What Are The Different Types of Men's Clothing

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What are the different types

of men’s clothing?
Ferrecci USA
When we think of men’s clothing, the one thing that instantly strikes our mind it
the formal attire. We immediately develop the image of a man wearing a formal
suit and trouser which are well accessorized. Though there are several different
types of mens slim fit dress suits such as casual, semi-formal, and formal. But
the one wherein your personality reflects grace, charm and class is nothing but
formal outfits. We are going to dig in a little about the formal attire and the
options available.
Formal attire is basically connected with the purpose and occasion you are
going to display them. Surely you are not going to wear a formal outfit when
you go for horse riding, swimming or golfing. There are occasions that demand
men to dress in a particular such as social events, conference, wedding, etc.

Different types of formal attire for men

There is a large number of formal wear that relates to the profession, work, and
other occasions wherein men need to dress appropriately as well as present a
formal look.
1. Business outfits

In a business outfit, usually, the preference is given to jackets by men. Although,

it is not a universal rule however, a navy blue blazer with the trousers of any
shade that matches with a blazer is considered as relaxed formal or generally
business casuals. The blazer need not be in a single shade, there can be
stripes, checks or other patterns. If your choice permits, you can wear a tie
with it along with the light colored shirt. Generally, the colours of the blazer are
blue, black, red or dark shades. They usually form part of some uniform such as
for educational institution, organization, schools etc. Blazers are cool and lose
which let you move around easily. Remember your professors at universities,
they used to wear a blazer with or without matching pants. Some of the best
sellers of Blazers are Ferrecci USA, DKSUITS, On-time Savanna, Suit Secret and
New York man suits.
2. Professional Attire

Some of the traditional organisations still follow the rule of strict formal attire
at the workplace. Various industries such as banking, insurance, law,
accounting and finance are observing the standards of formal business attire at
workplaces. Wherein men are expected to appear in suits accompanied with a
tie, button down light coloured shirts, closed-toe shoes and matching belt.
Lawyers are the one who always sports black suit, black pant, tie and white
shirt. Online stores like Shannon Formalwear, Suit Secret, Ferrecci USA,
DKSUITS and Souther Suits offer an extremely unique and attractive range of
professional attire.
3. Suit and matching tie professional look

A formal Suit, matching Pants and Tie are associated when it is clearly stated in
the invitation that the dress code needs to be formal such as a wedding, The
Met Gala event, fundraising, serious business conference etc. A groom wears
explicitly formal attire on his grand day with a suit (double-breasted or
single-breasted with or without a vest. Wedding is one such occasion where
you want the perfect fit and the best suit to be by your bride at the aisle. New
York man suits, Ferrecci USA, DKSUITS, Shannon Formalwear, On-Time
Savanna and Suit Secret can lend you the best of suits for every occasion.

Apart from the outfits, it is equally important to consider the right accessorise
that matches with your clothes. Shoes, socks, ties, belts, watch, cuff-links,
sunglasses and jewellery.
• Tie: Ties are an essential part of your wardrobe that completes your look
while matching with the suit. It makes a man classy, yet noticeable and is a
necessary part of the formal wear.
• Cuff Links: For an extremely professional and formal look, you can add cuff
links with your suits. Metallic and classy cuff links in gold, silver or black are
well suited for most of the colour combinations. For a vintage look classy and
simple works appropriate. You can even opt for crystal or precious stone
studded cuff links too. •
Shoes: For formal attire with the navy blue suit you can team it up with black,
tan or brown coloured shoes. Black shoes go with black suits. For charcoal
grey suits, the right choice of shoes is black or brown.

• Socks: Regarding shoes, the thumb rule is to match socks with the colour
of the trouser. Alternatively, you can match socks with the colour of shoes as
• Belts: Belts are necessary for that paunch and bulging belly whereas with
the well-fitting trousers it is not necessary to wear belts. Brown and black
coloured belts are the hot favourites of many which you will easily find in
everybody’s closet. Leather is the most sought after material for belts that
people match with similar coloured shoes.
• Watches: Never over-do or experiment with your watches while you are
wearing formal attire. Sports watch and neon coloured watches are a strict No
with formals. Trust on simple and classic watches with metal or leather straps
in gold, silver, black, brown, blue etc. to add grace to your formals suit.

Where can I get the best formal men’s outfit?

The image of a man wearing formal attire cannot be completed by wearing a

simple suit only. To enhance the beauty and grace of the suit, let accessorise
cast their spell. Besides, let comfort be the top of the list factor while selecting
a suit.
Of course, you cannot skip the perfect fitted bond with your formal attire. The
suits should not be too loose fitted that they appear hanging on you. At the
same time, formal wear should not be uncomfortable in such a way that you
cannot even move your limbs freely. Likewise, choose the colours according to
the situation, occupation and occasion. You do not wear red, glittery or shiny
dresses in a serious ceremony.
When searching online, your safe bet can be some of the reputed and renowned
wholesalers and manufacturers like Ferrecci USA, DKSUITS, Shannon
Formalwear, New York Man Suits, On Time Savanna, Souther Suits, Suit Secret
and Copa menswear. You get the formal wear of your choice that are crafted
with perfection to fit you well. You get the desired colours, patterns, and
designs whether it is a double-breasted, single-breasted, two-piece or
three-piece suit. Every kind of suit is available at our listed web stores for your
ease of shopping and best choices.
Name: Ferrecci USA
Address: 1969 S. Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, CA 90011
Phone: (213) 745-2322
Email: info@ferrecciusa.com
Cate.: Clothing (Brand) · Men's Clothing Store · Design & Fashion
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