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The Narrative

This section of the report provides an opportunity for the collaborative to share
information about the collaborative’s progress based on the work plans that were
submitted and provide information on any additional significant work that was not
included in the original work plan. In section D of the guidelines are a list of
“evaluation” and other questions. Please respond to each of these questions in your
narrative as they apply to your work in the first year of planning.

Reference Documents:

1. KCFFI Draft RFA 9/25/07

2. KCFFI Collaborative Partner Meeting Notes from 11-14-07
3. KCFFI Site Selection Committee Meeting Agenda/Notes 12-20-07
4. KCFFI Draft RFQ 12-21-07

Food & Fitness

Technical Evaluation Report Year 1
1. Describe the existing:

(a) Strengths and assets in your community related to affordable, locally grown,
healthy foods and safe and inviting places for physical activity and play.

(b) Evidence of family and community demand for affordable, locally grown,
healthy foods and safe and inviting places for physical activity and play.

(c) Climate for policy, environmental and systems change through the natural &
built environment and procurement & consumption of local healthy foods in your

(d) Demographic, cultural make-up and diversity of your community (e.g. race,
ethnicity, gender, class, age, immigrant status, language).

2. Describe the partnerships that are being established to reflect the diversity
(e.g. race/ethnicity/gender/class/age/immigrant status/language) of the
community. Indicate types of member groups; who is already on board, who
needs to be recruited, and the degree of commitment of members to the goals of
the Initiative. Describe the extent to which members represent target
constituencies of the Initiative.

3. Describe the partnerships that are being established to reflect the integration
of local food, physical activity, built environment (transportation, play, community
redesign), parks and recreation and health systems.

4. All coalitions take time to evolve. On a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being very low
success and 5 being very high success, provide a rating of your
coalition/collaborative at this time on the following attributes. (Note: this rating
should come from the evaluators.) In the last column, please describe the data
that led to your ratings.

5. What has been identified as the definition for success of the work of the
Include indicators, measurements, data sources, and key informants that have
been identified at this time to track policy, environmental and systems change.

6. How is sustainability being defined and addressed?

7. What specific plans has your collaborative put in place to address inequities in
your community related to affordable, locally grown, healthy foods and safe and
inviting places for physical activity and play? What specific indicators of inequities
will you be tracking over time?

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