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Health Education Websites

The first website that I really like to use especially since I'm going into the health education
field is the website called "Healthline". It's seriously such a great resource when you want
to look up anything from nutrition to finding how to deal with stress, it has information on
health issues that we face like heart disease and how to workout. This website is great for
my professional goals because the information that they have are up to date information.
It's also a reputable site because they have doctors who write these articles. This will also
help my professional goals because the future clients I will be working with I will be able to
give them this website and it will be easy to get information that they need.

The second website that I really like to use is called "Myhealthfinder" this is a great
website as well because this is more on the lines of medical information that will help a lot
with my clients when I'm working with them when it comes to any of the health problems
they are coping with. This will help me in my professional goals because I think it's
important to have a degree but I think it's also important to be up to date on the latest
resources because being more up to date will help me be more confident in my career field. 

The third website that I really like to use is called "Mayoclinic" this is a great website I like
to use as well. This website is a more informative website it has tabs that you can click on
that have where you can find a doctor in your area it has tabs like different health
departments you can look up. Pretty much any information that has to do with medical
issues they have it. This website will help in my professional goals because I can direct my
clients to doctors in their area or there is even a tab where they can click on to make an
appointment but that's only if they live in Arizona, Florida or Minnesota. This will be a
very helpful website when I'm working with my future clients and it's also nice because it's
very user friendly as well. 


Healthline. (2005-2020). Retrieved from:

Myhealthfinder. (2020, June, 22). Retrieved from:

Mayoclinic. (1998-2020). Retrieved from:

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