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Promulgated on danuary 23,2015 SWORN STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH ‘As of December 30, 2018 (Required by RA. 6713) ote: Husband and wife who are bth publi ofials and employees may fe the require statements jointly or separately, i Joint Fiting Q Separate Filing Not Applicable DECLARANT: Dela Crus luan M Postion: Famaly Name Fist Namey DiI) AGENCY/oFFIcE: Ga ADDRESS: 1 Rial St, - pale, Manila OFFICE ADDRESS: CSC Bldg. TBP Rosd, eee Batasan Hills, Quezon Gy sous Dea Cnt Juana M.—rosmox (Family Name) (FirstName) ———<(M.)~—=«sAGENCY/ OFFICE: Orme anomess: Cs bp snl Qs UNMARRIED CHILDREN JHTEEN (18) YEARS OF AGE LIVIN HOUSEHOLD ane DATE oF ater soe Gabriel M. deta Cruz 1/2/2008 3 Michael M: dela Cruz 5/2/2010 5 ‘Angelica M. dela Cruz 10/11/2017 2 ” N/A Sa N/R ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND NETWORTH Anctuding those of the spouse and unmarried children below eighteen (18) tyears of age living in declarant's household) ASSETS a. Real Properties" zact | asseasen | comment ran scqustion pose vocwmon | vate aanuer vane cont 5 eee Toure end Rial St, | Feousoone] risoomoom | 2008) Sale win tot tno) sampale. Maria aan Building | Commercial | 1 Quezon Ave., | r1200,00000] P2,000,000.00 | 2000 | Deed of | P1,500,000.00 tjsenamed ‘andang Sor, sale Caute | Farmlot | Aaicataral | Bra. Kalgayahan, | monwooe] rizonoon00 | 2010) inescal 0] cane | | lot | Wixeduse | Saniae Subd, | rence | rion 00000 | 2008) Deed of F1,300,000.00 By. Ana, Quezon sale cy | _ ‘Subtotal: _P7,800,000.00_ ‘DESCEIPTION “YEAR ACQUIRED “ACQUISITION 2 cost/amourr EE ———————————————— ‘Condominium Unit (contract to sel) [2015 "| P500,000.00 Furniture : P150,000.00__| Appliances = 200,000.00 [ Shares of stock _ [/P50,000.00 | P11,050,000.00 * Additional sheet/s may be used, if necessary. Page | of 4 ‘NAME OF CREDITORS. ‘OUTSTANDING BALANCE ‘Basie dela Cruz | 800,000.00 Housing Losn 7 Page1B1G = P2,500,000.00 Contact to Sell - MCL 000,000.00 ‘GIS Multipurpose loan sis. 60,000.00, J ‘TOTAL LIABILITIES: _P4,360,000.00 NET WORTH : Total Assets less Total Liabilities = "P6,690,000.00 * Additional sheet/s may be used, if necessary. BUSINESS INTERESTS AND FINANCIAL CONNECTIONS (of Dectarant /Declarant’s spouse/ Unmarried Children Below Bightoen (18) years of Age Living in Declarants Household) 1D -/We do not have any business interest or financial connection. ‘BUSINESS ADDRESS ‘NATURE oF susmESs | DATE OF ACQUISITION OF INTEREST &/OR FINANCIAL | INTEREST OR CONNECTION : ‘CONNECTION ‘Sea Travel and Tours | Agapito St., Sampaloc, ‘Owner 2015 eae Manila - _ N/A aan = N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Aen N/A N/A N/A N/A RELATIVES IN THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE (Wihin the Fourth Degree of Consanguinity o Afity. Include azo Bias, Balae and Inso) .1/We do not know of any relative/s in the government service) [xa or netarive ——|"“retavionsuir | rostrion | NAME OF AGENCY/OFFICE AND ADDRESS | ‘atorney V_ Nadine Lustre “sister NIA N/A | hereby certify that these are true and correct statements of my assets, liabilities, net worth, business interests and financial connections, including those of my spouse and unmarried children below eighteen (18) years of age living in my household, and that to the best of my knowledge, the atove- enumerated are names of my relatives in the government within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity. I hereby authorize the Ombudsman or his/her duly authorized representative to obtain and secure from all appropriate government agencies, including the Bureau of Internal Revenue such documents that may show my assets, liabilities, net worth, business interests and financial connections, to include those of my spouse and unmarried children below 18 years of age living with me in my household covering previous years to inchide the year I first assumed office in government, Date: 03/15/2019 ‘Signature of Dolan) - Sarat ff Coder Spas) Government Issed ID: _cSC Government lasued 1b _ Do. 133456 DW. 7 Date lesa 1002/2018 Date enue 03/05/2018) — SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 15 day of Marck 2019, alfiant exhibiting tome the ebove- stated government issued identification card. Gerson Adhi Page 2 of 4 SWORN STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH As of December 31, 2018 (Additional sheet/s for the declarant) ame: Dela Cruz Juan M Position: ere v Family Name First Name) Dit AGENCY/oFFicE: Te Service Comma ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH 1. ASSETS. a. Real Properties pescerprion| IND ‘exact assessep | cureextram| acouismon | acguismon eestor | emma Location awe _| MARKET VALUE| ‘cost remy | Sorel ana mcd rnd Tex Pecan ‘Soroenens | Soa a ‘YEAR| MODE condominium | residential | sit Prima Towers, EDSA, | r,000,00000] P1,750,000.00 | 2016 | donation o Mandaluyong Cy | N/A N/A N/A N/A ae er ers N/A es | N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A | N/A| N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A nya | N/AT NIA | [Sewely - Mitsubishi Montero [Hand gun (Glock) Cash in bane Cash on hand NATURE [NAME OF CREDITORS “OUTSTANDING BALANCE N/A N/A N/A _ N/A N/A N/A _| N/A Ta N/A ‘TOTAL LIABILITIES: N/A BUSINESS INTERESTS AND FINANCIAL. CONNECTIONS ‘us or mrirr/avemese | wosmrese ADDRESS age op sven | pa or ceo = See | eee N/A N/A N/A N/A NA N/A x0 N/A N/A | N/A N/A N/A, NYA [wa N/A N/A | Page 3 of 4 Promulgated on Janay 28, 2 STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH As of December 31, 2018 (Additional sheet/s for the exclusive properties of the declarant’s spouse and unmarried children below eighteen (18) years of age living in declarant's household) NAME: = _Dela Cruz Family Name Tet mM. PosiTion: tere Diy AGENCY/oFFicE: ‘Ch Service Conan ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH 1. assers Real Properten recto] am aS asl eae as | sa spastic oie aera at Seren ee oe | So. Toman, Seangee a] ae Me WR} wk TNR] a a Wk WR] RP ra WR] | | pumila wi wR] Personal Propertin ae ey ae eeneae (ee eee N/A Wa Ny A “Wik i] N/A 7 N/A : n/N t N/A = TNA Nfhs 2. uasnaries ame a eet T/A TD = WA ua tI RR NTR 7 NI RIA MIR NR un [BUSINESS INTERESTS AND FINANCIAL, CONNECTIONS TIT aaa or aes | a or RC mei wane ort | moore acer N/A N/A NA 7 rm rN NIA N/A NIA N/A N/A rm N/A N/A | N/A N/A Page 4 of 4

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