFECTS ONMOVEMENT For hase gamers used to Panzerarmee Afrika and ‘Aftika Korps. the gamemap of CNA will somes Something of ashoek anda revelation thee ister Fain in all those empty spaces. And much of tis ‘ofaaywhere else on earth, br ‘bo designer And player. The mos! important of these are Alscussed belo [8.41] Wadis. Wadis are. in essence Fiver beds. Phere are several major in North fica, While the series of wad that “gvards” the Libyan Sand. Desert, south of CCyrenaica, i he largest sroup, perhaps the most limportant sevay of wadis ate those extending ike fingers trom the Jebel AKidar (game-map B) Alone withthe other difielt terrain inthe ae the wadis ofthe Jebel Akar realy hinder rapid Altits expend CPs to cross Waal hessde. (All sradis in CVA have been placed along hexsdes, swith the exception ofthe Wadi Natrun, just west OF the Nile Delta, whichis treated, for game purposes, a i it were Salt Marsh) in addition, there ist Breakdown Factor of eight for vehicles ‘rossing a wadi heasie, Roads negate wads Tor ‘overnent purposes, wile Tracks halve the costo cross. Vehicles crossing a Wadi on a Road use the Road Breakdown Rate (5 BP), while vehices rosing on Tracks garner four BPs, noceight. Players should note that in an Operations Stagein which the Weather i Rainstorm wade affected ‘map sections are impassable tall pois, excepr where they are waversed by 1ouds. The cost to cross a rainsollen wadi by Road is +2 CP's there js n0 additonal Breakdown cost (ei is sul BP), [8.42] Escorpmonts. The. escarpment \weresuch an itesal part of the Deser are atthe edge ofthe Libyan Plateau, whieh rit from the edge ofthe strip of land that border the Mediterranean. tn some places the rises gradual in others i is sharp and Severe, virtually uncross- able by vehicles. Movement costs for crossing fescerpment heasdes are listed the Terrain Et fests Chari (8.37), However. other factors mus be road. No vehicle may ever move "up" an eseatp- ‘ment (i.e. Foss an escarpment hexsde by moving from the down side (0 the up side). Ifa Track osses an escarpment hesside, vehicles may use the Track tomove down the ecirpmnt, but never Up. The cost for movigig down via Track would be “t8CP'sand sie Breakdown Points [8.43] Slopes and Ridges. These were discussed in 5.3, Allume may cross these hensdes a vary lof Movement and Breakdown costs; se08.37, (8.44) Sate Marsh, Salt marshes are depressions consisting of very fine and treacherous slly sand a veritable quiksand grave for vehicles, and no fun for infantry ther. Vehicles, except for Light ‘Trucks, Reoe-type units, and motoreyee infantry may enieror leave a Salt Marsh hex ony ona Rosd fr Track. A prohibited vehicle that enter a Salt Marsh hex without using the Track, whatever the reason, is Abandoned (se 5.38) Because most ‘hile are prohibites from entering Salt Marshes ina normal manner, no motorized unit or AFV (cank, armored car, te.) may ever engage in ‘Assault with units defending ina Salt Marsh hex ‘The one camel unit in the game (the Malian Meharst) Camel Cavalry) travels as infantry in on-track Salt Marsh hexes, as these eves could not suppor leaded camels [8.45] Desert, Desert hoxes, which comprise the ates known asthe Libyan Sand Desert, contain sol, shiffing sand (as opposed to "Clear exes, which havea ely-like substance more supportive Df vehicular afi.) Desert exes are forbidden 10 Light Trucks, Motoreycle infantry, and motor ‘yele Reece units whose weight was not sufficient ‘enough to provide the traction necessary for mov ing vehicles through the soft surface. Such units may not enter any Desert hexes, whether traversed by Tracks or aot. See 8.3 for allreain costs, [8.40] Tracks. The major communication net- Work ofthe North African Platea is the series of Tracks that eriscros the entre area. The tracks Are useful notin that they ae easier to walk or ride in Gin some places they are no easier chan the ter rain in the es); what the do provide gestion ices which way to go. Sense of direction inthe “dese” isalmost non-existent the rack provide that. Movement along racks sat ICP pet hen and ves most hexsde crossing CP costs. In add- ‘ion, units using a rack pay only one-haif the nor rma Breaklown cot fr that hex (8.47) Roitroads and Roads. The use of these wo are discussed quite sucsinclly in the body of the rules, However, Players should note that, on the same-smap, thee ae large sections of railroad and Some roads that are not consructed as. of September 19d) and must be consrocted 10 exis Speciti later scenarios wil ist the hexes that have been constructed by that time. Unconsructed road hexes are ignored for all purposes, Uncon- ‘sruetedvouds ate rated astracks, (8.48) Cases donot affect movement. But tight be worthwhile o poincout here that Oass are con- sidered to be nondiminishing Supply Dumps for ‘Waterand Stores. [8.49] All ofthese cerrain types also affect com bat, However, such effecs are discussed in the ious combat Sections, especially 15.3, [8.5] REACTION ‘Reactions the capability ofa wait. “get out of the way” ofan attacking unit or units Before che ‘enemy can launch an stack against the reacting ‘nit. Reaction is movement condusted bythe non: Phasing Payer — as defender — in the opposing Player's Movement/Combat Phase. Ani abi ty to reacts limited to certain specie stuations Reaction expends CP's [8.51] Reaction isthe process of movement by @ Friendly, non-Phasing” unit i response (oan Enemy Combat unit moving adjacent t0 that Friendly, non-Phasing combat unit. Reaction follows alt the standard rales of movement, except ssstated below [8.82] A given unit may React as many times as the Player wishes during an Operations Stage. A unit “reacting” expends CP's: however, it does not expend CP's for Breaking Contac/Engaged, asdefined in 8.24 {8.83} All units may ceat, withthe following ex- ‘ceptions: 4. Non-motorized units, Squadron Ground Sup- port Units, and Truck Convoys nor stacked with Friendly combat units may never React. b, No unit may React i the Enemy unit moving adjacent to ithasa CPA six or more points greater ‘than tat ofthe non-Phasingunitandthe owner of the Phasing unit announces there wil be a Close ‘Assault by is unit apuinst the non Phasing unit, ‘Thus, a motorized infantry battalion may react ‘when a tak battalion witha CPA jacen to it, because a motorized unit wll have & ‘minimum CPA of 20 (from its trucks). However, ifthe same motorized battalion were tobe moved adjacent to by an enemy Resee battalion, with a CPA of 45, the motorized hattalion could not React, (It Gould sill Retreat Before Assault, however; sce Section 13.0). Furthermore, each nits Is teated individuals; ths, Sesond Line Light Trucks stacked with (bur not atached t0) that motorized batation could retreat (ae they hhaveanextended CPA of 40, ly Slessthan 45). «I a noo-phasing units already in an enemy Zone of Control usually a5 result of () above) it tay nor React. In this way, faster unis "pin” slower units, 4. A unic tht isin combat or Engaeed may noi 4) Notwithstanding anything sid in $8.53, 20 talon size unit may ever pina division and no ‘ompany-size unit may ever pn a brigade or larger unt. The terms used here refer to size, and not specifically the unit ype/designation. Size of unit may be determined by Stacking Points as wellas the ‘TOE. Thusa division may be but skeleton Force, as may other units. The problem should rarely 0°. Fail easy oltermine a0 Size and type, But if there isa question ure Your ‘Common Sense (or flipa coin that commodity is ‘nshort suppl). See Section 9.2 (8.88) Reacting units may never enter an Enemy “Zone of Control during shir Reaction Movement Otherwise, Reaction i undertaken like normal ‘movement, with no limit ao how fara unit may React/Move [8.86) A unit may reac, within the restrictions Tsted in 8.88 above, even if i is atached To paren formation Inthiscar, the CP Is expended For deachiment and the unit may then react. A brigade H@ may not be detached from a division tunes all ofthe unis at present attached to the brigade HQ are also detached. In addition, the detachment of units may not be performed such ‘atthe parent uni is naw “pinned” asa res of its becoming a shell and having Cave 8.54 now ap ly. Attached trucks may” be freely divided Amongst the parent uait and its detaching and Feacting units. Note hat thi ule does nor permit a parent unt to detach low CPA units order for the paren’ vn 10 now beable vo vest [8.6] BREAKING OFF (8.61) Breaking OFF is a function of Movement ‘Mat oceurs when a unit beiags a Friendly Move- ment Segment in Conieet or Engoged ‘wit an Enemy ‘Combat unit. Contact and. Engaged markers are provided (0 indieate such satus, (There has been some sisussion of hisin 8.24; see absocase 1580 [8.62] Units arein Contaei they arin an Enemy Zone of Coulol atthe berinning of « Movement Segment {8.63} Units are Engaged directly asa rest of Close Assault: Engaged combat result Engas- st units do not necessarily have to Bein Enemy [8.69] A unit in Contact or Engaged with an Enemy combat unit at she boginning of a Move ment Segment or a Retscat Before A Reaction) may not move a CP's 1 break off such contac. Inston, First Line Trucks wishing to detach froman Enpaged or ‘Contacte parent unit must expend the necessary CP's to 50 detach. Second/Third Line Trucks ‘wishing 0 attach as Fist Line Tricks 10 Engaged ‘or Contgted units Jo not expend addiional CP's Tosoatach {8.68} A unit in Contact must expend two CP's 0 Break OFT before moving. (8.60) A unit that is Engaged must expend four CCP'sto Break Off before moving [8.67) When al ofthe Friendly units tha were in ‘Conia or Engaged with an Enemy combat unit Break Of that Enemy uni smo longer Engage! or inComact [8.68] Contact and Engaged markers affect only the combat unis in the hex at the time of their placement. Units moving inva a hex wth a Contact for Engaged marker are not affected by that marker. [8.7] RAL MOVEMENT OF LANDUNITS (8.71) There are owo ail fines inthe game. The Alexandsia‘Mersa Matruh line f an active rit Toad. It may be extended by construction (ee Case 24.6) and may be used only by the Commonwealth Payer, regerdass of the strategie situation, The Soluch-Benghaei-Barce rail ine is on the game map solely (or historical purposes; it may not be use for anything and has no effec whatsoever on teerain or movement (I wasused bythe lalansin 1940, but notinany way astoaffec the pane) {8.72} The Commonwealth Player may use Rail Movement once per Operations Stage, in the Commonwealth Rail Movement Phase. He may \wansport uiis and/or supplies, and he may move fone "stak'" of these ony distance along the ral linen each direction. Thus, a unit may be moved west from Alexandria to any rail ex slong finshed ral line as faras (eventually) Tobruk, and supplies in Tobruk may be moved eso Maru, [8.73] Touse Rail Movement a uit must star the ‘Operations Stage ona ral hex, it may not have es pended any CP's for any other reason during that, ‘Operations Stage, and may not bein an Enemy 2ZOC. The unt then moved tothe desited point ng the ine where it stops. 1 lay not enter sn Enemy 20 o¢ Enemy-oceupied hex at an time ‘while using Ral Movement 5 16 {8.74 The Commonweaith Player may vse his failrad lines once in each diestion. 1 he may AEFy one unit (or stack) as far as he wishes in an fistedy diction and another stack (or perhaps Supplies) as frase wishes ina westerly divetion 18.75] The maximum number of Stacking Points that may be cartied by Rail Movement is wo (Thus large Brigades musi be broken down for Rail Movement). For supply maximums, see Ses- ion 49.3, [8.76] Rail hexes that have been destoyed by ‘bombing. tc. may not be entered by Rail Move ment until they are repaired. Likewise, the ral hexes not yeti existence (8.47 can not be used une tithey have been consructed (se Case 24.6), [8.77 Units may be picked up and dropped off ‘anywhere alon a ailing, as long asthe Stacking fd diectional restrictions ate always observed ‘and no unit using rail has expended CP's in thal ‘Operational Stage [1.78] No Rail hex wes of any rail hex occupied ‘by an Axis combat unit may be used by she Allied layer for Railroad Movement (8.8) TRIPOLI AND TUNISIA [8.81] The atea around Tripoli and Tunisia, both Smportant entry ports for Axis woops and sup plies, are represented by a series of TOU IarEe boxes and a number of Smaller boxes on the ‘wevtern edge of same-map section A. Each large hor represents a specific reion, centered around the geographical name it the box: Tipolitaai, Tripoli, Gabss, and Tunis. References 1o these bones as a group are indicted by the term “Tripol/Tunisia Boxes.” The smaller boxes are used To represent the location of units in transit beeen she Tepoli/Tunisiaboxes. [8.82] Only Axis units and Commonvealth ‘planes may enter the Tripai/ Tunisia repion. fo Commonveall land or sek uni may ever ener any oftheboxes, [8.83] Aiemovement to/from the areas perform: fedasperthestandard Air Rules, with thedlstances Tisted inthe Air Distance Char. Land movement among the Tripoli/Tunisia boxes and the boxes and the North Africa proper of the game map has then abstracted, The distance raveled fe measured by thenumber of Operation Stazesin which land tut must expend its Capability Point Allowance Inmovement. Motorized unitsare required to con- sume fuel but are not required 10 check for breakdown during movement in, 1o and from sis foffemap reson. A unit must expend exactly ils Capability Point Allowance in each Operations Stage of movement in, (0, oF from the off-map {8.84} The number of Operation Stags of move- ment required bya specific unit in order o traverse the distance between the various Tipol/ Tunisia boxes and the map depends upon it Capability Point Allowance. The movement rates” Fr rite intheolT-mapreaion sisted in the O1F Map Land Unit Movement Distance Chart (8.89). A unit be ing moved from one Tripoli Tunisia box forex A 2802, see Case 8.85) 10 another thas an traverse the distance in a single Operations Stage Is simply placed i its new location andthe required fue is fxpended. Ifthe unit cannot cover thedisianceina Single Operations Stage of movement, i moved ‘ne ta Transit box foreach Operations Slate is moved until the required number of Operations Stages of movement have been sompleted. Note that aunit In Transit isnot required 0 he moved each Operation Stage and that such 4 it may Fevers its direction, returning (its orginal star tingloeation [8.851 For a unit 10 be moved off the game map towards Tripoitaniafemust star that Operations Stagein hex A202 A unit entering the game-map from the oft-map repion 1 simply placed In the Road hex lores! tothe Tripolaia box. I! there tte more than five Stacking Points that are to be brought onto the map, they may be strung out on the Road in consecutive hexes (road) from the Tripoltania box; e-., $ points in hex 2802, £ points 2803, a3 pois 2804, [8.86] Reinforcements and replacements ativing in Tunis of Tripoli may not be moved from tha ‘box during tte Operations Stage oftheir arrival [8.87] There are no stacking restitions and Unlimited Water inthe Tripoli Tunisia boxes ane the In Transit boxes. In addition, the Tripoli Tunisia boxes ate considered to conta facies, mon-iranferable supplies anc Iaintenance crews sufficient for every plane the ‘Axis Payers, 18.88) The TripolirTunisia bores are considered 1o) be Supply” Dumps of unlimited capacity However, track oF motorzaion point may no: >be moved inthe Operations Stage in which i loads andor unloads spies, [8.89] Off-Map Land Units Movement Distance ‘Chaet (See Charts and Tables) [8.9] MOTORIZED UNITS/TRUCKS [8.91] A motorized unitin CNA sone that always ‘coming enous vehiles (0 transport ihe entre tnit as a single entity. Motorized units include ‘Mose comprised of mechanized (ve. tracked) ‘eile, trucks, and motoreycls, Motorized units se divided into those that are inherently mocoriz: ff orhows transportation vehicles may nos normal Jy be removes) and” those that are. Deine Mansported by iruck points asigned 1 that pur [9.93] Non motorieed unite (ey ea infantry ‘anda fow gun units, With the exception Of the Meharst Cavalry (camels), may be transformed into motorized units (and visa versa) by the adi Hion/(subtaction) of sufficient Truck Points. When beng transported “by trucks, a. nom motorized unit's CPA becomes that of the ap. Propriate rating ofthe track hats ansporting [8.93] Certain non-motorized infantey unis are ‘designated as being Mstorcaly normally supplied With enough vehials to motorize the entire unit. ‘These infantry ils are so Indicated by 2 "+" symbolafter their CPA on the Unit Characteriste, Chart. These units’ characteristics differ only sliahly with respect to thelr historically nom ttorize brothers ace Cases 19.9and 32.54. (8.86) A motorized unit maintains its CPA evenit ‘te performing an action which is impossible while actually in a vehicle. Examples: A towed Uinerenty) motorist artilry wnt Barraping, a0 ‘naniry uni receiving defensive benefits fom for ‘ications, 2 motorized infaniy unit assaulting in- tousalt marsh hex (8.95) Truck Points may be used to transport ‘TOE Steength Points or supplies. Truck Poinis represented by a counter (for example! all of the ‘Truck Poin attached 10 an infantry division Which i represented on the game map by ts HQ counter) ate assigned transportation duties vidual Example: An infantry Battalion of six TOE Suenath Points with 10 light, 10 Medium and 1 envy Truck Point attached might assign 4 ight, Ivo med and one heavy Track Points oe it faniry in order 10 completely motorize the unit, (Chisisneiient, but variations on this theme Wil inevitably osewr), Note that Truck Points are never required 10 cransport anything, they may move around empty [8.96] Truck Points may beattached toany unit in ‘CNA bearing a historical designation, When a. {ached they are represented bythe unit's counter However, ucks are automaticaly under the con. twol ofthe highest (largest) anking Parent Forma: tion to which they are currently attached. Exam. ble: ATruck Poin attached toa battalion which Subsequently attached 10 a brigade become the ‘property ofthat brigade. Ie not necessary to sub ive the racks among the bride's component [8.97] Trucks may be attached to a unit bearing a historical designation only during the Organiza tion Phase of an Operations Stage (unless during the Operations State tha init altached 1% Parent Uni). Trucks may be detached from sucha unit only during the Organization Phase of an ‘Operations Stage unles that unit isa Parent Unit land detaches any of is attached subsidiary units ‘during a Movement and Combat Phase. n such a ase any portion of the total numberof atached feueks (0 that ney detached ual. No ust wih a Cohesion Level of rings five or worse may detach ‘pucks completely from a unit bearing a historieal designation [8.98] During the owning Player's Player-Turn, Tracks that are attached to its move with those tit in the Movement and Combat Phase, an tucks that are not attached to units are moved in the Truck Convoy Phase. In either ease, ick ray be permitted to move duving the opposing Players Player-Turn (Reaction, et.) Trucks (hat removed inthe Truck Convoy Phace may not exe ted their CPA. IF forced to through involuntary movement, they are captured insiead. Truck Points Being moved in the Trusk Convay Phase may be moved in any order, sroup sub-vsion, stops and starts, The only resrietion being that Track Points beginning and ending inthe same hen and following the same path of revel must be ‘moved as sroup. Example: Filly Track Points begin in C2510. They are moved asa group (901 {ulted) to C2SiS at which point 20 are maved 10 (C2520 where they end thelr movement for that “Teack Convoy Phase. The 30 Tuck Points let ia C2SI5 may now be moved (and subscvied fur ‘her you wish). Note that hisifferentiates thest fom ts detached from Patent Unis (see Case 8 [8.99] A Track marker may represent any of the tanatachod Truck Points i that hex at that point Tntime, unless al of those Truck Points ae being sed 16 transport Infantry Replacement Poin ‘The marker may be used 10 represent any Replace sent Points oF repaired vehicles in that hex Ge, tay ot place the marker i just Tank Replace” ‘ment Points inthe hes). As many markers may be placed as here are unatlached Truck Points thal hex [9.0] STACKING (GENERAL RULE: Stacking refers othe process of placing more than ‘one pnt in a hee, Each unit is worth a certain ‘number of Stacking Ponts, senerlyas printed on the counter, and each hex, according 1 the typeof terrain i encompasses, has a maximum number of ‘points that maybe i hat he, [9.1] THESTACKING POINT SYSTEM [9.19] Each uni (or counter) in the game has @ Stacking Point value printed on the face of the unit. See Sample Units, 4.22) Exp, the 1/8 Panzer Battalion has | Stacking Point [9.12] HO units, whether Divison, Brigade, or Regiment, have parentheszed Stacking) Point values, This means the Stacking Point value of that HQ is 0" when thas mo combat units of any ype attached; the printed number i is Stacking Point value when it represonts the division oF brigade asa combat unt. (See Unit Equivalens, 92). {9.131 Stacking Poin not only representa given ‘number of men but also, and more importants ‘hey represent organizational ability. Thus a fal «division hasa Stacking Point vale of 5, while, at the same time, it may include units whose total ‘Stacking Poin! valves are much greater than five ‘The dlvisional HQ supplies the necessary ad ministrative and organizational funetions. that enables the division to exit and fight — in @ more cohesive state [9.14] Each hex, oF rather each type of terrain, has a maximum numberof Stacking Points which ‘may bein tht hex at the end of any Movement Segment. Thos limtsare sted in Case 8.37 {9.13} Informational markers and air wits ofall ‘ypes donot have any Stacking Point val, [9.16] There are three specific types of units that, nceriain oscasions, ignore Stacking restrictions: 4, Garrison units (those units with a "G" above their Sacking Point number) stack teely in the hhave “0” Stacking Points in that village but "1° point anywhere tse, i, Pure antvaieratt units (hose units with the idemitiation symbol for AA/Fak) stack freely in Major stack freely with any alr landing sip and thee in any airfield. 4 0-+"" CPA that are not at present motorized (have trucks attached that are being used 10 Transport them) have ero Stacking Points, (9.2) UNIT EQUIVALENTS, [9.21] A Division is considered to represent all ‘units assigned and attached to (not simply stacked with) the HQ unit fr that division, Units essere 19.1) t0 a division (Se the TOE Sheets for the ‘unis) may not necessarily be par ofthat division ata given time; they may have been detached for Guty elsewhere. Only thoxe units withthe Parent Uni at a given time are considered £0 be part ‘ofthat parentunit for Stacking purposes 19.22] Thenext lowest lve of unit organization in (CNA is the Brigade Equivalent, Now, because of ‘the peculiarities ofthe individual countries involv fe ot all units which are called “brigades” are brigade equivalents, The Halians ured a Regi ‘mental designation as their next lowest organiz ational level (Gee any Halian infantry division). Such a Regiment is considered to be a Brigade cguivalen for game purposes, Furthermore, the Briish had a propensity for using the terms “rigade™ and regiment” for a whole host of lessersized units, usualy batalions, (Eg, the 72h Rifle Brigade ‘seal a battalion sized infantry nit while the 7th Motor Brigade & 2 Brigade) Players shouldbe guided theough thin maze nor by the unit designation on the counter or the units hame but rather through the printed. Stacking Point value. This number, cross-referenced with Section 94, will reveal the organizatioinal level of the unit (For game purpose). (9.23) Thebasie combat unis fantry and tank battalion ("bataion equiva- lent"). As noted, some battalionsized unis (ae tual Battalion equivalents) may be called "ree ments” or some such. Check the Stacking Point ‘ale whenin doubt. 19.24) Resardiess. of its organizational desig- ration, every arilary wait inthe game, wih the the games the in- exception of certain scattered batteries, has a Stacking Point value of I". (The rave Artillery HQ unitmayhavea larger Scacking Point value) [9.25] There area number of companies and bat {eries inthe game with a Stacking Point Value of "0", due 10 the minisele mamber of men and combat impact thove units had. Nevertheless. less direct attached or assigned toa parent ni, ‘no more than fve such companies or batteries may ‘ever bestackedinany onehex,inadaltion fo what ‘ever ese isin that hex. Exception: there sno limit To thenurnber of such units which may be placed in 4 Majer City hes, Noje: an HO unit thas has no combat units attached to it has @ Stacking Point value of "0" [9.261 A Divisionis considered a shell” sce Case 3.1) when 50% of lest of the total number of brigade-equvalens that may be assaned tot are tached t01t-E-,, ia division which may have a ‘maximum of two brigades assigned currently as ‘only one brigade attached to i Ganove any i ‘dependent battalions or whatever, the division ‘considered «shel. brigade is considered to e a Shelli es than 2/3 of the otal umber of bat. talios (combat units) that may be assigned to it are atached 1 it. Exception: a brigade to which a ‘maximum of io battalions maybe assigned is not considered ashi two battalions aye atached to ‘and atleast one of them isnot itself shell, A batalions considered to hea sell when es than S06 ofits maximum TOE Strength Povnts ae a= tached (0 it unless its an Artillery battalion (or regiment or whatever): an arillry nit Jess than 2564 of TOE strength tobes shel (9.2 12 unit attached toa parent formation isa Shell it does nor count as one of the pre-requisite Tower level units necessary tallow the pareat unit {o qualify asa full-sength unit For example, a division to which a maximum of three brigades may be assigned has three brides attached (ai, but two of the brigades are shells. The division seis thus considered tobea shel. [9.28] A unic shat shells reducod one level to the next lowestlevel formation for purposes of Unit Differentiation on Close Assault (ce Case 15.3)and for any rule where un sz is imporans ‘Thos, 4 division shell would be considered & brigade equivalent, a brigade shell battalion equivalent, and a batalion shell a company iuivalent [9.29] First line (attached) Trucks do not count in any way tovards unit orzanizational size or for oad space stacking mils. Furthermore, Truck CConvoys (unattached, see Case 9.3) that ite Ina hex do mot count against any stacking limits, exe capt those concersing road space, for which they acount. [9.3] THE EFFECTS OF STACKING ‘Stacking restrictions init the mur af its hat can be ina hex atthe end ofa Frincly Moxement ‘Seament, as well a a the end of an Operations Stage. Sacking restrictions aso affect the ability ‘of motorized unite to move though Friendly units ‘ona Road or Track. Stacking restrictions also ap- during involuntary retreats. The stacking ts foreach typeof terrain at sted onthe Tete ran Effects Chari @.3) {9.311 Unitsmay never cease movement ina hex in Violation af stacking restrictions (8.7) [2.32] Units may always move through other {fiend units, and stacking restrictions apply only atthe instant all units have ceased mosement However, see9.33and9.38. [9.33] A motorized unit (lank, tuck, arillery, motorcycle, et) using a Road or Track #0 facilitate movement may nor exceed the fv point Road or Track Stacking Limit by moving through ‘Friendly unit or units on that Track or Road. fa lic using a Road or Track would crete such a situation it must “move around” the non-mioving tunis entering that hex without the Road or Track benefit: Note: some terrain is prohibited to motorized units ard such units could not move off ‘410ad 0""goaround™ in such train. A uit end ing its movement in-a hex tha it entered long @ Road or Track counts against the Road Track ‘Stacking limit for any other motorieed unit(s) us ing that Road/Track- For his rule, Teucksin Con ‘oy are treated separately, See Case 9.28, Note Off-oad markers are provided with the game. ‘They may be used (0 indicate units moved into & toad ‘hex without using the Rosd Bons, and therefore are not "onthe road” For purposes oF this Case, 19.38) Players are not permitted to “break up 2 ‘itn order co avovd exceeding the lmits oF 9.33; s.e.,moving through an occupied Road/Track hex subunit ata time and then recombining the sat tits into che original unit. (Players should note that 9.33 and 9.34 operate o prohibit certain units from ‘crossing escarpments ‘By tacks if either side of that escarpment is occupied by Friendly units that would block passage as per Case9.33) [9.38] Stacking restritions do apply during i voluntary Retreats those retreats mandated by the Close Assault CRT). A unt or sack of unis may not retreat through a hex involuntarily in violation ‘of Stacking Restrictions, Howey retreas, a stack of units (or ‘may be split up and retreated into diferent hexet (201 through the same hex, thoush). Any portion ‘of a unit forced fo rere that cannot so rete because of Stacking Restrictions i required 10 “Stand” and receive aditional losses (se Case 1S89), [0.4] UNIT BASICSTACKING POINT VALUES, (Gee separate sheet) [10.0] ZONES OF CONTROL (GENERAL RULE: ‘The six hexagons immediately surrounding a hex constitute the Zone of Contol (ZOO) of any unit in tha hex, However, only certain types and sizes of units exert ZOC's Hexes upon which a unit en. fs 8 ZOC are called conroed hexes, an these inhibic movement of Enemy units. All units must ease movement “upon entering an Eneny~ controlled hex. [10.1] WHICH UNITS EXERT AZONE OF CONTROL [10.11] All_ combat units above attalion- ‘equivalent (Le. with more than one Stacking Point) exert a Zone of Control. In addition, if ‘Mere's more shan one Stacking Point ina hex ever itnolarger han battalion units present the units Inthat hex also exert ZOC, Truck Convoys never exer! aZ0C, nor do HQ vmits that have ne attach. edcombar unis, 110.12} Aircraft, Squadron Ground Support ‘nis and warships exert no ZO. {10.13} Informational markers, such as dumps, minefields, fields, etc, do no exert ZC. [10.14] Units with @ Cohesion Level of =26 or ‘worsedo notexertaZOC. [10.15] Regardless of 10.11, any unit(s) ina hex that total fess than ten Raw Defensive Close Assault Points do not exert a ZOC, whatever the ‘organizational sizeof the uni, Por this purpose, Antivtank units are always presumed to be UP Front see Case 12.1), (10.16) The non-Phasing Player must inform the Phasing Player whether or not a particular unites grist Zone of Control if that tit could exert 4 Zone into hex anda unit belonging tothe Phas- ing Player ether besins a Movement Segment in that hex or fsmoved tosh hex (10.2] EFFECTS OF ZONES OF CONTROL, {10.21} 20C’s extend into all hexes on the game- ‘map, with he following exceptions: &, ZOC’s donot extend tough All-Seuhexsdes, Major River hexsides, or Lake hesides; and ', 20C's donot extend through Escarpment hex- sidescand ©. ZOC’s do not extend into any adjacent hex into ‘which the wait wishing o exert the ZOC could not enter from its present location. (Example: a Tank Battalion could not exert a ZOC into alt Marsh Ther unless there was a Track or Road connecting thetwonexes [10.23] Thereis no cost in CP's enter an Enemy 20C. However, see Section 10.3. [10.23] A unit mast cease movement ypon enter ing an Enemy-controlled hex. The moving unit ‘may not exit that Enemy-controlled hex until the ‘Roxt Movement Segment (within that Operations ‘Stage or in the next Operations Stage) Ifa unit ‘begins a Movement Segment in an Eaemy- controled ext may lave that ZOC, a cos in CP's to. Break Off (87). Units may not be retreated into a hex in an Enemy ZOC (exception seeCase 10.26) [10.24] No units may be moved directly fom one TEnems- Encmy-controlled hex. nto another controled hex. However, ter vit may always advance” vacated by an Enemy unit as 2 Reieat Before Assault, of Reaction. Such ad” ‘vances taken as part of movement in the ensuing Movement Segment and costs CP's. (There is no Iter Advance After Combat rule in CNA; this rule is simply an exception to the no.moveren- Into-Enemy-Z0C' rule) [10.25] Frinaly units may move through hexes Adjacent (0 an Enemy combat unit that are not controled by that Enemy unit's ZOC. (See Cases 10.1 and 10.2. [10.26] For af movement purposes, the presence ‘of @ Friendly combat unit ima hex negates thee tec ofan Enemy ZOC. Friendly ZOC's never a. fect riendly unis (10.27) Opposing units exerting Z0C’s on each ‘other are considered t0 be in each other's ZC. Furthermore, if opposing units exert a ZOC imo ‘the same hex that hex is considered to be contol. cd by both Players. 10.28) There is no additional effect when more ‘han one unitexertsa ZOCitoa given hex {0.9} Truck Convoys may not enter an Enemy OC waless such hex is already occupied by & Friendly combat unit. Furthermore, no non: combat unit (re, bare HQ's, Engineers, Air Squadron Ground’ Suppoct Unis, et.) may ever tenferan unoecupied hex in an enemy ZOC volun fariy I such a unis alone in an Enemy ZOC at ny time during the Enemy Moverent/Combat PPhase-and it has no strength of any type, such Friendly non-combat units Captured [10.3] ZOC COMBAT REQUIREMENTS (HOLDING OFF) [20.31] All hexes containing Enemy unis exerting Zones of Control on Friendly combat units must he attacked-—either by Artillery Barrage of by ‘Close Assault Note: A Probe (se Case 15.9) satisfies this re ‘usrement ifthe basic diferetil is ~4 or beter [10.32] As an exception 1010.3, ifthe Friendly luni im sueh Enemy ZOC consis solely of Ar- tllry, amictank, or antiaireraft (or non-combat) units, or there are other type unit but they are pin ned (1242, these units do not have to alack asin Case 10:3 (20.33) Players may use a special “Holding OFF" Artillery Barrage to stil the requirements of W031. (For experienced gamers, this is a Sophisicated version of "Soaking Of") Thus & Friendly Dission that i inthe ZOC of Enemy ‘unis from two different hexes may choose 10 HOK! (Off one of those exes and’ Close Assault the other (10.34) To perform a Holding OFF Barrage, « Friendly Player musi Barrage an Enemy hex with atleast as many Actua! Barrage Stength Points (he., Barrage Rating TOE Strength + 10) 35 there are individual aon-Gun (Le. Amilery, Ant Tank oF AA units) Baemy batalon-equlvaent ‘comb unis (its with es than 1 Stacking Point fand Gun units donot count) in that hex. Remember, an Enemy Division may consist of, say, eleven battalionequivalent units, so the Friendly Barraging Player would need 11 Actual Barrage Points to perform a Holding Of action istsuch Divison, [10.35] 1, according to the precepts of 10.34, 2 Priendly Phasing Player can not Hold OFF Enemy units ina given hex he must Close Assault that hes (Remember Cese 10.32). There is no misma point requitement for Close Assaule (10.36) 1f, for any reason, a unit can neither ‘Assault noe Hold Off an Enemy unity that Friend iy unit must Retreat three hexes (playing all CP's {or such movement) and earn dlvee Disoreaniza. tion Points, in addition 10 aay garnered by the reat. Such retreat must place the retreating unit three hexes distant from the Enemy unit (0 Aloubting back, ete) and may’not be made through any hexss in Enemy Zones of Control. I forced te fnteran Enemy ZOC the uit Surrenders in entire [11.0] THE COMBAT SYSTEM ‘COMMENTARY: CNA isan operational-level simulation, and it har been the history of operational games to have combat systems of & generally simple level (f Ponzeraruppe Guderian, Battle ofthe Bulge, eer War in Europe). However, the combat system i CNA is a muli-layered sequence consisting of Several steps, all of which have been designed tc {ake into effect n0t only the characteristics ofthe individual types of weapons (small arms fie vis ¢ sindiret alley fie, ee.) but also the unique rss of desert warfate. This imparts & tactical flavor to combat without resort to actual play-outs ‘of combat on a tactical evel. Much has beet abstracted (he major abstaction being arilers anges), but there is tll a wealth of information available a5 to relative strengths, compositions and capabilities ofthe aiferen its. Above ‘we have atempted to instil a “combined arms" Imperative in the combat system, sith the reval that unit composition is as important ax actu ‘rength, The CNA combat system requires some ‘mathematical dexterity, but most of alli requies good sense of organization and planning. Nfost layers wil enter combat “blind,” knowing litle about the Enemy. Knowing what to hold bck and ‘where toassign guns and anksisallmportan. ‘The Combat System may appear complex, but its simply @ matter of following the sequence and making the necessry calculations as you progress. ‘This setion should be referred to when under- aoing combat atleast uni the mechanics ofthe Sequence are well within the graspof the Players, (GENERAL RULE: During each Combat Segment, combat is man- atory between oppasing units in adjacent con. ‘rolled exes. Thereare four base types of combat activity: Barrage, Retreat Before Assault (non Phasing units only), AnticAtmor, and Close ‘Assault (offensive for the Phasing Player’ unis land defensive forthe non-Phasing Players unis), Prior tothe resolution of each sype of combat, the Phasing and non-Phasing Payers secretly allocate units to perform one or more ofthese activities, 35 they choore. The relative ability of a unit to per. farm a combat activity i @ function of its baste rating for that activity modified by ils current ‘TOE Siength Level (excepting Retreat Before ‘Combat, which any unpinned units may perform), Each activity necessitates the expenditure of Capability Poin ‘Thi Section discusses combat in general terms, a well as showing how the combat ratings are ured ‘Combat revolution for each type of activity 1 liscused spesfieally in Sections 12.0 (Barrage), 15.0 (Reweat Before Combat, 14.0 (As Fire}, and 15.0(Close Assault) PROCEDURE: ‘Once all movement as ceased (i.e. the Phasing Player's movement and the non-Phasing Players reactions, combat may occur. During a Combat Segment, ‘the Phasing Player must atack all Enemyucecupied exes which have nile exerting Zones of Control upon Friendly units (se Case 10.3). Any other Enemy units in hexes adjacent 9 Friendly units may be attacked subject ro terrain Fesiritions on combat. After determining which Units are undergoing combat, cach Player decides ‘which Gunelass units in hexes adjacent to Enemy Unis willbe placed in a Forward position and ‘hich will be considered in a Back position (see {Case 12:1), This is dane “secretly,” cach Player simply noting on either the TOE sheets or some ‘other piece of paper the appropriate postions of ‘his euns, Gun units remain in their specie posi tions throughout that Combat Segment, Players ‘now engage in Barrage. Each layer decides which ‘Of his units wil Barrage which Enemy hexes (ee ‘Case 12.2), noting the targets serely ona piece of ‘paper. Any adjacent hex containing Enemy units Inay be barraged. Both Players now Barrage in- 3 = 21) for @ toca of 63 Raw Points, or 6 Actual. Ase has 21 Infantry TOE Poinis and only 3 Tank TOE Points, he has no problems with Combined Armseffecs on Assault, ‘The Commonwealth Player has 10 Raw Infantry Points (5% 2 = 10) plus 28 from his Crusaders (7 x. 4 = 28) for a total of 38, for a4 Actual Hower, ashe has two more Tank TOE Points than Tafantzy (710), he subtracts | Actual Point for Combined Arms fects, The Basi Differen- tals thus 603,07 +3 For the Aus ach Player now checks for his actual Morale at time of Assault. The Axis Player has a +2 Basic ‘Morale with a Cohesion Level of 2; he consuls the Morale Modification Table, throws 21, and sets a No Change to his Basic Morale. So his Ad- Justed Morale is +2. The Commonvealth Paver haa Basic Morale of + Iwith x Cohesion Level of 3. Using his ~3 Cohesion he also consults the Morale Modifier Table, throwing 3. This results ina modification to his Morale of ~ 2, foram Ad- justed Morale of = 1. Comparing his Morale to that of the Axis Player shows a Finalf Adjusted Morale of +3 (42 — [=I] = +3), This #3 ‘means thatthe Axis Player will adjust the Assault Differential Column thre in hie favor. However, the Commonwealth unite are in Rough Terrain, ‘which sa twoscolumn adjustment in ther bea, so the final column adjustment is +1 forthe Axis. (Thereisno question ofa unit Size/Organizatonsl Difference here) Thus, witha Basic Differential ‘of +3, anda onecolumin adjustment forthe Axis, theassault rakes place onthe +4 Colom ach Player now theows two dice and consults his portions of the Assault Combat Results Table to ‘determine his loses, The Ans Player throws a3, ‘That means he loses S% of his Assaulting Force, an there are no eth resulls ei not Engaged). The Commonvealth Pla ‘21. He has several results from tis (2) He ces {Sey (2) He has 33% of these Captured (an adei= onal die roll of 4); and he must Retreat all his ‘units at Teast one hex (or take an additional 10% foe, which would further affect the Captured), ‘The Axis Player Assaulted with 63 Raw Point, ‘which he multiplies by his $6 Losstoge3.15, oF Raw Poin (the Attacker’ always rounds|up- wards). He remover two Infantry TOE Points (onefrom each of two battalions o absorb the 4 Raw Points (each of his Infantry has am Assault Offensive Rating of 2, s0 2 TOE of these equals 4 ‘Raw Points). In aditon, the Aus Player as bis ArrilleryTorward, so he must eemove 50% of bis Raw Point Lost in terms of Vlnerabiity Points ‘This means he has lost 2 Points (Vulnerability) of Arrillery. As each 105mm Gun hasa Vuloerabiiy ‘f 9, he would have to remove one of his Guns to absorb the 2 point loss. The Axis Player's loses fre thus 2 TOE Points of Infantry (or about 200-300 men), §Pasvers (1 TOE), and T TOE of 105mm guns (or 4 guns, for this type oF gun). ‘The Commonwealth Player now determines his loses, He used 38 Raw Points but healeofas Pin: ‘ned Stuarts, which must be included jn the tra. ‘Thereare S TOE ofthese, witha Defensive Assault Rating of 4, fora toual of 32 Raw, fora Grand ‘Total of 70 Raw Assault Poins, His Joses are 130, 010.8 Raw Poins, rounded downto 10. OF these, 33% are captured, of, rounding upwards, 4 ‘Raw Points Captured. The Commonwealth Player has 2 Infantry TOE Points Captured (to absoro the &), and eliminates | TOE of Stuart Tanks (4 Raw) and I more infantry Point (2 Raw) to satisfy the Id Points fost He then Retreats his entire FForceone he, eather than incur additional losses. “Ee has had about 130 men killed, about 300 men captured, and lost $ Start and 10 Crusader ‘Tanke, He has also lost his position, ‘The Commonwealth suffers no aditional losses this Cohesion Level, aside from those earned in moving the one hex (to Retreat). However, the ‘Axl Player earns three Reorganization Points for pushing the Commonwealth Player out of the hex [16.0] PATROLS AND RECONNAISSANCE GENERAL RULE: Patrols may be conducted in order 1 determine the identification and strength of opposing units Inany Operations Stage in Which no Aati-Atmor or Close Assault combat has taken place « Phasing Player may “pull” men oul of certain types of units to patrol inthe Patrol Segment. To patrol, the Phasing Player announces how many Patrol Poinsare Reconnoteringa given hex He consults ‘he Patrol Survival Table, takes lose, san, then refers to the Reconnsissance Table 0 se how el- fective his patrol has been. Depending on hie suc fess onthe Reconnaissance Table, the note Phasing Player must tl him information about a fiven number of unit, No units actully move Aluring patrol; patolingis handled abstractly. PROCEDURE: To patrol, the Phasing Player announces the umber of Patrol Points he wishes to allocate 8 Biven patrol, expends the necessary fuel and am- ‘munition, and states which hex is being patrolled Ho consuits the Patrol Survival Table (16.6) an rolls one die to determine any Patrol casvaltes (ness no combat units are present in he hex; see (Case 16.32) IF Pateol Points remain (hat isthe patrol is aot wiped out), the Phasing Payer rolls ‘ne die and cross-references the result with the ‘numberof remaining Patrl Points onthe Recon haisance Table (16.7) to determine what if any) Information his parol garners. The non-Phating Player must now reveal infarmation as reauited by the results of the die rll, Finally, the Phasing Player rolls one die and consults the Objective Loss Table (168) to determine if there re any ‘on-Phasing unit casualties and so, they areex: tracted CASES: (16.1) WHICH UNITS MAY PATROL, 16.10] Only Recce-ype, Light Tank (ltlian CV/34"s, British. Mark VI Lights, or German Panzer P's), oF Motorized Infantry may supply Patrol Points for Reconnaissance [16.12] The Phasing Player subteacts— or rather Aetaches ~ TOE Surength Points from the Uunil/TOE types allowable (Case 16.11) and designates thom as Patrol Points. Example! & Phasing Player detaches two Recce TOF Strength Pojats Tom a Reece batalion In Hex A and sssians them as Paleol Points to Recomnoiter Enemy-occupied Hex B. The Player notes nis TOE Log shets the assignment and any resultant casual. [16.13] No more shan 2 TOE Strenath Points may be assigned as Patrol Points from any one hex, ‘regardless of thenumber af units in that hes. 106.14) The maximum number of Patrol Points ‘that may be sent 10 an Enemy-oecupied hex is 3, ‘ith Patol Points from different hexes having the capability of combining forces for a Recor- nalscance operation. [06.18] No unit with a Cohesion Level of ~8 or ‘worse may asign TOE Strength Points to patrol uy. [16.16] For each Patrol Point sent out on Revon- halssance, the Phasing Player expends one Am- ‘munition Point and 2 Fuel Points. These supplies ‘must be present in the hex the Patrol Points ‘originate Irom, and they are expended regardless ‘ofthe rerult ofthe patrol [06.17] No Patrols may originate from or be irected into any hex affected by a Ranstonm oF Sandstorm [16.2] RESTRICTIONS ON PATROLLING [16.21] In any Operations Stage that a Phasing Player docs no engage in Anti-Armor Combat or CCloge Assault apainst any Enemy uaits, he may petrol. In addition, although a Player may patrol IT he has used Ailey Barrage during a given ‘Operations Stage, he ay not Reconnoiter any hex ‘which has undergone any Iype of Barrage oF Alt Bombardment. A Phasing Player may launch as many patrol ashe wishes, {16.23} Patrol Points may seconnolter any [Enemy-oceupied hex within five exes of the hex the Pateol Points originate from. The fivehex path may not include any terain impassable the tunis inthe patrol (see Case 16.11, nor may they pass through an Lnemy-controlled or occupies hex other than a hen inthe Zone of Control of the uni being reconnoitered, [16.3] PATROL LOSSES [16.31] Both Players — the Patroller and the Patrollee — must check for any porible combat losses from Patrol action, However. each Player checks ata differen ime, [16.32] The Phasing Player, after assigning his Patrol Points to Resonnoies a specific hex, co sults the Pateol Survival Tale before reconnon ing. with one exception. The non-Phasing Player must inform himit there arena combat units inthe hex which is being reconnoiteted. If there are no ‘combat unis in that hey the Phasing Play’ ships the Patrol Survival Table and suffers n0 losses 'AA/Flak and Engineer units arenof combat uns for this purposes [16.33] The Phasing Player now rolls one die and ‘consults the Patrol Survival Table If all his Patrol Points are from Reece units he subtracts one from the die ol, Any loses — in TOE Strength/ Patrol Pins eliminated or captured by the non Phasing Player (including. trucks) — ate deducted m= ‘mediately (Phasing Players choice as to ani {ype), Captured Points become Prisoner Points no Patrol Points survive the Phasing Player 065 no further; he gets no information. (16.34) Aftershe Phasing Payor has gotten his in formation, or after having had all his wits eliminated (whichever comes firs) the Phasing Player rolls another die to sce whether he has in- ficted any Toses on the non-Phasing Player regardles of the losses he (the Phasing layer as taken, There iv one excepion to thi: the Phas ing Piayer's patrol is eliminated in entirety, the Captured result on the Objective Loss Table bcomes an Eliminated. The choise of los (in TOE Strength Points) is up to the non-Phasing Player, but it must come from a combat unit. If tere areno combat units, the an-Phasing Player ‘may eliminate elther Truck Points, AA/Flak Points, Engineer Points, oF HQ Points, in that order af priory [16.4] DUMMY TANK FORMATIONS, Dummy Tank Formations consisted of mock-ups of Tanks, usually made from wood or canvas covered cars {the Germans used Volkswagon), Assigned to fool Enemy ineligence into thinking tere were Tank Brigedes in places where they 116.41] Bach Player may use Dummy Tank For ‘mations. These are the equivalent of Tank bat talons in size, Bu they are worth nothing incon bat. Their CPAs et, [06.42] To bring @ Dummy Tank bataion ino lay, a Player most expend 10 Stores, which must be present in the hex in-which the Dummy is “placed. Dummy Tank batalions are placed in tte Construction Segment. There are no selva «counters for Dummy Tanks, (16.43) No Player may ever have more than three Dummies in existence at any one time. No more than one Dummy may be In any one hex. No Ialian formations may ever make use of Dum ries, even when mixed with German formations [16.44] Dummy Tank battalions may be assigned ‘dentifications actually used by other Tank bat talions in play. Example: The Commonwealth Player may say Dumay Tank Batalon fis the 4th Royal Tank Regiment, eventhough the 4 RTR isinply elsewhere on the game-mep. (16.48) Dummies really have only one Function to confuse Enemy intelligence. ‘Thus they are ‘Worthless alone ina hex. Whenever a Player con ‘ducts Reconnaissance against an Enemy hex, the Enemy Player, if he has a Dummy Tank unit in thar hex, may tll him that e has the "X"" Tank battalion of any TOE Stength desired, when revealing information, The patrolling Player has nowey of owing that thisisa dummy or not (un- lithe attack) {16.46} If «formation with a Dummy Tank bat talion undergoes any type of Close Assault, the ‘Dummy Tank Battalion iminated. Ia forma: tion undergoes Anti-Armor fie and bas no armor or loses alls amor ~ the Dummy Tank Bat talon ie eliminated. AntieArmar fire committe Against Dummy Tanks may not be switched f0 Assault ifthe only “armors Dummy Tanks! [16.47] For the historians, The Houschold Cavalry Regiment, a Commonwealth Armored ‘Carunit, was assigned to North Afeica, However, it does hot appear in the OA Sheets as it saw ‘minimal action and was asigned mainly to handle ing the task of fiting out and overseeing the ‘Commonwealth Dummy Tank Formations, [16.5] RESULTS OF PATROLS ‘The Reconnaissance Table (16.7) results are ex- pressed in terms of the numberof battalon-size Units about which the non-Phasing Payer must ‘reveal information. Thus, ifthe Phasing Player thas wo Patrol Points and obtainadierall of 4, he willbetold about woof the Enemy's unis, [16.81] The non-Phasing Player must reveal the Following aformation abowt nite: historical Aesignaion (eg, 1/8 Panzer Battalion), type of Unit (mechanized infantry, armored cas, et), ‘whether the units motorinad or no, at the ‘TOE Strength within two ofthe actal srt thetimeof the Patra 106.82] The non-Phasing Player may choose the Units ina hex about which he wil eveal the infor ‘ation sted in Case 16.51, if more of hi unite are lithe hex than he is required to give information about (exceptions: see Case 16.83, 16.84, and 1659), [6.3] Information must be revealed about Datialionsized units, unless only smaller (or larger) units are preset. {16.4} Information may not be revealed about HQ units or AA/Fak units unless there are n0 combat units in the hes, Information may be fevealed about Engineer units (16.85) The Phasing Player may specifically list luis about which he does nar wish to restive in- formation, and the non-Phasing Player may not choose such nits to satisfy the requirements of Case 165. (Presumably, such units Would be ones that the Phasing Player aleady had adequate in Formation about, because of previous patrols Or sombats) 16.6) PATROL SURVIVAL TABLE (Gee Charts and Tables) [16.7] RECONNAISSANCE TABLE, (Gee Charts and Tables) [16.8] OBJECTIVE LOSS TABLE, (see Charts and Tables) (17.0) MORALE (GENERALRULE: ‘The Morale Rule in CNA attempts to quantity @ facet of combat that ss subjective that ivr Ty defies all sch attempes. The result subjective ‘pinion plays en important part in what i other wise a highly objective game. In any case, the ‘Morale rules combine the cleats of # Basle Morale ‘Rating (reprseating nial raining, Fines, enthusiasm, sesondary command capabs 1y, 2), which pa fined number (with one excep tion; see Case 17-3), with the eects of constant ‘campaigning and victory ot defeat. The Cohesion Levelof a unitis used to raise or lower the Morale “Rating of a unit atthe instant of Close Assault, ‘This adjusted Morale Rating is thon compared with that of the opposing Player to adjust the “Assault Differential one way orthe othr. CASES: [17.1] UNITBASIC MORALE RATINGS Each unit inthe game has a Basic Morale Rating, listed on iis OA Sheet, which, withthe exception ‘of Training (Case 17-3) never changes although it may be adjusted by ‘Cohesion Tor individval assault). The Morale Ratings run from +310 3. The Basie Morale Rating of & battalion (or brigade) is always that of it assigned Parent For ‘ation, unless the unit has been attached to nother force or has bee out onitscwa, [17.2] ADJUSTMENTS TO BASIC MORALE RATINGS 17.21) Beery time a unit i involved in a Close ‘Assault (or Probe) its Basie Morale Rating may be adjusted by it Cohesion Level atthe instant of ‘Assault. Theeffet of Morale on Assault has been discussedin Case 15.6, [17.23] Inorder co determine the effet of aunit’s Cohesion Level om its Basic Morale Rating, the Players use the Morale Modification Table (17.4), ‘This is another table chat uses a two-die sequen til read out (11-66), with the dicerol king up tbe “enter” of the Table. In this case, the Cohesion Level of the unit ison te lett, comprising the rows of the Table, while the Morale Modifier — the hhumber the Players rolling for —is on thetop of the Table, comprising the columns. Example: A unit has a Basie Morale Rating of + 1. 1 goesinto fn Assault with a Cohesion Level of = The Payer consults the Morale Modification Table and throws two dice, getting a 42. Locating the Tow for ~4 Cohesion, the Payer ready across n= lhe finds the column in which a dicerol of $26 located. That roll in the ~2 column, so the Morale Modifier is ~2, and the Basie Morale is adjusted by that number (+1 =2.= ~1). The Unit's Adjusted Morale Rating for that Assault is et [17.23] The maximum Adjusted Morale Rating & unit can ever have is 3, andthe minimum 3, regardless of what mathematical possiblities oc ur, Thus a unit with +2 Basic Morale Rating thatearnsa +4 modifier doesnot get an Adjusted Rating of +6, But just +3 (exception: soe Case 1728), (17.24) AN Cohesion Levels of —17 or worse use the**~ 17 et seq" row. All Cohesion Levels of +8 othigherusethe*"+ 8" row [09.25] The farthest column on the right ie the ‘Surrender column. If combination of Cohesion Level and dicerol places the Meaifir in that col- ‘umn, the affected units immediately Surrender (and become Prisoners, see Setion 28.0; Excep tion: Case 17.20) If borh units, fr some strane ‘eason, get a Surtender Modifier, tne Surtenders are ignored, no assault occuts and borh sides ate Engaged 17.26] If @ unit oF a Formation with a Basie Morale (individual or combined) of +1 or betters involved in @ Morale Adjusiment computation, sch unit follows the Morale Adjustment Table ‘normally with one exception: it fore al Sur renders (weating them a8 44 adjustment), However, it docs not ignore the "Surrender if ‘one the following isin effect a, Tho unit has a Cohesion Level of 11 or . The Enemy units) has at feast 3 times the Strength (Enemy Raw Offensive ASault to Friendly Raw Defensive Sensi). (07.27) 1s possible that a given Player has units of different Cohesion Levels inthe same assault. ‘The method of determining the applicable Cohe: sion Level i the Largest Unit Rule, discussed in Case6.27 (07.28) Axis units stacked with General Rommel ‘at ihe instant of Assault have their Adjusted ‘Moraie Raring further adjusted by +1. Ths a unit with an Adjusted Morale Rating of tht is assaulting under the direct command of Rooimel hasan Adjusted MoraleRating ot +1 [17.3] TRAINING Several of the Commonwealth units arrived in Egypt illprepared to fight 2 descr! campaign, ‘Thetefor, thei Morale Rating on arrival is iower «han thelr assigned Basic Morale In order to reach their assigned Basic Morale they must undereo Training ‘To forestall questions on the subject, only Commonwealth units must underge training for @ ‘variety of reasons, Most German units had lead lunderzone considerable combat before avving in ‘Africa, and, although they were no more dvs acclimated than any othe force, tis previous ex Perience counted For much, in ihe designers ‘minds. AS for te alians, most of these units had Served in Africa, had seen combat, or are of t00 low a designated morale to bother with training. ‘Those Commonwealth units designated for Train: ing are based on unit descriptions and fitness eporsin the various sources, (07.31) Unitsthatarein need of Training have, on their OA Sheets, vo Basie Morale Ratings. The rating in parentheses isthe Untrained Ratins the other Rating the maxim evel of Training and Experience thet that unit may reach, through ‘Training [07.32] A Commonwealth unit undergoes Train Ing in any one of thre areas: Cairo (any one ofthe «ity exes); Helwan (1430); or Alexandria (any city 2D 2B hex), or Amiriya, Abougir or Deshelis [17.33] To undergo Training a unit may not ex: pend eny Capability Points during an Operations Staye. Tf, for any reason whatsoever, a unit ex ‘pends CP's during an Operations Stages Train Ing hasbeen interrupted 117.34) For every sér Operations Stages that unit undergoes Training, it raises its Untrained Basic Morale Rating one point. (Thus, q 1 would become 80, et.) Itmay never exceed is designated Basic Morale 117.35) In order fora unit to undergo Training, a combat Battalion which has (or has reached) Alesignated Basie Morale must be resent in the hex with the Teaining unit during each Operations Stage of Training. Infantry divisions or brigades ‘ay use an Infanty-type battalion; any wai with {anks mast havea Tank batalion presen a tain Such instrution hattalions do nor count agait Stacking imitations, and such hatalions used for instructional purposes must beat leas 4 ofthe signed TOE Strength, Each instruction battalion ‘may trai as many-tnits as may be stacked in that hex. (017.36) Units are not required to undergo Train- ing: they. may enter combat with their leser “Morale Rating and then be pulled back a lat time for Training. However, only Training can permanently raise the Basic Morale Rating, Fegales ofthe amount of combat encountered [17.37] Commonwealth And Axis (see Case 20.43) Training Areas are indicated on the game maps. (17.4) THE MORALE MODIFICATION TABLE (see Charts and Tables) 017.5] VOLUNTARY SURRENDER oruNits ‘A Player's units maybe captured hea lack of com. Sat aiiy or be forced surendee asa rest of ‘morale determination during Close Assauteck fof ammunition of possessing 26. or more Disorganiaton Poin. player may voluntarily Surrender nuit und eran condons. {1751} Player may voluntarily surrender units, ‘Tho surendered ume ae reat a thous they “were captured or involunanily surrendered (es reat prisoner for the infants ant Tor the tanks, guns, and eran eplasemen). {17.52] In order co voluntarily Surrender the folowingconitions must be met ‘Au The ven xno osciring dung Ste eof a Combat Seamer B. Al ofthe unig, Replacement Points, et. in that hea that instant are being surrender {Co The surrendering unite st be adjacent fo an Enemy combat uns and be able t0 be moved Airey ino that ans hex {1750} Unis may be sender to an Enemy combat ni of any sie or statu excep 17.50) {1759) Theenemyunitmastaccet hesurender, ‘expending 2 CP's todos Ifthe Enemy it an. nol expend 2 CP's the ants may not voluntary Surrender, [0755] The owning Plyer_may_ attempt to Aksoy part of he i's materia at tenant Soluntty surrender. This may only cecraterhe has delved that uitina hex arcing volun ty surrendered The Plager ay not attempt fo dro anything that may not be moved vr may onl be moved in his Phasing Track Convey 0 Repair Phase [0786] The Pliner may attempt to destoy any Porton of his elle materia. Two determina he sions are made, one for tanks al gune and one for ‘ucks/Motorization Point The Player date mines how his attempt at destroying tanks an ‘uns has rared by rolling one die, subtracting one from the die rol and then multiplying by 10% (.8.,aroll of results in thedestruction of 30% of all designated tank and gun TOE Sirength Points). ‘Trucks Motorization Point destruction is deter mined ia similar manner excep that the modified ie roll(s multiplied by 20%. Round fractions ‘down, (17.6) TRAINING CHART (Gee Charts and Tables) [18.0] RESERVE STATUS ‘COMMENTARY: ‘The Reserve Rule was prompted by the unusus TimesinsSpace problems encountered using the Capability Point Allowance System and Continual Movement. Icprotets the Defender from having the Phasing Player perform feats of incredible ‘speed and agility far ous of eynch with he Laws of ‘Motion, Time, ad Inertia while, at thesame time, enabling the Phasing Player to hold back certain ‘units ocxplit holes in theline Inessence, units in Reserve not moving while the other unis are— are sill consuming “time while they stand. Thus their capability to move and ight reduced accoe™ ing ohow long they spendin Reserve GENERAL RULI Reserve isa stata which enables units o circum ‘vent the rule that sates @ unit must be within two hoxes of an Enemy unit to take advaniage of the ‘Continual Movement Concept. Unitsare placed in Reserve Statin the Friendly Reserve Designation Phase. At varying. times’ during. the Move. rment/(Comibar Phase the Player asthe opportan: ty to pull a unit out of Reserve and use it, with ‘arying degrees of restrictions, dependent on the Tength of sayin Reserve CASES: [8.1] WHICH UNITS MAY BE. PLACED IN RESERVE. [18.11] Any ants belonging othe Phasing Player ‘maybe placed in Reserve. Thenon-Phasing Player may not place units in Reserve, [18.12] Unis assigned to Reserve Status must be so designated in the Reserve Designation Phase of the Operations Stage, Units are #0 designated by Placinga Reserve marker on capo ther. (18.13) Unie sill in Reserve during the first Reserve Release Sepment of each Mover ment/Combat Phase, mut ither be released or have their Reserve I marker Mipped over £0 ts Reserve side, (08.14) Units in Reserve I Status remain in that Status unl ether they are released na subsequent Reserve Release Segment ofthat Operations Stage forthe Operations Sie ends [18.15] Unis may be place in Reserve only inthe Reserv Designation Phase, No unit may be placed in Reserve during the Movement/Combat Phase. [18.2] EFFECTS OF RESERVE STATUS 118.21) Thote are wo states of Reserve: Reserve tnd Reserve I, The Reserve marker on top ofthe ‘unis indicate ther eurent Reserve Status, 18.22] Ina Movement Segment, units in Reserve status may move one hex (regardless of Capa ty Point expenditure) as tong as they donot enter an Enemy-contolied hes. Units in Reserve TT 118.23) A unit in Reserve Fstatus may be released from such status the Reserve Release Segment in the fist Resrve Release Segment in that Opera ions Stage: i, after other units have been maved ‘once, Such a feleased unit may then move and Tight in the ensuing Movement and. Combat Seams with the following restitions 1. 1 may no: voluntaily exceed its Capability ointAllowancein that Operations Stage; and 2. It may engage in only one offeasive Close ‘Assault in that Operation State [18.24] A unit in Reserve Status may be released In any Reserve Release Segment subsequent tothe Ties Reserve Release Segment of a given Opera sions Stage. Such a unit may’ then move and fight withthe foliowing restrictions: 1. I may’ not voluntarily exceed one-half its Capability Point Allowance (rounded down) in that Operations Stage. Thus, a non-motorized in anty unit emerging rom Reserve I Status would have a CPA of 'S that Operations Stage, which it ould not voluntarily exceed;and 2. It may engage in only one offensive Close ‘Assault (or Probe) within the restrictions of (1), above in that Operation Stage and 3. IF it does voluntarily engage in any Close ‘Assault, AntiArmor or Barrage that Operations Stage it automatically ears one Disrganization Polat, in aditiontoany othereit might ears, [18.25) Unis released from Reserve may be mov- ‘4 Gin the immediatly subsequent Movement Sea ‘ent only) even if they ae nt within two henes oF Aan Enemy unit, which san exception a Case 8.23 [18.26] Placing a unit in and releasing it érom Reserve Status does nor cost any Capability Points [19.0] ORGANIZATION AND REORGANIZATION COMMENTARY: [As has been discussed previously In a variety of sections, the Organization of the various ils — i.e, which batalions are part of which Brigade, which Brigades and support units form which Division, ete. — is important t0 the play of the ame, particularly as pertains (o Stacking. The basic Organizational heirarchy is pyramidal: 2-3 battalions forma brigade, and 2-3 brzades forma Division. This Section discusses which units are Assigned oa Parent Unit apd which units may be ‘Attached, how to Attach and Detach units, an ‘when and how unis may be bul up co maximum sirensth Importants Players shouldbe aware that this Seo tiom fone that could cause considerable problems lunes certain basic tenes are understood. Fist of all, this Section is an attempt to formulae Organizational Doctrine; the Players are being forced to mold and se thst armies im Much the same way as the commanders did 30 plus years Ago. Angi frustrates he Player not tobe abie 10 46 things that are clearly Beneficial imagine how it'was to those actualy fightin Furthermore, these Organisatior and should sot be, considered ay sit, ita prov Serintions, Rather, Players wl ind them easier 10 use if they attempt 10 understand the principles Underneath chem, and then use the accompanying fhars and tables as aides, The charts and ables Feflest the maximum Attachments and ‘Assignments; anything within those limits an cer: tainly be accomplished. Most of al, this Section should be played with atention ta the Navor and ‘meaning of thecampaign which s being fought GENERAL RULE: Each unit represented by a counter in the game is either independent or assigned and/or attached 10 & Parent Formation. Companies, batalions, and brigades may be asigned and/or attached div son HQ tii are alas independent. Divisions, brigades, and bataions may have subsidiary units attached oF assigned co them the, be Parent For tations) Historical assignments are sted on the Organization at Acrval Chart (O/A Char, see Case 44); within litis, Players may alter thase assgnments, Players may more freely alter afock iments. Linittions on suchalterationsaregeneral- fy related the capacity of the Parent Ferme ‘lon(s) 0 absorb Subsidiary units, The historieal ‘TOE of battle (not the unis themselves, but how ‘many of each type there were) of every potential Parent Formation is Tied on the Formation Organization Chart (19.3) Resvictions on addi onal attachments are listed for each Formation ‘onthe Maximum Unit Attachment Chart (19.5) [19.1] DIFFERENCE BETWEEN “ASSIGNED” AND “ ATTACHED" UNITS [09.11] A unit is assigned oa specie Parent For- mation if that unit is considered a purt of that Parent Formations organization (ea., the 8th Panzer Regiment —a Brigade equivalent, ee Case 9.2 — bens the game asigned tthe 15th Panzer Division), [19.12] A units avtaced toa specific Parent For- ‘mation the counter representing the Parent For ‘mation onthe map represents the attached unit as well (Le, not only are both the attached uit and the Parent Formation in te same hes, But hey a funetionally combined into one unit 199.131 Itispossble for the same uit 1 have wo diferent Parent Formtaionssimaltaneously, one fo which itis assigned, and one to which itis a ached. Anima never be attached to more han ‘one Parent Formation at once; nor may aunit ever bbe assigned to more than one Parent Focmation at ‘once, Note: Aunt muse bein the same hos as @ Parent Formation o which iis attached (indeed, its represented on the gare-map by the Parent Formation’s counter) i need not be inthe same hex as Parent Formation to which ts assigned, ‘Of course, particular unit may be both assigned Aandatached othe same Parent Formation. [19.14] 1s possible for the same unit 10 be a Parent Formation and to simultaneously be, In turn, assigned and/or attached to another (hier level) Parent Formation. Note that the unis {ached (0 a particular Parent Formation may a fet whether or not it can be attached in turn 10 another uni. Example: Ifthe Ist Kings Royal Rifle Corps was detached from the Tth Armored Division (ls ‘ssgned Parent Formation) and sent co support the 2nd New Zealand Division; the 1st KRRC, ‘when absorbed by the 2nd NZ would become a tached to one units ai assigned to another. [19.2] UNIT ASSIGNMENTS: ‘Each Parent Formation (or potential Parent For mation) has am inherent se of limitations om the rumber and/or type of subs hich may beassgned oft. These limitations are ised onthe Formation Organiation Chart (19.3. Example: An Italian armor Brigade may have assigned 10 threcarmored battalions, Units enter the game already assigned 10 speci arent Formation, Assignments are generally pee ‘manent, wit excepetions for eliminated units for Historical assignment shifts and assignment pat term shifs, and for British bataions, as detailed ‘nthe following Cases. Any new assignments oer assignments are accomplished during the Player's Reorganization Segment and reorded on the ap- propriate Parent Formation's TOE Log Shes. (19.21) Aay Parent Formation which has fewer ‘nis assigned toi than ils maximum (ee Case 19,3) may be assigned additional independent (oon-assigned) units upto that limit (eg, only ‘wo armored battalions were attached toa Tealian armor brieade, the Axis Player could, in his Reorganization Segment, assign any independent lealian armored batalion to that brigade) In ‘order to be assigned 10.4 Parent Formation, an it- dependent nit must ecurretly attached roi 119.22] Should & unit's assigned Parent Forma: {ion be eliminated, See Case 19.11), sTthat— pre: sumably detached —unit survives its considered Independent and clighle for reassignment in ac: cordance with Case 19.21 and 19.3, [19.23] Should an assigned uit be eliminated, the assgment is considered terminated and ancther Sndependent unit may be assigned to the Parent Formation inthe eliminated unis place. (ie., eliminated units do not count towards the lita: ions stein Case 19.3) [19.24] The OA Chart (Case 4.48) contains nares concerning historical shi {hip for several unt. Players stitute o ignore such assignment shifts a seirop- tion, within the restrition af Case 19.21 (se ako Case 19.25). Such teassignments must be ac ‘complished sometime durin the month listed 0 the OA Chart ete, or neratal, Example: When the German ISth Panzes Division arrives it contains the {Sch Panzergrenadier {motorized infant) Regiment, abe in a Somewhat reduced state, At later date sted in the notes ofthe Isth Panzer and Sth/2Ist Panzer divisions, that che 115th Regiment, orsially ‘ssgned tothe [Sth Panzer, becomes pat ofthe 2st (nce Sth Light) Panzer Divison, taking on Some additional units ro Mesh out is sructue. If the Player wishes to switch the 115th to the 21st Panzer Division, the 11Sth would then be assigned tothe 2lst Panzer ts per thin cae [19.25] As indicated on the Formation Orga ‘ion Chart (19.3) the historical assignment limita tions on Commonwealth armored divisions and brigades changed three times. The Common- ‘wealth Player may, at his option, assign avalable Independent waits to such Parent Formations ‘shen these changes allow aditional unis 10 be {ssigned. The Commonwealth Player must "ne Assign” excess units whenever new Timiations re Quire him todos. [19.26] A special cule applies to Commonwealth Brigades (both Infantry and Armor). Theoughout the wa, the Commonvealth made it a practice to ‘shuffle individual batalions from one "3 ‘ment co another, This was especialy prevalent in the Indian units, where batalions ike the 2/5 Marat Light Infantry appears virtually every- whore. Therefore, the Commonwealth Player Is petmiced to pull assigned battalions from & Brigade and replace them with thers. trom another Brigade (or from the unassigned group). Such bavtalions are then considered assigned 10 ‘er new Brigade Battalions may only be re assigned or shMed they may not simply be un- signed” and made independent. Example: The 2nd Aemored Brigade (Ist meted Division) may pull he 108 Royal Hussars and Sth Lancers out, Send them ro Alexandria for refiting (with, Dethaps, new cans, ete) and replace them with fhe ath and Mh Royal Tank Regiment. The later ‘wo units are now assigned tothe 2nd Armored Brigade (19.27) Some units (esionated with an asterisk on their counters are asigned 10 Parent Formations that neyer made ito Africa. Except in accordance with ‘Case 19.26, such units may nor be re assigned. (09.28) Only independent units may be assigned to. Parent Formation. No unit assigned (@ one Parent Formation mas be assigned to another, es septa noted in Case 19.26 Remember: Assigned units take up “space” ina Parent Unit's TOE, regadess of where they are ven if not atached, am assigned unit occupies its jotted space inthe Parent Units TOE. [19.3] FORMATION ORGANIZATION CHART (see Chartsand Tables) ‘The Formation Organization Chart lists the assignment limitations of “normal” unis of div Sonal and brigade level, The maximum number of signe! units ofeach ype that make up the units hormnal oreanizational structure are Tsted. A fumber of units have singular orzaniztional Sructures, as noted onthe OA Chart; such tits are limited by those strictures, and. not by any listed onthe Formation Organization Char [19.31) Allied Formation Organization Chart, ‘eeChartsand Tables) (19.22) Halian Formation Organization Chart {sce Chartsand Tables) [19.33) German Formation Organization Chart, (see Charisand Tables) [19.4] RESTRICTIONS ON ATTACHMENT AND. DETACHMENT ‘Any nits assigned to particular Parent Forma. tion may Freely be attached to oF detached trom ‘hat Parent Formation, Most Parent Formations ‘may have sone number of additional non signed units of certain types, over and above ‘heir assiznment limits, attached fo thezn, These tachment Tints ate Usted on the: Masimam Attachments Chart (19.8). Nonassigned units say also be substituted for missing” atigned units (Case 19.45), [19.41] A unit assigned but not attached to a Parent Formation may become atached to that Parent Formation at any imeso longas bth units in the same ex, ata cost of one Capabiiy Doiat each to both the subsidiary unit and the Parent Formation, The counter representing the atlached unit removed from the map. Note that ‘moving such a unit into the hey with the Parent Formation (oF vice versa) and immediately at- ‘aching i would have no effect upon the Staking Point value of the Parent Formation (unless if vwasa Shel see Case9.26), {19.43} A unic not assigned a Parent Formation Inthe same hex may be allached to that Parent Formation subject othe resections of Cases 194 and 19.5 (if applicable ata cost of two Capability Pints for both units during the owning Player's Reorganization Segment, only. Note thatthe unit would have to be moved ino the ex camiaining the Parent Formation (oF vice verse) during an cali Movement Segment, subject tall tacking 119.43] A unit asigned and attached 10 a pare ‘icular Parent Formation may be detached from ‘that Parent Formation at any time at a cst of one Capability Point toboth units, 119.49) A unit attached but not assigned 10 a Parent Formation my be detached from that Parent Formation only during the owning Player's [Reorganization Segment or Moverent Segment at s cost of one Capabilily Point each to both lunlts: However, note that units are tioved in- dividually oF as a stack, and ence stopped, can be ‘moved no further. Thus, jfa unit is detached from «Parent Formation durin # Movement Segment, ‘ovement of either the detached unit or Parent FFormacion must cease (unless they are moved on asasiak), {19.48} A units) may be atached toa Parent For- ‘ation that has Fewer units assigned 0 it than the maximum restictions listed om the Formation ‘Organization Chart (19.3) asa substitute forthe “missing” (Chat is, not in the games, oF Te assigned as per Case 19.6) uni). Such @ unit ‘must not exgee, in ls own organizational sruc ture, the masimem limits that Would apply to the missing assigned unit ics being substituted for Example: If one infenity brigade assigned 10 a Commonwealth nfanty division ere eliminated, the Commonvealth Player could attach an i pendent infantry brigade fo that division se 8 substitute. He could not, however atach an i Tanty brigade to which mare than thee infantey battalions were assigned as a subtiut, since that Unit ould exceed the applicable Formation Orzanizationlimis, [19.46] A unit atached to a Parent Formation Which is ise in turn aitached to larger Parent Formation i considered attached 0 the larger Parent Formation aso. Note: This requirement ‘may tender it impossible (unless detachments ave made) ¢o attach 2 certain unit roa Parent Form tion Because other units attached 10 the fir cannot Be fited into the Parent Formations ‘organizational sructure, Exception: Units attach. fed (0 a Parent Formation n turn attached to a larger Parent Formation in accordance with 19-48 do or count as being aitached to the larger Parent Formation, [19.47] Any units currently attached to a Parent Formation may be detached in such a way that thoy end up attached to one ancther ata cost OF on- |y the Capability Points equited for detachment. ror example, he 132nd Resimente Corazzate and ‘he Niza Cavelleria Resiment ae detached from- the Arete Division. The N.C. Ret. may beattach- 410 the 12nd B.C. a his pone without any ad diviona expenditures, [19.5] MAXIMUM ATTACHMENT CHART (Gee Charts and Tables) “The limits listed om this chart apply to all units of the indicate sae and type, regardless of whether ‘oF no: the uns organization standard” ‘whether it appears on the Formation Organiztion Char 19.3)ernet [19.6] REBUILDING DEPLETED UNITS, ‘The method of replacing TOE Strength Points and/or Rebuilding units is covered in Replace: ‘mens (Case 20.4.1 should be pointed out ere, however, that no unit may ever be rebull oF augmented 10 the point tha i exceeds is printed ID Code Maxinium TOE Strength, Example: The alan Light Tank batalionsinay never ave more than nize TOE Strength Points of Tanks (Whother these can be Light and/or Medium Is overedin Case 19,68). ‘There ate some cases, albeit rare, where the aviv. ing TOE Steengthis below the-"paper” strength of the unit. This fact is usualy fisted in the TOE & ‘Weapon System() section for that wit, and the Players may increase thes units accordingly (09.61) Unis:hat have boen depleted (reduced by combat, ation, ete, may be augmented by Replacements (se Case 20.4), Nout may ever be Increased aboveitsstated masimum TOE Strength Level(isted inthe OA Chart for shaun), {19.62} Units har have been completely eliminated because of atuition on combat—not breakdown (re, no TOE Strength Points ema ing) may not be rebuilt, However, HQ units that have Tost ai her asigned battalions may have new battalions assigned (upto the number sod ‘onthe OA Chart) a ong a the HQ unit exstsasa cadre [19.63] If a HQ unit (counter) i eliminated, it may not be rebull uals least 50% of ita 4 units stil exist and are not attached Yo other Units. In such case, twa Infantry Replacement Poinis may beused to revive the HQ. Otherwizeit isgone for good [19.64] The use of Replacement Points iscovered in Case 20.4. However, the following principles apply in usiag Replacement Points 10 rebuild 4, nla Revlacment Points may be wed Lo Febuild a wide variety of Infaniy-type well as HO and Engineer units », Anillery units may be rebuilt with any type of ale guns. (Commonwealth Payers may wan, for histories purposes to limit their Medium Regiments to their Megiom “Guns and Field Regiments to thet Field Guns, ete, but this snot rule) ‘. Tanks may be assigned to any Tank Battalion Regiment. (Historically, the Commonwealth used 8 system of For Infanirytanks, Cruiser Tanks, land Light Tanks. Historians familiar with thi right want to follow this systems ti ally une important on an Operational Level. The liaans used similar system hat easier odicern) 4, Creation of Heavy Weapons Pins requires the expenditure of Infaniry Replacement Points and Gun Replacement Pos [19.65] Armored Reeve and Armored Car units ‘ue Reece points ustaly, te rebuild. Homer, the Players may wish rouse felt Light Tanks Yo aup- ment Resse units (see Case 20.6), {19.66} In an instance where a battalion assigned to Parent Formation has either been eliminated entirely or has, for any’ reason, been aslgned 10 ‘another Formation, the assigned “space” for that battalion may be taken by another, previously tunasigned, battalion, The later battalion is hen considered assigned tothe new ‘ras not previously so, Example: The nd RTR of {he Ist Atmy Tank Brigade is destroyed complete Iy. The Commonvealth Player may asign, 8) the 7th RTR to fill ts place, even thouah the 7th RTR would not normally be alloned 10 be asin: ‘ed 10 the Ist Army Tank Brigade, (It would be allowed switeh” under Case 19 26) [19.67] The HO unit for a Parent Formation is, for play purposes, its Cadre. As longa the HQ ex: ists, that Parent Formation may he rebik by oF Reassignments. Ifthe HQ is eliminated, sce Case I9.s2and 19.63, [19.68] Rebuilding units takes place in the ‘Organization Phase only may not take place at any other time. For every two Replacement TOE Strength Points added to'8unit, that unit fan ite parent, if suchis the situation) uses one Capability Point unit may eaen Disoreanizaiion Points by {aking ona large numberof Replacement Points in fan Operations Sage, Seversiy depleted units « Player wishes to so refit should be frst moved 10 (19.7) AXISBATTLEGROUPS [09.71] The Germans — and to some extent the Ialians — have the abjity co form Balle Groups (Kampferappen) ou of ad hoe units o rom units from other divisions and brigade. The Germans 4id this quite often, molding individual Bate ‘Groups te fitan occasion, Therefore, at any me luring an Organization Phase an only then), the Axis Player may form Battle Groups with his ‘mcs, All units must Be in the same hex in the anizaion Phase, and they must conform t0 tacking Restrictions and the limits fisted in the following Cases. Battle Group counters are pro- vided 0 tive HQ support (These Bale Groups ire given historical names, but can be used in any sion) [19.72] A German Battle Group can carry a max- mum of four batalion sized units of any type, but ‘here may be no more than one tank batalon and/or two infantry battalions. Up to wo add tional companies may be attached over this iit [19.13] The Klians also formed Battle Groups, but ona limited bass. No actual sounters are pro vided, but the Halian Player, if he wishes, may form Battle Groups using thelist of Bite Groups fon the Hialian OA Shes. Taian Battle Groups may have a maximum of three battlionsied unis, only two of which may be infantry an only ‘one of which may be atmor. One company-sired unit may be attached, No more than two Taian Bate Groups may heinexntence at onetime, [19.8] FORMING AD HOC AXIS ANTI-TANK BATTERIES The Axis Player may use his AntiTank Gun Replacement Points (his Marder will be especially useful) 10 orm “ad hoe" units. new units not Inthe game. Essentially, he wil be forming b teres of fom 3 10.6 TOE Strength Point of any one AT avn [1981] The Axis Player's Brigade-Level HQ units (ncluding Kampfaruppe) bearing an infanty-type symbol may contain up to sik TOE Steength Points ff antitank guns {islsa] The "Anis Player may anoment any Brigade-Level HQ at any point inthe game with ‘Anti-tank TOE Strength Points if at that point in time, all of his anti-tank its on the map (which includes the Teipoi-Tunisia boxes for this pur ose) eat at least 67% of thee maximum permit ted TOE Strength [19.83] The augmentation i performed by asien- Ing anti-tank Replacement TOF Strength Pon's 10 the HQasif the HQ isan antitank unit The initial assignment must be at lest three TOE Strength Points (19.89) The assimned AntiTank Replacement Points are wained at the Gun Replacement Point 9.85) An HQ that contains Anti-Tank TOE Strength Points possesses a CPA equal to that of those Anti-Tank Points [19.86] The Axis Player may only asign a single ‘ype of anti-tank guns to particular HQ Gi they ate eliminated completly he may begin again With Any type of antitank gun). Note that captured ‘nte-ank guns cannoc be used to augment, (19.87) An augmented HQ retains a Stacking Point valucat zero regardless ofthe number of AT points curently contains. [19.9] AUGMENTING COMMON. WEALTH BATTALIONS WITH ANTITANK (09.91) Stating with the 8th Game-Turn (April 1, 1942), the Commonwealth Player may increase the capabilities of certain of his infantry battalions by giving them TOE Strength Points of Ant-Tank suns. {19.92} Only those infantry bataions possessing 4 CPA Rating of 10 (whether of wot they were historically movorized; je, CPA Rating of 10+) and Offensive/Defense Close Assault Ratings of ‘either 1/2 oF 2/2 may beso auamented (09.93) These infantry unit's characteristics ‘change to now permit the unico contain a second Weapons system (ie., Ant-Tank TOE Stength Points). (19.84) Each historically motorized infantry bat- talion (CPA of 10+) may contain 2 TOE Siength Points of aatitank suns, Each historically nom motorized infantry battalion (CPA of 10) may contain one TOE Strenglt Point of Aati-Tank suns. (19,95) The Anti-Tank Points are assigned ro the Infantry unit a5 regular Gon Replacement Points ‘They undergo traning at the Gun Replacement Point rate [19.96] No Anti-Tank TOE Strength Points may tank regiment astigned to the infantry battalions area unit(s) is aot at maximum TOE Strength [19.97] Once the Amti-Tank Points have bsen ab- sorbed by the infant unit they poses the CPA ofthat infantry unit e.,aCPA Ot 10st theinfan- teyare walking or CPA of 2001 25: the infantry are motorized), [19.98] Anti-Tank TOE Strength Points do not affect any shell determinations of the infantry [20.0] REINFORCEMENTS, REPLACEMENTS AND COMMONWEALTH WITHDRAWALS GENERAL RULE: Both sides receive Reinforcements and Replace- ments. Reinforcements are entie units; Replace- ments are TOE Stength Points of particular Classes. Both Players recive Reinforcements cording to the schedule listed on the Reinforce. ‘ment Track. In addition, the Commonveslth Player receives Replacements according ta Com. ‘monvealth Production, and_the AX Player ‘eecives Replacements more or les at his whim out “Important: Any Replacement de rolls may be kept secret from the other Players Gocluding other ‘members of yout own team), CASES: (20.1) REINFORCEMENTS (2.1 Reinforcements ae aw, whole vis a arrive ap specified by the Rei “Thus, in he September 3/2, Operations Stage the Comimonwealth Player ccelves the 6th New Zealand Brigade (and its tee battalions) as well astheihNZ Field Arillery Regiment [20.12] Reinforcements enter the game at the Deginning ofthe Naval Convoy Arcival Phase of the Operations Stage. Thereis do Capabily Point «ost fr debarking: driving wits may be moved in the fst Operations Stage of arsval (The arrival dates have been adjusted <0 agcount for the logistical problems of debarkation, et.) Unite do ‘nor pay a Capability Point cos fr the fet hex they are placedin, (20.13) Reinforcements are treated as any other lini a soon as they have arrived, and they may performany andall me funetions normally [20.14] Commonwealth reinforcements, unless noted below, arrive at Caro, Layforse Comman- do unit (Game-Turn 19) and the Tiger Convoy (Game-Tusn 32) of Tank Replacsment Points (Gehich are reinforcements) arsve in Alexandr Returaing withdrawn unitsarsivest Cairo or Alen: andra at the Commonwealth Player's option (eubjetto staking restrictions) [20.35] All Axis reinforcements arrive in Tripoli, However, if there are no Commonwealth land combat nits west of Mersa Marah (chase) then “the Asis. Player may divert forces 10 Benghazi. The Axis Player may bring in one ‘battalion squivalent combat unt or two company. ‘uivalent combat units and up to ten Truck (or Motorization) Points assigned to arrive with that ‘nit (or ts parent uni). The Axis Player may not Giver units to Benahaif hs wl exceed stacking testitions or if Benghazi has worse than a Level thre efficiency at that point in time. This use of ‘Benghazi does afoct its port capacity for that ‘Operations Stage (see Case 55.1) 20.2] REPLACEMENT POINTS Replacement Points are designated by Class as follows: Infantry Poims, Gun Points, Tank Points, and Recee Points, Replacemeat Points usualy enter the game for Axis Replacement Points only — at the option of the nie Player {rom the Axis Replacement Points Poo see Case 20.6),0r — for the Commonwealth Player only — in accordance withthe Commonwealth Produc: System (see Case 20.7). All Replacement Points, rezardess of the method in which they emter the game, are covered bythe same reste: tions sted in his Case, (20.21) All Replacement Points “arrive in the Naval Convoy Arrival Phase of aa Operations Stage. Replacement Poins mandated by the Rein: forcement Track arrive in a particular Stage of @ prrticulae Game-Turnas designated, Replacement Points from the Axs Replacement Points Pool rive ina particular Stageas determined by the Axis Player; however, he must plan such aerials two Full Game-Turns in advance (soe Case 206) Replacement Poin from Commonwealth Pro- Auction also arrive in particular Stages as deter ‘mined by the Commonwealth Player; these must be determined four Game-Turns in advance (see Case 207, (20.22) Commonwealth Replacement Points may listed on the Reinforcement designated by type (ee. the Com: layer wil seceive "27 points of not merely "27 points of tanks") (20.23) Replacement Points the Axis Replacerent Pool are only. Heisfimited as to how many points of cach type may be brought in during anyone turn. See the Axis Replacement Pool, [20.24] Similarly, Replacement Points available according 0 the Commonwealth Production ‘System are designated by type and Limited as 10 availabiiy (20.3) REPLACEMENT POINT CONVERSION CHART (see Chars and Tables [20.4] HOW REPLACEMENT POINTS ARE USED (20.41 Trained Replacement Points may be assigned to (and abserbed by) unit any place on the gamemap (even in an Enemy Zone of Com: aol) However, the Replacement Point and the ‘receiving unit must bein the samehex. This means ‘hat “Mohammed usually goes othe Mountain,” rather than te later. Ponts must be assigned for eventual delivery 10 specific units immediately ‘upon arrival, Should the designated unit be climingted, oF withdrawn, sch points must be easigned Immediately, {20.42 Counters are provided to represent the Replacement Points, Replacement Point counters have all the characterstes of an actual uni with severalmajor exceptions a. They may never voluntarily enter an Enemy Zone of Control unless the hex i occupied by & Friendly uit ». They may never be use in any type af combat ther than’ defending against” Close Assault, regardless of thestategc or actial situations €. Theyallhavea Basie Morale of ~ 3 (in their un- absorbed sate) 4. They may never exceed their Capability Point Allowance (which s that ofthe unit they are being assigned (if they ever exceed thei CPA — for any reason — they are considered 10 have a Cohe- Sion Levelof ~26, {20.43] Replacement Points (both Axis_and Commonwealth) are required 10 undergo T ing. They must train for a specific number of Operations Sages, which may include the Stage of rival. Players should consi the eules on T 12(17.3) for particulars, asthe same rales that ap ply to Training Reinforcements apply to Replace- ‘ments. Axis points tain in Teipol oe any major city. Commonwealth units tai in those locations listed in Cave 17.32. When in doubt aso unit size, five Replacement Points equals one battalion, The schedule for Replacement Training as follows Type of Replacement OpStages of Training Point Gin Replacement One (Actually, not ‘Teaining; more on crating) Infantry Replacement Three “Tank, AC, Resse Six Replacement ‘Note: This has nothing todo ith Commonwealth ‘raining for Mor [20.44] In essence, within the parameters of Case 20442, Trained Infaniry Replacement Points are usualy tacked (if avaiable) to the Front Line after undergoing Training, where they are wane: ferred to the unt of assignation, Trained Tank, Gun and Reese Replacement Points may move of their own, use Railroads (Commonwealth), et, [20.45] Like other normal units, Replacement Points require Stores and Fuel (if vehicles) when ‘moving. Remember, ive Repkicement Points is the quivalent of battalion forall purposes. They can be assigned ammunition, bu! this is pretty such a waste of supplis, given the maxims of Case 20.42 (20.46) Replacement Poins moving toward the Fron for purposes of asignment ae considered Track Convoys and move only inthe Truck Con soy Movement Phase (20.47) Players should use the Replacement Point Availability end Assignment Sheets for keeping track of what ishappesing with thei Replacement Points {20.48} The cost in Capability Points to attach Replacement Points 10 units is sted on the Capability Point Cost Summary (63) Replace: ‘ment Point units ate coasidered ss Assigned units {orthis purpose. {20.49} Replacement Poins may be absorbed on- Jy during the Reorganization Segment. They then acquire the assigned unit's cohesion, breaklown and other levels 3

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