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The artery that gives the most blood to the breast. A. mamaria
interna 2. How bone metastasis occurs ... Batson
(vertebral venous plexus) with plexus 3. The most important prognostic factor in breast cancer ...
The condition of axillary Sentinel lymph node biopsy is performed in which case ...
T1-2 NO5. At least how many lymph nodes in axillary dissection
It should be removed ... 10 6. Syndrome referred to as amastia. Poland 7. The most common congenital
anomaly of the breast. Polythelia 8. The scare images on mammography ...
- More than 5 microcalcifications per cm2 - stellar mass - distortion
- density (asymmetric) 9. First to be done under 35 ... Breast USG 10. Young people are the best ... Breast
MRI 11. Radiation dose lower and image quality more
good one... Digital mammography 12. Which BI-RADS requires a biopsy ... 4 13. Which BI-RADS is
malignant ... 5 14. Optimal imaging in the diagnosis of intraductal papilloma
method ... Ductography 15. The most common cause of bloody nipple discharge ...
Interductal papilloma 16. Dangerous figures in nipple flows. Single
sides, single duct, spontaneous, clear-serous, bloody. Breastfeeding in lactation mastitis ... breastfeeding
more ... 18. Ductal ectasia triad ... subareolar abscess, recurrent
mastitis, discharge 19. The most common disease of the breast ... Fibrocystic 20. The most common
complaint in fibrocystic ... Mastalgia, then
mass 21. The most effective in mastalgia ... Danazol 22. Approach to cysts .. Aspiration 23. Indications for
biopsy in cysts ... Not lost,
blood supply, recurrence. What to do when the green liquid comes to the injector ...
25. Both macroscopically and microscopically
cancer-like ... Sclerosing adenosis 26. It's just macroscopically cancer-like ...
Oil necrosis 27. Nonproliferative diseases ... apocrine metaplasia,
ductal ectasia, fibroadenoma 28. Proliferative diseases without atypia - Sclerosing
adenosis, radial scar, ductal epithelial hyperplasia,
papilloma 29. Increasing risk ranking ... Radial scar, fluoride
hyperplasia, atypical, insitu 30. The most common benign tumor of the breast ...
Fibroadenoma 31. Fibroadenoma can develop in ca ... LCIS 32. What to do with fibroadenoma ... The
patient is going to head it
if not, follow. Phyllodes tumor treatment ... Wide local excision. Malignant phyllodes most commonly
metastasizes to the lung. 35. What to do with BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 carriers ...
Bilateral prophylactic mastectomy 36. 1 or 2 bad. BRCA-1 37. The most common finding in breast cancer ...
Mass 38. Most common in both men and women ... invasive
ductal ca 39. Those with the worst prognosis ... Inflammatory cancer,
invasive ductal, invasive lobular. Ranking of those with good prognosis ... T, P, K, M 41. Soft, hemorrhagic
and negative receptor cancer ...
Medullary 42. What happens when mammaria goes to the lymph nodes of the interna
parasternal mass. Permeation propagation ... satellite
nodules 44. LCIS treatment. Tamoxifen follow-up 45. Diagnosed by chance ... LCIS 46. LCIS is also seen
more invasive ca .. invasive
ductal ca 47. Supraclavicular lymph node metastasis which is N ...
N3C48. If not after conservative breast surgery
... radiotherapy 49. Conservative breast surgery is not appropriate
situations. Pregnancy, having previously taken RT, multicentricity, those with collagen disease
Tusdata to
50. What should I do to a Stage III patient? neoadjuvant
51. Inflammatory breast cancer which is the stage ... III B,

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even T4d 52. Which bone and soft tissue metastases
systemic treatment. Hormonotherapy 53. Which systemic treatment of visceral metastases
Applied ... Chemotherapy 54. First postmenopausal endocrinotherapy ...
Tamoxifen 55. Selective aromatase inhibitors ... letrazole,
anastrazole 56. Treatment of overexpression of HER2 / neu ...
frastuzumab 57. Male breast cancer risk factors ... estrogen,
testis, BRCA2 58. Wing scapula ... N. thoracicus longus 59. Stewart-Treves ... Lymphangiosarcoma 60.
Treatment of bone metastases ... Absolutely systemic
Add RT if treatment and bisphosphonates have pain 61. What to do before the elderly patients who come
with the mass ...
Mammography 62. First palpable mass biopsy. IIAB or
Core 63. Approach to nonpalpable masses ... needle wire marking
Technique or Core
76. Favorite treatment at Graves ... RAI 77. Long-term antithyroid therapy is appropriate
scenario. Patient small, diaper small, T3 and T4
if less than 78. The most common drawback of RAI treatment ... Hypothyroidism 79. Indications for
thyroidectomy in Graves ... Youth,
suspected cancer, compression findings, severe ophthalmopathy. Surgical technique in severe
ophthalmopathy ... Exactly
total 81. Priority in the treatment of hyperthyroidism in pregnant women. Low
dose of propicil, without surgery 82. Toxic multinodular goiter and toxic adenoma
treatment. Make an otyroid and open 83. Cancer risk factors in single nodules ... Low dose
radiation and family history. Indication of scintigraphy in single nodules ... II of the EU
cases in which they are suspicious (follicular). USG indication for single nodules. Nonpalpable nodule
and follow-up 86. First approach to palpable nodules. IATAB 87. The first approach in palpable nodules is
not ITAB
situations... Findings of thyrotoxicosis (first T3 - T4
and history of radiation (direct thyroidectomy). Pathology where ITAB is insufficient in diagnosis ... Follicular

64. The most common thyroid anomaly ... Thyroglossal cyst 65. How to make a definitive diagnosis of
lingual thyroid Scintigraphy 66. The most common thyroiditis ... Hashimoto 67. The most common cause of
hypothyroidism ... Hashimoto 68. Painless and autoimmune thyroiditis ... Silent subacute
thyroiditis 69. The most serious complication of Hashimoton ... Lymphoma 70. Viral, painful, sediment high,
uptake low thyroiditis
... Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis. With retroperitoneal mediastinal fibrosis
which ... Riedel 72. Thyrotoxicosis without hyperthyroidism. thyrotoxicosis
factis, subacute thyroiditis, hamburger
thyrotoxicosis 73. Graves' only finding 100%. Tachycardia 74. Those who block the conversion of T4 to T3
Propylthiouracil, propranolol, steroids - Symptomatically the fastest acting ...
propranolol 75. Wolff-Chaikoff effect due to excessive iodine intake ..
suppression following increased iodine organisation
89. Surgical indications for cystic nodule ... 4 cmt, 3
aspiration 90. Characteristics of papillary cancer ... Most common,
more common in young women, lymphatic spread, development on the background of radiation, very good
prognosis, psammom bodies, orphan Annie
cells 91. Treatment in papillary cancer ... total ideal
thyroidectomy 92. Modified neck dissection is prophylactic ...
No, if it is palpable it is done 93. Protected structures in modified neck dissection ...
SKM, 11, I. Jugular vein 94. Post-surgical treatment of papillary cancer ... RAI
and lifelong hormone 95. Prognosis criteria ... Asyaş) (grade) E (emission) S (diameter)
AM (meth) ES 96. Prognosis best ages ... 15-45
Miss 97. Thyroid cancer that rarely causes thyrotoxicosis ...
Follicular 98. More common in iodine deficient areas ...
Follicular 99. Spreading hematogen ... Follicular 100. It's a hard, single nodule.

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127.Where the super diapers are most common. Thymus 128.Where parathyromatosis is seen. Neck,
mediastinum 129. Preoperative localization studies
successful... MIBI 130.Parathyroid cancer scenario ... High in calcium,
PTH and ALP increased, cloth palpable
101. Hürthle cell cancer treatment ... Exact total (RAI)
useless).Central node dissection. Hurthle
and medullary ca 103.Medullary thyroid cancer characteristics ...
Amyloid and C cell hyperplasia in stroma, RET gene
mutation 104. The worst prognosis ... MEN II B 105.With the best prognosis ... Familial non-MEN 106. The
most common ... sporadic medullary ca 107. The prognosis of medullary cancer ... CEA 108. Medullary
cancer treatment ... Exact total and neck
dissection 109. Hard, fixed and rapidly growing thyroid ca ...
Anaplastic 110. The most common metastases to thyroid are ... Bronkogenic
carcinoma, hypernephroma 111. N. recurrence is most frequently injured ... hanging ligament
(Berry), inferior thyroid artery 112. The most common complication of thyroidectomy ...
hypoparathyroidism. Thyroid storm is never used ...
Salicylate 114. Thyroid storm will not be used first
which ... Iodine 115. Bleeding after thyroidectomy should be done ..
Opening the stitches 116. What happens in bilateral recurrent nerve injury ...
Asphyxia and cadaver position 117. What happens in unilateral injury ... Thick, rough, muffled
sound, cough. Paramedian position 118. Dangerous for permanent nerve injury
situations... Recurrent cancer, recurrent goiter 119.What happens in internal branch injury ... Aspiration
120. What happens in external branch injury sound quickly
Tired, high pitched noises 121.The nerve injured when connecting the superior thyroid artery ...
External branch of superior laryngeal nerve 122. Hypoparathyroidism in the treatment of hyperthyroidism
total thyroidectomy.The most common cause of primary hyperparathyroidism ... parathyroid
adenoma 124.What does successful parathyroidectomy mean?
- Resolution of osteic fibrosa cysta - Improvement of bone mineral density - Decrease in formation of new
kidney stones - Increase in muscle strength
- Decreased left ventricular hypertrophy 125. Asymptomatic primary HPT patients
Indications for parathyroidectomy ... 1, 30%, 400, 50,
2.5 !!! 126. Ectopic parathyroid is most common ...
131. A 62-year-old person with no complaints
If a mass of 1.5 cm in diameter is detected in the adrenal CT, the procedure that should be done after this
stage is ...
Follow - up periodically with CT. The only complaint is hypertension, laboratory
The most probable diagnosis in a patient with hypernatremia, hypokalemia and renin ... primary
hyperaldosteronism.Secreting ectopic ACTH with Cushing's disease
first to distinguish the tumor
test.. High dose dexamethasone suppression test 134. Secreting ectopic ACTH with Cushing's disease
The most accurate test to distinguish the tumor. petrosal
blood sampling from the colon. To rule out adrenal insufficiency diagnosis
The most reliable method ... ACTH (corticotropin)
stimulation test.The most common cause of primary hyperaldosteronism ...
Aldosterone secreting adenoma 137. The most common cause of primary adrenal insufficiency ...
Autoimmune disease 138. The most common cause of secondary adrenal insufficiency ...
Exogenous steroid use 139. Computed tomography of the adrenal gland
A mass identified as most likely ...
Nonfunctional denoma 140. Fine needle aspiration biopsy in adrenal masses
contraindications ... Pheochromocytoma 141. Bilateral inferior petrosal sinus-peripheral

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Which is considered in a patient with no difference in ACTH level and no suppression in high dose
dexamethasone suppression test ... Ectopic
ACTH syndrome. Primary in a patient diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency
Indication of adrenal insufficiency ... Morning
high serum ACTH level measured. The diagnosis of malignant pheochromocytoma ... IT
detection of invasion around the adrenal gland
144. Location of cancer in HNPCC right column 145. Mutations in HNPCC ... MeliH, Mesin (wrong
matching repair gene mutations). Where cancer-related obstruction is most common ...
left column
Tusdata to
147.The most common finding in rectal cancer is marked bleeding. How colorectal cancer is most commonly
spread .. lymphatic 149.The most important prognostic factor in colorectal cancer ...
Nodal involvement 150. Genetic model. APC starts with p53 ends with 151 Modified Dukes classification ...
B1-B2 lymph nodes
(-) C1 - C2 lymph nodes (+) 152. According to TNM, at what stage are lymph nodes positive ...
Stage III 153. Colorectal cancer screening protocols ... over 50
then every 5 years sigmoidoscopy / barium x-ray, colonoscopy every 10 years. In addition, once a year
hidden blood. Pathology the earliest screening began. FAP 155. When to start scanning in HNPCC .. 20 - 25
156.When to look at Postop CEA ... every two years
157 every 2-3 months. Where colorectal lymphoma is most common. Cecum 158. The best staging for
rectal cancer ...
Phase MR 159 The most common benign tumor in the small intestine ...
Adenoma 160 The most common symptomatic benign tumor in the small intestine ...
Leiomyoma 161. Where is the most common adenoma Ileum 162. Where is Leiomyoma most often?
Jejunum 163. Where is Adenoca most often ... Duodenum 164. Where is the most common lymphoma?
Ileum 165. Non-abdominal metastasis to the small intestine
It happens .. Melanoma 166. Carcinoid tumor is most commonly located in appendix, ileum.The best
prognosis for carcinoid ... AR 168.The prognosis is the worst carcinoid. KI 169.Can't do carcinoid syndrome
... Rectum 170. Carcinoid without metastasis to the liver
Syndrome. BOR 171.The most common finding in carcinoid syndrome ... Flushing 172.What is the prognosis
of carcinoid syndrome?
Chromogranin A 173. The most common tumor of the appendix ... Carcinoid 174. Most often a. app.
Mucocele 175. The treatment limit for appendiceal carcinoid ... 1.5 cm 176. In Meckel's diverticulum, the
most common ... Own (ileum)
mucosa 177. The most common heterotopic mucosa in Meckel's diverticulum ...
Stomach 178. The most common complication in children ... Bleeding 179. The most common complication
in adults ... obstruction
180.Causes of short bowel syndrome ... Children
NEC, Crohn in young, mesenteric in adult
181. Adaptation mechanism in the small intestine ... villous
hypertrophy, cellular hyperplasia, GLP-2, glutamine 182.Stone type in the small intestine ... Oxalate
183.Best treatment in short bowel. Small intestine
transplantation.Where is the most common diverticulum in the colon? sigmoid
is a liar, a truth in cecum. The first and most appropriate method for the diagnosis of diverticulosis ...
Barium colon radiography is the most common cause of massive lower Gis bleeding
Reason... Diverticulosis is the most common cause of lower GIS bleeding over 187.60 years ...
Angiodysplasia 188. How does diverticulosis bleed? Massive. In angiodysplasia
85% minor 15% massive bleeding 189. Angiodysplasia is usually what side ... Right column 190. Bleeding
potential of diverticulosis on which side
probably more... Right 191. Lower GIS bleeding and upper GIS bleeding
first approach ...NGS 192. After NGS and rectoscopy in lower GI bleeding
What to do if the bleeding is massive. Angiography 193. What to do if the bleeding has stopped ...
Colonoscopy 194. What to do if you are bleeding moderate. colonoscopy

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or scintigraphy 195. What is the acute appendicitis of the left side ... Diverticulitis 196. Diagnostic sequence
for suspicion of diverticulitis ... ADBGR
USGCT 197. The most common type of fistula in acute diverticulitis ..
Colesical fistula 198. Colesical fistula is the most common disease ...
Acute diverticulitis 199. What happens after the episode of acute diverticulitis
It should be done ... Colonoscopy 200.The most common cause of prolapse ... Chronic constipation.
Unrelated to multiparity 201. Findings of solitary rectal ulcer ... Pain, bleeding, mucus,
The intussusception. 202. The most common cause of anorectal abscesses ... Gland and crypt
Infection 203. Abscess types ... Perianal Intersyphincteric Supralevator
Ischiorectal 204.The most common cause of perianal fistulas. Abscess 205.Frequency order of perianal
fistulas ITSE 206. The most common localization of anal fissures ... posterior-middle 207.The first treatment
of fissure ... constipation
Tusdata to
208.The best way to treat fissure ... LIS 209.The most common symptom in internal hemorrhoids ...
Bleeding 210. The most common symptom in external hemorrhoids ... Pain 211. The most common
complication after hemorrhoidectomy ...
Urinary retention 212. The most common benign tumor in the colon ... Hyperplastic polyp 213. Where is
adenoma most often in the colon? 214 in rectosigmoid. The risk of cancer in adenomas is associated with
what ... Diameter 215.Typical finding in Cowden ... Trishilemoma 216.Cancer in Cowden. Breast, thyroid
(follicular) 217.Black, balding, bad-nailed Canadian ... Cronkhite
Canada 218 Can be screened by indirect ophthalmoscopy. FAP 219.The second most common cause of
death after cancer in FAP ...
Desmoid 220.After colorectal cancer in FAB cases
duodenum-periampullary cancers occur. 221.Number and location of polyps in AFAP ... less than 100, right
column 222. The most common cause of acute intestinal ischemia ... Embolism 223. Surprisingly, in acute
intestinal ischemia ... Severe
a abdomen disproportionate to abdominal pain. Diagnosis in acute intestinal ischemia. CT + Angiography
225. Chronic ischemia (angina abdominalis) classic ...
abdominal pain, stenosis after meals
murmur 226. The most common cause of mesenteric venous obstruction ...
Thrombosis, very successful in diagnosis. Typical reasons for NOMI ... Digital, vasopressors 228. The first
step in the treatment of NOMI ... Papaverine 229. The most common cause of obstruction in the small
intestine ...
Adhesion 230. The most common cause of obstruction in the large intestine ...
Cancer 231 The first thing to do in the diagnosis of ileus ... ADBG 232.The best for partial obstruction. Oral
BT 233. The best method for the diagnosis of pneumoperitoneum ... BT 234. The least useful in the
diagnosis of ileus ... Batin US 235 Which liquid is given in ileus. 5% DRL 236. Where is the perforation in
the distal colon?
It happens. Cecum 237. First treatment of sigmoid volvulus ... sigmoidoscopy
endoscopic detorsion. First treatment for cecum volvulus ... Colectomy 239.The most common cause of
paralytic ileus ... postoperative
240. The sequence of movements ... Small intestine → Stomach →
Column 241. Primary cause of pseudoobstruction (Ogilvie) ...
Familial visceral myopathy 242 The most common surgical disease of the small intestine ...
Crohn 243.The earliest characteristic pathology of Crohn's disease
What is the finding ... Superficial aphthous ulcers. Symptoms of Crohn's disease ... Pain, diarrhea,
weight loss. The most common complication ... Obstruction 246. A. The app came out of the bird that were
hungry, let's look Crohn napal ...
If the cecum is normal, appendectomy is performed 247.Perianal involvement of non-healing Crohn's fistula

drug added to the treatment ... Infliximab 248. The most common urologic complication in ileocolic Crohn's
disease ...
ureter obstruction.The most common symptom in UC ... Hematocones 250.What is the common radiological

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finding in UC ... Bullet
view of pipe (disappearance of Haustral structures).PANCA is valuable in the diagnosis of ... ÜK 252. To the
diagnosis of toxic megacolon
let's see... Transverse 253. To give steroid to patient with toxic megacolon
What should be done if the clinic worsens ...
Surgery (total colectomy).Those who did not recover with colectomy at UC ... sclerosing
cholangitis and cirrhosis.The most frequent indication for elective surgery in the UK.
Non - responsiveness to medical treatment.Ischemic colitis is most common. splenic
flexural 257. Direct graphical findings ... Thumbprint 258.The best diagnostic method ... Sigmoidoscopy
259. The most common type of tumors in the anal region ...
Squamous cancer. Metastases of tumors below the toothed line
where does it. 261 to the inguinal nodes.Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis is the most common ...
Jejunum 262. Where is Ameboma most often ... Cecum 263.HIV (+) in the gastrointestinal tract of a patient

perforation of the terminal ileum and colon

which causes microorganism ... CMV 264.The best method to diagnose incontinence ... Endoanal US
265.The most valuable muscle in continence ... Puborectal muscle 266. Findings in blind loop syndrome.
Diare, steatore,
anemia, weight loss, pain, vitamin deficiencies and
neurological disorders. The most common cause of acute appendicitis ... Fekalit
Tusdata to
268. Symptom ranking ... Anorexia, abdominal pain,
nausea, vomiting, fever, lococytosis. Symptoms ... Rovsing, obturator, psoas, ten horn,
Dunphy, Aaron 270. Patients with acute appendicitis are diagnosed. 271. If it is suspected (pregnant and
not a child), CT is requested. 272. Acute appendicitis is most commonly associated with mesenteric adenitis.
273.Plastron is monitored. 274. The most common complication of appendectomy is wound
Infection. 275. Fothergill sign in rectus sheath hematoma
ÖZEF AGUS 276.The most common disease of the esophagus ... SEE 277. The characteristics of achalasia
... Pressure at LES
increase, absence of peristalsis in the trunk, sphincterin
inability to relax in response to swallowing. The most common and earliest finding in Akalazy ...
dysphagia 279. The first thing to do in case of suspicion of achalasia ...
barium graphy 280. The best diagnostic method in Akalazy .. Manometry 281.Not due to gastroesophageal
reflux ...
Achalasia 282. The most common finding in diffuse esophageal spasm is pain. Barium graphy finding.
Corkscrew 284.The most common primary motility disorder.
Nutcracker 285.The most common diverticulum in the esophagus. Zenker 286.Problematic muscle in Zenker
diverticulum ...
Cricopharyngeus 287.The most appropriate diagnostic method in Zenker diverticulum ...
Barium graph 288.Treatment for Zenker diverticulum ... diverticulectomy
and myatomy 289. Which is the true diverticulum in the esophagus? Mid
esophageal 290.The most common malignant tumor of the esophagus. squamous
cell 291. The most common place .. Middle thoracic zone 292.The most common symptom in esophageal
cancer. Dysphagia 293. The first thing to do to a patient with dysphagia ...
Barium graph 294.Local staging of esophageal cancer
useful technical ... Endoscopic USG 295.The most common benign tumor of the esophagus ...
Leiomyoma 296.The most useful method for the diagnosis of leiomyoma ... baric
297.The most common hiatal hernia in the esophagus ... slithery
hiatal hernia. Sliding is the most common symptom in hiatal hernia. Reflux 299.Operate as soon as it is
should hiatal herni ... Rolling hiatal

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hernia 300.Complications of paraesophageal hiatal hernia ...
Bleeding, necrosis, volvulus, perforation.Typical symptom in GER ... Prozis 302. The most important
protective structure against reflux ... lower esophagus
sphincter 303. The best test for the diagnosis of reflux ... 24 hours PH
monitoring. High grade dysplasia in Barrett's esophagus
What to do when detected ... Esophagectomy 305.The most common cause of esophageal perforations ...
Iatrogenic 306 is the most common iatrogenic perforation.
region ... cricopharyngeal 307.The place of perforation in Boerhaave syndrome ...
The left posterolateral wall of the distal esophagus (left
pleural space.Important tip for perforation ... Subcutaneous neck
emphysema 309. Hamman sign ... Thoracic perforations
crackling sound from air-filled mediastinal tissues at each heartbeat due to air leakage to the mediastinum
to arrive 310. Initial suspicion of esophageal perforation
required... Chest X-ray 311. The best diagnostic method for esophageal perforation ...
Esophagography 312. A 45-year-old who has been drinking alcohol for a long time
A male patient was admitted to the emergency department due to bloody vomiting. The patient had a
history of retching several times, followed by bloody vomiting and epigastric pain. Most likely for this patient

diagnosis... Mallory-Weiss syndrome 313.For the diagnosis of the patient mentioned in the previous
first action ... Endoscopy 314.When is endoscopy in corrosive burns
It should be done ...Within the first 12 hours
315.Transverse abdominis with internal oblique muscle fibers
What do they do when combined ... Tendon conjugate 316. Where does direct hernias come from?
Hasselbach trio 317.The lymph node in the femoral canal ... Cloquet 318.Hernia is more common in women
than in men.
Femoral 319. Highest strangulation among all hernias
With herni ... Femoral
Tusdata to
320.A wall of the hernia sac makes an internal organ ...
Sliding hernia 321. Part of the antimesenteric wall of the intestine
Having a hernia in the sac ... Richter hernia 322.Small intestine into the phytic sac
The introduction of urves ... Maydl hernia 323. Obturator artery anomaly may occur due to
bleeding.. Corona mortis 324.The phytic hernia from the umbilical linea cola ... epigastric 325. The hernia
from the Linea semilunaris ... spigelian 326.Most mortal hernia. obturator
349. The most common cause of bladder injuries ... Pelvis
Fractures.The best diagnostic method for bladder injuries ...
Cystography 351 The best diagnostic method for Uretra injuries ...
Uretrography 352. Urethral injuries seen in long term
The most common complication ... Stenosis 353. Sailing chest breathing ... Paradoxical 354. Sail chest
treatment ... Mechanical ventilator 355. Where is mediastinal flutter seen? Open
pneumothorax 356.Displacement of mediastinum to the right side
Where to see ... Pressurized pneumothorax 357. Indications for thoracotomy in hemothorax ... 3x200
or 1,500 358.Cardiac tamponade ... Pericardiosynthesis 359. The most life-threatening secret in trauma
injury ... Descending thoracic aortic injury
327.The most sensitive test for detecting intraabdominal bleeding ...
DPL 328.How much blood is delivered to the catheter during DPL
requires surgery. 10 ml 329. Criteria for positivity in DPL ... 100,000, 500, 175,
2, 0.01 bacteria, intestinal content 330. First approach to blunt abdominal trauma ... USG 331 USG (+)
patient stabilizationBT 332. USG (+) patient unstableHUNGRY! 333.The gunshot ... OPEN (CT if upper right

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quadrant is stable).First approach in front and side batin stabbing ..
Local wound exploration. First approach for posterior - flank stabbing.
336. Rarely injured in blunt trauma. Diaphragm,
stomach, duodenum, sac, pancreas 337.The most common injuries in blunt trauma ... Spleen 338. Most
likely to require laparotomy when injured.
Spleen 339. The most frequent penetrating tool injuries
injured small intestine 340. Abdominal trauma (blunt + penetration) most often
Injured ... Liver 341. The most mortal ... Duodenum 342. Best methods for duodenal injuries. IT
and contrast passage radiographs (lavage is useless). The most common cause of death in pancreatic
injuries ...
Vascular injuries.The best diagnostic method for pancreatic injuries ...
360.The most common cause of peritonitis ... E. coli 361 The most common cause of intraabdominal
abscess ... B. fragilis 362. It's the most common site of abscesses in the upper abdomen. Left
subphrenic 363. Abscess with the worst prognosis ... Small omentum abscesses. The cause of spontaneous
peritonitis in adults ... Acid 365.What to do with secondary peritonitis ... Source
control 366. Pulp infection ... Felon 367.Necrotizing fasciitis of the perineal region ... Fournier
gangrene 368. Progressive bacterial synergistic gangrene abdominal anterior
In the wall ... Meleney's ulcer. The most frequent fever in the first 48 hours after surgery
Reason... Atelectasis 370. The most common hospital infection urinary system
Infection. 371. The most common hospital in surgical wards
infection is wound infections. 372.Controversial surgical site infections
factors. Blood transfusion, drains, maybe anemia. Hypoxia both local and systemic factor
can. 373. Prophylaxis 30-60 min before surgery
It should be done. 374. If the operation lasts more than 4 hours
It must be repeated. 375. Examples of clean group ... Phytic, thyroid, breast
345. The most common cause of hemobilia ... Liver trauma. The triad of hemobili ... Abdominal pain,
jaundice, GIS
Bleeding 347. The best diagnostic method in hemobilia ... Angiography 348. The most common cause of
retroperitoneal hematomas ... Pelvis
Tusdata to
376. Examples of clean contaminated group ... Elective GIS
surgery, appendectomy, cholecystectomy 377. Penetration abdominal
Enterotomy for trauma, infected bile, ileus. Examples of dirty group ... Perforated diverticulitis,
abscesses 379.Wound with a yellow-pink fluid
Local factors in separation ... Hemorrhage, infection,
excessive suture, poor technique, braided suture material.In the postoperative parotid ... Staf 381.The most
common perioperative and postoperative period in surgical patients
arrhythmia is atrial fibilation. 382.In ARDS, the ratio of PAO / FI is less than 200. 383. In acute lung injury
rate 200-300
between. 384.Diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia Halothane-caffeine
contracture test
385.Intrinsic factor ... It is secreted from parietal cells. 386. Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer
responsible mutation ... E-cadherin gene 387.Megaloblastic after gastrectomy
The cause of anemia ... Afferen-loop syndrome 388. Antrectomy + vagotomy and Billroth-2 performed a
patient absorption is impaired ... Oils 389 The best measure of the discharge of solid nutrients in the
method... Technetium 99m pertechnetate marked
scintigraphy 390.The branch of the short gastric arteries. splenic
artery 391. The most common and most mortal ulcer complication ...
Bleeding 392 Penetration most often happens to which organ ... Pancreas 393. Which increases after

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vagotomy ... Dyspepsia over the age of 394.45 = Gastroscopy. Duodenal ulcer recurrence rate lowest
operation... Vagotomy + antrectomy 396. Ulcers with lowest morbidity and mortality
operation ... Proximal gastric vagotomy 397. The most common type of gastric ulcer ... Type I (small
curvatur-corpus), hypoacidity present 398. Stomach perforation
required... Chest X-ray 399.Bleeding artery in duodenal ulcer ...
Gastroduodenal artery 400.In case of upper Gis bleeding, NG is inserted first. After
endoscopy followed by scintigraphy for slow bleeding and angiography for massive bleeding.
401.Specific staining of mucosal biopsy for H. pylori
histology gold standard. If endoscopy is not required, serology is performed. If endoscopy is performed,
rapid urease is inexpensive and simple. Urea breath after treatment
test is suitable. 402.H. pylori causes ulcers in patients with high acidity
cancer in patients with low acidity
cause. 403. Most important in the pathogenesis of acute erosive gastritis
factor... Mucosal ischemia 404. Necrosis of the mucosa with the compression of the mucosal end artery
formation and bleeding ... Dieulafoy lesion 405.The most common gastric benign lesion is hyperplastic
And polyps. 406. Polyp adenomatosis with the highest malignancy potential
And polyps. 407. The most common genetic anomalies in stomach cancer ... P53
Cox 2 (diffuse hereditary → CDH gene) 408. The most common cancer is distal. 409. Early stomach cancer.
TINX 410. The majority of gastric cancers are atrophic gastritis
develops on the ground. 411. Early gastric cancer Type III: Muscularis propria
advancing towards but with these katin cancer cells
non-invasive lesions. 412. Lauren, intestinal and diffuse into two
It was separated. 413. It is associated with intestinal H. pylori. Diffuse younger
is seen in ages. 414. The most common finding in stomach cancer ... Weight loss. 415. Muscularis invaded
the propria, serosa
gastric cancer TNM classification of 12 regional lymph nodes that have not reached
According to the system which stage is ... T2N2 416.At least 15 lymph nodes in cancer surgery
It should be removed. 417.GIS lymphomas are most common in the stomach. 418. Intermittent abdominal
pain, c-kit + ... GIST 419.The most common complication of postgastrectomy ... is anemia 420.Bile
drainage in duodenal stump leak
It is diagnostic. 421. Hyperosmolar gastric contents suddenly jejunuma
transition ... Dumping syndrome (dizziness, palpitations,
unconsciousLate (hypoglycemic) dumping. Reactive hypoglycemia
1-2 hours after eating. In alkaline reflux gastritis, pain does not relieve vomiting. 424. In afferent loop
syndrome, pain passes with vomiting,
treatment is definitive surgery. 425. Cause of gastrojejunocolic fistula Marginal ulcer 426. Where gastrinoma
is most common. duodenum
Tusdata to
427. The most valuable method of tanida octreotide scintigraphy
and EUS. 428. Superior mesenteric artery of the third part of the duodenum
compression. WILKE 429. Hypoproteinemia / Thickening of stomach rug ...
453. Most of the bile duct cancers are perihilar
regions. 454.The preferred method for the diagnosis of Klatskin tumor ...
PTK 455. Biliary cancers in risk factors
There is no cholelithiasis.
430. The substance that increases the biliary flow ...
Cholecystokinin 431. Best method for the diagnosis of cholelithiasis. USG 432. The first and most useful
method in the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis ...
USG 433.The most reliable method for the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis ...
HIDA scintigraphy 434. Intrahepatic channels wide extrahepatic
If it's normal ... PTK / MRCP 435.After the USG was performed to the patient with jaundice

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If common bile duct is seen wide ... ERCP 436.After the USG was performed to the patient with jaundice
If the common bile duct appears normal ... MRCP 437. The most common complication of acute
cholecystitis ...
Pericholistic abscess 438.Treatment of acute cholecystitis ... early surgery 439.The most common after bile
duct surgery
complication... Subhepatic collection 440. Acute cholecystitis + diabetes ... definitive early surgery 441.
Emphysematosis cholecystitis in gallbladder wall
air is seen. 442. Diagnosis of gallstones Air fluid in ADBG
Level and presence of air in the biliary tract. Diagnosis of chronic cholecystitis without stones (biliary
dyskinesia) ...
Scintigraphy of infusion cholecystokinin 444.The most common benign mass of the gallbladder ...
Polyp 445. Gallbladder cancer risk factors ... Big
stone, porcelain pouch, large polyp, choledochal cysts,
sclerosing cholangitis 446. Bile ducts in laparoscopic cholecystectomy
injury rate slightly higher than open method
And more. 447. Caroli disease is a type 5 choledochal cyst. 448. The bile duct cyst triad ... Abdominal pain,
jaundice, abdominal
mass 449.Cholangite (Charcot) triad. Abdominal pain, jaundice,
fire 450. The most common cause of cholangitis ... Common stone 451 The best method for the diagnosis
of common stone ... ERCP 452. The most common cause of benign stenosis of the biliary tract
UmUdUr cholecystectomy.
456. The most common cause of acute pancreatitis ... Stone 457. The best diagnostic method in acute
pancreatitis. BT 458. Sentinel loop and colon cutoff findings in ADBG ...
Acute pancreatitis 459. Bleeding into the peripancreatic area ... Gray
Turner (back), Cullen (belly) 460. Alpha 2 macroglobulin and trypsin binding
reduction in capacity ... Poor prognosis 461.CRP, IL-6, PMN elastase, TAP increases in urine ...
Poor prognosis. Ranson criteria 200-250-350-55-16.000 / 4,
5, 6, 8, 10, 60 463. Surgical indications suspicion, stone, abscess 464. The most common complication.
Pseudocyst 465.The best diagnostic method for pancreatic necrosis ... BT 466. The most common cause of
chronic pancreatitis is alcohol 467. The best method for the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis .. ERCP 468.
Surgical indications in chronic pancreatitis.
Severe pain, pseudocyst, suspected cancer and all
obstacles.The most common symptom in pancreatic cancer ... Weight loss 470. Fecal occult blood ... bulb
and vater cancer 471.The pain-free hand of the gallbladder ... Courvoisier
Terrier 472.The first thing to do in case of pancreatic cancer suspicion
imaging method ... BT 473. The prognosis of periampullary cancers is most
the bad one ... Pancreas 474.The most common and malignant cystic pancreas
neoplasia ... mucinous cystadenoma 475.Endocrine tumor frequency ranking in the pancreas ...
Insulinoma, nonfunctional islet cell tumor 476. In a patient with metabolic aidosis and hypokalemia
Severe diarrhea attacks are detected. First of all, which disease should be considered. vipoma
(WDHA) 477.Glucagonomas ... Necrolytic migratory erythema 478. Steatorrhea, diabetes and gallbladder
stones ...
Tusdata to
479. Responsible for the development of liver angiosarcoma
which ... Vinyl chloride 480. The most common symptom in liver cancer ... Weight
loss 481. The most common deteriorating liver function test. alkaline
phosphatase 482.The most common physical examination findings in HCC ...
Hepatomegaly 483.The most common cancer in the liver ... Metastatic 484. 60% of hepatocellular cancers
are postnecrotic
develops on the ground of cirrhosis. 485. AFP is high in hepatocellular cancers. but
This is negative in fibrolamels cancer. 486. The best preop in the diagnosis of primary liver cancer

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While MRI is actually the best intraoperative US. 487.Preoperative diagnosis of metastatic liver cancer
the best.. BT 488.The most common benign tumor of the liver ...
Hemangioma 489. The highest risk of spontaneous bleeding ... hepatic
adenoma 490.With OKS connection ... If hepatic adenoma is greater than 491.4 cm and pregnancy is
If it does not shrink after cutting ... surgery 492. Central scar in which benign liver mass
It is seen ... Focal nodular hyperplasia. The most common cause of pyogenic abscesses ... Cholangitis 494.
The most common symptom ... High fire 495. Treatment of pyogenic abscess ... Antibiotic + Drainage 496.
Amoeba abscesses are young-moderate wandering in endemic areas
age is seen in men. 497. The most common complication of amoeba abscess is secondary
It is infection. 498. The most valuable laboratory separating pyogenic abs
What is the method. UAV (Serology) 499. When amebic liver abscess is suspected →
Start treatment immediately (Metronidazole) 500.The most common complaint in hydatid cyst ... Abdominal
pain 501 The most common complication of hydatid cyst. intrabiliary
rupture 502. What is the most valuable laboratory test in hydatid cyst ...
UAV (ELISA) 503. Curative treatment of hydatid cyst ... surgery 504. Alveolar hydatid cyst is a slow
progressive liver
Like cancer. 505.The most common cause of portal hypertension in children.
extrahepatic portal vein obstruction.
506.In adults, the most common cause ... Cirrhosis 507. Collaterals of hepatofugal flow ... 1- Left gastric
(coronary) vein, 2-Umblikal and paraumblikal vein, 3-Hemorrhoidal vein, 4- Retroperitoneal (Retzius)
veins 508. Schistosomiasis ... Presinusoidal intrahepatic obstruction
Why it is. 509.The best diagnostic method for heirs ...
Esophagoscopy 510.First suspected portal hypertension
required. Doppler USG 511. Right upper quadrant pain, progressive hepatomegaly and
massive acid ... Budd Chiari 512. The first thing to do in case of esophageal variceal bleeding ...
Vasoactive drugs and endoscopic interventions. Effective drug for varicose veins. somatostatin 514.
Endoscopic bleeding cannot be stopped
Sengstaken - Blakemore tube is inserted. 515. If the bleeding cannot be stopped endoscopically ...
TYPES 516. Shunt to be done in acid ... Side by side
portocaval shunt 517. Shunt with minimal risk of encephalopathy ... DSR
(Warren) 518.Selective shunts. Distal splenorenal and small diameter
portocaval H graft shunt 519.Child-Pugh parameters ... Bilirubin, albumin, acid,
encephalopathy, prothrombin time
520. I hypersplenism ... Cytopenia, hyperplastic bone marrow
splenomegaly, cytopenia after splenectomy
Accessory spleen is most commonly seen in the hilus. 522.The most common indication for splenectomy ...
Trauma 523. The most common indication for elective splenectomy ... ITP 524. The most common
hematologic benefit from splenectomy
disease... Hereditary spherocytosis 525.Hemolytic anemia where splenectomy is unnecessary ...
G6PDH deficiency 526. Disease in which splenectomy is contraindicated
Hereditary "high red" phosphotidyl choline anemia, acute
leukemia, agranulocytosis, Albers-Schönberg 527.The most common complication of splenectomy ... Lower
left lobe
atelectasis 528.The most common cancer to the spleen. Lung cancer 529. Visceral artery aneurysms are the
most common ...
Splenic artery aneurysm 530. Causes of spontaneous rupture of the spleen ... Sitma, EMN
Tusdata to
531. Acute rejection ... Curable 532. Hyperacute rejection ... There's no cure. Avoided 533. Chronic
rejection. There's no cure. Can't be avoided 534.The most important pancreas transplantation
indication ... Type I diabetes 535. Causes the most frequent graft versus-host reaction
organ transplantation ... Bone marrow 536. The most common indication for liver transplantation ...
Chronic active hepatitis (usually due to C).Liver transplantation in children is the most common

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indication ... Biliary atresia 538. Primary nonfunction of transplanted liver
is a serious complication. 539. Liver transplantation is the most common
contraindication is substance abuse. 540. High success with liver transplantation
provided ... primary biliary cirrhosis and primary sclerosing
cholangitis 541. Liver transplantation with kidney
coexistence Oxalosis 542. Shortest preservation time in the heart, the longest
There kidneys. 543. The most common after liver transplantation
complications of the ... Biliary complication 544. After a successful liver transplant
progressive hemodynamic disorder in early postoperative period, multiorgan failure, encephalopathy,
acidosis, elevation of AST and ALT ... Primary dysfunction
554.Blue green discharge in the burn ... P.
aeruginosa Penetrating Eskara ... Mafenide 556. Acidosis ... Mafenide 557. Silver sulfadiazine 558, which is
effective on fungi. Colloid containing fluid in the first 24 hours
The reason is not given ... Extracellular volume
increase and make edema. Skin formed after many years in burn scar tissue
cancer ... Marjolin ulcer 560. The greatest damage to electric burns. Eyebrow
in tissue 561. Resistant to electric burns ... Bone, volume 562. Urine output in electrical burns. 100-150ml /
(2ml / kg / hr) 563.Indications for intubation ... 50 - 60 - 200
545. Responsible for early edema in burns
which ... Histamine 546. They need to lie in the burn ...
- More than 10% under 10 and over 50 - More than 20% in other ages - 30% burn more than 5%
- Electric, chemical, inhalation.Curling ulcer ... 548 in the stomach, burn. Insulin levels were increased in
burns. 549. Venous access in burns below 50%. Upper
550 of the extremities. The most common cause of death in the first 24 hours of burn ...
Hypovolemia 551 The most common cause of death in burns. Sepsis 552. Fluid formula for burns .. 4 x kg
*% burns 553. The most common site of fatal infection in burns.
Respiratory tract
SYSTEMIC RESPONSE TO TRAUMA AND SHOCK 564. First trauma after trauma ... ACTH 565. Biphasic
following trauma. insulin
and glucagon 566. Post-traumatic high mortality indicator ... free
T4 reduction
567. Amenorrhea seen after major surgeries
why ... Hyperprolactinemia 568 is the most powerful stimulus for the release of aldosterone.
ACTH 569. Major trauma, 60-year-old patient. Vitale
findings do not improve despite all attempts. He's fond of general condition, no bleeding. Fever,
hypertension, nausea and vomiting, hypoglycemia, hyponatremia and hyperkalemia, the most likely
diagnosis ... Acute
adrenal insufficiency. In response to tissue injury or infection
The earliest rising cytokine .. TNF-alpha 571 Macrophage derived cytokines ... IL-1, IL-6, TNF
alpha 572. Responsible for acute phase reactant synthesis in liver
Cytokine .. IL-6 573.Proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory ... IL-6 574. A precursor to morbidity and
mortality ... IL-6 575.Chemoattractant .. IL-8 (Risk of multiple organ failure
apoptosis in activated macrophages 576.4 and 10).
It accelerates. 577. IL-13 NO production and proinflammatory cytokine
inhibits its release. 578. Which cytokine is associated with Crohn's pathogenesis ...
Tusdata to
579. Which inflammatory mediator bronchoconstriction,
vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation
It makes. Serotonin 580 Antiinflammatory cytokines. 4 - 10 - 13 581 Ketogenesis is inversely related to the
severity of the injury.
It is proportional. 582. The main energy source for the digestive system ...

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Glutamine 583.Fuel of the large intestine ... short-chain fatty acids,
butyric acid
584. The main energy source after trauma ... Independent
fatty acids.Metabolic and endocrine response phases ...
Catabolic activity (adrenergic - corticoid phase),
early anabolic phase, late anabolic phase. How the energy requirement is most accurately measured.
calorimeter 587.The fact that GIS cannot be used ... TPN
It is an indication. 588.The presence of severe metabolic disorder TPN
contraindication polymers. 589.The most common trace element deficiency in TPN ..
Zinc 590.Tendency to liver failure and encephalopathy
Patients ... Containing branched chain amino acids
solutions should be given.PPN can be made up to how many days. 14 days 592.Nutrition through NGS can
be done no more than few days ...
30 days 593.Which way to stay in a coma for a long time
It must be fed ... Jejunostomy 594. Position in air embolism ... Upside down and left side 595. In the
absence of essential fatty acids ... on the skin
flaking 596. Examatoid at the intersection of zinc deficiency
spots, delay in wound healing, taste amada
597.Lack of chromium ... Glucose metabolism disorder,
neuropathy 598.The earliest sign of sepsis. Sudden developing glucose
intolerance 599. The most serious complication seen during TPN ...
Catheter sepsis 600.The most common cause of catheter infection ... S. epidermis.
The most mortal is candida. 601.The first thing to do in every type of shock ... IV LIQUID
administration. 602. The best parameter for monitoring hypovolemic shock ...
Urine output 603. Correct metabolic acidosis in acute hemorrhagic shock
The first thing to do is to ... Ringer's lactate and blood transfusion
604. How much loss after hypovolemic shock
hypotension occurs ... 30% 605. The cause of intracellular fluid accumulation in hypvolemic shock ...
Due to the deterioration of cellular membrane potentials
accumulation of sodium. Initiators of neuroendocrine response other than bleeding ...
pain, hypoxia, hypercarve, acidosis, infection, heat
changes, hypoglycemia 607. Only crystalloid in blood losses up to 20%.
It is sufficient. 608. Crystalloid + for blood loss up to 50%
erythrocyte suspension 609. Vasodilator shock (septic shock) is the most common cause ...
Sepsis 610 Gram (-) The most common cause of sepsis .. genitouriner
system infection.First stage of sepsis (fever) ... fever, hyperventilation
and respiratory alkalosis 612. Affected by multi organ system failure
ranking ... Lung, kidney, liver 613. Organ systemic inflammatory response criteria
arterial hypoxemia 614. Central vein pressure and cardiac index are high,
shock with low arteriovenous antigens difference
Type ... Hyperdynamic septic shock 615. Heart rate in hyperdynamic septic shock is normal or
increased, vascular resistance is low. 616. Flow decreases in hypodynamic period, vascular resistance
increases, the difference in AVO2 grows. 617.Septic shock which liquid ... Ringel lactate 618. What should
be the diagnosis of septic shock? Liquid treatment
nonresponse 619. What is the alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient in ARDS
will ... increases 620. Ideal vasopressor for septic shock treatment
norepinephrine 621. Steroids have a place in the treatment of septic shock
is it... Yes, 622. Blood glucose levels between 80-110 in septic patients
It should be maintained. 623. Activated protein C in cases of severe sepsis
(drotrecogin alpha) is used. 624. The most common cause of neurogenic shock. Trauma 625. Decreased
peripheral vascular resistance in neurogenic shock
It is typical. 626.The most common cause of cardiogenic shock ... MI 627.Cardiogenic shock triple ...
Hypertension, decreased
cardiac index, increased wedge pressure. Causes of obstructive shock ... Tamponad, blood pressure

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Tusdata to
629. Lactate levels 630. Right hemoglobin-oxygen dissociation curve
shifting factors:. pH drop
• Increase in body temperature
pco, increase
• 2.3-DPG increase
• Cortisol
• Thyroid hormones. Young erythrocytes
• Pyruvate kinase deficiency
• High altitude 631. Shifting oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the left
Factors (decreasing P50 value):. Increased pH
• Reduction of 2,3-DPG
· Decrease in body temperature
• Reduction of PCO2
• Carboxyhemoglobin
• Methemoglobin
• Hexokinase deficiency
• Aged erythrocytes
• Massive blood transfusion
645.Rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia ... pontin
myelinosis, correction rate 0.25 mEq / L / hour
646. The most common cause of acute hypernatremia is water loss 647.160 mEq / L ... very dangerous
hemorrhage). First isotonic infusion in hypernatremia
contracted extracellular repair. Then without electrolyte
water should be given. 649. Na at speeds higher than 8mEq / day
should not be reduced. 650. How does the acid-base balance change in hypopotasemia ...
alkalose 651.When potassium was given ... 10 (40), 40, 160 652. The most common cause of
hyperpotasemia is acidosis / CRB 653. Deep tendon reflexes in hypermagnesemia
decrease occurs early. 654 Ringer Lactata most resembling ... small intestine 655 canine most important
chemical buffer system bicarbonate
- carbonic acid 656. The most important buffering system in the cell ... protein
and phosphate 657. HCO / H, CO, regardless of patient values
if the ratio is less than 20, the pH value is below 7.4,
acidosis. 658.PH value if HCO / H.CO ratio is greater than 20
Above 7.4, alkalose. 659. Before approaching acid-base balance problems
Acidosis-alkalose separation is made by looking at pH. It is then determined which of the problems is
caused by bicarbonate or pco. Whether there is compensatory response to the primary problem in stage 3
Queried. 660. Approach to Acid-Base Questions
- one. Clinical assistant
CRF ... metabolic in which anion range increases
Shock, bleeding, hypovolemia of acidosis ... of anion range
increased metabolic acidosis (lactic acidosis) Diabetes ... increased metabolic anion range
acidosis (ketoacidosis) Sepsis ... (respiratory alkalozurmetabolic acidosis) COPD ... respiratory acidosis
Diaphragmatic laceration ... respiratory acidosis Pyloric stenosis ... Metabolic alkalosis - 2. Look at pH.
3. <7.38 ... acidosis; > 7.42 ... alkalose - 4.pco, see
If it explains the pH ...
If it does not explain pH, it should be metabolic - 5. Look at HCO
Make sure it is metabolic
632. The most common fluid disorder in surgical patients
Hypovolemia. 633. 75% of the loss of sensed fluid from the skin
It happens. 634.Daily maintenance liquid requirement ... 1500 ml / m2 635. When given a large amount of
serum physiologic ...

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Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis. In case colloid fluids are unsuitable ... Vein
increased permeability.The most common electrolyte disorder. Hyponatremia 638. Between intracellular and
extracellular fluid compartments
Na is primarily responsible for balance. 639.Every 100 mg increase in glucose 1.6 - 3 in sodium
is a decrease. 640. Hyponatremia depends on what ... Dilutional 641. Hyponatremia clinic ...
pressure (hypertension, bradycardia). Sudden onset of transurethral prostate resection
severe hyponatremia. 643. The most common cause of chronic normovolemic hyponatremia ...
SIADH 644.SIADH is the most common cause of cancer ...
cell lung
Tusdata to
- Six. To make a compensation decision:
If primary disorder is respiratory, see HCO,
Primary disorder metabolic i se pco, see - 7. Calculating anion range in metabolic acidosis
We can understand the type of metabolic acidosis.
Na- (Cl + HCO2) 661. Respiration if smaller than standard bicarbonate actuarial
acidosis, respiratory alkalosis if large. 662. Total co, if low m. acidosis, high m.
alkalose 663. Negative base surplus ... M. acidosis 664.Positive base surplus ... M. alkalose 665.Carbon
dioxide narcosis when PCO is> 60
It develops. 666. Respiratory acidosis ... in brain vessels
vasodilatation. Cerebral blood flow decreases,
hypopotasemia, hypocalcemia. 668. The cause of acidosis in alcoholic patients ... thiamine
deficiency (Pyruvate 1).Diarrhea... K and HCO are lost together, acidosis 670.Vomiting. K is lost, alkalose
671. Causes of increased anion gap acidosis ...
K Keto acidosis U Uremic acidosis (recently CRF) S Salicylate inactivation M Methanol (production of
counterfeit drinks) A Alcohol, ethylene glycol (antifreeze) L Lactic acidosis (hypovolemic shock, silence)
681. Surgery without cardiac or respiratory problems
required for blood transfusion in the patient
hemoglobin threshold ... 7 g / dL 682.Postoperative bleeding in surgical patient
most common cause of hypofibrinogenemia
common ... Defibrination syndrome 683. The most common known fatal transfusion reaction ...
acute lung injury due to transfusion (TRALI) ... Dyspnea, hypotension, fever, bilateral
noncardiogenic pulmonary edema, hypoxemia. Changes in Stored Blood
- ATP and 2,3 diphosphoglycerate (2,3DPG) decreases - Increases affinity of hemoglobin to 02
02 Carrying capacity is reduced Osmotic fragility increases
Platelets disappear after 24 hours Hemolysis - Potassium, Phosphate and Ammonia content increases -
Lactic acid accumulates - pH decreases
Factors II, VII, IX, (XI) are stable 685. Complications of Massive Transfusion:
- Thrombocytopenia - Decrease in factors: especially FV and FVIII.
Metabolic Acidosis or Alkalose Citrate toxicity and hypocalcemia
Left shift in Hb-oxygen dissociation curve - Hyperkalemia
- Hypothermia 686.Prothrombin followed in patients using coumadine
time (PT) and INR. 687.Interventions for bleeding in patients receiving coumadine
before the INR value does not exceed 1.5
attention should be paid. 688. Heparin antidote protamine sulfate, coumadine
antidote is vitamin K. 689.The number of platelets before surgery
should be less than 50,000. 690.Spontaneous bleeding starts at 20,000. 691. The most common
hemostasis disorder in surgical patients
thrombocytopenia. 692.The most common congenital bleeding disorder ... VW
disease 693. The most common fatal complication after transfusion ...
Viral hepatitis 694. Routine screening ... CMV 695. To reduce the risk of CMV. Reduced leucocyte
products should be given. The cryoprecipitate ... Factor VIII, fibrinogen, vWF,
XIII 697. Death triangle. Hypothermia, acidosis, coagulopathy
672. Hydrogen in acidosis, potassium
amount (secondary hyperkalemia). Hydrogen in alkalose, potassium
Throws (secondary hypokalemia)

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(KH 674. Hypokalemia holds potassium, hydrogen
secondary alkalosis). It causes potassium in hyperkalemia,
holds hydrogen (secondary acidosis)
676. The cause of paradoxical aciduria in metabolic alkalosis ...
677. Coagulopathy is the most common form of massive transfusion.
Reason... Thrombocypotene 678.Decreasing patients undergoing massive blood transfusion
clotting factors ... Factor V, Factor VIII 679. The most common blood transfusion
complication... Febrile reaction 680. Coagulation in a patient undergoing massive transfusion
The most suitable blood product for factor replacement ... Fresh frozen plasma
Tusdata to
698.dıc't to ... PT and aPTT prolong, fibrinogen and platelet
decreases the number of fibrin degradation products and D-dimer rises,
thrombin / antithrombin ratio and AT-III decreases. 699. Most often blocking platelet functions
medicines... Prostoglandin inhibitors 700. Aspirin ... affected platelets 7 days
becomes dysfunctional. 701. This reversbl effect in NSAI drugs 3-4 days
It is the term. 702. Platelet transfusion principles:
• Platelet count <10,000 / mm3 within 24 hours
Microvascular bleeding and sudden platelet count in the presence of microvascular bleeding or planned
surgery where the platelet count within 24 hours (for prophylaxis) - 50,000 / mm3.
in the fall
• Giving more than 10 units of blood in the operating room
• Prolonged bleeding time> 15 min 703.Plasma Indications:
It is used to replace labile factors or documented factor deficiencies in patients with coagulopathy. It is
used for coagulation factor deficiencies associated with abnormal PT and / or aPTT:
- Congenital AT III deficiency: prothrombin; V
VII, IX, X, XI; protein C / S; plasminogen
or deficiency due to the use of warfarin - in the absence of antiplasmin
vit k deficiency, liver disease, massive
transfusion or DIC 704. Erythrocyte transfusion principles:
The presence of 2 or more of the following:
- Acute blood loss of total blood volume
> 15% - Diastolic pressure <60 mm Hg - Systolic blood pressure drop from baseline>
30 mm Hg - Tachycardia - Oliguri
- Mental state changes In the presence of symptomatic anemia and one of the following:
- Tachycardia - Changes in mental status - Presence of myocardial ischemia including angina - Shortness of
breath in mild exercise
- Orthostatic hypotension 705.Granulocyte concentrates are antibiotic resistant
in the presence of infection granulocytopenia (<500 / mm3)
706. First visit to the wound site during inflammation
cells ... Leukocytes 707 wound 24 hours after inflammation
The dominant cells in the area ... Macrophages 708.The most important cells for wound healing ...
Macrophages 709. In the contraction phase of wound healing
cell of importance. Fibroblast 710.Collagen synthesis begins when ... 10 hours
in 711. Which cell synthesizes tropocollagen ...
Fibroblast 712. The most important chemotactic factor for fibroblasts
Which is ... PDGF 713. When epithelialization in non-full-thickness wounds
completed ... in 24 hours 714.The most common collagen ... Type I 715 The most common collagen in the
healing process ... Medicine
III 716. Where is Type III collagen? 717 in the fetus. Fibrotic events such as keloid and hepatic fibrosis
Cytokine important in physiopathology ... TGF-B 718. Cytokine, which enhances angiogenesis most ... FGF

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719. The first answer to tissue injury ...
Vasoconstriction 720. Playing the most important role in wound healing
vitamin... Ascorbic acid 721. Which wound healing in chronic wounds
there is prolongation or stasis ...
Inflammation 722. During wound healing,
The most important component that ensures continuity ...
Collagen 723. The most disrupting wound healing ... Infection 724.Postop radiotherapy adversely affects
wound healing
To avoid the effects ... Vitamin A

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