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Puno United Methodist Church

Daily Devotion - Online Ministry


During this time of crisis, it is important for the church to guide its members in
their spiritual life. The church is not only challenged to respond to the needs of its
members but to adapt to the New Normal. The only way to respond to minister to our
church members this time is through ONLINE MINISTRY.

The church is greatly challenged to develop innovative ways in reaching out to

people. In venturing this New ONLINE MINISTRY, it is encouraged to develop a critical
reflection on how we can competently utilize Social Media as a new platform of our
Worship, Bible Study, Prayer meeting and Council meetings.

How ready is the church in facing the New Normal? Who will teach us to do
Online Ministry?

Who will volunteer as a Video Editor, Sound Engineer, Research Analyst and for
the Audio Visual Production ministry?

It is time to recognize those people who are working behind the camera. They
are not only helping the church to survive, they help us navigate these uncharted waters
of this “New Normal.”

It is time to honor them.

Bible Reading: Luke 5:18-20 (NIV)

Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him
into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to
do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him
on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of
Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are

Problem in the Bible

Who are the characters in the story? Pharisees, Jesus, disciples, paralytic man,
onlookers, the 4 friends.

The setting of the story is that the people are excited to see Jesus. The sick man
was brought to him and indeed, a miracle happened. He was forgiven and healed. His
four friends experienced the joy that comes in helping others. The crowd is rejoicing.

However, did you ever think about what happened after the excitement, the
miracles and the rejoicing? Did you ever think of patching up the roof? Who do you think
among the characters of the story patched up the roof?

1) Onlookers didn’t patch up the roof

They are not involved in Christ’s work. Some of them are just critics or

2) The Scribes didn’t patch up the roof

Do you think their interest was not in building up the kingdom of our Lord?
No. They were trying to blow it up.

3) The Bible did not tell that the 4 men who knocked a hole in the roof patched it
up. Maybe, because of what happened to the paralytic man, they rejoiced and
forgot to patch up the roof.

The Bible did not tell us. We have no idea. I also do not know the answer.

Problem In the World

The person who patches the roof is someone who serves Jesus because of what
He did. They appreciate the message more than the miracles. This is not unfamiliar in
the church setting today. The one who patches the roof in the church is someone who is
willing to pick up the pieces and do the menial work. They are the one who clean the
church, they are the technicians, the sound engineers,video editors, the Audio-Visual
Production ministry, the prayer warriors and many others.

Grace in the Bible

God sees those who are working for the advancement of His Kingdom. He
appreciates every ministry in the church. He allows people to embrace and accept NEW
ministry that is not so recognized nor popular to people. Indeed, there is no ministry
insignificant for God.

Grace in the World (Challenge)

Who are the persons who patch the roof in the church? These are the frontliners
in churches today. They are those who are not only bringing people to Jesus but are
willing to take care of them. They are still working even if the Worship Service is done.
They have sleepless nights editing videos of Online Worship Service, uploading and
promoting it.

So what is the challenge before us? You can be part of this New Ministry, you
can set-up a zoom meeting and conduct an online Bible study, promote online worship
and so many others.


Lord, we pray that our church would continually adapt to a New Normal. We are
grateful that the church can survive and exist through ONLINE MINISTRY. We pray that
even if we are experiencing a crisis, we will still be able to minister to people especially
the sick and the lost. We pray that there will be members in the church who will be
willing to repair the roof of the church. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

John Maxwell’s “Think of these Things”


1) Encourage young people to engage themselves in online ministry. Check this

2) Conduct Webinars and video tutorials.
3) Create a Research and Evaluation team. Use google form drive survey. Are you
ready for ONLINE Discipleship

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