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Artist As Entrepreneur – Personal Finances

 Japanese WILD burlesque

 Characteristics of goals that could be helpful
o Follow you passions like the thing about singing whatever
 Use strong words like, “I will”,”There will be”, etc. Use words of affirmation
 Goals are specific, measureable, time-related,
o Achievable or reasonable goals
 Two financial principals
o Borrow money only for things that appreciated in value
o Never consume capitol
o Pay off credit card balances early
 Don’t use credit cards for anything
 Just use your debit
 Don’t carry credit on credit cards
o Borrowing money will kill your financial future
o Save 10% of all of your earnings
 Don’t read Money magazine
 Live below your means
 Volunteer
 Know how to cook
 Make the minimum loan payments
o Consolidate your loans
o Do not pay them off early, the interest is tax deductible
 But don’t miss the payments though
 Be careful who you consolidate through
o Find a federally sponsored loan consolidator
o You may find yourself having “paid” it off and find out that you
o What is the term of a loan
 Duration, interest rate, monthly payment, and balance due
o Find the lowest fixed rate
 Especially if you have loans that are up for consolidation
 If you see 4% or higher keep shopping


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