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Engineering geology is concerned with the application of geology in civil and mining engineering practice. Therefore,
engineering geology requires a knowledge of material behavior in relation to rock, soil, and water.

The main functions of a professional engineering geologist are to provide an interpretation of ground conditions and
identification of hazards in advance of, and in association with, excavation and construction as applied to engineering
operations such as dams and reservoirs, rock and soil slopes, open pits, permanent underground works (tunnels,
underground chambers), building foundations, and roads. In most situations the engineering geologist forms a member of the
engineering team responsible for the planning, investigation, design, construction, and operation of engineering works.

A further important function of the engineering geologist is considered with the location and protection of ground water and
the assessment of sources of bulk construction materials, such as quarried aggregates, sands and gravels. Engineering
geology can provide, in consequence, exposure to a wide spectrum of geological questions and, inevitably, the discipline
must be based firmly upon the proper application of geology combined with the need to appreciate the eventual engineering

The engineering geologist fills the central role between the two disciplines, namely, the geological sciences and the
engineering, ensuring that the correct geological data is collected and appropriately interpreted in relation to the particular
engineering question. This situation is clearly illustrated by Hoek (1970) who stated that " As a result of the traditional lack of
communication between engineers and geologists, the engineer frequently approaches a rock slope with an inadequate
understanding of the dominant role of structural geology... the geologist... is unable to recognize those structural features
which have engineering significance".

It is clearly critical for the engineering geologist to be able to understand the principles of the engineering requirements but
he need not necessarily be an engineer.

The fundamental personal requirements of an engineering geologist should ideally be that:

1. He/she must be a competent field geologist.

2. He/she must be well equipped with geological and engineering background knowledge (Dual character).
3. He/she must be able to translate his/her discoveries into engineering terms.
4. He/she should have a broad, continuing basis of geological experience and knowledge.
5. He/she should be an expert in the use of site investigation techniques and be able to plan and control exploratory
6. He/she should not be alarmist.

The quality of an engineering geologist is basically measured by the quality of his/her geological ability.


The prediction of geological conditions by site investigation is central to the works of an engineering geologist. The initial
stages of investigation are concerned with the broad evaluation of site conditions in relation to a feasibility study as is
generally carried out by consulting engineers. Such appraisal may be based upon literature reviews, a study of available air
photographs and appropriate geological survey.

Once a decision has been made to proceed with a project study, it then becomes necessary to plan and design a site
investigation. The type of engineering project generally determines the scale of investigation. Decisions will have to be made
as to specific methods of investigation including the use of pits, shafts and adits, boreholes, and the application of
engineering geophysics.

The location and depth of boreholes will be determined by both engineering and geological requirements, as will sampling,
in-situ and laboratory testing, and instrumentation.

The primary functions of an engineering geologist during construction may be summarized as follows:

1. The provision of geological advice on engineering aspects of the project, including;

· Identification of changes in the ground conditions from those predicted in order that designs can be appropriately
modified and construction procedures adjusted.
· Advance recognition of specific hazards that could arise during construction or operation of the scheme. Related design
of remedial works.
· Confirmation that the geological conditions are consistent with design assumptions and construction requirements
(e.g. confirmation of foundation suitability, type and extent of temporary or permanent supports, depth and extent of
grouting, etc.)

2. all boreholes, trial pits, shafts, and other temporary excavations should be logged and new information on ground
conditions identified.
3. all permanent excavations, including foundations and tunnels should be accurately logged prior to placement of
fill or concrete, or being obscured for permanent record purposes.
4. site investigation, in situ testing, instrumentation, long term recording and related observations related to the
5. all material sources should be regularly inspected and any changes identified,
6. regular reports (progress reports) on behalf of engineering staff should be prepared on appropriate geological
aspects of the project.


Edwards, R. J. G., 1972, The engineering geologist in project reconnaissance and feasibility studies: J. Eng. Geol., 4, p. 283-
Hoek, E., 1970, Estimating the stability of excavated slopes in opencast mines: Trans. Inst. Min., Met., 79, p.109-132.
Knill, J. L., 1975, An introduction to engineering geology; in Engineering geology in practice in Britain; 1: Ground Engineering,
8, 2, p. 31-34.
Rawlings, G. E., 1971, The role of engineering geologist during construction: Q. J. Eng. Geol. 4, p. 209-217.

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