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MGMT 471

Term Paper: Guidelines & Rubric

Total paper length should be around 12-15 pages – not including reference. Use 12 point font, double spaced.

Component Description Points Your Explanation

(recommended length) Possible Points
Executive Summary  A one-page synopsis of the entire project that highlights your 25
(approximately 1-2 recommendations to the organization about the best ways to
pages) improve their staffing process.
 Imagine this project would be presented to the organization,
and higher level executives may only read this single page.
What should be the take home message?
Introduction and  Provide an overview of the paper and summarize the 15
Interview Summary structure of the paper
(approximately 1-2  Provide a company overview (products/services, mission,
pages). location(s), number of employees, number of HR staff)
 Describe the Talent Acquisition professionals (job title,
work history, credentials/education) – 2 interviews
7 Components of  Use subheadings for each of the 7 components of 80
Strategic Staffing strategic staffing.
Description and  Description:
Recommendations • Describe fully (e.g., 1-2 paragraphs) the
(approximately 8- organization’s staffing practices within each of
10 pages) the 7 Components of Strategic Staffing (Table
Use subheadings 1.1) and use key terms/concepts from the course
for each to describe what the organization is doing for each
component component.
 Recommendations:
• For each component, after describing what the
organization is doing, you should provide
recommendations for what they should
keep/change/or improve on. Again use subheadings
and key terms/concepts from the course.
MGMT 471

• Provide supporting research for you

recommendations (peer-reviewed journal articles) as
• Make sure that your recommendations are logical,
feasible, and seem to fit the business strategy.
Works Cited  Cite at least 10 peer-reviewed journal articles (published 10
2005 or later).
 At least 5 of these must come from the top-tier management
journals (listed on the last page of this rubric)
Writing Quality  Use proper syntax and grammar 10
 Cite and reference in MLA or APA style – Must stay
 Spellcheck the document
 Ensure transitions between paragraphs
Total: 140
Note – your grade may be adjusted based on team evaluations.

Average Peer Evaluation (not including your own) Point Deduction from Group Score
0-4 scale
2.5-4 Full Points
1.5-2.5 - 25 points
Less than 1.5 - 50 points
Consistent 0s or notes that the individual did not 0 points for the paper and presentation
participate at all
Find at least 10 peer-reviewed journal articles published 2005 or later for your chosen topic. 5 of
the articles must be from the journal list below. These journals are chosen because they are
considered top tier management journals or journals with a specific focus on Management/HR. I
recommend that you use Google Scholar, EBSCO host, and/or PsycINFO (see PSU library
website) to find and access peer-reviewed journal articles.

 Academy of Management Journal

 Academy of Management Review
 Academy of Management Discoveries
 Journal of Management
 Journal of Applied Psychology
 Organization Science
 Journal of Management Studies
 Leadership Quarterly
 Journal of Organizational Behavior
 Human Relations
 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
 Human Resource Management Review
 Human Resource Management Journal
 Journal of Vocational Behavior
 Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
 Journal of Business and Psychology
 Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
 Human Resource Management

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