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Language School

Presentation about our Families

Hermes Luciano
Darsi de Jesus



Subject Matter:
English Level III

Carlos Santos
All about our Families
We are going to tell you about our families.

Her name is Dilcia de Jesus.

In Her family they are 3 members her two girls and she, the oldest is 9 years old and the
little one is 5 years old.
The big one is in 4th grade and the small one in pre-primary.

She work as a daycare assistant, She love her job because she love children, they make her
life happy with their presence she is very good doing her work, she is happier when they
give her their beautiful smile.

Her mother´s name is Eufemia Ozoria and her father´s name is Manuel de Jesus, She has 5
brothers, they live in the country, only one is a minor, the others one are adults..

Her biggest expectation is to be successful in her career, to be an excellent educator, to be

loved with Her students and Her students with her.

One of her greatest wishes is to help her parents stop them from working, and to get ahead
with her girls.

Hermes Luciano

Her name is Hermes Luciano, a student of psychology he lives on the San Isidro highway,
he is married and has two children, the female who is 10 years old is called Paola and the
youngest of seven months is called Isaac, he is the third of five brothers, the largest of them
is a hotelier, the second is a lawyer, the fourth is a dentist and the youngest is an engineer,
his father is a doctor although he is retired and his mother is a retired dentist.

This is all about your family.

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