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Spiritual and Psychological Interview

I took a class that was called HW420 for our final project we had to come up with 10
questions to help whoever we decided to interview on their own understanding of their
spirituality and psychological self. After we interviewed the person we wanted to interview
we wanted to come up with a plan that would help them with their own spirituality and
psychological path and to teach them how they can incorporate it into their daily lives.
When it comes to these concepts, I can apply them to promote greater health and wellness
is by making sure that I'm taking care of myself and my needs first. I feel that's really
important because you can't help someone if you can't help yourself. I think when it comes
to spirituality, we sometimes think that we have to believe in a higher power. But really, it's
what we believe spirituality means to us. It could be waking up in the morning and going
for a run and enjoying nature outside. It could be meditating in the car while we are on our
way to work. I know if we really focus on these two concepts that we will feel better about
ourselves and live a happier and healthier life. 

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