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Have you ever had a pet?



Do you think it is fun to own a pet?



Why do you think people want to have a pet?


Pets bring so much joy into our lives. They make us laugh, comfort us when we’re sick or upset, and are
always there for us no matter what. But aside from making us happy, pets could give us these health-
boosting benefits.

1. They decrease stress.

People experience less stress when their pets are with them than when a
close friend is nearby. Pets can help a person relax, which helps reduce
high levels of stress that can lead to numerous health problems.

2. They can improve your immune system.

Pets spend a lot of their time outside, so they bring all sorts of dirt and
germs into your home. These germs can actually help improve your
immunity to colds and other mild illnesses. In fact, studies have shown
that babies who live with a dog tend to experience fewer infections and
are healthier than those who don’t.

3. Pets eases pain.

Believe it or not, pets can be the best medicine when a person is dealing
with chronic pain such as migraines or arthritis. People who use pet therapy while recovering from surgery
may need less pain medication than those who do not.

4. Pets make you less lonely.

Loneliness has been associated with negative outcomes, but adults who
owned pets were 36 percent less likely to say they were lonely than
those who didn’t have a furry friend. For people who live alone, a pet
could offer social interaction when other people aren’t around.

5. They reduce anxiety.

The companionship of an animal can offer comfort, help ease anxiety,

and build self-confidence for people anxious about going out into the
world. Because pets live in the moment- they don’t worry about what
happened yesterday or what might happen tomorrow. They can help you
become more mindful and appreciate the joy of the present.
Looking after a pet is a big responsibility, but when you consider all the benefits above, they make all that
hard work worthwhile.


Do you have a pet? If yes, what made you have one? If no, what made you not have one?

What is your unforgettable moment with your pet?

Do you have an embarrassing moment with other people because of your pet?

What do you think is the downside of owning a pet?

Do you know someone who owns a lot of pet?

What do you think is the reason for a person to own a lot of pets?

What do you think is the reason why some people prefer exotic pets?

Would you agree with the article? Why or why not?

Which part of the article surprised you?

What can you say about having a pet?

True or False.

______________1. Pets can increase a person’s anxiety level.

______________2. Pets are stressful to handle.

______________3. Owning a pet can make a person prone to sickness because of germs they bring
at home.

______________4. Pets can make a person feel less lonely.

______________5. Having a pet can make a person healthier than those who don't have a pet.

______________6. A pet can help ease the pain.

______________7. There is a therapy that uses pets to ease the pain after surgery.

______________8. Pets cares about what happened yesterday and what might happen in the future.

______________9. Pets offers comfort.

______________10. Owning a pet has health-boosting benefits.

Fill in the Blanks.

anxious Upset chronic medication reduce

numerous responsibility mindful nearby tend

1. The bad customer service made her __________________.

2. I'm so hungry. I hope there is a fast food _______________.

3. To ____________ your weight, you must avoid eating oily and salty foods.

4. He has attended ____________ meetings and social events ever since he was promoted.

5. I _____________ to get very involved in my work.

6. She was born with a ______________ disease.

7. Aside from her medicines, her ____________ includes exercise and a healthy diet.

8. She was extremely _____________ about her exam results.

9. The floor is slippery. Be _____________of your steps.

10. As her mother, it is her _______________ to send her daughter to a good school.

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