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Legal terms:-

1. Ab Initio- At or from, the beginning.

2. Ad Idem- meeting of the minds
3. Ad Infinitum- without limit, to eternity, to endless extent
4. Ad Nauseam- repeated act which becomes annoying or tiresome (bored)
5. Ad Valoram- According to the value
6. Ambiguitas latens- latent ambiguity
7. Anbiguitas patens- uncertainty on the face of a legal document
8. Amicus Curiae- an impartial adviser to a court of law in a particular cases (friend of the
9 . Animus Possidendi-. An intention to possess
10. Bonafide- Good faith
11. Caveat Emptor- the principle that the buyer alone is responsible for checking the quality
and suitability of the goods before a purchase is made
12 De Facto-. In fact or in reality
13 De Jure-. According to rightful entitlement or claim, by right
14 De Novo-. Starting from the beginning
15 Ejusdem generis-. Of the same kind
16 Ex Parte- for one party
17. Ex post Facto- with retrospective action or force
18. Factum Valet- what ought not to be done, becomes valid when done it already.
19. Sine Qua Non- without which not
20. Jus In Personam- right against a person
21. Locus Standi- the right or capacity to bring an action or to appear in a court
22. Ratio Decidendi- the rule of law on which a judicial decision is based
23. Obiter Dictum- “by the way”, that is, a remark in a judgment that is “said in passing”
24. Modus Operandi- a particular way or method of doing something
25 Nudum Pactum- naked promise or bare promise
26. Onus Probandi- burden of proof
27. Pari Passu- at the same time
28 Prima Facie- sufficient to establish a fact or raise a presumption unless disprove or rebutted
29. Pro Bono publico- for the public good
30. Quid Pro Quo- Something for something

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