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Journal of Essential Oil Research

ISSN: 1041-2905 (Print) 2163-8152 (Online) Journal homepage:

Eucalyptol (1,8-cineole): an underutilized ally in

respiratory disorders?

Derick M. Galan, Ngozi E. Ezeudu, Jasmine Garcia, Chalice A. Geronimo,

Nicholas M. Berry & Benjamin J. Malcolm

To cite this article: Derick M. Galan, Ngozi E. Ezeudu, Jasmine Garcia, Chalice A. Geronimo,
Nicholas M. Berry & Benjamin J. Malcolm (2020): Eucalyptol (1,8-cineole): an underutilized ally in
respiratory disorders?, Journal of Essential Oil Research, DOI: 10.1080/10412905.2020.1716867

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Published online: 26 Jan 2020.

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Eucalyptol (1,8-cineole): an underutilized ally in respiratory disorders?

Derick M. Galana, Ngozi E. Ezeudua, Jasmine Garciaa, Chalice A. Geronimoa, Nicholas M. Berryb
and Benjamin J. Malcolm a
College of Pharmacy, Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA, USA; bEssential Oil Wizardry, Ashland, OR, USA


Essential oil extracted from eucalyptus leaves has a long folkloric history of being used for the Received 13 May 2019
treatment of respiratory conditions. The primary terpenoid constituent in the essential oil of Accepted 6 January 2020
eucalyptus (EOE) is eucalyptol (1,8-cineole or cineole), which has been studied in both preclinical KEYWORDS
and clinical settings. Eucalyptol displays several pharmacologic activities that may provide ther- Cineole; eucalyptol;
apeutic effects in respiratory conditions such as anti-inflammatory and bronchodilatory effects. 1-cineole; eucalyptus;
Several clinical trials have been performed in persons affected with respiratory illness such as asthma; COPD
rhinosinusitis, bronchitis, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) with positive
results. The objectives of this review are to provide a mechanistic overview of EOE with a focus on
the primary constituent eucalyptol, summarize the pharmacology of eucalyptol in respiratory
conditions, describe clinical trial data that has been generated by studying eucalyptol in humans
for respiratory conditions, and discuss clinical and safety considerations for the use of EOE or

1. Background rheumatism, burns, or gingivitis (3). One method of

traditional use involves placing eucalyptus leaves or
1.1. Ethnobotany and historical use
a few drops of EOE in a pot of steaming water and
Eucalyptus is a genus of flowering trees and shrubs covering the head with a towel, closing the eyes, and
containing several hundred species (1). Most euca- inhaling the steamed vapor deeply for 5–10 min a few
lyptus species are native to Australia, although they times a day. While more research is needed to clarify if
grow worldwide including many tropical and subtro- EOE has a potential therapeutic role in many conditions
pical climates (1). The leaves of eucalyptus are typi- cited in folkloric medicine, a scientific evidence base has
cally steam distilled to produce an aromatic extract, begun to accumulate, elucidate and confirm the poten-
eucalyptus oil or essential oil of eucalyptus (EOE). tial therapeutic utility of EOE for inflammatory respira-
Many species contain a saturated natural monoter- tory conditions. For example, in Germany, EOE
pene known as eucalyptol (cineole or 1,8-cineole). products are authorized for ‘well-established use indica-
While different EOEs have a wide variety of mono- tions,’ such as chronic catarrh of the upper respiratory
terpenoid constituents, most produce eucalyptol as tract and common cold symptoms of the upper respira-
their primary constituent, which can range from tory tract with persisting mucus (Cold Capsules™ and
~6% to over 80% depending on the species (2). Soledum™) (4). EOE is also seen in flavored, cosmetic, or
Eucalyptol is also found as a constituent of other antitussive products such as bath additives,
essential oils such as rosemary. mouthwashes, insect repellants, ointments/balms and
Eucalyptus leaves and their products have a long cough lozenges (3,4).
history of folkloric use, especially by the Australian The objectives of this review are to provide
Aborigines, for a wide variety of ailments, which could a mechanistic overview of EOE with a focus on
be broadly classified as infectious and/or inflammatory the primary constituent eucalyptol, summarize the
(2). For example, eucalyptus has been used for infec- pharmacology of eucalyptol in respiratory condi-
tions or symptoms of infection such as fever, bacterial tions, describe clinical trial data that has been gen-
dysentery, pertussis (whooping cough), pulmonary erated by studying eucalyptol in humans for
tuberculosis, cough, and other bacterial or viral respira- respiratory conditions, and discuss clinical and
tory conditions. Eucalyptus has also been used for safety considerations for the use of EOE or
inflammatory illness and wound healing such as asthma, eucalyptol.

CONTACT Benjamin J. Malcolm

© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

1.2. Pre-clinical studies on the mechanism essential 1.3. Pharmacokinetics and drug interaction
oil of eucalyptus in respiratory disease potential
Several studies in preclinical models of respiratory dis- Eucalyptol is absorbed quickly and can be present in the
ease have been conducted to shed light on the potential blood after 5 min of inhalation, although it reaches its
mechanism(s) of eucalyptol in the treatment of inflam- peak plasma concentration around 18 min after inhala-
matory or infectious respiratory illness (for pre-clinical tion (19). Following oral ingestion in gastric resistant
reviews see references (5,6)). capsules, eucalyptol is absorbed by the small intestine
An experiment in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) sti- and subsequently undergoes hepatic metabolism by
mulated monocytes using eucalyptol at human cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP3A4/5) into its
a concentration of 1.5 μg/ml found significant major metabolites of 2-α-hydroxy- and 3-α-hydroxy-
decreases in production of the pro-inflammatory cineole that are then excreted in urine (5). It is also
cytokines tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and excreted via expired air, meaning that eucalyptol is
interleukin-1-beta (IL-1b) ranging from 65 to 92% able to reach the lungs, peripheral airways and sinuses
(7). Analysis of ex-vivo human monocytes after after oral ingestion.
subjects were pretreated with eucalyptol 200 mg In an older study of the metabolism and pharmacoki-
three times daily for 3 days by mouth has found netics of eucalyptol in rats and humans, it was found that
a~30–60% inhibition of several cytokines and aerosolized eucalyptol was capable of influencing plasma
inflammatory factors including TNF-α, IL-1b, leu- concentrations of other drugs (20). In rats, either euca-
kotriene B4 (LTB4) and thromboxane B2 (8,9). lyptol or placebo was aerosolized for 5-10 minutes for
A study in human cell lines using LPS as an four days. It was found that brain concentrations of
inflammatory stimulant demonstrated a 0.6 mg/μL aminopyrine, amphetamine, zoxazolamine, and pento-
eucalyptol extract was able to reduce inflammation barbital were significantly decreased 2-6 hours after
via suppression of the inflammatory gene promoter drug administration compared to controls. In five healthy
NF-κB p65 compared with a control group (p < human volunteers that received aerosolized eucalyptol
0.01) (10). Recently, eucalyptol pretreatment was for 10 min for 10 consecutive days an increase in plasma
shown to be able to downregulate pattern recogni- clearance of aminopyrine was observed in 4 of 5 partici-
tion receptors involved in LPS signaling, leading to pants. All drugs were administered 24 h after the last
decreased phosphorylation of downstream tran- aerosolization and the authors conclude that eucalyptol is
scription factors NF-κB and p38 (11). It was also likely a hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP) inducer even
demonstrated that anti-inflammatory effects of when given via the inhalation route (20). Curiously,
eucalyptol could be abolished by deletion of the a newer in vitro study of CYP inhibitory potency in
gene coding for the transient receptor potential baculovirus-infected insect cells found that eucalyptol
member 8 (TRPM8) channel (12). had dose-dependent decreases in CYP 1A2, 2C8, 2C9,
Eucalyptol has been shown to decrease mucus pro- 2C19 and 3A4, especially with 100 and 500 μg/ml con-
duction by ~66% in human ex-vivo monocytes model- centrations (21). Potential pharmacokinetic-based drug
ing rhinosinusitis by downregulating genes associated interactions via CYP induction or inhibition warrants
with mucous production, MUC2 and MUC19 (13). further study with eucalyptol.
Preparations of aromatic chemicals which contained
eucalyptol (as well as other aromatics) have been
1.4. Safety and toxicology
found to increase mucociliary clearance and mucocili-
ary beat frequency (14,15). In guinea pig smooth muscle Eucalyptus oil has a Generally Recognized As Safe status
from airways, eucalyptol has shown to produce (GRAS) in the United States (US) when used for its
a relaxant or bronchodilatory effect (16). There have intended purpose as a food additive or flavoring agent
also been experiments demonstrating antinociceptive (22). The short-term use (up to 6 months) of eucalyptol
effects of eucalyptol and reduction of neuropathic pain at a dose of 100–200 mg three times daily appears to be
signaling (17,18). safe based on clinical research; however, ingestion of
Summarily, the data suggests that eucalyptol has anti- larger doses of undiluted eucalyptus oil can be fatal
inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator and analge- (3,7,23–25).
sic effects; all of which may be of therapeutic utility in In mice, the LD50 has been estimated to be 3.67 and
respiratory conditions such as asthma, chronic obstruc- 3.75 ml/kg for two different types of EOE, while in rats
tive pulmonary disorder (COPD), bronchitis, or other the LD50 eucalyptol has been estimated to be 2.48 g/kg
conditions with cough as a symptom. (26,27). EOE poisoning in humans has a predictable

toxidrome involving central nervous system (CNS) 3. Results

depression, abnormal respiration (shallow or labored
Five randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled
breathing) and myosis as well as epigastric pain and
trials were identified for inclusion and all utilized euca-
vomiting (25). Cardiovascular collapse can occur with
lyptol as opposed to EOE as the interventional treat-
severe intoxication and seizure activity has been
ment: one in participants with rhinosinusitis (24), one
reported rarely. There’s been a wide range in volume
in participants with acute bronchitis (23), two in parti-
of EOE that have resulted in toxicity, although one case
cipants with asthma (7,30), and one in participants with
series in children concludes significant CNS depression
COPD (31). Table 1 provides summary characteristics
with ingestions >5 ml (25,28). Another source esti-
of included trials including samples studied, interven-
mated death to be likely at doses >30 ml (25,29).
tion used, primary endpoints, main results and adverse
Myriad sources of EOE from various species, extrac-
tion processes and sometimes imitation using only
synthetically produced terpenes add difficulty in deli-
neating reports of toxicity in the broader literature as 3.1. Rhinosinusitis
chemical impurities cannot be ruled out as potential
sources of reactions. Rhinosinusitis, a common condition characterized by
Side effects of nausea, heartburn, exanthema and diar- inflammation of the sinus and nasal passages, results in
rhea were reported in clinical trials (7,23,24,30,31). excessive secretions, congestion or nasal obstruction,
However, the difference between placebo and eucalyptol frontal headache upon bending over, and pain/pressure
treatment groups was either not statistically significant or in sinuses. Risk factors include allergies, asthma or
not tested for significance (refer Table 1 for summary of smoking. In the trial of eucalyptol by Kehrl et al.
safety in the clinical trials). The broader literature has also included participants were a mean age of 30 ± 9 years
identified other rare, but possible, adverse effects including (range 18–57 years) and 56% male. Approximately 43%
contact allergy and skin reaction, vocal cord dysfunction, reported comorbid allergies and 44% were smokers at
and asthma exacerbation (eucalyptus pollen rather than baseline. The mean duration of rhinosinusitis symp-
aromatic extract) (32). toms was ~3.5 days prior to starting treatment with
In vitro studies of cytotoxicity or mutagenicity were eucalyptol or placebo. At baseline, the groups were
consistent with a hormetic response or a protective effect comparable. Significant differences in symptom scores
at low doses and adverse effects at high doses (33). A repeat were apparent by day 4, favoring eucalyptol, and at day 7
dose (100, 500, or 1000 mg/kg × 50 days) reproductive only 8% of the eucalyptol group failed to achieve a 50%
toxicity study in rats showed possible maternal and fetal reduction in symptom scores from baseline compared
toxicity; however, it is not thought that amounts of euca- with 73% of participants receiving placebo. Rhinoscopic
lyptol found in foods pose a risk to pregnancy or nursing findings using B-scan ultrasonography validated diag-
mothers (34). Pregnancy and nursing were exclusionary noses and findings of the study. The results remained
criteria in clinical studies. significant after stratification by male/female, history of
allergy/no allergies, or smoker/nonsmoker. C-reactive
protein was reduced to a greater extent in participants
2. Methods receiving eucalyptol compared to placebo, although no
A Medline and Google Scholar search was conducted differences in leukocyte counts or erythrocyte sedimen-
between database inception and 18 September 2018. tation rates were observed. The authors conclude that
Search terms included (Eucalyptus oil or eucalyptol) early intervention of acute rhinosinusitis with eucalyp-
and (asthma or COPD). Searches were conducted inde- tol has the potential to effectively relieve symptoms and
pendently by two (JG and DG) of the authors and reduce antibiotic prescribing which would likely
discrepancies in articles to include were resolved by decrease antibiotic resistance, adverse effects associated
a third author (BJM). Articles not available in English with antibiotic use and provide economic advan-
or articles that featured non-Eucalyptus-based aromatic tages (24).
blends containing additional terpenoids were excluded
(e.g. GeloMyrtol™). References identified for inclusion
3.2. Bronchitis
using stated search terms and review articles were then
hand searched for additional manuscripts that met Bronchitis is a common condition in which the bronchi
inclusion criteria. Included articles were clinical trials become inflamed. The cause of the illness is usually
featuring human subjects with a respiratory condition a viral infection, yet antibiotics are commonly and
that had at least 10 participants. unnecessarily prescribed. In the trial by Fischer and

Table 1. Summary of eucalyptol in trials of respiratory conditions.


Study Sample Intervention Primary endpoint Result Adverse effects

Kehrl et al. (24) Persons with acute eucalyptol 200 mg PO TID Decrease in symptom sum- Baseline scores were 15.6 (possible range 0–25) at baseline in Heartburn (days 5–7) and exanthema (days
nonpurulent with meals vs. matching score from baseline both groups 4–7) which both resolved after eucalyptol
rhinosinusitis without placebo × 7 days to day 7 Δ from baseline −12.5 ± 3.6 (eucalyptol) vs. −6.5 ± 3.5 discontinuation reported (frequency not
indication for antibiotics Concomitant use of (placebo). p < 0.0001 defined)
aged 18–70 xylometazoline 100 μg/
n = 152 spray TID used by all
Fischer & Patients with confirmed eucalyptol 200 mg PO TID Decrease in Bronchitis-Sum- Baseline score was 10.0 in treatment group and 9.7 in One patient case of heartburn that was
Dethlefsen (23) acute bronchitis aged ½ hour before meals vs. Score at 4 and 10 days placebo determined to be related to eucalyptol
18–70 matching placebo × 10 Δ from baseline was 3.55 (eucalyptol) and 2.91(control). treatment. Not statistically significant
n = 242 days p < 0.0383 at day 4, differences at day 10 were NS
Juergens et al. (7) Patients with severe eucalyptol 200 mg PO TID 20 Maximum tolerated Reduction of 3.75 mg (95% CI: 2.15–5.35) in treatment group Heartburn and gastritis side effects were
bronchial asthma on min prior to eating vs reduction in oral steroid and 0.91 mg (95% CI: 0.03–1.85 mg) p = 0.006 determined to be attributed to the
prednisolone therapy matching placebo × 12 dosage to control asthma eucalyptol.
aged 32–75 years weeks symptoms
n = 33 Concomitant use of oral
corticosteroids, SABA,
LABA, ICS, anticholinergics
and theophylline allowed
Worth & Patients with asthma eucalyptol 200 mg PO TID Multiple criteria Mean increase of FEV by 0.31 ± 0.36 and 0.2 ± 0.48, AQLQ by Nausea, stomach ache and heartburn were
Dethlefsen (30) taking on current ½ hour before food vs measurement composed 5.2 ± 8.1 and 2.6 ± 8.1, and sum of assessment of reported in 4 patients that were
asthma medication matching placebo × 6 of lung function, asthma nocturnal asthma by 3.1 ± 3.8 and 5.22 ± 8.1 in eucalyptol determined to be related to eucalyptol
aged 18–65 years months symptoms and quality of and placebo, respectively. p = .0027 treatment. Not statistically significant.
n = 247 Concomitant use of SABA, life.
LABA, ICS, anticholinergics
and theophylline allowed
Worth et al. (31) Smoking or former Concomitant therapy with Decrease in COPD Number of exacerbations (0.9 ± 1.46 vs 0.4 ± 0.82), duration Nausea, diarrhea and heartburn side effects
smoking patients with eucalyptol TID ½ hours exacerbation number, of exacerbations (5.7 ± 8.9 vs 4.0 ± 10.9), severity score were only reported in 3 patients.
moderate/severe COPD before food vs matching duration, severity as (1.4 ± 2.2 vs 0.8 ± 1.5) were all significantly decreased (p =
aged 40–80 years placebo × 6 months a combined endpoint 0.0024) in Wei-Lachin Test
n = 242 Concomitant use of SABA,
LABA, ICS, anticholinergics
and theophylline allowed
SABA = short-acting beta-agonist; LABA = long-acting beta-agonist; ICS = inhaled corticosteroid.
PO = orally; TID = three times daily; FEV = forced expiratory volume.

Dethlefsen, patients in the control and treatment group 2.5 mg increments if baseline dose was <20 mg and 5 mg
were ~42 ± 16 years old and were well matched in increments if ≥20 mg as long as asthma symptoms demon-
regards to other baseline demographic variables includ- strated stability. Treatment with eucalyptol allowed
ing the history of smoking. Many comorbid respiratory a 2.84 mg greater reduction in daily prednisolone dosage
or medical conditions that could affect bronchitis were compared to placebo, demonstrating significant (p = 0.006)
exclusion criteria. The mean days from the detection of glucocorticoid-sparing effects. Additionally, reductions in
acute bronchitis to treatment were 4.0 and 3.9 days in oral glucocorticoids did not result in significant increases in
the control and treatment group, respectively. rescue inhaler use, whereas reductions in placebo groups
Participants assigned to each treatment arm were mea- did. Patient and clinician global assessments of efficacy
sured using the Bronchitis-Sum-Score which summar- favored eucalyptol compared to placebo. This was the
ized symptoms of bronchitis including dyspnea, first study to suggest a clinically relevant anti-
sputum, frequency of cough, thoracic pain, auscultation inflammatory activity of eucalyptol in bronchial
and lung function – all equally weighted. Both the asthma (7).
eucalyptol and placebo group has a baseline Bronchitis- In a recent, larger study with a longer duration of
Sum-Score of 10. After 4 days of treatment, the euca- follow-up conducted by Worth and Dethlefsen, patients
lyptol group had a statistically significant improvement were followed monthly for 6 months. Participants were
in symptom alleviation over the placebo group, with required to be controlled for at least 2 weeks prior to
a 0.64 greater decrease in the Bronchitis Sum Score. At study enrollment and eucalyptol was used as
10 days, the severity of symptoms was similar in both a concomitant therapy. Enrolled participants had
groups, which aligns with normal disease progression, a mean age of ~53 ± 13 years, has suffered from asthma
as acute bronchitis is typically self-limiting and for ~15 ± 13 years, and had a mean forced expiratory
improves in this time course. When each component volume in 1 s (FEV1) of 2.3 ± 0.8. Patients were well
of the Bronchitis-Sum-Score was evaluated, only num- matched between placebo and treatment group including
ber of coughing fits in the eucalyptol group was signifi- baseline use of ICS, LABA, anticholinergic and theophyl-
cantly reduced at 4 days and therefore was the main line, although dose equivalency was not calculated at
driver in decreasing the Bronchitis-Sum-Score. baseline. Treatment with eucalyptol showed
Persistent coughing is the main diagnostic criterion for a statistically significant improvement in forced expira-
acute bronchitis, and thus reduction of coughing fits is tory volume (FEV1), Asthma Quality of Life
a good indicator for efficacy. Eucalyptol was determined Questionnaire (AQLQ), and nocturnal asthma when
to be an effective treatment for acute bronchitis with used concomitantly with standard therapy when com-
favorable outcomes on pathophysiology and reduction pared to placebo. Furthermore, eucalyptol treated
of symptoms. This bronchitis treatment is both cost- patients had significantly increased forced vital capacity
effective, accessible and important in reducing inap- (FVC) and peak flow, as well as improvements in cough,
propriate antibiotic prescribing (23). and dyspnea both at rest and while exercising compared
with placebo. Eucalyptol is thought to help improve
mucociliary dysfunction and to improve patients’ symp-
3.3. Asthma
toms through its anti-inflammatory and bronchodilating
Asthma is a common chronic disease that affects the air- effects. This large randomized trial demonstrated euca-
ways and makes breathing difficult that could be due to lyptol improved several dimensions of respiratory func-
bronchial hyperresponsiveness, and an underlying inflam- tion and quality of life in participants with asthma (30).
mation. In a study of severe asthmatics by Juergens et al., 33
participants with a mean age of ~57 years, received an
3.4. COPD
average daily prednisolone dose of ~11 mg (range 5-24
mg). Additionally, participants received fixed doses of con- COPD is a disease of several components in which the
comitant therapy including inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), lungs are changed functionally and structurally, resulting
inhaled long acting β agonists (LABA), inhaled quaternary in decreased airflow and oxygen supply to patients.
anticholinergics, and theophylline for the studies duration. Smoking is a major risk factor that causes damage to
They additionally used inhaled short-acting β-agonists ciliated epithelium and inflammation to the mucous
(SABA) as rescue medication on an as-needed basis. membrane. In a 2009 study by Worth, patients were an
Patients went through a 2-month run-in phase to demon- average age of about 62 ± 10 years of age, 68% male in the
strate stability in symptoms and medication dosage. The placebo group, 60% male in the treatment group, about
study was conducted over 12 weeks with follow-up visits 13 years diagnosed with moderate to severe COPD
every 3 weeks, at which oral prednisolone was decreased in (GOLD stages 2 and 3). Patients were well matched, and

all had been current or previous smokers with an average concurrent therapies did not significantly influence or
of around 31 pack-years history. Patients were followed bias study results.
for 6 months, with monthly clinic visits, daily patient While the focus of this review was eucalyptol in
diaries, and spirometry testing at baseline, three, and 6 isolation, there is a proprietary terpenoid blend available
months. Treatment with eucalyptol compared to placebo that includes eucalyptol, d-limonene, and alpha-pinene
showed a statistically significant decrease in frequency (GeloMyrtol™) that has also demonstrated favorable
(0.9 ± 1.46 vs 0.4 ± 0.82 exacerbations, respectively), efficacy and safety profiles in randomized trials for the
duration (5.7 ± 8.9 vs 4.0 ± 10.9 days, respectively), and treatment of respiratory disorders including acute and
severity (1.4 ± 2.2 vs 0.8 ± 1.5 exacerbation severity score, chronic rhinosinusitis, chronic bronchitis, and COPD
respectively) of COPD exacerbations when used conco- (35). While direct comparison is not possible between
mitantly with standard therapy (p = 0.0024). Secondary data sets due to heterogeneity in populations or out-
endpoints such as lung function, dyspnea and quality of comes studied, it shows that monoterpenoid combina-
life showed non-significant improvements in forced vital tions can also be useful in respiratory conditions and
capacity (FVC) and vital capacity (VC) (p = 0.0627), suggests there may yet to be even more efficacious
dyspnea was significantly improved at rest but not during therapies available for respiratory conditions using
exercise, and quality of life measures improved, yet did essential oils or their constituents.
not reach statistical significance (p = 0.063). The findings To this end, from the perspective of evidence-based
demonstrate global improvements in several important medicine, it is currently unclear if EOE could be used
parameters related to COPD and shows adding eucalyp- similarly due to the presence of several other consti-
tol to standard therapy for control of COPD exacerba- tuents, some of which may modulate efficacy and/or
tions is a viable therapeutic strategy (31). toxicity. However, from the folkloric perspective, full-
spectrum aromatics from eucalyptus plant materials
have always been used. A dose in drops of EOE may
4. Discussion
be approximated by using the estimated density of
To date, oral eucalyptol, the major constituent in EOE, eucalyptol: The density of eucalyptol is around
has demonstrated a favorable safety and efficacy profile 0.9267 g/mL at 20°C. Thus, ~0.2 ml of eucalyptus oil
in several multi-center, double-blinded, and rando- would equal about ~200 mg. Assuming 20 drops
mized trials in acute and chronic respiratory conditions per ml, then 4 drops would be around 200 mg (36).
including rhinosinusitis, bronchitis, COPD and asthma. Therefore, the oral dose could equate to approxi-
All trials were conducted in German populations at mately 4 drops of oral eucalyptol three times
outpatient general practice and pneumology clinics. per day if replicating dose of 200 mg orally three
Eucalyptol was administered ~20 min prior to a meal in times daily. The use of undiluted eucalyptol or EOE
order to alleviate potential gastric-related adverse effects may lead to irritation of the gastric lining and dose
and help to improve blinding as the ability to taste euca- may be better tolerated if diluted. Due to complexities
lyptol upon eructation was potentially reduced. The dose in compounding oral treatments using essential oils
of eucalyptol was invariably 200 mg PO three times daily and the availability of eucalyptol in 100 mg standar-
across trials; however, study duration varied by indica- dized gel capsules (Cold Capsules™, Soledum™) it may
tion. Thrice daily administration may introduce signifi- be easier and safer for clinicians to recommend avail-
cant pill burden for some patients. In chronic respiratory able products.
illnesses eucalyptol has been given for up to 6 months It is somewhat surprising, given the widespread use of
without apparent deleterious effects or tolerance/loss of inhaled eucalyptus aromatics in folkloric and traditional
efficacy. This is a longer duration than many short-term medicine systems, that there has never been
efficacy trials; however, due to chronicity of asthma or a randomized trial of inhaled eucalyptol for the treatment
COPD, it may be desirable to conduct longer-term safety of a respiratory condition. Given that most respiratory
studies. Generally, studies used guideline-based diagnos- medicines for asthma and COPD are delivered via the
tic criteria and validated rating scales or spirometry to inhalation route to avoid systemic side effects and boost
measure outcomes. Most studies allowed concomitant drug concentrations in targeted respiratory tissues, this
use of other pharmacologic agents to avoid ethical or seems an important line of inquiry to pursue further.
safety concerns and measured eucalyptol’s effect as There are numerous home diffusion devices available
a therapy adjunct, with the exception of acute bronchitis, and may be interesting to understand if low concentra-
which is a self-limiting illness that often doesn’t require tions of EOE in ambient atmospheres reduce respiratory
pharmacologic intervention. To the ability of discern- symptoms such as nocturnal awakenings due to asthma
ment available in study manuscripts, it appears the when diffused nightly in a bedroom. Alternatively, there

are other devices commercially available or simply con- 4. European Medicines Agency, Assessment report on
structed that can deliver aromatics, such as essential oils, Eucalyptus globulus Labill., Eucalyptus polybractea
directly to lung tissue and may be suitable for COPD R.T. Baker and/or Eucalyptus smithii R.T. Baker,
aetheroleum (2014)
exacerbations, asthma attacks, or infections (2). documents/herbal-report/final-assessment-report-
There are limitations of this review as well as the eucalytus-globulus-labill-eucalyptus-polybractea-rt-
studies analyzed that deserve mention. We performed baker/eucalyptus-smithii-rt-baker-aetheroleum_en.
a limited search of databases and included only English pdf (10 October 2019).
articles. Given that the majority of eucalyptol research for 5. U.R. Juergens, Anti-inflammatory properties of the
monoterpene 1.8-cineole: current evidence for
respiratory conditions is conducted in Germany and that
co-medication in inflammatory airway diseases. Drug
many traditional or folkloric medicine systems are not Research, 64(12), 638–646 (2014).
based upon English-speaking cultures, there is 6. K.B. Sarah, 1,8-cineole: an underappreciated
a possibility we did not capture the entirety of available anti-inflammatory therapeutic. Journal of Biomolecular
data. One of the studies had a small sample size and Research & Therapeutics, 6(154), (2017). https://www.
despite showing decreases in prednisolone dosage, most
participants remained on corticosteroids at the study’s pdf
end and were not allowed to change maintenance medi- 7. U.R. Juergens, et al., Anti-inflammatory activity of
cations, which may lead one to question the clinical 1.8-cineol (eucalyptol) in bronchial asthma: a
significance of eucalyptol in severe asthmatics (7). Other double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Respiratory
studies in asthma and COPD had matched demographic Medicine, 97(3), 250–256 (2003)
8. U.R. Juergens, M. Stöber, L. Schmidt-Schilling, et al.,
samples regarding the incidence of medication use, but
Antiinflammatory effects of eucalyptol (1.8-cineole) in
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