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Tecnólogo en Dirección Logistica


AA9_Ev2_YR: Describing the Distribution Center

Presentado Por:

Mary Esmeralda Flores Quintero

Bogotá, Noviembre 23 de 2019

Ahora con su equipo de trabajo realice las siguientes actividades:

1. En un máximo de 5 renglones describa su proyecto formativo en idioma inglés.

My project is focused with our client TOPTEX (Textile Manufacturer) and the commercial
agreements are the national distribution of its products in the wholesale, retail and retail
channels, we want to be the best option and the strategic ally of trust in all your Logistics
operation , meeting all your needs and requirements with quality levels.

2. Explique brevemente en idioma inglés, el sistema de distribución a utilizar según su

proyecto formativo.
The commercial conditions with our client TOPYEX are the distribution of its products
nationwide with the possibility of exporting to Mexico City. We offer the service of
collection of merchandise in its facilities and through a relationship of offices we
consolidate the merchandise in our CEDI for distribution nationwide according to the area,
for the fulfillment in deliveries we have a few operational times (promise of service) which
are fulfilled according to customer observations.

3. Describa la instalación que van a utilizar, e.j.: warehouse, cilog, distribution center.
Center of distribution:
It must be in the right place, designed according to the nature, variety and operations to be
carried out to the products, adequate equipment, and supported by an efficient organization
and an adequate information system, but fundamentally the construction infrastructure must
respond or adapt to the defined logistic processes, that is, before building, the process must
be designed and then materialized through a suitable building. Also within the installation
an optimal flow must be achieved with a process approach and drawn from demand (Pull

4. Elabore un layout (mapa) según su instalación, donde se muestren los espacios que este
contendrá y escriba en inglés el nombre de cada uno de ellos, ejemplo: Bathroom, Office,
storage, warehouse etc.
5. Describa con una oración o frase en inglés la función de cada espacio o la actividad
logística que se desarrollará en cada uno de ellos
Ejemplo: In the warehouse workers keep safe the products.
Storage Area Platform: Here we find metal shelves For all types of storage of both
palletized products, boxes, containers or other systems.

Administrative Areas: Here we find several dependencies such as: Human

Resource, Customer Service, Billing, accounting, Technology, etc., all these areas
support cedi

Docks Zone: Here all vehicles that load and unload merchandise arrive  Nationally
and are located by zones or regional

Merchandise consolidation: It is an area where after unloading the merchandise it

is consolidated or separated for the different areas or regions to which it has a

Operating Areas: This is an area where some of our clients' products are made up,
such as product marking, conditioning, etc.
6. Teniendo en cuenta el material de formación “Using prepositions to describe Distribution
Centers”. Elabore 7 frases en inglés relacionadas al layout que usted elaboró. En el material
de formación usted podrá encontrar ejemplos.

1-The products are on the shelves, inside the platform area.

2- There are computers between the halls in the administrative area

3- The buses are outside the building, in the area of the docks, to be able to go out to deliver
the orders

4- Our clients' products are inside the boxes, and are stored in the area of operations

5-The merchandise is divided so that it can go to different places, this is done in

merchandise consolidation

6- There are computers on the tables, so that workers can do customer service, billing and

7- There are machines that can reach the merchandise that is above the shelves

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