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Accident & Urgent Care

Update to Shareholders, Staff & Stakeholders

25 February 2020

Kia ora koutou,

It is an absolute pleasure that I can announce our new General Manager Julie Karam has
started with us.

Julie brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from the health and community sector over
the last 15 years. Most recently as Area Manager for IHC managing a 24/7 service and sizable
workforce of >150 staff. Julie has worked at executive level in the community sector, as well
as for Waikato DHB for many years; early in her career in a clinical role in the Laboratory
before progressing to a Lead Health Auditor and Management Accountant.

With strong system, technology and operational skills she is well suited to the challenges
currently faced by Anglesea as we evolve our business model. Alongside her experience Julie
has multiple qualifications in Management and Accounting; being a qualified Chartered
Accountant provides us with assurance that the financial position and performance of
Anglesea is in good hands! Outside of work, Julie is passionate about community development
and is involved in governance roles with local NFP’s as well as being on the committee for
Chartered Accountants Australia & NZ.

I’m sure that you will join me in welcoming Julie.

I am also happy to advise that the Board have had a Strategy session, and that we have
mapped out a Strategy for the business with numerous priorities for Julie and the team to
“flesh out”/develop. We look forward to sharing this with you.

I’d also like to “put on the record” my personal and the Boards thanks and appreciation to
Hugh Kininmonth and the amazing work that he “took on/lead” post Andrew Campus’ and
Malcolm Carmichael’s recent resignations. It has been a very important time for the business
and Hugh has led this with the energy and vigour that was very much appreciated. Ngā mihi
nui Hugh.
Accident & Urgent Care

In addition, Hugh Kininmonth has indicated that he will be standing down as a Director in the
near future (not immediately), as a Board we feel that it is imperative that we “go to the market”
so that we can get the very best people for such an important role. FYI, we will be conducting
a very robust competency-based recruitment in the next short period. Please feel free to apply
if you feel that you can “add value”.

Lastly, I would like to thank the whole wider Anglesea Team and my Board colleagues (Alison
Glover, Avi Chand and again Hugh Kininmonth) for their sacrifices/dedication over the last 3
– 4 months – it has not been easy times. In these extremely testing times – you have all shown
amazing resilience and commitment – this is both appreciated by me and no doubt the

Between Julie, the Board and I, we look forward to sharing our finalised Strategy and then
keep you updated on our progress against that.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Ngā mihi nui

Craig McFarlane
Independent Chair
+64 21 2204745

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