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EDUC 111

Current Issues and Trends in Philippine Education


Prepared by


Submitted to:

Mrs. Crystalyn E. Galindo



1.1 Total Quality Management (TQM) in Education

 What are the benefits of Total Quality Management? What is the implication

of total quality management to school leadership and improvement?

Quality education is a great concern in many societies across the world. In a highly

competitive education sector, the success of academic institutions depends on the quality

of education. Application of Total Quality in education will give better results in all fields

of the process of education as a good technique of management used and proved giving

excellent results in other industrial and business organizations. It is the provision of

extraordinary customer's satisfaction. It is based on the participatory management

philosophy. It believes on never ending improvement through the collaborative efforts of

members of the educational organization.

TQM philosophy encourages the students, teachers and the employees for

extraordinary performance. Being a potential paradigm we can get benefits of TQM in

educational institutions (schools, college & universities) in both public and private. TQM

can help a school or college providing better services to its primary customers; students

and employers. The continuous improvement focus of TQM is a fundamental way of

fulfilling the accountability requirements common to educational reform.


Operating a no-fear TQM system with a focus on continuous growth and improvement

offers more excitement and challenge to students and teachers than a "good-enough"

learning environment can provide.

The benefits of TQM are tangible: People feel better about themselves and their efforts

on the job, and they take greater pride in their work. Relationships among people in the

organization are more honest and open. Administrators often feel less isolated,

misunderstood, and burdened. Productivity goes up, as work processes are improved

continuously. With organizational change come opportunities for personal and

professional growth, along with the pride and joy that come with getting better and better

every day, and helping others to do the same.

The implication of total quality management to school leadership and

improvement leaders not only to the work of teachers and students in the classroom, but

also to the establishment of a successful student-operated. Effective schools are the

products of effective leadership. When principals and teachers agree on their mission and

institutionalize, the students as workers and products will reap the benefits of a lead

management system .The Source of Quality in Education are outstanding teachers, high

moral values, excellent examination results, the support of parents, business and the local

community, plentiful resources, the application of the latest technology, strong and

purposeful leadership, the care and concern for pupils and students, a well-balanced and

challenging curriculum.

1.2 Education Amidst Globalization

 How will K to 12 Curriculum affect the globalization of education?

K-to-12 curriculum guides the country's basic education system. The Basic

Education Act of 2013 paved the way for this new program which aims to contextualize

and enhance learning, build proficiency in the mother language, integrate lessons in a

spiraling progression, and prepare students for future employment. The K-to-12

curriculum is hoped to raise the quality of education in the country to be at par with the

rest of the world.

This program offers a decongested 12-year program for the students which aims

to give them sufficient time to master skills and acquire basic competencies with the goal

of being competitive on a global scale. Students of the new system will be equipped with

the skills required to be ready for employment, entrepreneurship, middle-level skills

development, and higher education even if they intend to do so after graduation.


1.3 Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

 What are the implications brought about by the rising demand on the use of

information and communications technology (ICT) in the quality of


The implication brought by the rising demand on the use of information and

communications technology (ICT) in the quality of education they are influencing all

aspects of life. Students are starting to appreciate the capability to undertake education

anywhere, anytime and anyplace.

ICT increases the flexibility of delivery of education so that learners can access

knowledge anytime and from anywhere. It can influence the way students are taught and

how they learn as now the processes are learner driven and not by teachers. This in turn

would better prepare the learners for lifelong learning as well as to improve the quality of

learning. It makes teaching- learning process effective and interesting. Its promoting

changes in working conditions, handling and exchanging of information, teaching-learning

approaches and so on. The ICT is an umbrella that includes any communication device

or application, encompassing, radio, television, cellular phones, computer, and network

hardware and software, satellite system and so on, as well as the various services and

applications associated with them, such as video conferencing and distance learning.

Now a day’s due to the pandemic students are learning from home in an online

format and parents are picking up the slack from teachers and supporting their children.

This unprecedented event has changed the world and has brought it into a new era the

time of online learning for all people due to pandemic. E-learning or Online Learning

allows for new ways of learning for students and teachers. E-learning or online learning

is becoming increasingly popular and with various unprecedented events taking place in

our lives, this does not only open opportunities for schools to ensure that students have

access to curriculum materials whilst in the classroom but also allows them to ensure

students outside the classroom such as at home or even in hospitals can learn.

1.4 The Rise of the LGBTQ

 Why is there such a focus on LGBTQ issues among teachers? What it got to

do with teaching?

There is a focus on Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) issues among

teachers because some gay teacher is being discriminated. Like in the public school.

People ponder if they will allow gay teachers in school? I can say that Anyone

academically qualified should be able to teach, regardless of their culture or sexual

orientation. In fact, there are celibate gay teachers who are effective in teaching values

to students. Decency and respect are important characters that anyone can possess.

It’s not a problem to have gay teachers but teaching the LGBT curriculum to kids

is a different story, and that is not good.

Are lesbian and gay educators free to openly negotiate their sexual identities and

be authentic in their school settings? Sexual orientation discrimination is still permitted in

many school districts across the country. “teachers who are of the sexual minority (gay,

lesbian, or bisexual) must remain closeted or risk losing their jobs”

Being a lesbian or gay teacher adds another layer to the educator’s strain for

constant negotiation. Gender roles, gender identity, and sexual orientation provide

struggles for those trying to function within the social constructs of a heteronormative

school. Teachers struggle to develop a professional identity within their classrooms and

school settings, but being a gay or lesbian educator adds another dimension to identity

development. Societal norms often create a gap between personal and public identities.

This takes additional energy to negotiate and it distracts from one’s job responsibilities as

a teacher, administrator, counselor, or coach.


1.5 The Curriculum (K to 12)

• What can you say about K to 12 curriculum? Is K to 12 a relevant curriculum?

The K to 12 program promotes global competency by accelerating mutual

recognition of Filipino graduates and professionals in other countries. The goal of the K-

12 program that every graduate is equipped with information, media and technology skills,

learning and innovation skills, effective communication skills, and life and career skills.

However, these competencies require time to develop and attention needs to be given to

the design of a curriculum that will develop these.

The new curriculum allows students to choose between three tracks which are the

Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, and the Sports and Arts strand. It will also

give students opportunities to undergo immersions, have relevant exposure to a variety

of industries, and to have experience in their chosen track.

The Philippines is the only country in Asia and among the three remaining countries

in the world that has a10-year basic education cycle. K- 12 program is a relevant

curriculum now a day especially we live in the modern times our educational system need

to change also. The student’s preparedness for tertiary learning is more equipped to deal

with the higher level of learning as they enter college. With this, they can choose to

continue their education to higher forms which will be another great journey to access

essential learning developments.


K to 12 program can make students ready to join workforce more prepared in joining

the workforce. The new curriculum has this benefit because they compel each student to

be enthusiastic about the workforce and the scheme empowers students to make a

choice on them.

K to 12 as a student-centered curriculum can influence the students to take a more

active role in the learning process.

1.6 School Accreditation/Certification

• What is the importance of being an accredited school/ ISO

certification? What is the role of accreditation/ certification in the educational


Accreditation is a voluntary, nongovernmental, and collegial process of self-review

and external verification by peer reviewers. In higher education, accreditation has two

goals: 1) to ensure that post-secondary educational institutions and their units, schools,

or programs meet appropriate standards of quality and integrity, and 2) to improve the

quality of education these institutions offer.

Accreditation is important because it helps to determine if an institution meets or

exceeds minimum standards of quality. An accredited school has gone through a severe

check by an authority on education to make sure the school meets their standards and is

qualified to teach students the programs they are offering. A degree from an accredited

school is valuable. it’s so important to check the accreditation status of the school and

make sure it fits the needs and expectations before spending time and money.

Accreditation by these governing bodies gives students, schools, and all interested

in the diploma earned from that school, the peace of mind that the program is legitimate

and that they’re not being scammed or taken advantage of. It also ensures that the credits

they receive from that school are transferable to another school. If their program doesn’t

qualify, or is not recognized by the school you transfer to, your credits might not count

towards your degree!

The role of accreditation is assuring the public that individuals who have graduated

from accredited schools or programs have received a quality education. It assures

students that accredited programs meet the standards of the profession that they seek to

enter. Institutions of higher education benefit through self and peer evaluation and

through the opportunity for continuous improvement.

Here is some role of accreditation/ certification in the educational institution;

 Helps determine if an institution meets or exceeds minimum standards of quality.

 Helps students determine acceptable institutions for enrollment.

 Assist institutions in determining acceptability of transfer credits.


 Helps employers determine the validity of programs of study and whether a

graduate is qualified.

 Employers often require evidence that applicants have received a degree from an

accredited school or program.

 Helps employers determine eligibility for employee tuition reimbursement


 Enables graduates to sit for certification examinations.

 Involves staff, faculty, students, graduates, and advisory boards in institutional

evaluation and planning.

 Creates goals for institutional self-improvement.

 Provides a self-regulatory alternative for state oversight functions.

 Provides a basis for determining eligibility for federal student assistance. Students

must attend an accredited institution to apply for federal grants or loans.


1.7 Academics and Pandemics

• How do DepEd deals with Covid- 19 pandemics? How will the teachers

assure the students that “no student will be left behind” policy?

As the COVID-19 Pandemic continues to spread in different countries around the

world. “Filipinos are suffering the unfortunate consequences of the public health crisis we

presently face. The Department of Education should ask all private and public schools in

the country to lower tuition fees considering the implementation of the Blended and

Distant Learning Program will curve operational expenses compared to regular face to

face classes.

“With school classes set to resume in August, the DepEd confirmed that no face-

to-face classes will be held. Rather, the curriculum shall be converted into a

distance/blended learning program using online modular learning materials. This is a

good move which, although it does not solve all the problems, is nonetheless a welcome

step towards the right direction,”

However, in reality our digital and telecommunications infrastructure cannot even

decently connect every device in the country to the Internet. We realize that those who

have access to a learning device and the Internet are the ones who will greatly benefit

from the online learning programs that schools are working on. So, if we know that there

are families and students who can’t have a decent access to these digital tools and

devices, what should we do then? Even if they have devices at home, what if they also

need to share that one learning device with their other siblings who also need to study

and catch up with the requirements of their class?

The new normal should advocate for equitable access to online learning. If a

school chooses to go online, then the school leaders must have a way to ensure that no

student is left behind or barred from learning because of a preference to one mode of

learning. Can schools explore loaning devices for student and teacher use at home? Can

schools work with local government units in acquiring devices for loan to students and

teachers? If schools and parents can’t provide learning devices and connection to the

Internet, whose social and moral responsibility is it? On another note, why do we wait for

a pandemic to happen and then, seriously strive for equitable access? With or without

pandemic, equitable access should always be a goal that is constantly acted upon.

Given the reality of the country, or even schools, in terms of digital divide, the best

thing to do is to provide multiple pathways to education continuity. Taking into

consideration the context of every student, teacher, and family, those pathways need to

address their teaching and learning needs.

Aside from online learning, there are learning packets that can be used, which is

reminiscent of the correspondence mode of distance education way back years ago.

Broadcast stations in regions or localities can be used to air radio or TV programs on

lessons being learned in class. With these varying approaches to delivering learning,

educators and school leaders should also be opened to re-thinking the purpose of

assessments and grades. Are quizzes or long tests the best way to authentically access

student’s learning in an online learning environment? Should we still grade them

according to our face-to-face learning standards? The basic idea here is, while we aim

for multiple pathways to learning or instruction, assessments and maybe even the grading

systems will have to be reviewed to serve their main goals at this point of the pandemic.

We all know that our country’s progress also depends on the quality of education

that we have. Hence, a battalion of well-trained, valued, and dedicated teachers can help

develop a generation of better and responsible citizens, who can greatly contribute to the

development of the society and humanity.

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