Diagnostic Test

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Examinee: __________________________________ COAR: Lima

Examiner: __________________________________ Date: ___________________
Grade: 3rd _____


Part 1: Reading comprehension.

Skill: Reading.

Aim: Identify grammatical structures using the context of a reading text.

Read the blog about Amy.

Chose and circle the best word (A, B or C) for each space. (5 marks).


My name’s Amy and I (1) ______ fifteen years old. I (2) _____ in Melbourne, Australia
with my mom, dad, and my dog, Ralph.
What (3) _____ I do every day? Well, I always get up early. I hate it, but it takes me
nearly an hour to get to school. After school I (4) ____ go swimming, but on Thursday
afternoons I do yoga. I often chat with my friends, either online or by phone.
I never watch TV. I think it’s a waste of time. I (5) ____ eating healthy food and playing
with my dog – he’s my best friend! 
What about you?

1 A am B have C are
2 A leave B live C life
3 A are B does C do
4 A not B do C usually
5 A love B am C are

Inspired 2. Phillip Prowse and Judy Garton-Sprenger. Macmillan Publishers.

Adapted by Miss Janette Giovanna Nina Rojas.
Part 2: Reading comprehension.

Skill: Reading.

Aim: scan for specific information and decide if it is true or false.

A. Read Luisa’s email about her future plans.

From: Luisa
To: Rodrigo
Subject: wedding

Hi Rodrigo
Sorry I won’t be at your birthday party this weekend, but I’m going to be at a wedding.
Not mine! My cousin Elena is getting married and I have to be there. I know I’m going
to be bored.
We’re going to leave on Thursday as it’s a long way to drive – she’s getting married in
California! After the wedding she’s going to have a party.
Can you imagine that? A party at the beach!
We aren’t going to stay at my cousin’s because there are lots of guests. We’re going to
stay in a hotel. My dad isn’t very happy.
Take care,

B. Read the sentences and write T (true) or F (False) (5 marks).

6. Amber is going to have a party this weekend.
7. Amber thinks the wedding is going to be boring.
8. Her family is going to drive to California.
9. Amber isn’t going to stay at Kim’s house.
10. There aren’t going to be many people at the wedding.

Inspired 2. Phillip Prowse and Judy Garton-Sprenger. Macmillan Publishers.

Adapted by Miss Janette Giovanna Nina Rojas.
Part 3: Comprehension of spoken texts.

Skill: Speaking.

Aim: identify questions in past simple tense from prompts.

A. Look at the prompts and choose the right option. (5 marks)

11. born/ Lima?
a. you born in Lima?
b. Were you born in Lima?
c. Was you born in Lima?

12. When/ born?

a. When you born?
b. When was you born?
c. When were you born?

13. football/ favourite sport?

a. Was football your favourite sport?
b. Football was your favourite sport?
c. Were football your favourite sport?

14. a comedian?
a. Was you a comedian?
b. You a comedian?
c. Were you a comedian?

15. your mother/ teacher?

a. Was your mother a teacher?
b. Were your mother a teacher?
c. Your mother a teacher?

Inspired 2. Phillip Prowse and Judy Garton-Sprenger. Macmillan Publishers.

Adapted by Miss Janette Giovanna Nina Rojas.
IV. Production of written texts.

Skill: Writing.

Aim: To produce a written text describing future plans for the weekend.

Write an email to a friend telling him/ her what you are going to do this weekend.
(30 - 60 words)


(5 marks)

Inspired 2. Phillip Prowse and Judy Garton-Sprenger. Macmillan Publishers.

Adapted by Miss Janette Giovanna Nina Rojas.


I. Reading comprehension. (5 marks)

II. Reading comprehension: Luisa’s email (5 marks)

10 F

III. Comprehension of spoken text.

11 b
12 c
13 a
14 c
15 a

IV. Production of written texts.

Write an email to a friend telling him/ her what you are going to do this weekend.
(30 - 60 words) (5 marks)

Inspired 2. Phillip Prowse and Judy Garton-Sprenger. Macmillan Publishers.

Adapted by Miss Janette Giovanna Nina Rojas.
 Includes relevant information
(future plans).
 No effort is required of the reader.
 Organises text as an email and
5 includes linkers.
 Uses Be going to without
 All elements of the message are
fully communicated
 Includes relevant information
(future plans).
 Minimal effort is required of the
 Organises the text as an email
and includes linkers.
 Uses Be going to with minor
 All elements of the message are
 Includes almost all the relevant
information (future plans).
 Some effort is required of the
 All elements of the message are
3 communicated
 One content element omitted but
others clearly communicated
 Uses Be going to with some
 Includes very little relevant
information (future plans).
 Significant effort may be required
of the reader
 Content elements omitted, or
unsuccessfully dealt with, so the
message is only partly
 Uses Be going to with lots of
 Poor attempt at the task.
 Excessive effort is required of the
1  Very little of the message is
 Does not use Be going to for
future plans.
 Content is totally irrelevant or
 OR
 Too little language to assess

Inspired 2. Phillip Prowse and Judy Garton-Sprenger. Macmillan Publishers.

Adapted by Miss Janette Giovanna Nina Rojas.

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