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| oe @ w i e Basting eal Zigzag foot 000] Magic needle fal wal sad cod aa Automatic: Feed control ‘The magic needle has two eyes, one above the other. The lower eye is threaded for regular sewing. For bast- | intense ed ni ooo ew we stripes that have’ to match up exactly To secure the throads ‘Sew a fow stitches with zz on O at the beginning and end of seam. bButtonnoles Buttonhole sewing ‘Turn buttonhole knob (21) to position 1 ‘Sew the first bead forwards. But in no event alter position of zigzag and neediet Nesdie raised Set knob to number 2 Machine sews the bar tack, Ww push work under foo Needle: 80-70 bison noe Thread: 50 pm In stitch spacing can be finely §, " Machine sews second bead backwards, adjusted depending on material and mE a Needle raised Set knob to number 4 Machine sews the bar tack DODD DA RHR HARA H w& pi | For sewing @ buttonhol "ad bottom 2 e Coton through hole In finger of bobbin af Needs raised € Set ka Yo end make several sow-up stitches e a L Set knob to 0 « e a Corded buttonholes i ucad feed desi fendi dit ie desired stitch pres depending on les in opening. zigzag or: tected tale il dead dual ad a : | 3 } 1 5 a) | a a Patching material l stitch | Neodte position: (#20) center Feed contol | Zigzag foot 000 | Needle: 80-70 Thread: 60/3~70/3 and Mw (15) Do not cut off damaged part but baste the new patch on right side of work, and sew it on with a small zigzag, 2nd run ich width: (19) 4 ich length: (Ht 22) close to 0 ‘Automatic Now sew over patch edge with running stitch. Take care to oversew edges cor- rectly, - 3rd run Modern “Darning" Stitch with: (18) 0 with running stitch rath: (# 22) 1 Automatic: YAW and ANA 4 close to0 center ‘edge of running stitch sew Feed cont rows of running stitch (according to the Oversew edges correctly: See diagram, Running stitch should not overlap the Always unde! type of me edges. w Darning oe fe Sa) ta rstiniilaaid nuisance ec edd ll md aad eal ad ad aed sk litt ee daring foot 285 Needle: 80-70 Thread: 50 How to darn correctly ‘Make the turning points of each row The quick mastering of this work de- pends on regular guiding. ‘Therefore: ‘A careful damn is done in 3 runs 1, Wett-way, only over hole itsel becomes too thick around the ye Way as 2nd run but only over losing threads in 2nd run ching. Main faults when darning Frequent thread breaking — work guided regularly. Poor stitch (looping on top) — work moved too quickly When wrong side of work is you are moving the work too Lt the picture — opposite one another. LT ator fingers, Do not hold hoop like this. ‘This will produce irregular guiding with frequent thread breakage. but lke this. Whatever is to be guided must held. erly ‘Then pulled back a fittle. ‘The frame is guided however by the 2 Darning fine socks Place the damning ring on the free arm (stud of its shank in work ing 4 Needle: 80-70 | Thread: 50 Darning fine socks (also sleeves) the hole taut over the arm. With the right hand keep the hoop. Thumb on extreme point aad a a ca dca d eau be A nina lnc o 66 6H RH H EHH eee Jihlipaainall a Darning with wool | Sewing on buttons Button presser foot 152 Needle: 80 Mercerised sewing thread: 6/3—70/3 or ‘embroidery thread: 20-50 ‘Sewing the bution on Method: chine. Leave zigzag on 0. Lower drop feed control and set ma- Set zigzag to 0 and sew some je piece of work under the presser The zigzag width is nearly always 3-4 ince between the holes is width stitches. CPDHOHHAHH HHT GH 2. ® on ® ® B 7 Inserting zips Zipper toot 007 Needle: 80 ‘Thread: 90 according to side set left or rigth sowing 4s oo YP wee HHH wo oe @ w inal lal basal Winallnnnel ee dialed ial adil aed benas inad dse rl and Galil ali fold ce | | ‘The zip Ig basted In by short stitches so that the teeth are ‘Open the zip before you sew It in. each side the needle p ly covered by bottom, once with the needle position right and | Hint: The easiest way to insert a zip ‘Sow seam first with a very long straight stitch or basting stitch, then press open (Damp if necessary.) Finish the edges then unpick seam. (When stitches are very long they are easy to remove.) When inserted like this both sides remain even and are not distorted. Important preparation in the tension slot under the pres- to sew always. inread sideways under the pres- .eking with sewing thread 80 2-about 1% 4 A pattern can be transferred onto the fabric with the aid of the tallor tacking foot, this forms the necessary loops. Stiteh length Pull both sides of the material gently apart and cut through the threads. When tacking by hand one works rectly alongside the slipping. wt fil a ali a a 2 2 8 & 4 sib woah brad doa dca oe @ @ » @ © & w& i nell cl dla oo @ esis Mark the corners this way. Tailor tacking zs mg | | The Hemmer Hemmer 008/166 Needle: 80-70 Mercerised sewing thread No. 80 ‘The corners: These are sewn in two stages as follows: First cut a it wise thoy will pul much other- ew first seam, Fold edge of fabric twice and draw a strong thread through by hend. TROT HTHRHHTHTSHTHTTT DSTO

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