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Try Old Persian Cuneiform Fonts

This provides a short test of the characters in the Old Persian fonts —
the copsn font family.

The Old Persian font in the huge size

a i u k K x g G c
j J t T o C d P D
n N p f b m w M y
r R l v V s S z h
X q Q L B e E F
1 2 3 4 5
The font in its normal size
a i u k K x g G c j J t T o C d P
D n N p f b m w M y r R l v V s S
z h X q Q L B e E F :
1 2 3 4 5
and the Computer Modern Roman for comparison
1 2 10 20 100

Old Persian in the Old Persian script is (as near as possible):

ld:persian, which transliterates as:
la-da-: pa-ra-sa-i-a-na-

Xerxes had this inscription carved above the doorways of his palace at


which transliterates as:

xa-ša-ya-a-ra-ša-a-: xa-ša-a-ya-tha-i-ya-: va-za-ra-ka-:

xa-ša-a-ya-tha-i-ya-: xa-ša-a-ya-tha-i-ya-a-na-a-ma-:
da-a-ra-ya-va-ha-u-ša-: xa-ša-a-ya-tha-i-ya-ha-ya-a-: pa-u-ça-:

and which, when translated, means:

Xerxes, the great king, the king of kings, the son of Darius the king, an

Table 1: Syllabary and commands
Value Glyph ASCII Command
a a a \Oa
i i i \Oi
u u u \Ou
ka k k \Oka
ku K K \Oku
xa x x \Oxa
ga g g \Oga
gu G G \Ogu
ca c c \Oca
ja j j \Oja
ji J J \Oji
ta t t \Ota
tu T T \Otu
tha o o \Otha
ça C C \Occa
da d d \Oda
di P P \Odi
du D D \Odu
na n n \Ona
nu N N \Onu
pa p p \Opa
fa f f \Ofa
ba b b \Oba
ma m m \Oma
mi w w \Omi
mu M M \Omu
ya y y \Oya
ra r r \Ora
ru R R \Oru
la l l \Ola
va v v \Ova
vi V V \Ovi
sa s s \Osa
ša S S \Osva
za z z \Oza
ha h h \Oha

Table 2: Word glyphs, numerals, and commands
Value Glyph ASCII Command
xšāyathiya X X \Oking
dahyāuš q q \Ocountrya
dahyāuš Q Q \Ocountryb
būmiš L L \Oearth
baga B B \Ogod
Auramazdā e e \OAura
Ahuramazda E E \OAurb
Ahuramazda F F \OAurc
1 1 1 \Oone
2 2 2 \Otwo
10 3 3 \Oten
20 4 4 \Otwenty
100 5 5 \Ohundred
| : : \Owd

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