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Beneficiary -1

Kamol Mahto is a resident of slums of Ranchi, was injured will coming back from Jallandhar during the
pandemic. Due to lack of funds and resources to feed her family of seven, she had lost all hope. But
when our team was distributing ration in that village one of us came to know about her. Immediately we
arranged for medical support, and ration. When we visited the slum again this month, the smile on her
face and her blessings held our team's spirits high.

Beneficiary 2

A broken bed, a wounded leg and even a broken stick. Suffering from severe joint pain, Kailash kajuria
lost all hopes to live suffering in this harsh COVID times. Due to his disease he now could not go to work
and earn for his survival. Our local team then ensured to provide them the ration and other necessary
materials. Not only Kailash has lost all means of livelihood but also, he lost his hope to live in the COVID.
He was not ready to accept our support and was ready to die to get relieved from all his pain. But our
effort to motivate him he accepted the ration and help we got and assured us to fight on.

Partner with us- 1

Have you ever thought that sometimes your mere presence can give someone a reason to smile and to
live. When our team met Mahendra in slums of Ranchi they asked if there could be some way food can
be arranged daily as they are deprived of any means to cook . At the age of 70 living with his wife
Mahendre can’t work and is dependent on the ration provided by the NGOs, government etc. Else they
sleep food deprived. Your spending time, giving ration and money to these destitute elderly people
instill a hope in them that their problems are also heard and cared about by someone. Partnering is not
just in monetary terms rather it can be spreading awareness, arranging meals, ration, collecting
donations or spending time with them will help us achieve higher milestones in this genuine cause of

Partner with us 2–

Today when we talk about women empowerment, are we demeaning ourselves? A woman who is the
bearer of this whole humanity, today, is fighting for her own survival mamta is a single mother living in
Ranchi district with her child. Like other women in the village she also depends on agriculture, on
someone else’s land and end up working for meager wages. Now everything being shut it became very
difficult for her to find employment in the fields. She is able to manage food only for her child. It is very
difficult for her to keep the kitchen stove burning. When we asked her in what way can we support, she
said they just want work to do. Her work is like food to her. She is one of the many with whom we need
to stand and support in these troubled times. We can engage her and others in our collective work

Partner with Us 5
Chotu's smile maynot tell you how much his has gone through in recent times. At an age when the
children should get proper education, guidance & love Chotu's family of Naya Bazaar,Ranchi (district) is
finding it hard to make end meets. Due to job loss of his father who was the only earning member, their
lives have come to a standstill. Unlike others he can’t access the digital media of education due to
financial constraints. Schools have shut for an indefinite time. He although daily wears his school dress
wondering when his school will reopen. When children of his age are pursuing hobbies he is aiming to
access his basic schooling. By helping in some way or another, you can feel contented that there is
something you can do about the current situation. You can teach them a new skill or play games which
will promote their physical and mental well being. Your small contribution in their learning process can
change their lives and view towards life.

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