Arnis Striking Techniques

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12 Striking Techniques in Arnis –

Basic Lessons
December 11, 2018 Leave a Comment

The Filipino Arnis is a rich and ancient art that has been popular for long centuries
among warriors and practitioners. Today, there are big numbers of enthusiastic
devotees who want to dive into the history and secrets behind this popular martial art.
Masters of the Arnis still follow the ancient ways to teach new practitioners the basic
methods and 12 striking techniques in Arnis to become a great warrior.

The Arnis basically depends on defending against different angles. This is because
almost every type of hand to hand attack reaches the body of the opponent through a
different angle. And this is also the same whether the practitioner is using a weapon or
is fighting barehanded.

For instance, learning to defend against an attack that hits the left side of the chest is
particularly the same whether the attacker is using a knife, a baston, or a sibat.

Learning to defend against these angles is by far much more efficient than learning to
defend against different weapons.

Quick Navigation
How are the basic strikes taught?
What are the 12 striking Techniques InArnis?
#1 - Left side of the head attack
#2 - Right side of the head attack
#3 - Left side of the body or torso
#4 - Right side of the body or torso
#5 - Thrust To The Stomach
#6 - Left Chest Stab
#7 - Right Chest Stab
#8 - Left Lower Leg
#9 - Right Lower Leg
#10 - Left Eye Poke
#11 - Right Eye Poke
#12 - Strike to the crown/top of head.
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Read more:

 Blocking Techniques in Arnis – Take Your Game Up

 Panantukan – Effective Self Defense System
 KrabiKrabong – Weapon-Based Martial Arts For Survival
 Arnis Stances – Important Things You Must Know
 Arnis Rules and Regulations: Do You Know It?

 How are the basic strikes taught?
 What are the 12 striking Techniques InArnis?
o #1 - Left side of the head attack
o #2 - Right side of the head attack
o #3 - Left side of the body or torso
o #4 - Right side of the body or torso
o #5 - Thrust To The Stomach
o #6 - Left Chest Stab
o #7 - Right Chest Stab
o #8 - Left Lower Leg
o #9 - Right Lower Leg
o #10 - Left Eye Poke
o #11 - Right Eye Poke
o #12 - Strike to the crown/top of head.
 Wrap It Up
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Basically the 12 striking techniques in Arnis are all taught in the same way. The practice
starts by having the 2 partners standing face to face each other holding the sticks in
their hands. One partner will stand holding both ends of the stick securely with both
arms. In this position, the practitioner’s arms will be relaxed down to master the
technique and be able to attack and defend properly. The other partner will then start to
execute the sequence of the 12 striking techniques in Arnis using the stick, starting from
number 1 until strike number 12.


These are the 12 basic angles or 12 striking techniques in Arnis. Traditionally, these
strikes were given names instead of numbers. Practitioners of the Arnis decided that
giving them names would be easier and more convenient. The number of the strikes
and the order in which they are executed will differ from one system to another. Some
systems will have as few as 5 basic strikes while others will have 72. But these 12
strikes are the most famous and the most widely practiced and used strikes among all
Arnis practitioners across the world.

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12 striking techniques in Arnis:

 #1 – Left side of the head attack.

 #2 – Right side of the head attack.
 #3 – Left side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow.
 #4 – Right side of the body or torso, to the left arm or elbow.
 #5 – Thrust to the stomach.
 #6 – Left chest stab.
 #7 – Right chest stab.
 #8 – Left lower leg.
 #9 – Right lower leg.
 #10 – Left eye poke.
 #11 – Right eye poke.
 #12 – Strike to the crown/top of head.


From the fighting stance, the warrior will hold the stick with one hand at 1 o’clock. He
will then move the stick in a slashing action while keeping the free hand on the chest.
This is a diagonal downward forehand swing to the left temple.


Like the left temple strike the warrior assumes fighting stance, this time with the stick
held at 11 o’clock and the free hand kept on the chest. The strike to the right temple is
then done in a diagonal downward backhand swing.
First & Second Strikes strike towards the temple of a persons head
In this strike, the practitioner will extend the weapon hand. Then he will proceed to strike
any part of the trunk located between the shoulder and the hips. The stick will be held in
a diagonal forehand slashing swing. This is the way to deliver the maximum amount of


Again the practitioner will extend the weapon hand to strike any part of the body located
on the right side between the shoulder and the hips. The weapon of choice will be
moved in a backhand slashing swing.


This is a strong thrust to the solar plexus or the stomach and can cause fatal damage to
the vital organs in the abdomen. In this strike, the practitioner will thrust the weapon
hand to the target point, which is the solar plexus. It is then followed by an upward
motion that will cut through the opponent’s body.
Strike to the Crown & Thrust to the Stomach


In this strike, the practitioner will assume the fighting stance with the weapon of choice
in his hands. The weapon hand is then extended to the front with the palm facing
outward and the elbow kept up. This strike can cause real damage to the rib cage. A
weapon like a knife, spear or sword will end your opponent’s life immediately as it
punctures the lungs and the heart.


After assuming fighting stance, the practitioner will practice the scooping action. The
weapon hand is then extended forward with the palm facing outward. The elbow should
be kept up in order to deliver an efficient strike to the right lung that will puncture it and
end your opponent’s life immediately.
A practitioner here will try to deliver a powerful strike to the lower leg, targeting the
knee, the shin or the ankle. The aim of the strike is to throw your opponent off balance
and immobilize him. Using the right weapon, you might be able to break a bone or even
cut a limb. The warrior is supposed to lower his body while extending the weapon arm.
He should hold the palm upward and hit any part of the lower leg.


This strike is just like the previous one. The practitioner will extend the weapon hand
and lower his body to hit the knee, the shin or the ankle. This time the palm should face
Eighth & Ninth Strikes strike the knees of the opponent


A targeted thrust to the eye socket will not just blind your opponent, but will also deliver
real damage to the brain. Using a sharp weapon like a sibat or the right baston can end
your opponent’s life right there. The practitioner should assume fighting stance then
extend the weapon hand forward with the palm facing outward and the elbow kept

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This thrust is similar to the previous one except that the practitioner will have to hold his
elbow down. This will allow him to hit the eye precisely with the right weapon
penetrating all the way through to the brain.


This is a straight downward overhead swing directed towards the crown of the head.
Hitting the top of the head can immobilize your opponent, deliver damage to the brain
and throw him off balance. Using a real sharp or powerful weapon can even shatter the
skull bones ending the fight to your favor in a matter of seconds.
12 Basic Strikes of Arnis

As a rule of thumb, the Arnis strikes and techniques assume that both the practitioner
and the opponent are very competent and well trained. For this reason, the Arnis always
favors extreme caution will delivering different strikes in order to avoid failure or an
unexpected strike. This is why these strikes mainly aim towards destroying the
opponent’s ability to attack in the first place, rather than trying to hurt them. For this
reason, the strikes will always hit strategic points, cutting the tendons, nerves or limbs.
Sticks will work best in strikes that aim for breaking the bones of the limbs while blades
like knives and spears will be used in thrusts and poking strikes.

Blocking Techniques in Arnis – Take

Your Game Up
December 24, 2018 Leave a Comment

Interested in the world of Eskrima? You are not alone. Although Arnis is a rather ancient
practice, it is gaining a bigger fan base by the hour. Today there are a lot of Arnis
enthusiasts who want to know everything about the famous glorious practice.

Getting better at Arnis or Eskrima is all about dedication and devotion. It takes practice
and patience to master this interesting art. Moreover, you will have to spend some time
learning more about the basics. But it is not just all about learning how to strike. That’s
right. To attack is great, but what is attack with some efficient defense? Leaning about
the blocking techniques in Arnis will definitely take your game up a notch. They are
crucial for the success of your training and this is why you need to give them all the time
and concentration needed.

Read more:

 Sinawali, That is Just a Partner Stick Drill Right?

 Marcelo Garcia – Master Of Choking
 Bolo Punch – Panatukan’s Dirty Boxing Secret
 The Differences Between Judo vs Brazil JiuJitsu
 Training Exercises with Muay Kicking Pad – To Destroy Your Opponents,
Not Your Legs
 What are the Blocking Techniques in Arnis?
o #1 - Blocking an attack to the left side
o #2 - Blocking an attack to the right side
o #3 - Blocking an attack to the solar plexus or chest
o #4 - Blocking an attack to the stomach
o #5 - Blocking an attack to the Lower Body
o #6 - Blocking to the attack at the center of the head
 Wrap It Up
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As the name suggests, masters and practitioners use these blocking techniques to
block various strikes. In fact, these techniques follow the order of the strikes. In other
words, every block is used to stop certain strikes to provide protection from all

These blocking techniques help you….well basically to avoid pain. In the past, Eskrima
practitioners weren’t so lucky and didn’t use such blocking techniques. Ancient Filipino
Arnis masters used the sword to neutralize their enemies. It was quick swift death.
Since nobody ever came back, we can’t really say whether it was painful or not.
Grabbing the blade was never an option. But modern Arnis uses the stick as a primary
tool and not just as a replacement for the sword. In that sense, blocking techniques
actually make more sense. They will protect your body from the opponent’s attacks and
turn the odds of the fight to your favor.

So here some detailed information about the basic blocking techniques in Arnis.
12 basic strikes in Arnis:

 #1 – Strike to left temple.

 #2 – Strike to right temple.
 #3 – Strike to the left arm or elbow.
 #4 – Strike to the right arm or elbow.
 #5 – Thrust to the stomach.
 #6 – Thrust to the left chest.
 #7 – Thrust to the right chest.
 #8 – Strike to the right foot or knee.
 #9 – Strike to the left foot or knee.
 #10 – Thrust to the left eye.
 #11 – Thrust to the right eye.
 #12 – Strike to the crown/top of head.
#1 - Blocking an attack to the left side
Practitioners use this block to stop strikes number 1, 3 and 6. This is where Arnis
fighters aim to attack the left side of the body. We can’t really list down all the vital and
important organs and spots on your left side. Your temple, your heart, your left
arm….need we say more? The damage can be real, even if your opponent is using a
peaceful innocent looking stick.

While keeping the left hand behind the stick, you should turn your body inward while
holding it vertically. The right foot should be kept forward while maintaining the position
of the right elbow close to the body.

#2 - Blocking an attack to the right side

In this block, the body is turned outward while the right foot is pulled back to protect
against strikes number 2, 4 and 7. Again, it is very important to keep the elbow close to
the body while keeping your left hand behind the cane.

Although, there are very low chances that anybody could develop fatal injury during
modern Arnis, there would still be some pain. Also, it makes sense that you will not just
stand there waiting for your opponent to shower you with strikes.
#3 - Blocking an attack to the solar plexus or chest
Strike number 5 is a serious one that can cause serious damage to the fatal organs.
Historically speaking, fighters used strike 5 to kill their opponents in a glimpse of an eye.
By powerfully thrusting the weapon hand towards the chest, the sword would puncture
the abdomen and any vital organs located in the area. This movement was usually
followed by an upward motion that would cut through the body all the way to the head…
sounds scary, right?

Today things are so much less violent, but this strike would still cause a lot of pain. In
best case scenario, using the stick to practice strike number 5, can use to internal
damage. So the practitioner should use his stick to stop the motion of the other weapon
to stop it before it hits where it hurts. The stick is held vertically to stop the upward
motion of the weapon.
#4 - Blocking an attack to the stomach
This block is mainly used to protect the body against a lower hit or strike directed
towards the stomach. Even using the practicing baton, a very strong strike can lead to
internal bleeding.

Since you are mainly practicing modern Arnis to stay in shape or simple for the love of
the ancient Filipino arts, protecting your body becomes a necessity. By blocking your
opponent’s movement, you are simply stopping the stick from hitting the lower part of
your abdomen, saving you a lot of pain and time spent thinking about quitting Arnis

#5 - Blocking an attack to the Lower Body

A strong strike to your legs or knees can throw you off balance. Strikes number 8 and 9
are seriously annoying, simply because you will immediately fall under your opponent’s
mercy. Literally speaking, once you fall to the ground what would stop your ruthless
opponent from decapitating you, cutting off a limb or standing on your chest? Don’t
worry, it never gets that gruesome on the training arena, but if we are talking ancient
Arnis then you definitely know that this could happen on any given day.

Don’t worry, it never gets that gruesome on the training arena, but if we are talking
ancient Arnis then you definitely know that this could happen on any given day.

In this block, you should use your stick to stop the opponent’s weapon from reaching
your leg or knee. The downward block is either practiced outward or inward depending
on the direction of the hit and which side of the body your opponent aims to target.
Blocking Techniques in Arnis - Lower Block

#6 - Blocking to the attack at the center of the head

In the good old days, the overhead shield block would protect your skull from being
shattered into a thousand pieces. A strong strike from your opponent’s sword can set
the line between life and death. Don’t start celebrating just yet. Although no sharp
weapons are used in the training arena, this block is still essential to save your life.

Strike number 12 is a serious one. Your opponent would do it to throw you off balance
and turn the fight to their favor. Using your stick and the right technique you can stop
this from happening.

An enthusiastic inexperienced Arnis practitioner and a sturdy baton represent the
fastest route to the emergency room. If you are able to protect your body or the top of
your head, you are more likely going to finish your training with a concussion, broken
ribs or blurry vision. Learning these blocking techniques will definitely take your Arnis
game to a whole new level.

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