Action Research - Cue Cards

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X
Division of Misamis Oriental
Magsaysay District 1

An Action Research

Using Cue Cards

in Motivating Oral Responses of Learners
to Improve Academic Performance


I. Introduction

Effective teaching is concerned with the development and achievement of the

learners. Every day the teachers are looking for a means to motivate the students. It needs a

variety of styles or teaching strategies to keep them in pace with the lesson. The teachers

noticed that the present learners have difficulties in communicating their ideas specially when

asked to recite in front of the class. Oral participation helps improve memory and

comprehension. One of the reasons why the students shun away from oral participation

is lack of knowledge. Simply because they forgot what has been discussed in the previous

lessons. Using cue cards could be an aid to facilitate simple recall items and help the learners

gain confidence and motivate them to learn.

Cue cards are large cards with word/s written in large letter to help the speakers

remember some important points. Stacey Francis Ellison (March, 2016) of Brooklyn

College, used cue cards to increase the reading comprehension skills of first grade students

with learning disabilities. Munry and Stephenson (2009) also showed that response cards(cue

cards) also increases critical skills rather than memory and decreases behavioral problems of


Many of our students were observed to be orally incapacitated. Some recited

whatever sparked on their mind forgetting the basic information taught. The use of cue cards
will reinforce pre-learned concepts using clues written in the cards. It will help the learners

focus their attention and lessen some behavioral problems such as making unnecessary noise

and inattentiveness. . The purpose of this study is to find cue cards intervention strategy to

improve students responsiveness and develop critical skills that will improve their academic



1. What are cue cards?

2. How to make cue cards for teaching science ?

3. When to use cue cards in teaching Science?

3. How to measure the effectiveness of the cue cards as a teaching strategy?

Purpose of the Study

The main thrust of the study is to find out the effect of using cue cards as a motivating
factor for learners to develop oral responsiveness in the classroom and improve their
academic performance.

II .The Costumer

A. Baseline:

Table 1- Preference of students toward classroom evaluation

Grade Class Preferred written Preferred Oral Number of

Level evaluation evaluation respondents

8 Blithe 40 7 47
8 Beneficent
8 Brilliant
8 Blissful 31 5 36
9 Charity
9 Confident 24 19 43
Total Number of
Table 2- Attitude of students toward oral evaluation

Grade Class Highly Less Number of

Level Motivated Motivated respondents
8 Blithe 16 31 47
8 Beneficent
8 Brilliant
8 Blissful 12 22 36
9 Charity
9 Confident 29 14 43
Total No . of

Table 3 – Top Three Reasons for lack of motivation on oral evaluation

Lack of preparation and knowledge of the topic

Lack verbal ability
Afraid to face classmates

B. Target group

This action research will be applied to Grade 8- science classes of sections Blithe ,
Blissful and Brilliant, and Beneficent(First Section) as the control group(CG) during the
Second Quarter lessons.

III. The Process

A. Innovation, Intervention and Strategy

A. Innovation - Preparing the cue cards

A.1 Teacher –made cue cards

The subject teacher will prepare cue card on the topics : Earthquake and
Faults(Module 1), Understanding Typhoons (Module 2) and, Comet, Asteroids
and Meteors(Module 3).

A.2 Learners-made cue cards

To stimulate group responsiveness, the learners will be assigned on topics in
the different Modules in Unit 2 and write clue words or phrases in meta
cards which they will discuss among the members of each group.
B. Intervention and Strategy

B-1 Using the cue cards

Cue cards will be used as a motivational activity and as an evaluation tool,

As a motivational activity- Cue cards can be flushed to solicit pre-discuss


As an evaluation tool – Cue cards can be used as a formative test.

The teacher will use rubrics in giving points.

5- The learner can accurately describe and quickly give the answer, with
voice loud enough to be heard by the whole class.
4- The learner can quickly describe 75% of the answer with voice
loud enough to be heard by the whole class.
3- The learner can quickly describe 50 % of the answer, with voice
loud enough to be heard by the whole class.
2- The learner cannot quickly describe 50 % of the answer, with voice
not loud enough to be heard by the whole class.
1- The learner cannot quickly describe less than 50 % of the answer, with
voice not loud enough to be heard by the whole class.

Using the teacher – made cue cards- the teacher will call a group
representative to answer a given question. Each representative will deliver
their answers before the prepared answer is shown to the class.

B. 3. Measuring Effectiveness in using cue cards

The result of the written works which will be given at the end of the
topic or unit will determine the effectiveness of using the cue
cards. Unit 2 consist of three (3) modules.

A summative test will be given at the end of every module and the
relative written work achievement will be recorded to monitor the learner’s
progress. The effectiveness of using cue cards will be determined by the result
of the written work that is given at the end Unit 1.
IV. Collectionof Data and Interpretation

A. Collection of data

Table 1- Total class achievement in written works for Unit 2-Module 1

Grade 8-Section Number of learners Number of learners Number of learners

who got 80% and who got 75-79% who got less than
above in the written In the written works 75% in the written
works works
Beneficent (CG)

Table 2- Total class achievement in written works for Unit 2-Module 2

Grade 8-Section Number of learners Number of learners Number of learners

who got 80% and who got 75-79% who got less than
above in the written In the written works 75% in the written
works works
Beneficent (CG)

Table 3- Total class achievement in written works for Unit 2-Module 3

Grade 8-Section Number of learners Number of learners Number of learners

who got 80% and who got 75-79% who got less than
above in the written In the written works 75% in the written
works works

Table 4- Total class achievement in written works for the second quarter

Grade 8-Section Number of learners Number of learners Number of learners

who got 80% and who got 75-79% who got less than
above in the written In the written works 75% in the written
works works
Beneficent (CG)

B. Interpretation

The effectiveness of using cue cards in improving the academic performance of the
learners will be determined by at least having 75% of the learners will get 75-79% in the
written works during the second quarter.

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