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Eliicia Villasenor

OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet
Worksheet Objectives:
1. Describe the human resource frame
2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The situation I am writing about and anazlyzing is a situation I have experienced

in the military. I am a sergeant in the Army National Guard, and in many situations we
find ourselves struggling with communication. I am a team leader, my squad leader does
not like sending out group text messages so when information comes in, he will send it to
me and I will put it out in a group chat. However, this causes conflict and an overlap in
responsibility. There are times when he does not check his email or phone to get the
necessary information to put out, my platoon sergeant started emailing me directly, and
the squad comes to me with any concern. I am acting as a squad leader without properly
having that role assigned to me.

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

It is hard to implement a human resources perspective in my situation because I

don’t feel like the military has a human resources department. The more I learn about
ethics and human resources, I realize my own situation shouldnot be so disorganized.
Human resources of the military has impacted my mindset because now I speak up over
everything and I try my best to be organized with my life and responsibilities so I am not
overlapping roles and responsibilities. I feel like the Gap versus Overlap theory can lead
to a loss of credibility, trust, and even respect towards leaders and the company in
general. If roles and responsibilities are not clarified, then it leads to miscommunication
and disorganization which can be frustrating.

The situation I am dealing with sometimes makes me irritable. At times I wish I

could just be in control over everything, but then I have to gather myself and keep my
composure. Both internal and external conflict has risen with my situation. Sometimes I

find it taking a toll on me and also feeling frustrated with my leadership. I know conflict,
although not always healthy for the team, can sometimes be good for self development.
So I am using these experiences to grow as a person.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

I would use the human resources for an alternative course of action by making
sure teams are organized, everyone is on the same page, and conflict is at a minimum.
Strong teams create a strong organization, so if there is trouble within team members and
their leaders then that is not good. I would make it a requirement to always have roles and
responsibilities clarified and nothing overlaps. Although there is no actual hr department
with the military and we have to go through our chain of command, I think I can teach
myself these skills and become the change I want to see.
One action I would take is also ensuring all leaders have the proper tools and
resources to be organized and on track. Nobody should be lost or feeling left out. In my
situation, I sometimes feel like I have to take on the responsibility of being organized. I
often find myself reminding my leader to do things, check on people, or complete tasks. I
have respect for my leader, but at times I feel frustrated taking on these extra
responsibilities and he takes credit for it. I would make a lot of structural changes.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

One thing I would do differently would be to not accept so much responsibility

and address my concerns immediately rather than letting it build up. Human resources is
important in an organization because it looks out for the people and the people are always
an important asset. I would immediately determine what I currently contribute to me team
and what I can do better. After that I would be more prepared to accept detailed
responsibilities and duties. When I first joined my squad I was a new sergeant and did not
know much about how to lead or the requirements of certain leadership positions.

Teams and leaders should have a platform created that is open to feedback and
ideas. If I could do things differently I would create that platform and constantly ask for
feedback. I feel like I can do that now with my team already, so I will aim to start doing
that and make it a habit. With the military it can be more of a challenge to resolve human
resource issues because there is no direct department that deals with that. However, there
are great mentors and leaders that can help adjust mindsets and teach healthy habits.

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