Personnel Review, 28 (5/6), 455

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Article Review

Rees, C. (1999). Teamworking and service quality: the limits of employee involvement.

Personnel Review, 28(5/6), 455–473. doi: 10.1108/00483489910286774

Sharma, R. A. H. U. L., Kansal, M. A. N. I., & Paliwal, P. U. J. A. (2012). Effective And Efficient

Team Work: Makes Things Happen More Than Anything Else In Organizations .

International Journal Of Social Science & Interdisciplinary Research, 1(8). Retrieved

From Http://Indianresearchjournals.Com/Pdf/Ijssir/2012/August/13.Pdf

Salas, E., Shuffler, M. L., Thayer, A. L., Bedwell, W. L., & Lazzara, E. H. (2014). Understanding

and Improving Teamwork in Organizations: A Scientifically Based Practical Guide.

Human Resource Management, 54(4), 599–622. doi: 10.1002/hrm.21628

Alghamdi , A., & Bach , C. (2018). Developing Teamwork at Workplace. International Journal of

Business and Management Invention (IJBMI), 7(2), 28–40.

The articles I reviewed are about how the teamwork applied in workplace. One of the

articles describes the behaviors of employees of two private service organizations regarding

quality management. This explores the essence and degree of QM engagement through

teamwork. This defines the organizational approaches used to encourage teamwork and

measures the level of scrutiny and autonomy in teams. The real autonomy and responsibility of

teams is weak, however people have a powerful 'sense of teamwork'.

Other articles explained the drastic impact of the teamwork on organization

performance. Team that is not working will escalate to needless chaos, inability to execute and

tactical failure. High performance teaming is not simply that a group of individuals was

organized in a common charter. Creating a team atmosphere is the secret to achieving the

common mission.
These articles are about the teamwork being imply at workplace. Therefore, audiences

who are in need to learn on the effectiveness and efficiency of how organizations ameliorate

their service quality or the organizations‟ name should know what is the first thing that the

employees do to achieve those levels of standard of the organization. Of course the answer is

none other than teamwork. Those articles are genuinely recommended for audiences as

mentioned above. They may or can apply those steps and procedure in their organization as

being conveyed in those articles since the researchers also included the benefits of teamwork.

These articles are empirical research whereby it is based on the experience or alone,

mostly without proper consideration for system and theory. It's a data-based study that

generates results that can be confirmed by evaluation or experiments. With such a search, the

data have to be sought at the root and aggressively pursued, for attempt ideally to stimulate the

output of the information desired.

In reviewing those articles, a team consists of an associate group of individuals or

animals. Teams are capable to carry out complex and interdependent tasks. They are highly

complex. Teamwork is often an essential aspect of a business, since colleagues often need to

work together well. It is seen as one of the key ways in which employees can participate in

ongoing improvements and hence increase customer satisfaction. Team work is first to look at

how "employee empowerment" relates to quality strategies

Teamwork is important in hotel operation and services. This is because in the hospitality

industry, teamwork plays a vital role. Teamwork means that majorities of the people uses their

individual skills and cooperate to accomplish a common goal. The teamwork should be in place

to preserve the standard, quality and good service of the hospitality business. When there is a

problem in hospitality industry, resolving the problem involves teamwork. A shareholder meeting

is an ideal place to consult the declining rate of industry share. Teamwork can assist in
determining where the focus should be. Thus, teamwork is very important in hospitality


The researchers for those articles include other researchers opinion regarding the topic

that been discussed inside the article. For example, the contribution from Chris Rees is that he

cited Wilkinson‟s statement whereby “The origins of the quality management (QM) strategies at

these two organizations place them squarely as the „third phase‟ in the development of TQM in

the UK”. Other contribution by researcher is that they cited Beal, Cohen, Burke, & McLendon

statement that state “goal commitment (i.e., the determination to achieve team goals) has also

been suggested as a critical attitude for effective teamwork, though this has been proposed as a

subdimension of the more broadly defined cohesion construct”. By including these citation and

statement, the researchers are proving that they are not doing the research without simply

publishing something that is irrelevant.

What I have learnt working in a team is that without the support and cooperation of one

of the members of the team, no substantial task can be completed. The accomplishment of

every individual is inseparable from success. Sometimes, workings in a team tend to make our

inner become eager on wanting to be a leader. So we ought to take charge at some point of

time. It is better to work in a team because more resources and less tasks are done on time. But

one must be the driving force to succeed. The team must be led, instructed or directing the way.

Tasks are dissipated, and opinions form differences without a driving force.

Besides, helping someone, at the same time can make us delightful when seeing their

reaction where there is a saying that “happiness lies in being useful”. The key is I get

satisfaction when people appreciated me for being helpful. Life finds its meaning here. This is

when being useful can uplift our team to achieve the common goal. Therewithal, being pro-
active can elucidate half of the task. Preparing myself for unforeseen situations based on past

experiences or predictable expectations can help me solve the challenges.

As mentioned in the articles, for teams to be effective, they must successfully perform

both taskwork and teamwork. Task involves the action on specific tasks to be completed by

team to accomplish team goals. Tasks are in general the work-related activities that individuals

or teams perform as a crucial role for their organization. Contrariwise, teamwork mainly focused

mostly on shared behaviors, attitudes and cognitions needed to fulfill the tasks. Task and

teamwork are necessary for effective teams performance, enabling the productivity of each.

While the task frequently has become a major priority for teams, teamwork helps ensure that the

work is effectively performed.

In articles also include that working on team effectiveness is one of the most important

thing need for effective teamwork in a workplace. Contemporary business is complicated and

people is grouped under a common charter. Effectiveness of teams refers to the way people

work efficiently in a company. Beside, other importing thing needed is developing team spirit.

The emotion of working together is called team spirit. A leader who has a common purpose

will tie his team members and helps to develop team spirit. The emotional relation of the

working group brings a strong feeling of improving a lot.

The benefits of effective teamwork are numerous that can result from building teams at

the workplace. Business environment has become essential because teamwork leads to

problem-solving synergy nowadays. Teamwork can help to decide different options by pooling

from each team members‟ ideas. Thus every organization requires valuable teamwork, which

allows them to better manage their resources. Kirchhof said that teamwork is essential to boost

effectiveness in the workplace. This enables members to work and exchange ideas in a planned
way. Organizations who wish to minimize expenses and boost their organizational efficiency are

preferable with teamwork.

According to my way of thinking, teamwork is really vital in hospitality industry and need

to be applied to all organization. Teamwork is the idea of cooperation and coordination and

helping individuals to aim towards a shared purpose. A team may function together as an

individual to achieve the goal successfully through a group of members with various talents,

preferences and opinions. It does not, however, imply that the person is not significant; it implies

that successful and efficient teamwork goes far beyond accomplishments of individuals. After

all, the power of teamwork can also develop peoples‟ abilities.

Regarding how the articles being presented, it is well written by all researchers as even

some of the topic covered are same, they also adding more content to vitalize the statement so

it does not looks monotonous and the audiences will not be stultify to read the same sentence

on every articles. As we all know, many subtopics can be covered under the topic of teamwork.

But out of all the four articles, none of the researcher covers all that what it can be covered.

Therefore, by this, audiences may have to look for more resources and gather all the

information and compile it into one. Hence, even the articles is well written, there are still holes

that need to be covered by the researchers.

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