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Task 1: Assessment 1

Task 1: Assessment 1........................................................................................................................................................1
Summary of report...............................................................................................................................................................1
Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Identification of the Sustainability Initiatives:...............................................................................................................2
Interim Report on the sustainability:....................................................................................................................................3
MacVille sustainability initiatives..................................................................................................................................3
Best practice models.....................................................................................................................................................4
Shortfalls in existing policy............................................................................................................................................4
New policy requiring development...............................................................................................................................4
Personnel requirements for policy revisions.................................................................................................................4
Revised set of Poicies:...................................................................................................................................................5
Review of the Current Resources:.................................................................................................................................5
Explanation how the developed policy Reflect the MacVille’s Commitment:...............................................................5
Implementation plan:...........................................................................................................................................................6
Implementation Plan.............................................................................................................................................................6
Policy................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Time Frame...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Cost................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Personnel.......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Conclusion............................................................................................................................................................................ 8

• Summary of report

This report will cover all the aspects of sustainability in terms of providing best services to cater the energy
efficiency of company. The report will involve implementation plan and issue of company and problems the
company has been facing 5 years.
• Introduction

Identification of the Sustainability Initiatives:

In the given scenario manager noted that there was insufficient control over the environment for resource
conservation. Such as excess use of the energy and low use of the recycled products. For the sustainability
purpose manager had some suggestions made for the team to use these capabilities. These include:
- All air conditioning program adjustment
- Turn off the power at night
- Better separation of recycled paper from common waste
- Encourage employees to use a double washroom.
The required sustainability initiatives for MacVille related to the organizational procedures, the policies relate
to the sustainable practices such as environmental conservative, anti-discrimination, risk management and
Workplace Health Management to be complied with by the organization. Implementation of such initiatives
will help MacVilla in improve their environment sustainability effectively.
• Model Related to the Business sector Suit Best:
There are different methods in which the MacVilla can introduce these sustainability initiatives effectively.
Such as:
- Regular maintenance: perform regular maintenance to keep heating, ventilation and air conditioning
systems running more efficiently. All air conditioned System should be linked with one power source so
that turning off / Switching off the Air Condition become easy.
- Lighting Settings: Replace existing bulbs with more energy efficient ballasts to reduce energy
consumption by 40 precent.
- These practices must be based on different programs, such as sustainability fundamentals and
sustainability guidelines, available business energy saving programs, or sustainable coffee programs.
These will help in sustainability.
- Device Verification: For ease of energy saving, companies must check that the device can be
disconnected within certain time periods.
- Review the press release of MacVille. The new policy on forming a new team is a great concept.
However, there is no confirmation. Formation of the new team had not mentioned the role of the team

• Shortfall in the Existing Policy:

Before the implementation of such model need to identify the shortfall which is in current system. Currently
there is excess use of the energy due to Air condition working more than 24 hour and light this is the major
shortfall in the sustainable environment. The management of the solution and identify it is difficult to
implement. In addition, the team practice is not enough. This will lead to unsuccessful energy savings. For
example, one of the new team policies is to encourage the last employee to leave the room each day to shut
down the air conditioner.

• Recommendation of the existing policies:

The recommendations for the existing policy options based on likely effectiveness, timeframes and budget such
- The lights are not responsible for employees and shop managers.
- The air conditioner must be manually closed by the shop manager if it is used continuously after hours.
- The store manager needs to check the lights and shut off after hours.
- Copiers and printers only for corporate use.

• Scope of the changes:

To be effective in any initiative there should be monitoring and control over them so the effectiveness of the
initiative. For the policies and procedures of MacVille that should be monitored and evaluated the
effectiveness through a monitoring plan. Of the monitoring plan is effective the initiative would be
effective. Based on the policies and procedures that have been developed in the appendix, the effectiveness
of its impact will be monitored. The performance of employees will be observed practically and supervise
The current initiatives are to reduce the usage of energy, water and waste. This refer to the environment
sustainability. It can be achieved through minimizing the use of photocopying, air- conditioners, and dual
toilet. These must follow the sustainable practices which are being promoted by the Sustainability team.

• Identification of the Key person who can implement policies:

Any new policies and initiatives are implemented in the company by the key personal. The impact of the
initiatives on the company in long term should be presented.
- Managers will be the key people we will consult with, because managers have the right to access and
analyze current policy discrepancies. Use managers to check for realism to see how your business is
doing. Management can advise the team and discuss possible new policies or solutions. Conversely,
managers will announce updated policies and different training plans for employees to understand these
- CEO of the Macville also presented the in the press release that creation of the effective team will help
in this initiatives. On the other hand if the training program should help how to save the energy or how
to split the recycled product so they they can be effectively recycled and reused in the product (Muntean,

• Interim Report on the sustainability:

MacVille sustainability initiatives

Waste management – waste control management Procedure

i. A recycle bin is available for recycle items such coffee cups or drink cans.

ii. A separate recycle paper is available only for paper recycle and reuse.

iii. General rubbish is available for costumers and staffs

iv. Bins are coded with colour and label

v. Bins must be checked and empty when it is full by staff’s Dress code policy must be revised to ensure the
staff to wear comfortably during work. It could reduce the use of air-conditioners. Higher degrees mean more
energy saving (Starik, 2013). Another development is to reuse of all paper for printing. Double sided printer
could be enhanced. The scope of these changes is to clearly identify and summaries the new documents that
will help to develop the policies and procedures. This will ensure MacVille’s policies and procedures to be
implemented for the future development

Best practice models

- In order for you to minimise the workplace environmental impact, you will need to identify the current
level of resource usage – so how can you measure resource usage in the workplace. I guess there are two
ways of going about it. The first is to use existing records and documents. You might like to look at the
electricity usage of your business, in which case you would probably get out the copies of your
electricity bills. These bills will not only show the cost of your electricity, but also the amounts

Shortfalls in existing policy

Energy is the main issue in many countries the reason is that they are finding the new and cheap source of the
energy. Demand pressure has occurred in many countries around the world over the years. Government and
utilities have a gap between supply and electricity, which has led to Disruptions and load flow and translate into
electrical shortfalls. Similarly saving energy is the best for the environment and in the best interest if the
country that help in meeting the shortfall of the energy. While the country is looking to avoid the opportunity to
supply shortages. It also enhances the ability to plan and work to achieve goals. Sounder and the more
sustainable energy sector, the possibility of future shortages will remain. Also if the country manage to meet the
shortfall it will also decrease the cost of the electricity which alternatively impact the saving of the energy.

New policy requiring development

For preparing the new policies the plan should be made, this plan should be than evaluated in effective manners
if the result of the plan are positive than this should be implemented. Execution plan is that arrangement that
aides in actualizing the procedure arranged by the administration so as to accomplish the reasonable targets. If
the target of saving the energy is achieved this should be implemented. With this observing procedure help
them in checking the exercises performed by them so they process the execution plan appropriately and
accomplish their set targets. (Bibri, 2018).

Personnel requirements for policy revisions.

Employees and students shall make every effort to reduce the amount of energy associated with lighting in all
University facilities. There should be seminar arranged for the student and for the staff which increase the
importance of the energy saving. Following are the steps which are required:
- Always check to turn off excessive lights and fans and any electronic device which are not in use should
be turn of.
- Discard the use of old bulbs which consumes more energy. Rather install new LED lights which are
energy efficient in nature. These lights are brighter and consume about half of the energy.
- Encourage staff to use day lights and natural lighting during the day to limit the use of bulbs. Remove
the blinders from the Windows and use of the morning light will affect the classroom in better way.
- Turning off exterior building architectural lighting between 11:00 pm and 6:00 am.
- Personal safety shall not be compromised from lighting energy reduction decisions. Decreasing the cost
will not compromise the staff safety.

Revised set of Poicies:

completed changes to existing policy documents
Outlines for recommended new policy documents.

The scope of these changes is to identify and summarize new documents that will help in the development of
policies and procedures to ensure that MacVille policies and procedures will be used for future development.
These will help in identifying any issues which are faced by the organisation, any amendment which improve
the business in better way.
MacVille Operations - Use of Equipment and Services:
Following are the new implementation in the MacVille’s system which help in meeting the targets somehow:
- The air conditioner will shut itself off automatically after the digital device is turned off.
- The manager still has to shut down the air conditioner manually after work hours.
- Turn off unused lights for employees and store managers.
- The manager needs to check the lighting system and shut down after several hours.
- Copiers and printers for corporate use
- All toilets have double flush capability.
Waste Management - Waste Management:
- Recycle bin also can be recycled, such as coffee cups or drinking cans.
- Only recycled paper is for recycling and reused.
- There is garbage for employees and employees.
- Tanks with colour coding and labelling.
- Bin must be checked and empty when full staff.

Review of the Current Resources:

Opera House Renewal: Our Building: Achieve a 5 Star Green Star Performance rating Our Organization:
Embed productivity, obligation and care in everything we do Our Art and Experiences: Inspire people group
ecological mindfulness. To accomplish these objectives, the ESP has 12 Focus Areas in which these standards
will be applied. These center regions, their objectives, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), techniques, courses
of events and responsibilities are delineated in the accompanying areas (Higón et al., 2017).

Explanation how the developed policy Reflect the MacVille’s Commitment:

Developed Policies help MacVille’s in achieving the sustainability. The best way of implementing the
sustainability is to plan, evaluate the result of the plan and implement the plan. The system working effectively
and the result of the sustainability are great.
- The developed policy that reflects Macville’s commitment to sustainability and as a business
opportunity, policies are easy for anyone to use and increase business opportunities, such as saving on
energy costs.

• Implementation plan:

• Implementation Plan

Policy Time Frame Cost Personnel Responsibilities

 Limit the use of

electricity in order to save

wastage of it.

 Limit the use of

 To monitor photocopier
Store managers
to 
Weekly Always check on
MacVille reported
assessment machine
Operations Seamus
and report photocopier machine to
 To limit printing
limit the use of paper.

 Monitor new terms

which handles the

mitigation of AC and

 The use of gas will

 To examine the use of gas in be monitored in order to

the organization limit its usage
operations Weekly Managers and
Gas monitoring HR
 To limit the consumption of  The kitchen will
gas only be use during lunch

MacVille Weekly  To examine the consumption Managers and  To turn off all the
operations monitoring employees
Electricity of electricity excessive lights in order to
save wastage of electricity.

 To use LED bulbs

to encourage energy

efficient things.
 To repair old

 To control the leaking taps in order to

excessive wastage of save water wastage

operations Weekly
water by turning off Cleaning staff  To encourage
Water monitoring
all the taps during employees to turn off tap

offices hours consciously in order to

save water.
 Divide the waste

and put it in different bins

 Monitor the

wastage as per each bin.

 Daily  New policies to

activities, encourage sustainability in

Waste Install colour and label coded
All employees
Management bins
 Monthly workplace

report  Disposing waste


 Print on both side

of paper to control wastage

of paper.

• Conclusion
The report is concluded with the fact that company has been facing a lot of issues in the past years in terms of
sustainability issues. The company must use implementation plan in order to overcome form the issues.


Bibri, s. E. 2018. The iot for smart sustainable cities of the future: an analytical framework for sensor-based big
data applications for environmental sustainability. Sustainable cities and society, 38, 230-253.
Higón, d. A., gholami, r. & shirazi, f. 2017. Ict and environmental sustainability: a global perspective.
Telematics and informatics, 34, 85-95.
Muntean, m., 2018. Business intelligence issues for sustainability projects. Sustainability, 10(2), p.335.

Starik, m., 2013. Organization & environment.  Organization & environment, 26(3), pp.239-240.

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