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Good day!

You are being asked to partake in this survey for the purpose of gathering data for our thesis
A study on the effectiveness of the Media and Information Literacy (MIL) core subject on the ability of
senior high school (SHS) students from selected schools in Pasig City and Teresa, Rizal to analyze and
evaluate information from online news linked on Facebook. All data to be gathered using this survey will
be kept strictly confidential and discarded immediately after the intended purpose of the data and study
has been met.

I. Basic Information

Full Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________

School/Institution currently teaching at: ______________________________________________________________
Years of teaching experience:
Years of teaching Media and Information Literacy (MIL): ______________________________________________

II. Educational background

1. Your undergraduate degree is (check all that apply):
☐ Education-related
☐ IT/ICT-related
☐ Communication-related
☐ Media-and-information-related
☐ Others (Please elaborate) _____________________

2. Graduate studies background (check all that apply)

☐ None
☐ Currently taking masteral degree
☐ Finished masteral degree
☐ Currently taking doctoral degree
☐ Finished doctoral degree

If you answered “None” in number 2, please proceed to Part III.

3. Your masteral degree is (check all that apply):

☐ Education-related
☐ IT/ICT-related
☐ Communication-related
☐ Media-and-information-related
☐ Others (Please elaborate) _____________________

4. Your doctoral degree is (please skip if item does not apply):

☐ Education-related
☐ IT/ICT-related
☐ Communication-related
☐ Media-and-information-related
☐ Others (Please elaborate) _____________________
III. Seminars and trainings/workshops attended
1. Have you attended any seminars / training / workshops related to teaching Media and
Information Literacy (MIL)?
☐ Yes
☐ No

2. (If you answered “No” in number 1, please skip item) Enumerate the seminars / training /
workshops you attended.
Before teaching MIL: ________________________________

While teaching MIL: ________________________________


Upon submission of this survey, I give my consent to the researchers to use the data they may
get from my answers.

(Name with signature)

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