How Would You Characterize Yourself

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1. How would you characterize yourself?

A lot of people may think that they have no purpose in life. Figuring out who we
are just takes a few sip of coffee coupled with a loaf of bread while witnessing the
beautiful sunrise as it unfolds. As the sun rises, we may ask ourselves, who am I or who
are we? I am Henry D. Solatorio Jr and I am a person with different personalities and
character. The many ways, for which I identify myself are the ways that delineates who I
am. I have a younger and older sister, which makes me a brother; I have two supportive
and loving parents which makes me a son; I am now in college studying nursing which
makes me a student; I have wonderful friends which makes me a best friend; I have God
which makes me Henry.

People may know me by my name but few to almost none know exactly who am
I. One distinguishing factor I have is optimism- being able to see the positive side no
matter how worse the situation is. I also pose different personas depending to how
people treat me. In most cases, I get bullied and this degrades my self-confidence. I am
shy for I am afraid of judgment. Nevertheless, I am quite a strong person.

In the end, no matter what may be said about me, I know that I am
somewhat an abstract project. I continue to grow every day and discover new
factors that define me. I know what I stand for. I love myself, and the people
around me. They don't create me, or make me who I am, but they do help me
define myself.

2. What makes you stand out from the rest? What makes your life special?

Every organism has a unique ecosystem within which it lives. This

ecosystem is its natural habitat. This is where the basic needs of the organism to
survive are met: food, water, shelter from the weather and place to breed its
young. All organisms need to adapt to their habitat to be able to survive. An animal
may adapt to its habitat in different ways. It may be a physical or structural
adaptation, just as the limbs of birds have modified into wings or the way the
cheetah is shaped for running at a fast speed.

The Science-themed paragraph above summarizes the uniqueness of

myself as an individual and I can clearly say standing out among the rest is very
evident. Adaptation. Not all the time, my needs are met. Not all the time, my
expectations are met. Not all the time, I am placed in a comfortable position. But
despite this, to be able to adapt and ‘mutate’ myself to adjust in the situation
makes it more meaningful. I have learned to be flexible and to ‘go with the flow’, as
they say, no matter what the situation is, no matter how hard it would be. That
quality, I think, makes myself stand out from the rest.
3. How has yourself transformed itself?
I was standing in the garden in our front yard watching how my mother
takes care of her plants and flowers, a trend today that captivates the online world
and in social media. As I was observing her doing her daily routine, a red butterfly
rested on my mother’s head. My eyes followed intently the tiny insect as it flew and
enjoyed the different flowers in the garden. On that same moment, I remember our
Science class talking about the life cycle of a butterfly. Metamorphosis.
Though still a young adult, I have had a number of experiences and life
undertakings which taught me several lessons. I learned to filter opinions of other
people and use those to improve myself. I learned to forgive those who had done
wrongdoings to me. I learned how to appreciate life even in the simplest things. All
those, big or small, contributed to the kind of self I have today.
Just like the butterfly in my mother’s garden, I was molded by experiences
and time and I am enjoying every moment that I have today because of those.

4. How is yourself related to other selves?

I am a personal believer of the famous quote; no man is an island. Though
most of the time I am shy and seldom talks to people specially strangers, I still
believe that to be able to live happily, I need to establish connection with others, to
relate with others.
A person as a child depends on his parents, as a student on his teacher, as
a friend on his friends to share his sorrows and joys with, as a believer on his faith,
as a patient on a doctor, as a driver on transport, as an athlete on his coach and
as a worker on his boss. Even countries survive through interdependency let alone
a man, let alone myself.

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