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Lab Work Sheet 9

Student Name:________________

Reg No: _____________________

Date: _______________________

Marks obtained: ____________________

Checked date: _______________

 Complete all activities in lab and get checked by the lab engineer.
 Home task should be completed before next lab and must checked by the lab engineer.
 At the end of all activities and home task students advised to write a summary in their own words.
 Late submission will lead to deduction of marks.
 Date must be properly mentioned.

(PLO: 5 (Modern Tool Usage))

Modeling of Over Voltage and Under voltage Relay

 Design of Over Voltage Relay (OV) by using MATLAB Simulink
 Design of Under Voltage Relay (UV) by using MATLAB Simulink
 Implement of OV & UV in Power System Protection.
Lab Task:
A voltage relay protects the system in over-voltage as well as in under voltage conditions.
Implement the logic of a voltage relay that must protect the system in case of abnormal voltage .
Relay must have resetting Capability
Step 1:
Simulate a small Radial power system having a single generating source ( three-phase
programmable source) and a single load connected through circuit breaker as show in figure
Set the properties of each bock as mentioned below. Keep all other parameters as it is
System Frequency: 50Hz
Total simulation time: 0.5
Solver Ode23tb(stiff/TR-BDF2)
Solver reset method Robust
Three Phase programmable Voltage source:
Voltage (Phase to phase) 11e3
Frequency 50Hz
Time variation of: Amplitude
Types of variations Table of time amplitude pairs
Amplitude Values: [1 1.2 1 0.8 1]
Time Values: [0 0.06 0.18 0.3 0.4]
Initial Status of Breaker: closed
Three-Phase Series RLC load:
Configuration: Y grounded
Nominal Voltage: 11e3
Active Power (MW) 100e6 W
Inductive Reactive Power: 100VAR
Capacitive Reactive Power: 0 VAR
Timer ( on/ Reset):
Use timer to reset the relay 0.24s. By using timer apply on a pulse of 0.01 s width as used in the
previous lab.
Step 2 :
Complete the logic implementation of “ OV and UV relay”. The output on scope must be like
one shown in the figure below
Step 3 for Under Voltage sag:
Also check the performance of the relay in following conditions
Three phase programmable voltage source
Amplitude Values: [1 0.8 1]
Time Values: [0 0.3 0.4]
Step 4 for Over Voltage Swell:
Also check the performance of the relay in following conditions
Three phase programmable voltage source
Amplitude Values: [1 1.2 1]
Time Values: [0 0.3 0.4]
(PLO: 5 (Modern Tool Usage))

Using Simpower system tool and implement the three phase system as shown in figure below


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