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From: Matthew Wallin

To: Environmental Protection Agency Public Relations

Subject: Gold Mining’s Environmental Damages and Societies Lack of Knowledge
Hello, here in the research department we have been continuously looking at the
damages caused around the world by gold mining for many years now. We know
how destructive these practices can be and are surprised to see that there is little
to no public outcry against it compared to deforestation of the Amazon or
pollution of the oceans. We don’t believe this to be about the scale of the
damages because modern gold mining almost always requires deforestation and
can potentially end up polluting the oceans as well.
My department and I believe that we have come up to a solution to this problem
but we will need your help. We would like to start a social media awareness
campaign using this agency’s social media accounts as the figure head. Our
department will provide you will all the data, research, and cases of
environmental disaster due to gold mining along will photos of the damages. We
hope that with your help we will be able to gain enough public displeasure with
gold mining companies that laws can be put in place to limit their destructive
Thank you,
Matthew Wallin
Research Department HeadDirector of Research
Environmental Protection Agency
M: 333-333-3333

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