My Hero Is Diana

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My hero is Diana. she was the princess of Wales. she was English.

her ex-
husband is Charles of Wales, heir prince of the British crown. his sons are the
princes guillermo and enrique. I admire her because she was very supportive of
people in need, at the age of 20 I created a foundation that was in charge of
donating money to clinics. she helped people with AIDS, all people admired her
for being a great person. Also, she was very brave, because upon learning that
her husband had been unfaithful, she went ahead and tried to maintain good
relations with the British royal family for their children. After her divorce she did
not let herself be defeated and she continued to support humanitarian causes,
for example I help the poor children of Africa. The last reason why I admire
Diana is because she was loving with the people she wanted, especially with
her children. Although she had several obligations to be a princess, we always
observed that she was very close with her children and gave them their love as
a mother.

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