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BRIEF STATEMENT FROM MICHAEL THOMPSON: 4/7307 I would like to thank the three prisoners vho playéd a major role in the success of this memory luncheon, I cannot expré enough how touched Ir vas witnessing the role these three prisoners played, which was done with PRIDE AND DIGNITY. I would like to Thank the individual who sponsored this Special Event, DEE DEE KIRKWOOD!, WITHOUT HER NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE. Now I would like to say a few vords to the family of George Floyd, I would like to let them know, God is in the driver's seat, his tragic death MOVED THE WORLD, and God will continue his journey by using the Many Marches all over the World, as His tool to bring about real change within the hearts which harbor hate, and change all these OLD and BROKEN DOWN Lavs and put Reparations back on the table for serious consideration and action. So once again I would like to thank the Floyd Pamily for sharing God's mission that vas chosen within her Son and Yes to his little girl, Your Daddy is going to Change the World. Thank You MA 6-22-20 I was task with putting a few responsible guys together to help with the commemoration of George Floyd. because Parker £1, who ve call P.E, was assigned vith frying the rice and preparing most of the meal, i asked William Welch, vho we call J.R. to help me Prepare the vegetables and the meat the day before to cut down on our cooking time, he agreed enthusiastically for thie Noble cause, I diced up 30 summer sausages while he vas cutting up the vegetables, even though ve were using those thin plastic knives that are found in every hospital encased in plastic along vith the fork, spoon knife and RMapkin set, but it was all we had and make do ve must, I ended up breaking about 7 knives dicing the meat and when I looked over at J+R, he vas also struggling, going through knives like butter, after suffering through all this along with getting blisters on my index finger, I completed the task at hand, I saw that J.R. was struggling silently with the knives and offered my assistance, we proceeded to work like a machine to get the job done, after cutting up all the meat and vegetables, T put all the diced meat into 4 tortilla bags with the zip lock on th then I secured them inside a plastic container that was originally brought for holding hobby craft pens, but has been converted into a make shift bowl vith a lid and latch that retains heat for a very long time, J.R. secure his vegetables inside bovls vith lids and I took them to ay cell/room for the next day which was the celebration. and DAY OF CELEBRATION hyself, P.E. and J.R. vere going to ‘cook and assist with the meal, PE. vas the man that vas going to fry the rice, in popcorn bags because it retains heat vell, then pour everything into our containers ve use to mix everything in, but because ve had s0 much food, ve ended up using clean large plastic bags so that ve could get the proper mixture of everything, while P-E. vas frying the rice, & mixing the chili, I proceeded to cook the meat I had cut up the day before, I sprinkled brown sugar on top of the meat to give it that maple ‘flavor, while that was cooking I melted down the cheese for P-E. while J,R, vas opening up the bagels, after getting all of our oniona, vegetables, cheese, meats and rice mix together, ve laid out all the 58 bagels, on top of the counter vhere ve had laid out a large plastic bag over the counter, they preceeded to sprinkle cheese on each of the bagels and then with plastic gloves on their hands, they started to put large helping of food on each bagel and as they finished I put them into large ice bags and twisted them until all the air was out and tied them into a nice knot, we then placed these into another large plastic bag, after we did that I took the extra food and made 18 tortillas wraps, ve then went into the large day room where ve had taken all of the pops and chips to be passed out. I passed everything out while P.E. was given the task of marking everyone off as they came to the table, J.R. vas task vith informing everyone that we were about to serve, We asked everyone te proceed back to their cells/rooms and stand for a moment of silence for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, of which everyone did, Ir vas very moved by some of the comments that the guys vere making about how special this occasion was, which vas about commemorating the life of George Floyd, vho through his sacrifice made the world stand up and say, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH", I vant everyone to know that we too, feel the pain and anguish that so many Black men has endured this vas our way of paying tribute to George Floyd and all of the rest of those that gave their lives unnecessarily; I want to thank our Other Host MRS. Kirkwood for making this event a reality. Robert Cannon Je- A) J Aronrvecanl ALL Yas cots done W the microwhve Subyect: fued ce Gaael Studeiches 30 Salam, Heat STIs Kure ron Ne W cls Gormen soy $90), a sy ie %% BAGS OF Ree © cup of seups H 802 contamers 4 Games Flay Soups of “Soft bee 5 Tbs of cheese. clan Senscning, 3 pocks oF Toatly shells foo. Flavoring the 6S Baaels Que. 3 Baas of Voritoag SB cold pops VecAwbles Peep Process THE might beFoee all vegednblesy ments ee eee sen yMenls were chopped Anal secuned w 4 SS Cooking ZX pwcke at Mis AHL ancl etncbe som All Mu Wa kecbete WAS proper Hensumd tod ferdy, T Also veteeved F enplh stetoamve popcoen bnqs Fo the wice. slep £7 ZX plye 2 brs of wee w a erp ugh, This cocks Fou App. Inivvie md HO seconlss whem the Swe expo. T PT Abat 2 Thblespoows oF soft lvtter iATO the big & the Mice: AFlen evemy 35 0 HE sccods. S shop We wictornue t shoe) the eee. 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Ths process fools Aboot =20) hues THLE eo AND ealsor/ He Cook cy ave Thy THe Cook, pink wilt @ Beo.& Parker EC pnoud Ti SO0t1 #269182

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