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Writing 1.

Student #: 107711139 English Name: Aurellia Azh Nindy

Using the Case Study on page 18, write a letter where you welcome a new partner to your corporation. Use at
least 4-5 new vocabulary words from the unit. Use the simple future tense where needed. Minimum 150 words.

Good Morning Everyone,

It is such an honor for me to announce that Mr. Kim Junmyeon is going to be our new partner
and will joining our company. We are going to make our branch company, so we need Mr. Kim
junmyeon who has many histories in business projects to run our project
Actually, Mr. Junmyeon is a good decision maker in history. He has high self-confidence so it
makes him easy to decide what is good or not in business. With his ingenuity, he has worked
with many companies to make some project and build a new branch company. Previously, he
has contributed to building a company in the property sector. At first, the company did not run
well. But, after he enters into the company he can solve the company’s problem with his
ingenuity and at this time that property company received a big profit. One of the most
memorable projects was he contributed to making a charity project to made a hospital in one of
the villages in West Borneo to help many people there to get the closest treatment because
previously this village does not have a hospital.
With a good chance, our company will make a welcoming party to welcome our new partner Mr.
Junmyeon. I hope you do not have another schedule or event at that time and available in this
event. The event will be held on March 26th, 2019 from 20.00 PM until the end. It will take
place on the first floor of SM Town Company, Mr. Junmyeon will give a speech to greeting us.
Please make Mr. Junmyeon feel at home when he joins us.

President and CEO

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