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(ONAN SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Document Scanning Lead Sheet Oct-14-2008 3:34pm Case Number: CUD-08-627556 Filing Date: Oct-14-2008 3:24 Juke Box: 001 Image: 02282208 COMPLAINT DALT, L.P. VS. ITZHAK VOLANSKY et al 001002282208 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned. C Cc sums20 SUMMONS : Loran 008 Ace (CITACION JUDICIAL) . ad UNLAWFUL DETAINER—EVIGTION (RETENCION ILICITA DE UN INMUEBLE—DESALOJO) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): Itzhak Volansky, Does | to 5 YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE):Dalt, LP. ‘You have § CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file written response at this cour and have a copy served on the paint. (To calculate thefve days, count Saturday and Sunday, but do not count other court holidays, Ive ast day fatls ona Saturday, Sunday, ora court hollday then you have the next court day to fla writen responso) A letiar oF phone call wl ot protect you, Your written response must be In proper legal form you want the court to hear your case, There may be a court form that You can use for your response, You can find these court forms and more information atthe Califon'a Cours Online SeltHelp Canter {bes courtinfo.2a.goviselfelp, your eounty law rary, ofthe courthouse nearest you. Ifyou cannot pay the fing foe, ask ti court Clerk for a fee waiver form. Ifyou do not fle your response on Une, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from te court. “There aro other legal requirements, You may want ocall an attomey right way. Ifyou do not know an attorney, you may want anattorney referral service, you cannot afford an attorney, you may be ellgtle fr free lgal services from a nonproft legal servic program. You can locate these nonprofit groupe atthe Calforna Lega Services Web site (wir lawhelpcalforiaorg), the Caifomia Courts Gnline Self-Help Center ( or by contacting your local court or county bar association, Tiene 5 DIAS DE CALENDARIO después de quo entreguen esta caclén y papeles legalex para presantar una respuesta por escrito en esta corte hacer que se entregue una copla al demandante (Para calcula los clnco las, cuenta los sdbados y los domingos pero no lot ‘tos lias ferados de a corte, Sl el cima ea cae en edbado o domingo, o en un dla an qua a corte eth carrad, tone hasta el préximo ia. do corte para presentar una respuesta por ese). Une carta una llamada tlefnica nolo protegen. Su respuesta por escrito Gene {ue estar en formato legal correcta sl desea que procesen su caso en fa corte. Es posible que haya un formularo que usted pueda usar Bara surespuesta. Puede encontrar estos formulates de a corte yma Informactan en el Centro de Ayuda de se Cortes de Califia. {hewn, en ls bibloteca de lees do su condado oen fa corte que fe quede ms cere. S/o puede pagar Ia cuota de presentacién,pida a secretarfo de a corte qu le dé. un formufarto de exencién de pago de cuotas. Sino presenta su respuesta «tempo, puede perder el caso por incumplinfentoy Ia corte podré guitar su sueldo, dinero y blenes sin més advertencia. Hay ores regulstoslegales. Es recomendsbia que fame a un abogado Inmedlataments, S/o conoce a un sbogado, puede lamar # un servicio de remision a abogados. Sino puede pagar aun abogada, ex posible que cummpla con los requsitos para obtener servicios legates gratutos de on programa de servicios legates sin fines de vero, Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines de luro en el sito web de Califomia Legal Sorvices, (www lewhelpeafomia.ore), en el Cento de Ayuda de las Cortes Ge Calorie, (iewve. 0 ponléndose en contacto con la corte oe! colegio ce abogados locales. 1. Tho name and address of te cour i Ses, (Elnombre y direcciéa dala corte es): “RNR 0.2..627556 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCoL—OUI b 400 McAllister Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 2, Thename, address, and telephone numberof plant's attomey, or plaintiff without an attorney, is: (El nombra, fa clreccion y el niimero de tléfono del abogado del demandante, 0 del demandante que no tiene abogedo, es): JOSEPH H. SCHIEFFER, ESQ, (Bar # 7253 3 (310) 834-2200 STARK, WELLS, RAHL, SCHWARTZ & SCHIEFFER, LLP SI} saT7 1999 Harrison Street, Suite 1520, Oakland, CA 94612 3. (Must be answered in alcases) An unlawful detalner assistant (Bus. & Prof. Code, §§ 6400-6415) [XX] didnot] ed for compensation give advice or assistance wit this form. (fplantif has recelved any help or advice for pay from an ura deteiner assistant, complete item 6 on the next page.) Li cee ba . f feo OCT 14 2008 Gordon Pat {Becta ‘Fer prot oT sone ois sons, use Poot Seven af Sana (erm POSOTO) (Para prueba de entrega de esta citatién use el formulario Proof of Service of Summons, (POS-010)}). ve HOTIce TO THe PERSON SERVED: You ee sewed 2. CX} asaninul defendant b. L_} asthe person sued under the fictitious name of (specify): ¢. L-] as anoccupant 4.) onbehait of specity: ll under: E ccp 416.10 (corporation) 1 cop ates (oinory CCP 416.20(¢etunct corporation, _ [=] CCP 416.70 (conservatee) CCP 416.40 (association or partnership) [==] CCP 416.90 (authorized person) CCP 415.48 (occupant) CF other (speci: 5. C)__bypersonal defivery on (date): age tot 'SUMMONS—UNLAWFUL DETAINER—EVICTION eee LesitNests® Automated Calfornia utictat Councit Forms _ ET RIREY OR PAT DT ATTORY Pare So | JOSEPH Hl. SCHIEFFER, ESQ. STARK, WELLS, RAHL, SCHWARTZ & SCHIEFFER, LLP 1999 Harrison Street, Suite 1520, Oakland, CA 94612 rerervone no: (510) $34-2200 raxwo, (510) 273-8775 arromey Fon wun: Plaintiff cate Bar #73537) C 1-010 FALED. [sureRioR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, coUNTY oF SAN FRANCISCO stneersooress 400 McAllister Street sanneaooress 400 MeAllister Street emvavoze cove: San Francisco 94102 OCT 1 4 2008 GOR 01 pon PARKCLI, Clerk eee ce Dalt, L.P., v. Itzhak Volansky CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Complexase Designation | Semaeee . XI . 556 beng treet Cleaner Clonee — |_-G0D+08-627 demanded demanded is Filed with frst appearance by defendant | “°° ee a enone | tees aetien asta al | a Toms 1-6 below must be completed (see instructions on page 2). [I. Check one box below for the case type that best descnbes ths case: Auto Tort Contract ‘Auto (22) Breach of contractwarranty (06) Uninsured motorist (46) [1 Rite 3.740 cotections (08) (Other PUPDAWD (Personal InjuryiProperty +} (Omrer collections (09) ‘DamagerWrongful Death) Tort Insurance coverage (18) TEI Asbestos (04) © otter contact 37) Product Kbit (24) Real Property J Medical malpractice (45) Eminent domainvinverse condemnation (14) [1 Wrongtut eviction (29) FA otter eat property (28) TZ otner pupa 22) Non-PUPDNWD (Other) Tort ‘Business torvuntar business practice (O7) Provislonally Complex Clvil Ligation (Cal, Rutes of Cour, rules 3.400=3.403) 1 Anttrusy rade regulation (03) [EJ Construction defect (10) [5 mass tor (40) Enforcement of Judgment CD enforcement of adgment 20) Iiseettaneous Chil Complaint FE) rico@n Miscellaneous Civil Petition Securities tigation (26) Envrormenta¥ Toxic tort (30) Insurance coverage cai arising from the Shove ited prowtionay complex care pes ay ‘Other complain not specified sbove) (22) Partnership and corporate governance (21) ‘Wrongful termination (36) 7) other employment (15) ‘Cs eights (08) Unlawful Detainer etaration (13) CT commereist(31) Fraud (16) Residential (32) (=) intesectua propery (19) 1 ongs 8) Professional negigence (26) Jodiclal Review ‘Other non-PUPOWWD tort (35) ‘Asset fretre (05) Employment Peper etre] [uaan deol tate (Er vetormaaas 02) SN ee ree ee eter {77} otter judicial review (38) 2 Thisease [Tis UXT isnot complex under rule 3.400 of the California Rules of Court. Ifthe case fs complex, mark the {actors requiring exceptional judicial management: 2.) Large number of separately represented parties d. [_] Large number of witnesses b.] Extensive motion practice raising diffcut ornovet _¢.[_] Coordination with related actions pending in one or more courts, {ssues that will be time-consuming to resolve in other counties, states, or counties, or ina federal court ¢. 2) Substantial amount of documentary evidence _. [_] Substantial posijudgment judicial supervision 1, Remedies sought (check all hat apply): aK] monetary b.[K] nonmonetary; dectaratory or injunctive reef ¢.{_Jpuntive 4, Number of causes of action (speci: ONE (1) 5. Thisease [lis 6. there are any known related cases, fle and serve a notice of related case. (You may use form CM-015) Date: (0/10/2008 Joseph H. Schieffer > Geek LT NOTICE + Plainfif must fle this cover sheet with the fist paper fled inthe action or proceeding (except small claims cases or cases fled under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and Insitutions Code). (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.220.) Failure to fle may resutt in sanctions, ‘+ File this cover sheet in addition to any cover sheet required by local court rule. + If this case fs complex under rule 3.400 et seq. of the Califomia Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of this cover sheet on all, ‘other parties to the action or proceeding. + Uniess tis is a cotections case under rule 3740 or a complex cate, this caver sheet will be used fr statistical purposes only. CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Tee TTS manne rs % Lextseis® Automated California Judea Coane For Siateiner ay 2 C c unos “JOSERHTT SCHIEFFER ESO” (State Bat 272537) es STARK, WELLS, RAHL, SCHWARTZ & SCHIEFFER, LLP 1999 Harrison Street, Suite 1520 Oakland, CA 94612 SUMMONS ISSUED ehontno: (510) 834-2200 raxvo roster (510) 273-8775 TILED an so0sess ontnr jechie ‘Say Francisco Cotiny Superior Court sronerron ene Plaintiff ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO OCT 1 4 2008 ‘stmecr aooness 400 McAllister Street nuns aoress 400 Medllister Street GORDUN Favinss4; Clark cirvawoze cove San Francisco 94102 Be BRANCH NAME: : in Puanmer:Dalt, LP. PNATT DEFENDANT: Itzhak Volansky, CO boes 110 ‘COMPLAINT — UNLAWFUL DETAINER® ‘CASE NOVBER, C3) comptaint [=] AMENDED COMPLAINT (Amendment Number): CNn-086275 56 Jurisdiction (check alf that apply): ‘ACTION IS A LIMITED CIVIL CASE ‘Amount demanded [__] does not exceed $10,000 GE) exceeds $10,000 but does not exceed $25,000, action ts AN UNLimiTED Civit CASE (amount demanded exceeds $25,000) [ACTION IS RECLASSIFIED by this amended complaint or eross-complaint (check all that apply): romuntawtut detainer to genera unimted civil possession ttn sue) from limited to aniimted 1 rom untandut detainee to genera tinted chil (portesston nat in fssue) 1 trom uminited to tiites 1. PLAINTIFF (name each): Dalt, L.P. alleges causes of action against DEFENDANT (name each): Itzhak Volansky 2. a. Plaintitis (1) [) anindividual over the age of 18 years. (4) L—) apartnership. (2) J a public agency. (6) C2) acomoration. (©) CET other (spect: limited partnership ©. (1 Praintt nas compd with the fetious business name laws and is doing business under the fictitious name of (speci): 3. Defendant named above isin possession of the premises located at (street address, apt. no, cil, zip code, and county): 48 Turk Street, San Francisco, 94102, San Francisco County 4. Plaintifs iterestin the premisesis CX] asowner [—} other (specify): 5. The true names and capacities of defendants sued as Does are unknown to plain. 6. a. Onor about (date)’ — March 30,2004 defendant (name each): Itzhak Volansky (1) agreed to rent the premises as a [—] month-to-month tenancy CX] other tenancy (speci (2) agreed to pay rent of S* payable CX) monthly [—) other (specity frequency): (3) agreed to pay rent onthe CX] firstofthe month (] other day (specify):* rent varies during the term of the lease, b. This CX) written [—] oral agreement was made with ‘current base rent is $1,458.61 per month 1) CX plains 3) (5) plaints predecessor in interest. (2) (2) plainstte agent. (4) (2) ether (specify): “NOTE: Do not use this form for evictions after sale (Code Civ. Proc. § 11612). mates "ecrtncctatonana” COMPLAINT—UNLAWFUL DETAINER cree cmtPceare fs 2 Stier a ortbennacgor Lexisexs Automated California Julclal Come Forms ¢ [pLanmee amex Dalt, LP. stwameER DEFENOANTiName): Itzhak Volansk} 6. c. (7) The defendants not named in item 6a are (1) 1 subtenants, 2) [J assignees. 8) (2) other (specity): ‘The agreement was later changed as follows (specify): Lease amended as of July 27, 2004. The changes made did not change defendant's obligation to pay rent. €. (2) A copy of the written agreement, including any addenda or attachments that form the basis ofthis complaint, Is attached ‘and labeled Exhibit 1. (Required for residential property, uniess item 6fis checked. See Code Civ. Proc., §1165) {. 2 CForresidental propery) Acopy ofthe witten agreement isnot atached because (specify reason): (1) 1 the witen agceomentis notin the possession ofthe lanctord or the landlord's employees or agents (2) 1 tis action’s solely for nonpayment ofrent (Code CW. Proc. § 11612). 7, G3 a. Defendant (name each): Itzhak Volansky was served the folowing notice on the same date and in the same manner: (1) FED 3-day notice to pay rent orquit (4) (] 3-day notice to perform covenants or quit 2) LJ 30-day notice to quit ©) J 3-day notice to quit @) CI b-day notice to quit ©) C1) Other (specify): b. (1) On(date!: June 23,2008 —_the period stated inthe notice expired atthe end ofthe day, (@)_Defendants fied to comply withthe requirements ofthe notice by that date, ©. _Allfacts stated inthe notice are true. 4, [XI The notice included an election of foreiture. e GJ Acaey ote Notice is attached and labeled Exhibit 2, (Required for residential property. See Code Civ, Proc., 1186; t. [21 One or more defendants were served (1) with a different notice, (2) on a diferent date, or (3) ina diferent ‘manner, as stated in Attachment Be. (Check lem 8c and atfach a statement providing the information required by items 72-0 and 8 for each defendant) 8 a. CX) The notice in item 7a was served on the defendant named in item 7a 28 follows: (1) [1 by personaity handing a copy ta defendant on (date): @ (1 by leaving a copy with (name or deserotion): . _aperson of suitable age and discretion, on (date): at defendants () residence [—) business AND mailing a copy to defendant at defendant's place of residence on (ate): because defendant cannot be found at defendant’ residence or usual place of business. &) C1 _ by posting a copy on the premises on date): 6/18/2008 C]_AND Wing acopytoa person found residing atthe premises AND maling a copy to defendant atthe premises on (ate): 6/18/2008 (a) C1 because defendants residence and usual place of business cannot be ascertained OR () CX) because no person of sutable age or discretion can be found there. (4) (] Mot for 3-day notice: see Civil Code, § 1946 before using) by sending a copy by certified or registered ‘mail addressed to defendant on (date): ©) (1) (ot for residential tenancies: see Civil Code, § 1953 before using) in the manner specified in a written ‘commercial lease between the partes b. C7) (name): was served on behalf of all defendants who signed a joint written rental agreement. ©. [7 Information about service of notice on the defendants alleged in item 7fis stated in Attachment 8c. 4. Proof of service of the notice in item 7a is attached and labeled Exhibit 3. roecrrrer: Tatas eset 8 ‘COMPLAINT—UNLAWFUL DETAINER Lewssens® Automated Coliform Jubal Counet Forms [_Puawenir (neme)-Dalt, L.P. ASE WOMOER DEFENDANTiNemo): Itzhak Volansky 9. (1 Phaintitt demands possession from each defendant because of expiration of a fixed-term lease. 10. EE] atthe time the 3-day notice to pay rent or quit was served, the amount of rent due was $9,169.80 11. CX) The fair rental value of the premises is $48.62 per day. 12. EJ Detendant's continued possession is malicious, and plaintif is entiled to statutory damages under Code of Civil Procedure section 1174(b). (State specific facts supporting @ claim up to $600 in Attachment 12,) ‘Awiitten agreement between the parties provides for attorney fees. TS Defendant's tenancy is subject to the focal rent control or eviction control ordinance of (city or county, ttle of ordinance, and date of passage): 13, 4 Pint has met all applicable requirements ofthe ordinances. 15. [=] Other allegations are stated in Attachment 15. 16,_Plaintif aces the jursictiona iit, ifany, ofthe cour. 17, PLAINTIFF REQUESTS, 2. possession ofthe premises. b. east incurred in his proceeding: © LX) pastdue rentot$ 9,169.80 4. LX] reasonable attomey fees. e. CX) forfeiture of the agreement. damages at the rate stated in tem 11 fom (sate): July 1, 2008 foreach day that defendants remain in possession through entry of judgment. statutory damages up to $600 forthe conduct alleged in tem 12. ‘other (specify): oo # ze 18. [XI Number of pages attached (pectin: 4 UNLAWFUL DETAINER ASSISTANT (Bus. & Prof. Code, §§ 6400-6415) 19, (Complete in all cases) An untawful detainer assistant [XJ didnot [_] did for compensation give advice or assistance ‘with tis form. (I plaintif has received any help or advice lor pay from an unfawful detainer assistant, state;) a. Assistant's name: ‘c.Telephone No.: b, Street address, city, and zip code: d. County of registration: fe. Registration No. f. Expires on (date): date: 10/t0/2008 Joseph H. Schieffer Y Det Neh Sree) Oana rawr me VERIFICATION (Use a different verification form ifthe verification is by an attomey or for a corporation or partnership.) 1 am the plaintitf in this proceeding and have read this complaint. declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: ‘rer on pant) TSONATURE OF PANTER) B00 Rr ay TT aa ‘COMPLAINT—UNLAWFUL DETAINER LexisNers® Automated Calorie Judea! Counc Forms SCHWARTZ & SCHIEFFER, LLP RAHL, STARK, WELLS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1999 HARRISON STREET, SUITE 1520 ‘OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA 94612-3508 10 an 12 13 ua 1s 16 a 18 19 20 a1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I, Joseph H. Schieffer, declar I am one of the attorneys for plaintiff in this action and have my office in the County of Alameda, California. Plaintiff is absent from the County of Alameda, California. For this reason, I make this verification for and on behalf of plaintiff. I have read the above complaint and know its contents and the same are true of my own knowledge except as to those matters alleged on information or belief, and as to those matters, I believe them to be true. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on _ Octzben (0 2008 at Oakland, Alameda County, California. Onn! Ae lM ‘Ts \wP51\00cl \ScHIESTE\FoRNS\Weritieation.wpd nares Cc Cc Stark, Wetts, Rant, ScHwartz & Scuierrer, LLP . ATTORNEYS AT LAW LAKE MERRITT PLAZA, GEORGE F. UNKER, J. 1999 HARRISON STREET, SUITE 1520 FRANKLIN G, STARK OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA Baaiz-a703 iecerut nue mater TELEPHONE (810) 24.2200 Pax (G10) 273-8778 Tune 16, 2008 ENT OR TO: Itzhak Volansky dba McDonald’s Bookshop 48 Turk Street San Francisco, CA 94102 AND ALL OTHERS IN POSSESSION OF THE PREMISES Pursuant to the written lease executed by and between Itzhak Volansky, as tenant, and Dalt, LP. as landlord, you became tenant of those premises commonly known as 42-48 Turk Street, San Francisco, California (“the premises”). NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that there is due and unpaid monies required by and under said lease for the above-described premises reasonably estimated to be as follows: Charge Date Description Amount 07/01/07 Base rent for July 2007 $1,389.15 08/01/07 Base rent for August 2007 1,389.15, 09/01/07 Base rent for September 2007 1,389.15, 09/10/07 Credit for payment received -3,000.00 10/01/07 Base rent for October 2007 1,389.15 11/01/07 Base rent for November 2007 1,389.15 12/0107 Base rent for December 2007 1,389.15, 12/03/07 Credit for payment received -500.00 01/01/08 Base rent for January 2008 1,389.15, 02/01/08 Base rent for February 2008 1,389.15 02/26/08 Credit for payment received 4,000.00 03/01/08 Base rent for March 2008 1,389.15 04/01/08 Base rent for April 2008 1,389.15 05/01/08 Base rent for May 2008 1,389.15 “TAWPSIDOCITTENSS1001 note to pay O2.¥pd stg EXHIBIT <2 Itzhak Votansky June 16, 2008 Page 2 06/01/08 Base rent for June 2008 1,389.15, TOTAL $9,169.80 WITHIN THREE (3) DAYS afer service on you of this notice, you are required to pay the rent now due and unpaid for the above-described premises in the amount of $9,169.80 or quit and deliver up possession of said premises to your landlord, or your landlord will institute legal proceedings to recover possession of said premises, to declarea forfeiture of the lease and torecoverrent, damages, attorneys! fees and costs. Payment of the amount set forth above shall be made to Bailey Williams, Ventura Partners, (415) 409-2904, 456 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA 94102. You may make the payment by personal delivery between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Tn accord with Califomia Code of Civil Procedure section 1161.1(c), your landlord’s acceptance of any partial payment of the rent due shall not constitute a waiver of any rights, including the right to recover possession of the property. Your landlord elects to declare a forfeiture of the lease under which you hold possession of the premises if'said due and payable monies are not paid within three (3) days. STARK, WELLS, RAHL, SCHWARTZ & SCHIEFFER, LLP 4, Perth aiff Joseph H. Schieffer Attorneys for Landlord “TAWPSNDOCINTENSS1O01 note to pay 02 pd e608 For Gout Use Only aise, or Paro vio Atomer Taplone JOSEPH H. SCHIEFFER, (610)" 834-2200 STARK, WELLS, RAHL, SCHWARTZ & SCHIEFFER 999 HARRISON ST., #1520 Bar #72537 OAKLAND, CA 94612 Ref Ne, or Ble Arorey for: Plaintiff ‘TEN9310-01 Inset name of Court, and Sadik District and Branch Court: Primi: DALT, LP. Defendant: ITZHAK VOLANSKY dba McDONALD'S BOOKSHOP PROOF OF SERVICE Hearing Date: ine: | Depupiv | Case Bamber: Notice To Pay Rent Or Quit) T, Atthe time of service I was at least 18 Years of age and not a party to this action, and I served copies of the: ‘Notice To ey Rent Or Quit The Premises es pany mee 2. a. Party Served: ITZHAK VOLANSKY dba McDONALD'S BOOKSHOP (Defendant) b. Person Served: party in item 2.a. c. Address: 48 TURK STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102 3. [served the named in item 2 ) sng & Malling (CCP 1162): b. By Posting () on: Wed, Jun, 18, 2008 @Q at: 9:05AM 6. by mailing the copies tothe person served, addressed as shown in item 2.c, by First Class Mail, postage ai Ton: Wed, Jun. 18, 2008 Q) from: OAKLAND CA 5. Person serving: Recoverabe Cosa Per CCP 1035.50K83) KRAIG VORSATZ a, Fee for service: $79.92 SAME DAY ATTORNEY SERVICE. 4. Registered California process (REGISTERED ALAMEDA COUNTY #584) server. 3 WASHINGTON ST, SUITE 200 (2) Registration No,: 237 OAKLAND, CA 94607 (B) County: SAN MATEO (510) 444-1441 EXHIBIT 3 6. Ideclare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: Sun, 18, 2008 SOHIEFR IAT ud, Coun form, rue 98263023) PROOF OF SERVICE Sipranrey

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