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Ram Ahluwalia, CFA

CEO of PeerIQ. We're hiring!

CECL Overview, Square’s Bid To Be A Bank, Equifax Data

September 11, 2017 • 12 Likes • 0 Comments
Headlines centered on Equifax’s data breach that compromised the personal data of 143
million U.S. consumers. The breach heightens focus on cybersecurity and secure methods
for exchanging loan data while protecting personally identifiable information.

Square is following in SoFi’s footsteps by applying for an Industrial Bank Charter.

Square’s application would allow it to own a bank without having to comply with Bank
Holding Company Act requirements and face supervision from the Federal Reserve.

In securitization news LendingClub filed ABS-15G for its CLUB 2017-P1 deal and Kroll as-
signed final ratings to three classes of notes issued by SoFi in its $527 Mn ABS deal, SCLP
2017-5. 9/13/17, 10B47 PM

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This past Wednesday, the FASB released an update to the current expected credit losses
methodology (CECL) for estimating credit loss allowances. The new accounting standard
applies to any bank, credit union, financial institution, and non-bank lender that reports
in US GAAP and hold loans or other instruments held at amortized cost.

CECL implementation will require increased supervision and controls around credit loss
forecasting. This week we explain the impact of CECL and explain how banks and issuers
can comply with CECL using the PeerIQ analytics platform.

CECL – Why It Matters for Issuers and Banks

Leading up to the Global Financial Crisis, investors in forward-looking financial markets

were estimating extreme credit losses for banks. Yet, the higher loss expectations were not
reflected in bank reporting due the prevailing accounting treatment. The obvious discon-
nect between the company value and accounting value highlighted the shortfalls in the US
GAAP approach.

Under the current US GAAP methodology that regulators seek to remedy, companies do
not recognize credit losses until it is “probable” that a loss has been incurred. Under the
new CECL methodology, losses are incurred when they are expected, based on “historical
experience, current conditions, and reasonable and supportable forecasts”. This regulato-
ry objective is to provide greater transparency regarding credit quality trends to financial
statement users.

This past Wednesday, FASB released an update to the current expected credit losses
methodology (CECL) for estimating credit loss allowances. This new accounting standard,
which was initially published in June 2016 (in conjunction with regulators such as the
FDIC, OCC, and NCUA), will apply to financial assets carried at amortized cost, including
loans held for investment and held-to-maturity debt. Once in place, these assets must be
held on the balance sheet net of an expected loss account. Changes are effective for fiscal
years beginning after Dec 15, 2019, for all for-profit companies that file with the SEC.

A Double-Edged Sword 9/13/17, 10B47 PM

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Once firms adopt CECL, management will have increased discretion around forecasts and
ultimately net asset carrying value. This represents a dichotomy for investors. Assets
should be carried at more accurate levels and better reflect the organization’s financial po-
sition. However, management estimates will significantly affect the balance sheet and in-
come statement. For CFOs and management, higher levels of discretion come with in-
creased accountability and investor and regulatory requests for greater transparency.

While a complex model is not required by the FASB, trade associations including the
American Bankers Association believe that detailed analysis may be needed to address
common questions from board members, investors, or auditors. For example, if loss pro-
visions decrease while delinquencies increase, stakeholders might want a greater under-
standing as to why.

CECL Methodology vs Current US GAAP

The major change with the CECL methodology is that organizations are expected to in-
clude forward looking information when determining credit losses. Banks will need to cal-
culate expected credit loss at the loan level for the entire life of the loan and then aggre-
gate with similar instruments.

Since ECL is calculated for the life of the financial asset, rather than the annual rate, al-
most all held-to-maturity instruments that are not risk-free will have a credit loss al-
lowance. These long-dated assets may appear more volatile than financial statement users
are accustomed to because their impairment has large implications for the balance sheet
and income statement. Under the new regulation it will be more important to have cor-
rect, auditable, and explainable expected credit losses. 9/13/17, 10B47 PM

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Source: PeerIQ, FASB, FDIC

As you can see in the table above, accounting for available-for-sale securities (AFS) will
change slightly as well. Total impairment for AFS will be capped at the amortized cost less
fair value of the security. This is because an AFS could be sold at the fair value before ma-
turity in the event the market is pricing an asset differently than management. Additional-
ly, changes in ECL for AFS will come through on the income statement rather than other
comprehensive income (OCI).

Due to the nature of the CECL changes, executives should use similar methods to monitor
risk internally as they use to forecast cash flows for quarterly reporting.

How PeerIQ Helps

PeerIQ’s offering enables issuers and banks of all sizes to comply with CECL using our
risk management tools – all of which are built with loan-level resolution, broad market 9/13/17, 10B47 PM

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data, and modern data science. PeerIQ today is helping financial institutions manage data
relevant to implement CECL and can recommend various loan-level estimation methods.

Additionally, PeerIQ enables financial institutions, investors, and regulators to speak a

“common language” by providing a fully transparent forward-looking cashflow and pric-
ing model.

For instance, PeerIQ’s analytical tools will enable risk managers to perform scenario
analysis, and output a price yield table with CPR and CDRs to facilitate communication
with the financial statement users.

How the PeerIQ Credit Model Works

The PeerIQ Credit Model uses a transition-rate model to estimate future cashflows. We
start with the observation that at a given point in time, a loan has one of several states
(current, delinquent, fully prepaid, or charged-off). Then we estimate the probability of a
loan moving between the various states in a network. For example, a loan might move
from “current” to “30-day delinquent”, or from “30-day delinquent” to “60-day delin-
quent”. Alternatively, a loan might “cure” and move from delinquent to current status. 9/13/17, 10B47 PM

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Source: PeerIQ

Notes: C=Current, P=Prepay, D3=30day delinquent, D6=60day delinquent, D6+=90day

and more delinquent, D=default.

Arrows indicate directionality of possible transitions.

We use these variables in order to estimate the probability of a loan transitioning between
states, for each period, at a loan level in order to forecast future cash flows.

We estimate the probability of each transition using set of candidate variables for selec-
tion such as age, credit score, vintage, income, employment, term, grade, channel, and
dozens of other variables. We also incorporate broader market data such as TransUnion 9/13/17, 10B47 PM

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dataset, ABS performance, and macro data such as unemployment rates to link issuer-
specific dynamics to broader economic trends.

Conclusions & Takeaways on CECL

Overall, we applaud the coming changes to US GAAP and expect investors to respond fa-
vorably. Here are a few takeaways to keep in mind:

Organizations should be able to use similar methodologies for valuing securities at the
financial reporting level as they are using for internal risk and portfolio management.-
Subjective forecasting inputs can have a substantial influence on the income statement
and balance sheet.

Changes in ECL could affect profitability, bond covenants, or even dividend payments.

Investors can trace changes in underwriting standards because assets are required to
be separated by vintage.ABS investors will see how public issues are valuing assets on
their books with regards to expected losses.

Organizations are expected have models that forecast future interest rates, prepay-
ment curves, default curves.PeerIQ’s loan-level credit-model enables banks to comply
with managing their consumer credit risk.

PeerIQ’s credit model provides issuers, community banks and large banks with an in-
stitutional grade approach to forecast losses.

Longer assets have higher burdens associated for holding them on the balance
sheet.The probability of a credit loss typically increases with the term of the loan.

Companies that intend to keep loans on their balance sheet may be more inclined to
offer shorter term loans in order to reduce ECL allowances providing an opportunity
to non-bank lenders who move loans off their balance sheet via securitization, whole
loan sales, or marketplace lending (which would be accounted for as loans Held for

Feel free to reach out to PeerIQ to learn more about CECL implementation and PeerIQ’s
forward looking credit models. 9/13/17, 10B47 PM

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Ram will speak on a panel at the Online Lending Policy Summit on September 25th in
Washington, DC.

Ram will speak on the “Trends in Online Consumer Lending: Less Tech, More Fin?”
panel on Monday, September 18 at ABS East in Miami, FL.

Ram will speak at the 1010Data Discovery Summit on October 5 in New York, dis-
cussing PeerIQ’s data partnership with 1010Data at 11:15-11:55AM.

PeerIQ in the News:

OneMain Deal Analysis (PeerIQ), Rated: AAA (LendingTimes, 9/5/17)

Marketplace Lending News Roundup – September 2 (LendAcademy, 9/2/17)

Industry Update:

Square Makes Its Big Move on Banking (PMYNTS, 9/7/2017) Square applied for an
industrial loan company charter, leading to debate over whether fintech companies
should be allowed to use this structure over traditional bank charters.

Jack Dorsey’s Square Makes a Move Into Banking (WSJ, 9/6/17) Square has applied
to form a wholly owned bank in Utah to offer loans to small businesses.

Ousted Lending Club chief boosts volumes at new venture (FT, 9/6/2017) Upgrade,
reports increases in volume following their Series-A funding round.

Goldman Sachs is Waiting by the Phone for Your Call (American Banker, 9/6/2017)
Marcus, Goldman Sachs’ consumer loan platform for refinancing credit card debt at-
tempts to reach millennials through customer service.

Cat-Bond Investors Sizing Up Irma (AB Alert, 9/8/17) Holders of catastrophe bonds
already are handicapping which issues would face the biggest losses in the event Hur-
ricane Irma takes a heavy toll on Florida.

Issuance Barrage Taking Shape (AB Alert, 9/8/17) The asset-backed bond pipeline is 9/13/17, 10B47 PM

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swelling again.

Equifax’s Hacking Nightmare Gets Even Worse for Victims (Bloomberg, 9/8/17) An
unprecedented data breach is causing identity theft concerns for millions of

Equifax Hack Leaves Consumers, Financial Firms Scrambling (WSJ 9/8/17)

Criticism of Equifax data breach response mounts, shares tumble (Reuters, 9/8/17)

Equifax Says It Won’t Bar Consumers From Joining Breach Related Lawsuits (Tech
Crunch, 9/8/17)


2017 US Open Stats & Fun Facts (WalletHub, 8/28/17) The US Open generates over
$290 MM+ in annual revenue and is the most watched sporting event (over all match-
es) on the planet.

Written by

Ram Ahluwalia, CFA

CEO of PeerIQ. We're hiring!


Leave your thoughts here… 9/13/17, 10B47 PM

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