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From: Krupa Rupani

To: Hawaii Wildlife Fund

Subject: Changes Needed to Protect Hawaii’s Endangered Species

Dear Magdalena Carey,

My name is Krupa Rupani and I am a Research Scientist. Air and water pollution impact the
quality of life of humans and animals negatively and it is important to reduce as much pollution
as possible before it is too late. Pollution needs much more attention than it has ever needed in
the past. Pollution in Hawaii is impacting the endangered species there such as the Green Sea
Turtle. About one-quarter of the nation’s endangered species are located in Hawaii, which makes
Hawaii the endangered species capital of the world. Due to the fact that pollution is making it
very difficult for endangered species to survive and thrive in the future, there needs to be more
actions to be taken.

I understand that there are a lot of steps and work that is needed to reduce pollution, but I believe
it is possible. HWF (Hawaii Wildlife Fund) is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to
preserving Hawaii’s native wildlife through educators, volunteers, researchers, and doctors. The
research that is being done is very helpful, however, I believe that it is important to educate and
spread information to communities because without proper information and education the
general public would not be motivated to take the steps needed to help preserve wildlife. I
believe it is important to educate the public much as possible in order to see a change in the

There needs to be more importance given to the pollution in the environment, therefore I have a
few ideas that can be implemented to help reduce pollution. Even the small steps can make a
difference, so let's continue studying the environment and take bigger steps to save the wildlife
of Hawaii. It is important to share with people that the disturbance in the environment due to
pollution impacts them greatly.

Thank you,

Krupa Rupani
Research Scientist | Hawaii Wildlife Fund
M:(336)844-9723 E:

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