Comparison Chart of Gram +ve & - Ve

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Comparison chart

Gram-negative Bacteria versus Gram-positive Bacteria comparison chart

Gram-negative Gram-positive
Bacteria Bacteria
Gram reaction Can be decolorized to accept Retain crystal violet dye and
counterstain (safranin) and stain stain blue or purple
pink or red

Cell Wall They have a wavy and double- Their cell wall is smooth and
layered cell-wall single-layered

Cell Wall thickness The thickness of the cell wall is 8 to The thickness of the cell wall
10 nanometres is 20 to 80 nanometres

Peptidoglycan Thin (single-layered) Thick (multilayered)


Lipid and 20 to 30% Very low

lipoprotein content

Lipopolysaccharid High Virtually none

e (LPS) content

Teichoic acids Absent Present in many

Periplasmic space present Absent

Outer membrane Present Absent

Mesosome Mesosome is less prominent. Mesosome is more


Porins Occurs in Outer Membrane Absent

Flagellar structure 4 rings in basal body 2 rings in basal body

Morphology Non-spore forming rods Cocci or spore-forming rods

Gram-negative Bacteria versus Gram-positive Bacteria comparison chart

Gram-negative Gram-positive
Bacteria Bacteria
Toxins produced Primarily Endotoxins Primarily Exotoxins

Resistance to Low High

physical disruption

Inhibition by basic Low High


Susceptibility to Low High

anionic detergents

Resistance to Low High

sodium azide

Resistance to Low High


Cell Wall Low (requires pretreatment to High

Disruption by destabilize outer membrane)

Antibiotic More resistant More susceptible


Examples Escherichia, Salmonella, etc. Staphylococcus,

Streptococcus, etc.

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